module tm1638( input clk, input rst, input data_latch, inout [7:0] data, input rw, output busy, output sclk, input dio_in, output reg dio_out ); localparam CLK_DIV = 3; // seems happy at 12MHz with 3 localparam CLK_DIV1 = CLK_DIV - 1; localparam [1:0] S_IDLE = 2'h0, S_WAIT = 2'h1, S_TRANSFER = 2'h2; reg [1:0] cur_state, next_state; reg [CLK_DIV1:0] sclk_d, sclk_q; reg [7:0] data_d, data_q, data_out_d, data_out_q; reg dio_out_d; reg [2:0] ctr_d, ctr_q; // output read data if we're reading assign data = rw ? 8'hZZ : data_out_q; // we're busy if we're not idle assign busy = cur_state != S_IDLE; // tick the clock if we're transfering data assign sclk = ~((~sclk_q[CLK_DIV1]) & (cur_state == S_TRANSFER)); always @(*) begin sclk_d = sclk_q; data_d = data_q; dio_out_d = dio_out; ctr_d = ctr_q; data_out_d = data_out_q; next_state = cur_state; case(cur_state) S_IDLE: begin sclk_d = 0; if (data_latch) begin // if we're reading, set to zero, otherwise latch in // data to send data_d = rw ? data : 8'b0; next_state = S_WAIT; end end S_WAIT: begin sclk_d = sclk_q + 1; // wait till we're halfway into clock pulse if (sclk_q == {1'b0, {CLK_DIV1{1'b1}}}) begin sclk_d = 0; next_state = S_TRANSFER; end end S_TRANSFER: begin sclk_d = sclk_q + 1; if (sclk_q == 0) begin // start of clock pulse, output MSB dio_out_d = data_q[0]; end else if (sclk_q == {1'b0, {CLK_DIV1{1'b1}}}) begin // halfway through pulse, read from device data_d = {dio_in, data_q[7:1]}; end else if (&sclk_q) begin // end of pulse, tick the counter ctr_d = ctr_q + 1; if (&ctr_q) begin // last bit sent, switch back to idle // and output any data recieved next_state = S_IDLE; data_out_d = data_q; dio_out_d = 0; end end end default: next_state = S_IDLE; endcase end always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin cur_state <= S_IDLE; sclk_q <= 0; ctr_q <= 0; dio_out <= 0; data_q <= 0; data_out_q <= 0; end else begin cur_state <= next_state; sclk_q <= sclk_d; ctr_q <= ctr_d; dio_out <= dio_out_d; data_q <= data_d; data_out_q <= data_out_d; end end endmodule