// // FIXME: // there defines must be enabled in the project // settings to avoid conflicts with different // development platforms // //`define ICE40 // module top( input clk25, // 25 MHz master clock input uart_rx, output uart_tx, output uart_cts, output [7:0] led, // what do these do? output [7:0] ledx // what do these do? ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Registers and Wires reg [15:0] ab; wire [7:0] dbi; reg [7:0] dbo; reg we; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Clocks wire cpu_clken; // FIXME: // the clocks here should come from higher up // the hierarchy, i.e. generated at the board // level. // // if cpu_clken is a simple block, // keep it here but make it generic. `ifdef ICE40 clocks my_clocks( .clk(clk), .clk25(clk25), .cpu_clken(cpu_clken) ); `endif // generate clock enable once every // 25 clocks. This will (hopefully) make // the 6502 run at 1 MHz or 1Hz // reg [4:0] clk_div; always @(posedge clk25) begin if (clk_div == 25) clk_div <= 0; else clk_div <= clk_div + 1'b1; cpu_clken <= (clk_div[4:0] == 0); end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Reset wire reset; reg hard_reset; reg [5:0] reset_cnt; wire pwr_up_reset = &reset_cnt; always @(posedge clk25) begin if (cpu_clken) begin if (!pwr_up_reset) reset_cnt <= reset_cnt + 1; hard_reset <= pwr_up_reset; end end assign reset = ~hard_reset; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 6502 wire [7:0] dbo_c; wire [15:0] ab_c; wire we_c; reg [7:0] dbi_c; cpu my_cpu ( .clk (clk25), .reset (reset), .AB (ab_c), .DI (dbi_c), .DO (dbo_c), .WE (we_c), .IRQ (1'b0), .NMI (1'b0), .RDY (cpu_clken) ); always @(posedge clk25) begin if (cpu_clken) begin ab <= ab_c; dbo <= dbo_c; dbi_c <= dbi; we <= we_c; end end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RAM and ROM wire ram_cs = (ab[15:13] == 3'b000); // 0x0000 -> 0x1FFF wire uart_cs = (ab[15:2] == 14'b11010000000100); // 0xD010 -> 0xD013 wire basic_cs = (ab[15:12] == 4'b1110); // 0xE000 -> 0xEFFF wire rom_cs = (ab[15:8] == 8'b11111111); // 0xFF00 -> 0xFFFF // RAM wire [7:0] ram_dout; ram my_ram ( .clk(clk25), .address(ab[12:0]), .w_en(we & ram_cs), .din(dbo), .dout(ram_dout) ); // WozMon ROM wire [7:0] rom_dout; rom_wozmon my_rom_wozmon ( .clk(clk25), .address(ab[7:0]), .dout(rom_dout) ); // UART wire [7:0] uart_dout; uart my_uart ( .clk(clk25), .uart_rx(uart_rx), .uart_tx(uart_tx), .uart_cts(uart_cts), .enable(uart_cs & cpu_clken), .address(ab[1:0]), .w_en(we & uart_cs), .din(dbo), .dout(uart_dout), .led(led) ); // link up chip selected device to cpu input assign dbi = ram_cs ? ram_dout : rom_cs ? rom_dout : uart_cs ? uart_dout : 8'hFF; assign ledx = ab[7:0]; // always @(posedge clk25) // begin // if (cpu_clken) // begin // led <= ab[7:0]; // ledx <= ~ab[15:8]; // end // end // reg [7:0] ram[0:8191] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; // reg [7:0] rom[0:255] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; // reg [7:0] basic[0:4095] /* synthesis syn_ramstyle = "block_ram" */; // // initial begin // $readmemh("../roms/ram.hex", ram, 0, 8191); // $readmemh("../roms/rom.hex", rom, 0, 255); // $readmemh("../roms/basic.hex", basic, 0, 4095); // end // // always @(posedge clk_25) // begin // if (phi_clk_en) // begin // if (res) // begin // case(ab) // default: // begin // if (ab[15:12] == 4'b0000 || ab[15:12] == 4'b0001) // begin // // 0x0000 -> 0x1FFF - RAM // dbi <= ram[ab[12:0]]; // if (~rw) ram[ab[12:0]] <= dbo; // end // else if (ab[15:12] == 4'b1110) // begin // // 0xE000 -> 0xEFFF - BASIC // dbi <= basic[ab[11:0]]; // end // else if (ab[15:8] == 8'b11111111) // begin // // 0xFF00 -> 0xFFFF - ROM // dbi <= rom[ab[7:0]]; // end // else // // unknown address return zero // dbi <= 8'h0; // end // // endcase // end // end // end endmodule