Cleanups to verb table.

This commit is contained in:
Eric Smith 2020-08-26 13:02:00 -06:00
parent 4ea0bf8050
commit 312e769de9

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@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ Le206: tay
string_neq: jsr string_eq
jmp not_op
mult_op: jsr Se254
multiply_op: jsr Se254
Le225: asl acc
rol acc+1
bcc Le238
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ dectabh: fcb $00,$00,$00,$03,$27
lda himem+1
sta pp+1
clr: lda lomem
clr_cmd: lda lomem
sta pv
lda lomem+1
sta pv+1
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ not_op: jsr get16bit
inc noun_stk_l,x
Le749: rts
neq_op: jsr subtract
neq_op: jsr subtract_op
jsr sgn_fn
abs_fn: jsr get16bit
@ -1217,9 +1217,9 @@ Se772: tya
Le77e: ldy #$00
bpl go_errmess_3
subtract: jsr negate
subtract_op: jsr negate
add: jsr get16bit
add_op: jsr get16bit
lda acc
sta aux
lda acc+1
@ -1285,7 +1285,7 @@ Le7f3: sta auto_inc
sty auto_inc+1
auto_com: jsr get16bit
auto_comma: jsr get16bit
lda acc
ldy acc+1
bpl Le7f3
@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ Le8dc: beq go_errmess_4
lda fstk_tol-1,y
ldy #$00
jsr push_ya_noun_stk
jsr subtract
jsr subtract_op
jsr sgn_fn
jsr get16bit
ldy for_nest_count
@ -1515,62 +1515,62 @@ verb_addr_h: rmb $78
verb $04,$03,list_cmd
verb $05,$03,list_comman
verb $06,$03,list_all
verb $07,$03,Teff2 ; RUN w/ line #
verb $08,$03,$efec ; RUN w/o line #
verb $09,$03,$e387 ; DEL
verb $0a,$03,$e36f ; comma used with DEL
verb $0b,$03,$e5ad ; SCR (New)
verb $0c,$03,$e5b7 ; CLR
verb $0d,$03,$e7e2 ; AUTO
verb $0e,$03,$e7f8 ; comma used with AUTO
verb $0f,$03,$ee54 ; MAN
verb $10,$03,$ef80 ; HIMEM:
verb $11,$03,$ef96 ; LOMEM:
verb $12,$3f,$e785 ; +
verb $13,$3f,$e782 ; -
verb $14,$c0,$e222 ; *
verb $15,$c0,$ef10 ; /
verb $16,$3c,$e733 ; =
verb $17,$3c,$e74a ; #
verb $18,$3c,$ec13 ; >=
verb $19,$3c,$ec06 ; >
verb $1a,$3c,$ec0b ; <=
verb $1b,$3c,$e74a ; <>
verb $1c,$3c,$ec01 ; <
verb $1d,$30,$ec40 ; AND
verb $1e,$0f,$ec47 ; OR
verb $1f,$c0,$e27a ; MOD
verb $07,$03,run_cmd_w_lno ; RUN w/ line #
verb $08,$03,run_cmd ; RUN w/o line #
verb $09,$03,del_cmd ; DEL
verb $0a,$03,del_comma ; comma used with DEL
verb $0b,$03,new_cmd ; SCR (New)
verb $0c,$03,clr_cmd ; CLR
verb $0d,$03,auto_cmd ; AUTO
verb $0e,$03,auto_comma ; comma used with AUTO
verb $0f,$03,man_cmd ; MAN
verb $10,$03,himem_cmd ; HIMEM:
verb $11,$03,lomem_cmd ; LOMEM:
verb $12,$3f,add_op ; +
verb $13,$3f,subtract_op ; -
verb $14,$c0,multiply_op ; *
verb $15,$c0,divide_op ; /
verb $16,$3c,eq_op ; =
verb $17,$3c,neq_op ; #
verb $18,$3c,gt_eq_op ; >=
verb $19,$3c,gt_op ; >
verb $1a,$3c,lt_eq_op ; <=
verb $1b,$3c,neq_op ; <>
verb $1c,$3c,lt_op ; <
verb $1d,$30,and_op ; AND
verb $1e,$0f,or_op ; OR
verb $1f,$c0,mod_op ; MOD
verb $20,$cc,$0000
verb $21,$ff,$ffff
verb $22,$55,$e823 ; ( used in string DIM
verb $23,$00,$e109 ; ,
verb $24,$ab,$e85b ; THEN followed by a line number
verb $22,$55,left_paren ; ( used in string DIM
verb $23,$00,comma_substr ; ,
verb $24,$ab,goto_stmt ; THEN followed by a line number
verb $25,$ab,null_stmt ; THEN followed by a statement
verb $26,$03,$efb6 ; , used in string INPUT
verb $27,$03,$ebcb ; , used in numeric input
verb $26,$03,string_input ; , used in string INPUT
verb $27,$03,input_num_comma ; , used in numeric input
verb $28,$ff,$ffff
verb $29,$ff,$ffff
verb $2a,$55,$e0fb ; ( substring
verb $2a,$55,paren_substr ; ( substring
verb $2b,$ff,$ffff
verb $2c,$ff,$ffff
verb $2d,$55,$ef24 ; ( variable array subscript
verb $2e,$cf,$eef6 ; PEEK
verb $2f,$cf,$ef4e ; RND
verb $30,$cf,$e759 ; SGN
verb $31,$cf,$e750 ; ABS
verb $2d,$55,num_array_subs ; ( variable array subscript
verb $2e,$cf,peek_fn ; PEEK
verb $2f,$cf,rnd_fn ; RND
verb $30,$cf,sgn_fn ; SGN
verb $31,$cf,abs_fn ; ABS
verb $32,$cf,$0000 ; USR
verb $33,$ff,$ffff
verb $34,$55,$e823 ; ( used in variable DIM
verb $35,$c3,$e7a3 ; unary +
verb $36,$c3,$e76f ; unary -
verb $37,$c3,$e736 ; NOT
verb $38,$55,$e823 ; ( numeric
verb $39,$f0,$e1d7 ; = string
verb $3a,$f0,$e21c ; # string
verb $34,$55,left_paren ; ( used in variable DIM
verb $35,$c3,unary_pos ; unary +
verb $36,$c3,negate ; unary -
verb $37,$c3,not_op ; NOT
verb $38,$55,left_paren ; ( numeric
verb $39,$f0,string_eq ; = string
verb $3a,$f0,string_neq ; # string
verb $3b,$cf,len_fn ; LEN(
verb $3c,$56,$eec2 ; ASC( XXX doesnt' work
verb $3d,$56,Teeae ; SCRN( ???
verb $3e,$56,$eeba ; , used in SCRN
verb $3c,$56,asc_fn ; ASC( XXX doesnt' work
verb $3d,$56,scrn_fn ; SCRN( ???
verb $3e,$56,scrn_comma ; , used in SCRN
verb $3f,$55,left_paren ; (
verb $40,$ff,$ffff
verb $41,$ff,$ffff
@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ verb_addr_h: rmb $78
verb $63,$03,print_cr ; PRINT w/o arg
verb $64,$03,poke_stmt ; POKE
verb $65,$07,poke_comma ; , in POKE
verb $66,$03,$ee4e ; COLOR= ???
verb $66,$03,color_stmt ; COLOR= ???
verb $67,$03,$ef00 ; PLOT ???
verb $68,$03,$ee3e ; , in PLOT ???
verb $69,$03,$ef00 ; HLIN ???
@ -1753,17 +1753,17 @@ Lebfa: jmp var_assign
fcb $ff,$ff,$ff,$50
Tec01: jsr Tec13
lt_op: jsr gt_eq_op
bne Lec1b
Tec06: jsr Tec0b
gt_op: jsr lt_eq_op
bne Lec1b
Tec0b: jsr subtract
lt_eq_op: jsr subtract_op
jsr negate
bvc Lec16
Tec13: jsr subtract
gt_eq_op: jsr subtract_op
Lec16: jsr sgn_fn
lsr noun_stk_l,x
Lec1b: jmp not_op
@ -1804,11 +1804,11 @@ category_table:
fcb ((syn_cat_1e-1)/2)&$ff ; binary operator
fcb ((syn_cat_1f-1)/2)&$ff
Tec40: jsr Sefc9
and_op: jsr Sefc9
ora rnd+1,x
bpl Lec4c
Tec47: jsr Sefc9
or_op: jsr Sefc9
and rnd+1,x
Lec4c: sta noun_stk_l,x
bpl Lec1b
@ -2267,7 +2267,8 @@ plot_comma: jsr getbyte
Tee4e: jsr getbyte
; COLOR= statement not usable on Apple 1
color_stmt: jsr getbyte
@ -2322,7 +2323,8 @@ call_stmt: jsr get16bit
fcb $20,$34,$ee,$c5,$c8,$90,$bb,$85
Teeae: lda himem+1
; SCRN function not usable on Apple 1
scrn_fn: lda himem+1
Teeb0: pha
lda himem
@ -2331,13 +2333,14 @@ Teeb0: pha
sta noun_stk_h_int,x
Teeba: lda lomem+1
scrn_comma: lda lomem+1
Teebc: pha
lda lomem
jmp Lefb3
fcb $a5,$85,$2d,$60
; bogus code, ASC function doesn't work
asc_fn: fcb $a5,$85,$2d,$60
Teec6: jsr getbyte
cmp #$28
@ -2385,7 +2388,7 @@ poke_comma: rts
fcb $ff,$ff,$ff
divide: jsr See6c
divide_op: jsr See6c
lda acc
sta p3
lda acc+1
@ -2444,7 +2447,7 @@ Lef66: lda rnd+1
sta noun_stk_h_int,x
jmp mod_op
Tef80: jsr get16bit
himem_cmd: jsr get16bit
ldy acc
cpy lomem
lda acc+1
@ -2455,7 +2458,7 @@ Tef80: jsr get16bit
sta himem+1
Lef93: jmp new_cmd
Tef96: jsr get16bit
lomem_cmd: jsr get16bit
ldy acc
cpy himem
lda acc+1
@ -2502,10 +2505,10 @@ Sefe4: cmp noun_stk_h_str,x
Lefe9: jmp Le102
Tefec: jsr clr
run_cmd: jsr clr_cmd
jmp run_warm
Teff2: jsr clr
run_cmd_w_lno: jsr clr_cmd
jmp goto_stmt
Seff8: cpx #$80