.cpu _6502 // BasicUpstart2(start) #import "./core/mem_map.asm" * = $8000 "Main" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .const MAIN_COLOR = $03 .const BORDER_COLOR = $05 .const CR = $0d .const BS = $14 .const ADV_CHAR = '@' .const INIT_IRQ = $fda3 .const INIT_MEM = $fd50 .const INIT_IO = $fd15 .const INIT_VID = $ff5b .const SCRN_CTRL = $d016 .const RASTER_LINE = $d012 .const INTERRUPT_CTRL = $dc0d .const NMSK_INTERRUPT_CTRL = $dd0d .const TIMER_A_CTRL = $DC0E //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .word coldstart // coldstart vector .word start // start vector .byte $C3,$C2,$CD,'8','0' //..CBM80.. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #import "./core/init.asm" #import "./libs/print.asm" #import "./core/screen.asm" #import "./core/keyboard.asm" #import "./progs/woz_shell.asm" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Main Program //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * = * "Kernel Start" coldstart: ldx #$FF sei txs cld stx SCRN_CTRL // Set Screen Bits jsr INIT_IRQ // Prepare IRQ jsr INIT_MEM // Init memory. Rewrite this routine to speed up boot process. jsr INIT_IO // Init I/O jsr INIT_VID // Init video cli * = * "App Start" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ start: jsr initApp; jsr WozShell.start loop: lda #$FF Raster: cmp RASTER_LINE // Raster done? bne Raster jsr Keyboard.ReadKeyb jsr Keyboard.GetKey bcs loop cmp #CR beq execute cmp #BS beq backspace inputChar: jsr WozShell.push // Char in Buffer PrintChar() jmp loop backspace: jsr WozShell.backspace PrintChar() jmp loop execute: jsr WozShell.push // CR in Buffer jsr Screen.screenNewLine jsr WozShell.exec jsr Screen.screenNewLine jsr WozShell.clear jmp loop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ initApp: { sei lda #$7f sta INTERRUPT_CTRL // disable timer interrupts which can be generated by the two CIA chips sta NMSK_INTERRUPT_CTRL // the kernal uses such an interrupt to flash the cursor and scan the keyboard, so we better // stop it. lda INTERRUPT_CTRL // by reading this two registers we negate any pending CIA irqs. lda NMSK_INTERRUPT_CTRL // if we don't do this, a pending CIA irq might occur after we finish setting up our irq. // we don't want that to happen. // Disable 0e TIMER lda #254 and TIMER_A_CTRL sta TIMER_A_CTRL ScreenClearColorRam($00) ScreenClear(' ') ScreenSetBorderColor(BORDER_COLOR) ScreenSetBackgroundColor(MAIN_COLOR) jsr Init.init cli rts } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * = * "Kernel Data" * = $9FFF "EpromFiller" .byte 0