2017-07-22 15:46:02 -04:00
// ViewController.swift
// FruitMachine
// Created by Christopher Rohl on 7/19/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Christopher Rohl. All rights reserved.
import Cocoa
class DebuggerViewController: NSViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_A: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_X: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_Y: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_IP: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_SR: NSTextField!
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@IBOutlet weak var text_CPU_Flags: NSTextField!
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@IBOutlet weak var debuggerTableView: NSTableView!
let CPU = CPUState.sharedInstance
var disassembly: [Disassembly] = [Disassembly]()
func updateCPUStatusFields() {
text_CPU_A.stringValue = String(format:"%02X", CPU.accumulator)
text_CPU_X.stringValue = String(format:"%02X", CPU.index_x)
text_CPU_Y.stringValue = String(format:"%02X", CPU.index_y)
text_CPU_IP.stringValue = String(format:"%04X", CPU.program_counter)
text_CPU_SR.stringValue = String(format:"%02X", CPU.stack_pointer)
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text_CPU_Flags.stringValue = String(CPU.status_register.asString())
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override func viewDidLoad() {
debuggerTableView.delegate = self
debuggerTableView.dataSource = self
CPU.memoryInterface.loadBinary(path: "/Users/luigi/6502/test.bin")
disassembly = CPU.disassemble(fromAddress: 0x0000, length: 16)
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
func cpuStep() {
do {
try CPU.executeNextInstruction()
} catch CPUExceptions.invalidInstruction {
print("*** 6502 Exception: Invalid instruction 0xXX at 0xXXXX")
} catch {
@IBAction func btn_CPUStep(_ sender: Any) {
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@IBAction func btn_Break(_ sender: Any) {
_ = 0
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extension DebuggerViewController: NSTableViewDelegate {
fileprivate enum CellIdentifiers {
static let AddressCell = "AddressCellID"
static let DataCell = "DataCellID"
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
var cellText: String = ""
var cellIdentifier: String = ""
let operation = disassembly[row]
if(tableColumn == tableView.tableColumns[0]) {
cellText = String(format: "%04X", operation.address)
cellIdentifier = CellIdentifiers.AddressCell
if(tableColumn == tableView.tableColumns[1]) {
if(operation.instruction == nil) {
cellText = "ILLEGAL"
} else {
switch(operation.instruction!.addressingMode) {
case .accumulator:
cellText = String(format: "%@ A", operation.instruction!.mnemonic)
case .immediate:
2017-07-22 21:46:26 -04:00
cellText = String(format: "%@ #$%02X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
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case .implied:
cellText = String(format: "%@", operation.instruction!.mnemonic)
case .relative:
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cellText = String(format: "%@ #$%04X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, UInt16(operation.data[0]) + operation.address)
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case .absolute:
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cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X%02X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[1], operation.data[0])
2017-07-22 15:46:02 -04:00
case .zeropage:
cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
case .indirect:
cellText = String(format: "%@ ($%02X%02X)", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[1], operation.data[0])
case .absolute_indexed_x:
2017-07-22 21:46:26 -04:00
cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X%02X,X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[1], operation.data[0])
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case .absolute_indexed_y:
2017-07-22 21:46:26 -04:00
cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X%02X,Y", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[1], operation.data[0])
2017-07-22 15:46:02 -04:00
case .zeropage_indexed_x:
cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X,X", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
case .zeropage_indexed_y:
cellText = String(format: "%@ $%02X,Y", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
case .indexed_indirect:
cellText = String(format: "%@ ($%02X,X)", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
case .indirect_indexed:
cellText = String(format: "%@ ($%02X),Y", operation.instruction!.mnemonic, operation.data[0])
cellIdentifier = CellIdentifiers.DataCell
if let cell = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: NSUserInterfaceItemIdentifier(rawValue: cellIdentifier), owner: nil) as? NSTableCellView {
cell.textField?.stringValue = cellText
return cell
return nil
extension DebuggerViewController: NSTableViewDataSource {
func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
return disassembly.count
func getItem(atIndex: Int) -> Disassembly {
return disassembly[atIndex]