//------------------------------------------- // c64 deadtest diagnostic 781220 // original disassembly by worldofjani.com // Augmented by =stid= in woz64 //------------------------------------------- // .const ZProcessDataDir = $00 // 6510 CPU's data direction I/O port register; 0 = input, 1 = output .const ZProcessPortBit = $01 // 6510 CPU's on-chip port register // .const counterLow = $02 .const counterHigh = $03 .const tmpSourceAddressLow = $09 .const tmpSourceAddressHigh = $0a .const tmpDestAddressLow = $0b .const tmpDestAddressHigh = $0c .const tmpY = $10 // .const tmpTargetPointer = $09 .const tmpDestPointer = $0b // .const FAIL_COLOR = $02 .const BOX_BORDER_COLOR = $02 .macro LongDelayLoop (xRep, yRep) { txa ldx #xRep ldy #yRep !: dey bne !- dex bne !- tax } .macro ShortDelayLoop (xRep) { txa ldx #xRep !: dex bne !- tax } //--------------------------------------- * = $e000 "Main" /////// MAIN main: { sei // Set Interrupt ldx #$ff txs cld lda #$e7 // Set IO registers sta ZProcessPortBit lda #$37 // Set Data direction sta ZProcessDataDir jmp memBankTest // At this point RAM is working // program draw main interface layout drawLayout: lda #font sta tmpSourceAddressLow // Source Address stx tmpSourceAddressHigh lda #<$0800 ldx #>$0800 sta tmpDestAddressLow // Dest Address stx tmpDestAddressHigh ldx #$01 ldy #$00 fontCopyLoop: lda (tmpTargetPointer),y // Load from source sta (tmpDestPointer),y // Write to dest iny bne fontCopyLoop inc tmpSourceAddressHigh inc tmpDestAddressHigh dex bpl fontCopyLoop // Loop until -1 // Clear CIA timers ldx #$04 !: lda cia1Table,x sta $dc07,x lda cia2Table,x sta $dd07,x dex bne !- // Reset Counter ldx #$00 stx counterLow stx counterHigh ldx #$00 // Cleanup Screen clanScreenLoop: lda #$20 sta $0400,x // Video Mem sta $0500,x sta $0600,x sta $0700,x lda #$06 sta $d800,x // Color Videa Mem sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $db00,x inx bne clanScreenLoop // Upper Box ldx #$27 !: lda upBox,x // Load Box Bytes sta $0630,x // Store in Mem lda #BOX_BORDER_COLOR // Color Red sta $da30,x dex bpl !- // Box border & Area ldx #$00 !: lda boxArea,x cmp #$ff beq boxFill sta $0658,x inx jmp !- // Box Color fill boxFill: ldx #$00 !: lda boxColor,x //color cmp #$ff beq drawLowerBox sta $da58,x inx jmp !- // Lower Box drawLowerBox: ldx #$27 !: lda lowBox,x sta $0748,x lda #BOX_BORDER_COLOR //Color red sta $db48,x dex bpl !- // Set CIA timers lda #$08 sta $dc0f sta $dd0f lda #$48 sta $dc0e lda #$08 sta $dd0e // Init VIC initVic: ldx #$2f // Init VIC values !: lda e7bf-1,x sta $cfff,x dex bne !- // About string ldx #$16 !: lda strAbout,x sta $0408,x dex bpl !- ldx #$04 // Test Count !: lda strCount,x // Print Count Label sta $07c0,x dex bpl !- // Print Count lda counterLow and #$0f ora #$30 sta $07c9 lda counterLow lsr lsr lsr lsr and #$0f ora #$30 sta $07c8 lda counterHigh and #$0f ora #$30 sta $07c7 lda counterHigh lsr lsr lsr lsr and #$0f ora #$30 sta $07c6 lda #$37 sta ZProcessPortBit jmp zeroPageTest goStackPageTest: jmp stackPageTest } ie113: jsr ie6d9 jsr screenRamTest //screen ram test jsr ie6d9 jsr colorRamTest //color ram test jsr ie6d9 jsr ramTest //ram test lda #font sta tmpSourceAddressLow stx tmpSourceAddressHigh lda #<$0800 ldx #>$0800 sta tmpDestAddressLow stx tmpDestAddressHigh ldx #$01 ldy #$00 ie139: lda (tmpTargetPointer),y sta (tmpDestPointer),y iny bne ie139 inc tmpSourceAddressHigh inc tmpDestAddressHigh dex bpl ie139 jsr ie6d9 jsr soundTest //sound test sed lda #$01 clc adc counterLow sta counterLow lda #$00 adc counterHigh sta counterHigh cld lda #$e7 sta ZProcessPortBit lda #$37 sta ZProcessDataDir lda #$00 sta $d418 ldx #$00 lda #$20 ie16d: sta $0400,x sta $0500,x inx bne ie16d ldx #$2e lda #$20 ie17a: sta $0600,x dex bpl ie17a jmp main.initVic /////// MEMORY BANK TEST memBankTest: { lda #$00 // Set video to Black sta $d020 // Border color (only bits #0-#3). sta $d021 // Background color (only bits #0-#3). // prepare memory ldx #$15 // MemPattern Lenght is 20 - start at 21 here to dec later ldy #$00 // reset loop counter memPatternSetLoop: lda MemTestPattern,x // Load pattern byte sta $0100,y // Store in mem chunks, will fill sta $0200,y sta $0300,y sta $0400,y sta $0500,y sta $0600,y sta $0700,y sta $0800,y sta $0900,y sta $0a00,y sta $0b00,y sta $0c00,y sta $0d00,y sta $0e00,y sta $0f00,y iny bne memPatternSetLoop // Loop to FF LongDelayLoop(0,0) // Compare previous stored mem pattern // Against related mem chunks memPatternCompLoop: lda $0100,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0200,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0300,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0400,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0500,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0600,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0700,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0800,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0900,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0a00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0b00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0c00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0d00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0e00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed lda $0f00,y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne memTestFailed iny beq memTestPassed // Test done, no issues jmp memPatternCompLoop // Loop over FF range memTestFailed: jmp memFailureFlash // Memory Pattern Test failed memTestPassed: dex // Dec X to loade next pattern byte bmi memTestDone // Done? - exit loop ldy #$00 // Reset Y counter jmp memPatternSetLoop // back to pattern loop with new x pointer memTestDone: jmp main.drawLayout //memtest ok, go to next stage memFailureFlash: { // Given actual pattern, indentify what's failed // Bank 8 Failed eor MemTestPattern,x tax and #$fe bne bank7Fail ldx #$08 jmp flash //mem error flash bank7Fail: txa and #$fd bne bank6Fail ldx #$07 jmp flash //mem error flash bank6Fail: txa and #$fb bne bank5Fail ldx #$06 jmp flash //mem error flash bank5Fail: txa and #$f7 bne bank4Fail ldx #$05 jmp flash //mem error flash bank4Fail: txa and #$ef bne bank3Fail ldx #$04 jmp flash //mem error flash bank3Fail: txa and #$df bne bank2Fail ldx #$03 jmp flash //mem error flash bank2Fail: txa and #$bf bne bank1Fail ldx #$02 jmp flash //mem error flash bank1Fail: ldx #$01 //mem error flash } flash: { txs flashLoop: // Infinite Flash Loop lda #$01 // set Screen to White sta $d020 sta $d021 LongDelayLoop($7f,0) lda #$00 // set Screen to Black sta $d020 sta $d021 LongDelayLoop($7f,0) !: dey bne !- dex bne !- tax dex beq endLoopDelay // Flash Loop End jmp flashLoop // End flash cycle Long Delay endLoopDelay: ldx #$00 ldy #$00 !: dey bne !- dex bne !- !: dey bne !- dex bne !- !: dey bne !- dex bne !- !: dey bne !- dex bne !- tsx jmp flashLoop // Back to main loop } } /////// ZERO PAGE TEST zeroPageTest: { ldx #$08 !: lda strZero,x // Print Zero Page String sta $0450,x dex bpl !- // Start filling Zero Page with mem pattern's byte ldx #$13 zeroPagePatternLoop: lda MemTestPattern,x ldy #$12 !: sta $0000,y iny bne !- LongDelayLoop(0,0) // Check Zero Page mem consistency lda MemTestPattern,x ldy #$12 !: cmp $0000,y bne zeroPagePatternFailed iny bne !- dex bpl zeroPagePatternLoop // Zero Page Pattern Test OK lda #$0f //"o" sta $045d lda #$0b //"k" sta $045e jmp main.goStackPageTest // Zero Page Pattern Test BAD zeroPagePatternFailed: eor MemTestPattern,x tax lda #$02 //"b" sta $045d lda #$01 //"a" sta $045e lda #$04 //"d" sta $045f jmp testU } /////// STACK TRACE TEST stackPageTest: { ldx #$09 !: lda strStack,x // stack page label sta $0478,x dex bpl !- ldx #$13 stackPagePatternLoop: lda MemTestPattern,x ldy #$00 !: sta $0100,y iny bne !- LongDelayLoop(0,0) // Test Stack Pattern consistency tax lda MemTestPattern,x !: cmp $0100,y bne stackPageFailed iny bne !- dex bpl stackPagePatternLoop lda #$0f //"o" sta $0485 lda #$0b //"k" sta $0486 jmp ie113 stackPageFailed: eor MemTestPattern,x //memtest pattern tax lda #$02 //"b" sta $0485 lda #$01 //"a" sta $0486 lda #$04 //"d" sta $0487 jmp testU } /////// SCREEN RAM TEST screenRamTest: { ldx #$09 !: lda strScreen,x //screen ram label sta $04a0,x dex bpl !- ldx #<$0400 ldy #>$0400 stx tmpSourceAddressLow sty tmpSourceAddressHigh screenRamTestLoop: ldy #$00 lda (tmpTargetPointer),y pha ldx #$13 screenRamPatternTestLoop: lda MemTestPattern,x sta (tmpTargetPointer),y ShortDelayLoop(0) lda (tmpTargetPointer),y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne screenRamTestFailed dex bpl screenRamPatternTestLoop pla sta (tmpTargetPointer),y inc tmpSourceAddressLow bne !+ inc tmpSourceAddressHigh // > 255 !: lda tmpSourceAddressHigh cmp #$08 bne screenRamTestLoop lda #$0f //"o" sta $04ad lda #$0b //"k" sta $04ae rts screenRamTestFailed: eor MemTestPattern,x tax lda #$02 //"b" sta $04ad lda #$01 //"a" sta $04ae lda #$04 //"d" sta $04af jsr testU } /////// COLOR RAM TEST colorRamTest: { ldx #$08 !: lda srtColor,x // Print color ram test sta $04c8,x dex bpl !- ldx #<$d800 ldy #>$d800 stx tmpSourceAddressLow sty tmpSourceAddressHigh ldy #$00 colorRamTestLoop: ldy #$00 lda (tmpTargetPointer),y pha ldx #$0b colorRamPattermTestLoop: lda colorRamPattern,x sta (tmpTargetPointer),y ShortDelayLoop(0) lda (tmpTargetPointer),y and #$0f cmp colorRamPattern,x bne colorRamTestFailed dex bpl colorRamPattermTestLoop pla sta (tmpTargetPointer),y inc tmpSourceAddressLow bne !+ // > 255 inc tmpSourceAddressHigh !: lda tmpSourceAddressHigh cmp #$dc bne colorRamTestLoop lda #$0f //"o" sta $04d5 lda #$0b //"k" sta $04d6 rts colorRamTestFailed: eor colorRamPattern,x tax lda #$02 //"b" sta $04d5 lda #$01 //"a" sta $04d6 lda #$04 //"d" sta $04d7 jmp testU } /////// RAM TEST ramTest: { ldx #$07 !: lda strRam,x // ram test label sta $04f0,x dex bpl !- ldx #<$0800 ldy #>$0800 stx tmpSourceAddressLow sty tmpSourceAddressHigh RamTestLoop: ldy #$00 ldx #$13 RamTestPatternLoop: lda MemTestPattern,x sta (tmpTargetPointer),y ShortDelayLoop($7f) lda (tmpTargetPointer),y cmp MemTestPattern,x bne RamTestFailed dex bpl RamTestPatternLoop inc tmpSourceAddressLow bne !+ inc tmpSourceAddressHigh // > 255 !: lda tmpSourceAddressHigh cmp #$10 bne RamTestLoop lda #$0f //"o" sta $04fd lda #$0b //"k" sta $04fe rts RamTestFailed: eor MemTestPattern,x tax lda #$02 //"b" sta $04fd lda #$01 //"a" sta $04fe lda #$04 //"d" sta $04ff } ////// TEST FAILED U testU: { testU21: txa and #$01 beq testU9 lda #$02 //"b" sta $06a4 lda #$01 //"a" sta $06a5 lda #$04 //"d" sta $06a6 lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $daa4 sta $daa5 sta $daa6 testU9: txa and #$02 beq testU22 lda #$02 //"b" sta $0699 lda #$01 //"a" sta $069a lda #$04 //"d" sta $069b lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $da99 sta $da9a sta $da9b testU22: txa and #$04 beq testU10 lda #$02 //"b" sta $06cc lda #$01 //"a" sta $06cd lda #$04 //"d" sta $06ce lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $dacc sta $dacd sta $dace testU10: txa and #$08 beq testU23 lda #$02 //"b" sta $06c1 lda #$01 //"a" sta $06c2 lda #$04 //"d" sta $06c3 lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $dac1 sta $dac2 sta $dac3 testU23: txa and #$10 beq testU11 lda #$02 //"b" sta $06f4 lda #$01 //"a" sta $06f5 lda #$04 //"d" sta $06f6 lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $daf4 sta $daf5 sta $daf6 testU11: txa and #$20 beq testU24 lda #$02 //"b" sta $06e9 lda #$01 //"a" sta $06ea lda #$04 //"d" sta $06eb lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $dae9 sta $daea sta $daeb testU24: txa and #$40 beq testU12 lda #$02 //"b" sta $071c lda #$01 //"a" sta $071d lda #$04 //"d" sta $071e lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $db1c sta $db1d sta $db1e testU12: txa and #$80 beq deadLoop lda #$02 //"b" sta $0711 lda #$01 //"a" sta $0712 lda #$04 //"d" sta $0713 lda #FAIL_COLOR //red sta $db11 sta $db12 sta $db13 // Something bad failed - program stop deadLoop: jmp deadLoop } soundTest: ldx #$09 !: lda strSound,x //label sound test sta $0518,x dex bpl !- lda #$14 sta $d418 lda #$00 sta $d417 lda #$3e sta $d405 lda #$ca sta $d406 lda #$00 sta $d412 lda #$02 ie5e2: pha ldx #$06 ie5e5: lda sound1,x sta $d401 lda sound2,x sta $d400 pla tay lda sound8,y sta $d402 lda sound9,y sta $d403 lda sound7,y sta $d404 tya pha lda #$6a jsr ie6b7 lda #$00 sta $d404 lda #$00 jsr ie6b7 dex bne ie5e5 lda #$00 sta $d417 lda #$18 sta $d418 lda #$3e sta $d40c lda #$ca sta $d40d ldx #$06 ie62f: lda sound3,x sta $d408 lda sound4,x sta $d407 pla tay lda sound8,y sta $d409 lda sound9,y sta $d40a lda sound7,y sta $d40b tya pha lda #$6a jsr ie6b7 lda #$00 sta $d40b lda #$00 jsr ie6b7 dex bne ie62f lda #$00 sta $d417 lda #$1f sta $d418 lda #$3e sta $d413 lda #$ca sta $d414 ldx #$06 ie679: lda sound5,x sta $d40f lda sound6,x sta $d40e pla tay lda sound8,y sta $d410 lda sound9,y sta $d411 lda sound7,y sta $d412 tya pha lda #$6a jsr ie6b7 lda #$00 sta $d412 lda #$00 jsr ie6b7 dex bne ie679 pla tay dey tya bmi ie6b6 jmp ie5e2 ie6b6: rts ie6b7: cmp #$00 beq ie6ca tay txa pha tya tax ie6c0: ldy #$ff ie6c2: dey bne ie6c2 dex bne ie6c0 pla tax ie6ca: rts //not referenced? lda #$37 sta ZProcessPortBit lda #$48 sta $dc0e lda #$08 sta $dd0e ie6d9: lda $dc0b clc asl bcc ie6ed lda #$10 //"p" sta $07db lda #$0d //"m" sta $07dc clc bcc ie6f7 ie6ed: lda #$01 //"a" sta $07db lda #$0d //"m" sta $07dc ie6f7: lda $dc0b and #$7f ldy #$01 bne ie732 ie700: sta $07d3 //xx-00-00 stx $07d4 lda #$2d //"-" sta $07d5 lda $dc0a ldy #$02 bne ie732 ie712: sta $07d6 //00-xx-00 stx $07d7 lda #$2d //"-" sta $07d8 lda $dc09 ldy #$03 bne ie732 ie724: sta $07d9 //00-00-xx stx $07da lda $dc08 clc bcc ie76b ldy #$00 ie732: pha sty tmpY ldy #$04 bne ie741 ie739: ldy tmpY tax pla lsr lsr lsr lsr ie741: and #$0f cmp #$0a bmi ie74c sec sbc #$09 bne ie74e ie74c: ora #$30 ie74e: cpy #$01 beq ie700 cpy #$02 beq ie712 cpy #$03 beq ie724 cpy #$04 beq ie739 cpy #$05 beq ie792 cpy #$06 beq ie7a4 cpy #$07 beq ie7b6 rts ie76b: lda $dd0b clc asl bcc ie77f lda #$10 //"p" sta $07e6 lda #$0d //"m" sta $07e7 clc bcc ie789 ie77f: lda #$01 //"a" sta $07e6 lda #$0d //"m" sta $07e7 ie789: lda $dd0b and #$7f ldy #$05 ie790: bne ie732 ie792: sta $07de //xx-00-00 stx $07df lda #$2d //"-" sta $07e0 lda $dd0a ldy #$06 bne ie790 ie7a4: sta $07e1 //00-xx-00 stx $07e2 lda #$2d //"-" sta $07e3 lda $dd09 ldy #$07 bne ie790 ie7b6: sta $07e4 //00-00-xx stx $07e5 lda $dd08 rts e7bf: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$1b,$00,$00,$00,$00,$08,$00 .byte $12,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $03,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 cia1Table: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 cia2Table: .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$80 MemTestPattern: .byte $00,$55,$aa,$ff,$01,$02,$04,$08 // memtest pattern .byte $10,$20,$40,$80,$fe,$fd,$fb,$f7 // .byte $ef,$df,$bf,$7f // colorRamPattern: .byte $00,$05,$0a,$0f,$01,$02,$04,$08 .byte $0e,$0d,$0b,$07 .encoding "screencode_mixed" strAbout: .text "c-64 dead test rev stid" strCount: .text "count" strZero: .text "zero page" strStack: .text "stack page" strRam: .text "ram test" srtColor: .text "color ram" strSound: .text "sound test" strScreen: .text "screen ram" sound1: .byte $11,$15,$19,$22,$19,$15,$11 // soundtest sound2: .byte $25,$9a,$b1,$4b,$b1,$9a,$25 // sound3: .byte $22,$2b,$33,$44,$33,$2b,$22 // sound4: .byte $4b,$34,$61,$95,$61,$34,$4b // sound5: .byte $44,$56,$66,$89,$66,$56,$44 // sound6: .byte $95,$69,$c2,$2b,$c2,$69,$95 // sound7: .byte $45,$11,$25 // sound8: .byte $00,$00,$00 // sound9: .byte $08,$00,$00,$09,$00,$28,$ff,$1f // .byte $af // upBox: .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 // box upper part .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$22,$26 .byte $26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26 .byte $26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26 .byte $26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$23 boxArea: .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 // box text. 4164 etc. .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$34,$31,$36,$34,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$15,$39,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$15 .byte $32,$31,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$15,$31,$30,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$15 .byte $32,$32,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$15,$31,$31,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$15 .byte $32,$33,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$15,$31,$32,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$15 .byte $32,$34,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$27 .byte $ff boxColor: .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 //color .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,BOX_BORDER_COLOR,$06 .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 .byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,BOX_BORDER_COLOR .byte 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