#importonce .filenamespace WozShell #import "../libs/print.asm" #import "../libs/module.asm" #import "../core/init.asm" * = * "WozShell Routines" .const CR = $0d .const R = $52 clear: init: { lda #-1 sta MemMap.SHELL.pos rts } start: { PrintLine(lineString) PrintLine(aboutString) PrintLine(lineString) rts } toDebug: { ModuleDefaultToDebug(module_name, version) rts } push: { ldy MemMap.SHELL.pos iny cpy #127 beq.r done sty MemMap.SHELL.pos sta MemMap.SHELL.buffer, y done: rts } backspace: { ldy MemMap.SHELL.pos cpy #-1 beq done dey sty MemMap.SHELL.pos done: rts } exec: { lda MemMap.SHELL.buffer // Check first char cmp #'!' beq stidExec // if ! is stid mon command jmp wozExec // Otherwise exec Woz // Expect exec functions to RTS } stidExec: { ldy #1 lda MemMap.SHELL.buffer, y cmp #$48 // H beq cmdHelp cmp #$52 // R beq cmdReset cmp #$56 // Z beq cmdZeroPageInfo done: rts // STID Commands cmdHelp: .break PrintLine(helpString) jmp done cmdReset: jmp $fce2 // SYS 64738 cmdZeroPageInfo: jsr Init.toDebug jmp done } // WOZ MONITOR FLOW - FROM APPLE1 wozExec: { ldy #-1 lda #0 tax SETSTOR: asl SETMODE: cmp #0 beq.r !+ eor #%10000000 !: sta MemMap.SHELL.MODE BLSKIP: iny NEXTITEM: lda MemMap.SHELL.buffer,Y //Get character cmp #CR bne.r CONT // We're done if it's CR! rts CONT: cmp #'.' bcc BLSKIP // Ignore everything below "."! beq SETMODE // Set BLOCK XAM mode ("." = $AE) cmp #':' beq SETSTOR // Set STOR mode! $BA will become $7B cmp #R beq RUN // Run the program! Forget the rest stx MemMap.SHELL.L // Clear input value (X=0) stx MemMap.SHELL.H sty MemMap.SHELL.YSAV // Save Y for comparison // Here we're trying to parse a new hex value NEXTHEX: lda MemMap.SHELL.buffer,y // Get character for hex test eor #$30 // Map digits to 0-9 cmp #9+1 // Is it a decimal digit? bcc DIG // Yes! adc #$88 // Map letter "A"-"F" to $FA-FF cmp #$FA // Hex letter? bcc NOTHEX // No! Character not hex DIG: asl asl // Hex digit to MSD of A asl asl ldx #4 // Shift count HEXSHIFT: asl // Hex digit left, MSB to carry rol MemMap.SHELL.L // Rotate into LSD rol MemMap.SHELL.H // Rotate into MSD's dex // Done 4 shifts? bne HEXSHIFT // No, loop iny // Advance text index bne NEXTHEX // Always taken NOTHEX: cpy MemMap.SHELL.YSAV //Was at least 1 hex digit given? bne !+ // No! Ignore all, start from scratch rts !: bit MemMap.SHELL.MODE //Test MODE byte bvc NOTSTOR // B6=0 is STOR, 1 is XAM or BLOCK XAM // STOR mode, save LSD of new hex byte lda MemMap.SHELL.L // LSD's of hex data sta (MemMap.SHELL.STL,X) //Store current 'store index'(X=0) inc MemMap.SHELL.STL //Increment store index. bne NEXTITEM // No carry! inc MemMap.SHELL.STH // Add carry to 'store index' high TONEXTITEM: jmp NEXTITEM //Get next command item. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RUN user's program from last opened location //------------------------------------------------------------------------- RUN: jmp (MemMap.SHELL.XAML) // Run user's program //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're not in Store mode //------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTSTOR: bmi XAMNEXT // B7 = 0 for XAM, 1 for BLOCK XAM // We're in XAM mode now ldx #2 // Copy 2 bytes SETADR: lda MemMap.SHELL.L-1,X // Copy hex data to sta MemMap.SHELL.STL-1,X // 'store index' sta MemMap.SHELL.XAML-1,X // and to 'XAM index' dex // Next of 2 bytes bne SETADR // Loop unless X = 0 // Print address and data from this address, fall through next BNE. NXTPRNT: bne PRDATA // NE means no address to print lda #CR // Print CR first PrintChar() lda MemMap.SHELL.XAMH // Output high-order byte of address jsr PRBYTE lda MemMap.SHELL.XAML // Output low-order byte of address jsr PRBYTE lda #':' // Print colon PrintChar() PRDATA: lda #' ' // Print space PrintChar() lda (MemMap.SHELL.XAML,X) // Get data from address (X=0) jsr PRBYTE // Output it in hex format XAMNEXT: stx MemMap.SHELL.MODE // 0 -> MODE (XAM mode). lda MemMap.SHELL.XAML // See if there's more to print cmp MemMap.SHELL.L lda MemMap.SHELL.XAMH sbc MemMap.SHELL.H bcs TONEXTITEM // Not less! No more data to output inc MemMap.SHELL.XAML // Increment 'examine index' bne MOD8CHK // No carry! inc MemMap.SHELL.XAMH MOD8CHK: lda MemMap.SHELL.XAML // If address MOD 8 = 0 start new line and #%00000111 bpl NXTPRNT // Always taken. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Subroutine to print a byte in A in hex form (destructive) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRBYTE: pha // Save A for LSD lsr lsr lsr // MSD to LSD position lsr jsr PRHEX // Output hex digit pla // Restore A // Fall through to print hex routine // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Subroutine to print a hexadecimal digit // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRHEX: and #%00001111 // Mask LSD for hex print ora #'0' // Add "0" cmp #'9'+1 // Is it a decimal digit? bcc !+ // Yes! output it adc #6 // Add offset for letter A-F !: PrintChar() rts } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * = * "WozShell Data" version: .byte 1, 2, 0 .encoding "screencode_mixed" module_name: .text "prg:woz-shell" .byte 0 helpString: .text "----------------------" .byte $8e .text "h : this help" .byte $8e .text "r : hard reset" .byte $8e .text "z : zero page params" .byte $8e .text "----------------------" .byte $8e, 0 aboutString: .text "woz64 mon - v 0.1.5" .byte $8e, 0 lineString: .text "----------------------------------------" .byte $8e, 0 #import "../core/mem_map.asm"