.filenamespace MemMap #importonce .const SHELL_BUFFER_ADDR = $1000 // 256 bytes (3000-30FF) .const XSTACK_ADDRESS = $1100 // 256 bytes (3100-31FF) .const YSTACK_ADDRESS = $1200 // 256 bytes (3200-32FF) .const KEYB_RAM_CODE = $1300 // Safe to use > $1400 *=$2 "ZERO PAGE" virtual .namespace CORE { // PHx/PLx pseudo commands yStackOffset: .byte 0 // Y Stack offset used by phy/ply xStackOffset: .byte 0 // X Stack offset used by phx/plx .label XStack = XSTACK_ADDRESS // 256 bytes phy/ply stack buffer pointer .label YStack = YSTACK_ADDRESS // 256 bytes phx/plx stack buffer pointer } .namespace PRINT { TempStringPointer: .word 0 // Pointer to string address as it get printend to screen } .namespace VIDEO { TempVideoPointer: .word 0 // Pointer to video mem used to target char pos CursorCol: .byte 0 // Actual cursor column position CursorRow: .byte 0 // Actual cursor row position ScrollUpTriggered: .byte 0 // Set to 1 if a scroll up was triggered } .namespace MATH { factor1: .byte 0 // Factor 1 used in MUL ops factor2: .byte 0 // Factor 2 used in MUL ops result: .word 0 // 16 Bit math operation result } .namespace KEYBOARD { KeyR: .byte 0 SYS_Keyd: .fill $10,0 SYS_Ndx: .byte 0 SYS_Xmax: .byte 0 SYS_Shflag: .byte 0 SYS_Sfdx: .byte 0 SYS_Lstx: .byte 0 SYS_Delay: .byte 0 SYS_Kount: .byte 0 SYS_Lstshf: .byte 0 .label keybRamCode = KEYB_RAM_CODE } .namespace MEMORY { from: .word 0 dest: .word 0 size: .word 0 } .namespace MODULE { versionPtr: .word 0 } .namespace SHELL { pos: .byte 0 MODE: .byte 0 L: .byte 0 H: .byte 0 YSAV: .byte 0 STL: .byte 0 STH: .byte 0 XAML: .byte 0 XAMH: .byte 0 .label buffer = SHELL_BUFFER_ADDR // 256 bytes }