### Introduction *CODEBREAKER* is [*Mastermind*](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mastermind_%28board_game%29) implementation for the [*Apple-1*](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_I) computer (pre-1.0 video demo: ). *CODEBREAKER* has three levels of difficulty: | Level | Slots | Colors | Attempts | Time(s) | |--------|-------|--------|----------|---------| | Novice | 4 | 6 | 10 | inf. | | Pro | 5 | 8 | 12 | inf. | | Master | 5 | 8 | 12 | 60 | **What sets *CODEBREAKER* apart from all those *other* Apple-1 titles?** * *A true random number generator!* Using cycle counting while waiting for keystrokes generates a very random number. No need for seeds and no cheating possible (unless you hack the code :-). * *A countdown timer!* Using the 960 KHz clock of the Apple-1, *CODEBREAKER* can countdown the *Master* level with sub-second accuracy. If you really want to stress yourself out, play as a *Master*. ***You've got 60 seconds or you fail!*** ### Tested Platforms * OpenEmulator 1.0.2 () * M.E.S.S. v0.145 (Mar 8 2012) - Multi Emulator Super System () * Apple-1 Mimeo Clone 4+4 configuration (tested by Corey Cohen). *This is about as close to a real Apple-1 as you can get without a million US dollars.* ### Download ``` git clone https://github.com/datajerk/codebreaker.git ``` *or* Download and extract. ### Upload and Run If your Apple-1 has 8K of contiguous memory starting at location `$0000` then use `codebreaker.8k.mon` or `codebreaker.8k.wav`. Load/run with `codebreaker.8k.mon`: 1. Hand type (brutal) or cut/paste `codebreaker.8k.mon` into the Apple-1 monitor and then type `280R`. Load/run with `codebreaker.8k.wav`: 1. Load up `codebreaker.8k.wav` into your audio player. 2. Type: ``` C100R 280.1AFFR ``` 3. Press *play*. 4. To run, type: ``` 280R ```
If your Apple-1 has 8K of memory split into 4K banks at memory locations `$0000` and `$E000` (classic Apple-1 configuration) then use `codebreaker.4+4k.mon` or `codebreaker.4+4k.wav`. > `$E000-$EFFF` *must be writable.* Load/run with `codebreaker.4+4k.mon`: 1. Hand type (brutal) or cut/paste `codebreaker.4+4k.mon` into the Apple-1 monitor and then type `280R`. Load/run with `codebreaker.4+4k.wav`: 1. Load up `codebreaker.4+4k.wav` into your audio player. 2. Type: ``` C100R 280.BFFR E000.EFFFR ``` 3. Press *play* 4. To run type: ``` 280R ``` ### CFFA Notes `codebreaker.po` contains 3 binaries: `CODEBREAKER`, `CODEBREAKER.PT1`, `CODEBREAKER.PT2`. Use `CODEBREAKER` with systems that have 8k of contiguous memory starting at `$0000`. Use `CODEBREAKER.PT1` and `.PT2` for split 8k systems (`$0000-$0FFF`, `$E000-$EFFF`)--load `PT1` before `PT2`. In either case type `280R` to start. ### Build Notes *CODEBREAKER* was written in C with a bit of assembly (keyboard input, timer, and 32-bit random number seed generator). (*CODEBREAKER* may be the *only* Apple-1 title written in C :-). #### Prerequisites * To compile, you will need to build cc65 () with the `cc65-2.13.2-apple1.patch` (included). * c2t () for creating `.mon` and `.wav` files to load via monitor (CLI) or cassette port. * AppleCommander () for creating a CFFA `.po` diskette image. Contiguous 8K build: ``` rm codebreaker *.o ca65 -D CODESEG=0 -t none --listing --list-bytes 100 -o getkey.o getkey.s ca65 -D CODESEG=0 -t none --listing --list-bytes 100 -o putchar.o putchar.s cl65 -D CODESEG=0 -T -O --static-locals -t apple1 -C apple1-8k.cfg -o codebreaker codebreaker.c getkey.o putchar.o c2t -l codebreaker codebreaker.8k.mon c2t -1et -r 48000 codebreaker codebreaker.8k.wav ``` Non-contiguous 4+4K build: ``` rm code.1 code.2 *.o ca65 -D CODESEG=1 -t none --listing --list-bytes 100 -o getkey.o getkey.s ca65 -D CODESEG=1 -t none --listing --list-bytes 100 -o putchar.o putchar.s cl65 -D CODESEG=1 -T -O --static-locals -t apple1 -C apple1.cfg -o code.header codebreaker.c getkey.o putchar.o c2t -l code.1,280 code.2,e000 codebreaker.4+4k.mon c2t -1et -r 48000 code.1,280 code.2,e000 codebreaker.4+4k.wav ``` CFFA `codebreaker.po` build: ``` applecmd='java -jar /path/to/AppleCommander.jar' rm codebreaker.po $applecmd -pro140 codebreaker.po codebreaker tail -c $(( $(stat -f "%z" codebreaker) - 4 )) codebreaker | $applecmd -p codebreaker.po codebreaker bin 0x0280 bin $applecmd -p codebreaker.po codebreaker.pt1 bin 0xe000 bin < code.2 $applecmd -p codebreaker.po codebreaker.pt2 bin 0x0280 bin < code.1 $applecmd -ll codebreaker.po ``` ### Changelog * Initial 1.0 release, May 13 2012