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2022-01-11 20:28:58 +01:00
;taken from https://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=magazines:chacking5#rob_hubbard_s_musicdisassembled_commented_and_explained
;How to use the sourcecode:
; jsr music+0 to initialize the music number in the accumulator
; jsr music+3 to play the music
; jsr music+6 to stop the music and quieten SID
; The music is supposed to run at 50Hz, or 50 times per second. Therefore
;PAL users can run the music routine off the IRQ like this:
; lda #$00 ; init music number 0
; jsr music+0
; sei ; install the irq and a raster compare
; lda #<irq
; ldx #>irq
; sta $314
; stx $315
; lda #$1b
; sta $d011
; lda #$01
; sta $d01a
; lda #$7f
; sta $dc0d
; cli
;loop =*
; jmp loop ; endless loop (music is now playing off interrupt :-)
;irq =*
; lda #$01
; sta $d019
; lda #$3c
; sta $d012
; inc $d020 ; play music, and show a raster for the time it takes
; jsr music+3
; dec $d020
; lda #$14
; sta $d018
; jmp $ea31
; ======================================================================================
;rob hubbard
;monty on the run music driver
;this player was used (with small mods)
;for his first approx 30 musix
.org $8000
.obj motr
jmp initmusic
jmp playmusic
jmp musicoff
;init music
initmusic =*
lda #$00 ;music num
ldy #$00
sta tempstore
adc tempstore ;now music num*6
- lda songs,x ;copy ptrs to this
sta currtrkhi,y ;music's tracks to
inx ;current tracks
cpy #$06
bne -
lda #$00 ;clear control regs
sta $d404
sta $d40b
sta $d412
sta $d417
lda #$0f ;full volume
sta $d418
lda #$40 ;flag init music
sta mstatus
;music off
musicoff =*
lda #$c0 ;flag music off
sta mstatus
;play music
playmusic =*
inc counter
bit mstatus ;test music status
bmi moff ;$80 and $c0 is off
bvc contplay ;$40 init, else play
;init the song (mstatus $40)
lda #$00 ;init counter
sta counter
ldx #3-1
- sta posoffset,x ;init pos offsets
sta patoffset,x ;init pat offsets
sta lengthleft,x ;get note right away
sta notenum,x
bpl -
sta mstatus ;signal music play
jmp contplay
;music is off (mstatus $80 or $c0)
moff =*
bvc + ;if mstatus $c0 then
lda #$00
sta $d404 ;kill voice 1,2,3
sta $d40b ;control registers
sta $d412
lda #$0f ;full volume still
sta $d418
lda #$80 ;flag no need to kill
sta mstatus ;sound next time
+ jmp musicend ;end
;music is playing (mstatus otherwise)
contplay =*
ldx #3-1 ;number of chanels
dec speed ;check the speed
bpl mainloop
lda resetspd ;reset speed if needed
sta speed
mainloop =*
lda regoffsets,x ;save offset to regs
sta tmpregofst ;for this channel
;check whether a new note is needed
lda speed ;if speed not reset
cmp resetspd ;then skip notework
beq checknewnote
jmp vibrato
checknewnote =*
lda currtrkhi,x ;put base addr.w of
sta $02 ;this track in $2
lda currtrklo,x
sta $03
dec lengthleft,x ;check whether a new
bmi getnewnote ;note is needed
jmp soundwork ;no new note needed
;a new note is needed. get the pattern
;number/cc from this position
getnewnote =*
ldy posoffset,x ;get the data from
lda ($02),y ;the current position
cmp #$ff ;pos $ff restarts
beq restart
cmp #$fe ;pos $fe stops music
bne getnotedata ;on all channels
jmp musicend
;cc of $ff restarts this track from the
;first position
restart =*
lda #$00 ;get note immediately
sta lengthleft,x ;and reset pat,pos
sta posoffset,x
sta patoffset,x
jmp getnewnote
;get the note data from this pattern
getnotedata =*
lda patptl,y ;put base addr.w of
sta $04 ;the pattern in $4
lda patpth,y
sta $05
lda #$00 ;default no portamento
sta portaval,x
ldy patoffset,x ;get offset into ptn
lda #$ff ;default no append
sta appendfl
;1st byte is the length of the note 0-31
;bit5 signals no release (see sndwork)
;bit6 signals appended note
;bit7 signals a new instrument
; or portamento coming up
lda ($04),y ;get length of note
sta savelnthcc,x
sta templnthcc
and #$1f
sta lengthleft,x
bit templnthcc ;test for append
bvs appendnote
inc patoffset,x ;pt to next data
lda templnthcc ;2nd byte needed?
bpl getpitch
;2nd byte needed as 1st byte negative
;2nd byte is the instrument number(+ve)
;or portamento speed(-ve)
lda ($04),y ;get instr/portamento
bpl +
sta portaval,x ;save portamento val
jmp ++
+ sta instrnr,x ;save instr nr
+ inc patoffset,x
;3rd byte is the pitch of the note
;get the 'base frequency' here
getpitch =*
lda ($04),y ;get pitch of note
sta notenum,x
asl ;pitch*2
lda frequenzlo,y ;save the appropriate
sta tempfreq ;base frequency
lda frequenzhi,y
ldy tmpregofst
sta $d401,y
sta savefreqhi,x
lda tempfreq
sta $d400,y
sta savefreqlo,x
jmp +
appendnote =*
dec appendfl ;clever eh?
;fetch all the initial values from the
;instrument data structure
+ ldy tmpregofst
lda instrnr,x ;instr num
stx tempstore
asl ;instr num*8
lda instr+2,x ;get control reg val
sta tempctrl
lda instr+2,x
and appendfl ;implement append
sta $d404,y
lda instr+0,x ;get pulse width lo
sta $d402,y
lda instr+1,x ;get pulse width hi
sta $d403,y
lda instr+3,x ;get attack/decay
sta $d405,y
lda instr+4,x ;get sustain/release
sta $d406,y
ldx tempstore ;save control reg val
lda tempctrl
sta voicectrl,x
;4th byte checks for the end of pattern
;if eop found, inc the position and
;reset patoffset for new pattern
inc patoffset,x ;preview 4th byte
ldy patoffset,x
lda ($04),y
cmp #$ff ;check for eop
bne +
lda #$00 ;end of pat reached
sta patoffset,x ;inc position for
inc posoffset,x ;the next time
+ jmp loopcont
;the instrument and effects processing
;routine when no new note was needed
soundwork =*
;release routine
;set off a release when the length of
;the note is exceeded
;bit4 of the 1st note-byte can specify
;for no release
ldy tmpregofst
lda savelnthcc,x ;check for no release
and #$20 ;specified
bne vibrato
lda lengthleft,x ;check for length of
bne vibrato ;exceeded
lda voicectrl,x ;length exceeded so
and #$fe ;start the release
sta $d404,y ;and kill adsr
lda #$00
sta $d405,y
sta $d406,y
;vibrato routine
;(does alot of work)
vibrato =*
lda instrnr,x ;instr num
asl ;instr num*8
sty instnumby8 ;save instr num*8
lda instr+7,y ;get instr fx byte
sta instrfx
lda instr+6,y ;get pulse speed
sta pulsevalue
lda instr+5,y ;get vibrato depth
sta vibrdepth
beq pulsework ;check for no vibrato
lda counter ;this is clever!!
and #7 ;the counter's turned
cmp #4 ;into an oscillating
bcc + ;value (01233210)
eor #7
+ sta oscilatval
lda notenum,x ;get base note
asl ;note*2
tay ;get diff btw note
sec ;and note+1 frequency
lda frequenzlo+2,y
sbc frequenzlo,y
sta tmpvdiflo
lda frequenzhi+2,y
sbc frequenzhi,y
- lsr ;divide difference by
ror tmpvdiflo ;2 for each vibrdepth
dec vibrdepth
bpl -
sta tmpvdifhi
lda frequenzlo,y ;save note frequency
sta tmpvfrqlo
lda frequenzhi,y
sta tmpvfrqhi
lda savelnthcc,x ;no vibrato if note
and #$1f ;length less than 8
cmp #8
bcc +
ldy oscilatval
- dey ;depending on the osc
bmi + ;value, add the vibr
clc ;freq that many times
lda tmpvfrqlo ;to the base freq
adc tmpvdiflo
sta tmpvfrqlo
lda tmpvfrqhi
adc tmpvdifhi
sta tmpvfrqhi
jmp -
+ ldy tmpregofst ;save the final
lda tmpvfrqlo ;frequencies
sta $d400,y
lda tmpvfrqhi
sta $d401,y
;pulse-width timbre routine
;depending on the control/speed byte in
;the instrument datastructure, the pulse
;width is of course inc/decremented to
;produce timbre
;strangely the delay value is also the
;size of the inc/decrements
pulsework =*
lda pulsevalue ;check for pulsework
beq portamento ;needed this instr
ldy instnumby8
and #$1f
dec pulsedelay,x ;pulsedelay-1
bpl portamento
sta pulsedelay,x ;reset pulsedelay
lda pulsevalue ;restrict pulse speed
and #$e0 ;from $00-$1f
sta pulsespeed
lda pulsedir,x ;pulsedir 0 is up and
bne pulsedown ;1 is down
lda pulsespeed ;pulse width up
adc instr+0,y ;add the pulsespeed
pha ;to the pulse width
lda instr+1,y
adc #$00
and #$0f
cmp #$0e ;go pulsedown when
bne dumpulse ;the pulse value
inc pulsedir,x ;reaches max ($0exx)
jmp dumpulse
pulsedown =*
sec ;pulse width down
lda instr+0,y
sbc pulsespeed ;sub the pulsespeed
pha ;from the pulse width
lda instr+1,y
sbc #$00
and #$0f
cmp #$08 ;go pulseup when
bne dumpulse ;the pulse value
dec pulsedir,x ;reaches min ($08xx)
dumpulse =*
stx tempstore ;dump pulse width to
ldx tmpregofst ;chip and back into
pla ;the instr data str
sta instr+1,y
sta $d403,x
sta instr+0,y
sta $d402,x
ldx tempstore
;portamento routine
;portamento comes from the second byte
;if it's a negative value
portamento =*
ldy tmpregofst
lda portaval,x ;check for portamento
beq drums ;none
and #$7e ;toad unwanted bits
sta tempstore
lda portaval,x ;bit0 signals up/down
and #$01
beq portup
sec ;portamento down
lda savefreqlo,x ;sub portaval from
sbc tempstore ;current frequency
sta savefreqlo,x
sta $d400,y
lda savefreqhi,x
sbc #$00 ;(word arithmetic)
sta savefreqhi,x
sta $d401,y
jmp drums
portup =*
clc ;portamento up
lda savefreqlo,x ;add portval to
adc tempstore ;current frequency
sta savefreqlo,x
sta $d400,y
lda savefreqhi,x
adc #$00
sta savefreqhi,x
sta $d401,y
;bit0 instrfx are the drum routines
;the actual drum timbre depends on the
;crtl register value for the instrument:
;ctrlreg 0 is always noise
;ctrlreg x is noise for 1st vbl and x
;from then on
;see that the drum is made by rapid hi
;to low frequency slide with fast attack
;and decay
drums =*
lda instrfx ;check if drums
and #$01 ;needed this instr
beq skydive
lda savefreqhi,x ;don't bother if freq
beq skydive ;can't go any lower
lda lengthleft,x ;or if the note has
beq skydive ;finished
lda savelnthcc,x ;check if this is the
and #$1f ;first vbl for this
sec ;instrument-note
sbc #$01
cmp lengthleft,x
ldy tmpregofst
bcc firstime
lda savefreqhi,x ;not the first time
dec savefreqhi,x ;so dec freqhi for
sta $d401,y ;drum sound
lda voicectrl,x ;if ctrlreg is 0 then
and #$fe ;noise is used always
bne dumpctrl
firstime =*
lda savefreqhi,x ;noise is used for
sta $d401,y ;the first vbl also
lda #$80 ;(set noise)
dumpctrl =*
sta $d404,y
;bit1 instrfx is the skydive
;a long portamento-down from the note
;to zerofreq
skydive =*
lda instrfx ;check if skydive
and #$02 ;needed this instr
beq octarp
lda counter ;every 2nd vbl
and #$01
beq octarp
lda savefreqhi,x ;check if skydive
beq octarp ;already complete
dec savefreqhi,x ;decr and save the
ldy tmpregofst ;high byte freq
sta $d401,y
;bit2 instrfx is an octave arpeggio
;pretty tame huh?
octarp =*
lda instrfx ;check if arpt needed
and #$04
beq loopcont
lda counter ;only 2 arpt values
and #$01
beq +
lda notenum,x ;odd, note+12
adc #$0c
jmp ++
+ lda notenum,x ;even, note
+ asl ;dump the corresponding
tay ;frequencies
lda frequenzlo,y
sta tempfreq
lda frequenzhi,y
ldy tmpregofst
sta $d401,y
lda tempfreq
sta $d400,y
;end of dbf loop
loopcont =*
dex ;dbf mainloop
bmi musicend
jmp mainloop
musicend =*
;frequenz data
frequenzlo .byt $16
frequenzhi .byt $01
.byt $27,$01,$38,$01,$4b,$01
.byt $5f,$01,$73,$01,$8a,$01,$a1,$01
.byt $ba,$01,$d4,$01,$f0,$01,$0e,$02
.byt $2d,$02,$4e,$02,$71,$02,$96,$02
.byt $bd,$02,$e7,$02,$13,$03,$42,$03
.byt $74,$03,$a9,$03,$e0,$03,$1b,$04
.byt $5a,$04,$9b,$04,$e2,$04,$2c,$05
.byt $7b,$05,$ce,$05,$27,$06,$85,$06
.byt $e8,$06,$51,$07,$c1,$07,$37,$08
.byt $b4,$08,$37,$09,$c4,$09,$57,$0a
.byt $f5,$0a,$9c,$0b,$4e,$0c,$09,$0d
.byt $d0,$0d,$a3,$0e,$82,$0f,$6e,$10
.byt $68,$11,$6e,$12,$88,$13,$af,$14
.byt $eb,$15,$39,$17,$9c,$18,$13,$1a
.byt $a1,$1b,$46,$1d,$04,$1f,$dc,$20
.byt $d0,$22,$dc,$24,$10,$27,$5e,$29
.byt $d6,$2b,$72,$2e,$38,$31,$26,$34
.byt $42,$37,$8c,$3a,$08,$3e,$b8,$41
.byt $a0,$45,$b8,$49,$20,$4e,$bc,$52
.byt $ac,$57,$e4,$5c,$70,$62,$4c,$68
.byt $84,$6e,$18,$75,$10,$7c,$70,$83
.byt $40,$8b,$70,$93,$40,$9c,$78,$a5
.byt $58,$af,$c8,$b9,$e0,$c4,$98,$d0
.byt $08,$dd,$30,$ea,$20,$f8,$2e,$fd
regoffsets .byt $00,$07,$0e
tmpregofst .byt $00
posoffset .byt $00,$00,$00
patoffset .byt $00,$00,$00
lengthleft .byt $00,$00,$00
savelnthcc .byt $00,$00,$00
voicectrl .byt $00,$00,$00
notenum .byt $00,$00,$00
instrnr .byt $00,$00,$00
appendfl .byt $00
templnthcc .byt $00
tempfreq .byt $00
tempstore .byt $00
tempctrl .byt $00
vibrdepth .byt $00
pulsevalue .byt $00
tmpvdiflo .byt $00
tmpvdifhi .byt $00
tmpvfrqlo .byt $00
tmpvfrqhi .byt $00
oscilatval .byt $00
pulsedelay .byt $00,$00,$00
pulsedir .byt $00,$00,$00
speed .byt $00
resetspd .byt $01
instnumby8 .byt $00
mstatus .byt $c0
savefreqhi .byt $00,$00,$00
savefreqlo .byt $00,$00,$00
portaval .byt $00,$00,$00
instrfx .byt $00
pulsespeed .byt $00
counter .byt $00
currtrkhi .byt $00,$00,$00
currtrklo .byt $00,$00,$00
;monty on the run main theme
songs =*
.byt <montymaintr1
.byt <montymaintr2
.byt <montymaintr3
.byt >montymaintr1
.byt >montymaintr2
.byt >montymaintr3
;pointers to the patterns
;low pointers
patptl =*
.byt <ptn00
.byt <ptn01
.byt <ptn02
.byt <ptn03
.byt <ptn04
.byt <ptn05
.byt <ptn06
.byt <ptn07
.byt <ptn08
.byt <ptn09
.byt <ptn0a
.byt <ptn0b
.byt <ptn0c
.byt <ptn0d
.byt <ptn0e
.byt <ptn0f
.byt <ptn10
.byt <ptn11
.byt <ptn12
.byt <ptn13
.byt <ptn14
.byt <ptn15
.byt <ptn16
.byt <ptn17
.byt <ptn18
.byt <ptn19
.byt <ptn1a
.byt <ptn1b
.byt <ptn1c
.byt <ptn1d
.byt <ptn1e
.byt <ptn1f
.byt <ptn20
.byt <ptn21
.byt <ptn22
.byt <ptn23
.byt <ptn24
.byt <ptn25
.byt <ptn26
.byt <ptn27
.byt <ptn28
.byt <ptn29
.byt <ptn2a
.byt <ptn2b
.byt <ptn2c
.byt <ptn2d
.byt 0
.byt <ptn2f
.byt <ptn30
.byt <ptn31
.byt <ptn32
.byt <ptn33
.byt <ptn34
.byt <ptn35
.byt <ptn36
.byt <ptn37
.byt <ptn38
.byt <ptn39
.byt <ptn3a
.byt <ptn3b
;high pointers
patpth =*
.byt >ptn00
.byt >ptn01
.byt >ptn02
.byt >ptn03
.byt >ptn04
.byt >ptn05
.byt >ptn06
.byt >ptn07
.byt >ptn08
.byt >ptn09
.byt >ptn0a
.byt >ptn0b
.byt >ptn0c
.byt >ptn0d
.byt >ptn0e
.byt >ptn0f
.byt >ptn10
.byt >ptn11
.byt >ptn12
.byt >ptn13
.byt >ptn14
.byt >ptn15
.byt >ptn16
.byt >ptn17
.byt >ptn18
.byt >ptn19
.byt >ptn1a
.byt >ptn1b
.byt >ptn1c
.byt >ptn1d
.byt >ptn1e
.byt >ptn1f
.byt >ptn20
.byt >ptn21
.byt >ptn22
.byt >ptn23
.byt >ptn24
.byt >ptn25
.byt >ptn26
.byt >ptn27
.byt >ptn28
.byt >ptn29
.byt >ptn2a
.byt >ptn2b
.byt >ptn2c
.byt >ptn2d
.byt 0
.byt >ptn2f
.byt >ptn30
.byt >ptn31
.byt >ptn32
.byt >ptn33
.byt >ptn34
.byt >ptn35
.byt >ptn36
.byt >ptn37
.byt >ptn38
.byt >ptn39
.byt >ptn3a
.byt >ptn3b
montymaintr1 =*
.byt $11,$14,$17,$1a,$00,$27,$00,$28
.byt $03,$05,$00,$27,$00,$28,$03,$05
.byt $07,$3a,$14,$17,$00,$27,$00,$28
.byt $2f,$30,$31,$31,$32,$33,$33,$34
.byt $34,$34,$34,$34,$34,$34,$34,$35
.byt $35,$35,$35,$35,$35,$36,$12,$37
.byt $38,$09,$2a,$09,$2b,$09,$0a,$09
.byt $2a,$09,$2b,$09,$0a,$0d,$0d,$0f
.byt $ff
montymaintr2 =*
.byt $12,$15,$18,$1b,$2d,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$2c,$39,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$2c,$39,$39,$39,$01
.byt $01,$29,$29,$2c,$15,$18,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$39
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$39,$01,$01,$01
.byt $29,$39,$39,$39,$01,$01,$01,$29
.byt $39,$39,$39,$39,$ff
montymaintr3 =*
.byt $13,$16,$19
.byt $1c,$02,$02,$1d,$1e,$02,$02,$1d
.byt $1f,$04,$04,$20,$20,$06,$02,$02
.byt $1d,$1e,$02,$02,$1d,$1f,$04,$04
.byt $20,$20,$06,$08,$08,$08,$08,$21
.byt $21,$21,$21,$22,$22,$22,$23,$22
.byt $24,$25,$3b,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26
.byt $26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26,$26
.byt $26,$26,$26,$02,$02,$1d,$1e,$02
.byt $02,$1d,$1f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f
.byt $2f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f,$2f
.byt $0b,$0b,$1d,$1d,$0b,$0b,$1d,$0b
.byt $0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$1d,$1d,$1d,$10
.byt $0b,$0b,$1d,$1d,$0b,$0b,$1d,$0b
.byt $0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$1d,$1d,$1d,$10
.byt $0b,$1d,$0b,$1d,$0b,$1d,$0b,$1d
.byt $0b,$0c,$1d,$0b,$0c,$23,$0b,$0b
.byt $ff
ptn00 =*
.byt $83,$00,$37,$01,$3e,$01,$3e,$03
.byt $3d,$03,$3e,$03,$43,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3d,$03,$3e,$03,$37,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3e,$03,$3d,$03,$3e,$03,$43,$03
.byt $42,$03,$43,$03,$45,$03,$46,$01
.byt $48,$01,$46,$03,$45,$03,$43,$03
.byt $4b,$01,$4d,$01,$4b,$03,$4a,$03
.byt $48,$ff
ptn27 =*
.byt $1f,$4a,$ff
ptn28 =*
.byt $03,$46,$01,$48,$01,$46,$03,$45
.byt $03,$4a,$0f,$43,$ff
ptn03 =*
.byt $bf,$06
.byt $48,$07,$48,$01,$4b,$01,$4a,$01
.byt $4b,$01,$4a,$03,$4b,$03,$4d,$03
.byt $4b,$03,$4a,$3f,$48,$07,$48,$01
.byt $4b,$01,$4a,$01,$4b,$01,$4a,$03
.byt $4b,$03,$4d,$03,$4b,$03,$48,$3f
.byt $4c,$07,$4c,$01,$4f,$01,$4e,$01
.byt $4f,$01,$4e,$03,$4f,$03,$51,$03
.byt $4f,$03,$4e,$3f,$4c,$07,$4c,$01
.byt $4f,$01,$4e,$01,$4f,$01,$4e,$03
.byt $4f,$03,$51,$03,$4f,$03,$4c,$ff
ptn05 =*
.byt $83,$04,$26,$03,$29,$03,$28,$03
.byt $29,$03,$26,$03,$35,$03,$34,$03
.byt $32,$03,$2d,$03,$30,$03,$2f,$03
.byt $30,$03,$2d,$03,$3c,$03,$3b,$03
.byt $39,$03,$30,$03,$33,$03,$32,$03
.byt $33,$03,$30,$03,$3f,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3c,$03,$46,$03,$45,$03,$43,$03
.byt $3a,$03,$39,$03,$37,$03,$2e,$03
.byt $2d,$03,$26,$03,$29,$03,$28,$03
.byt $29,$03,$26,$03,$35,$03,$34,$03
.byt $32,$03,$2d,$03,$30,$03,$2f,$03
.byt $30,$03,$2d,$03,$3c,$03,$3b,$03
.byt $39,$03,$30,$03,$33,$03,$32,$03
.byt $33,$03,$30,$03,$3f,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3c,$03,$34,$03,$37,$03,$36,$03
.byt $37,$03,$34,$03,$37,$03,$3a,$03
.byt $3d
ptn3a =*
.byt $03,$3e,$07,$3e,$07,$3f,$07
.byt $3e,$03,$3c,$07,$3e,$57,$ff
ptn07 =*
.byt $8b
.byt $00,$3a,$01,$3a,$01,$3c,$03,$3d
.byt $03,$3f,$03,$3d,$03,$3c,$0b,$3a
.byt $03,$39,$07,$3a,$81,$06,$4b,$01
.byt $4d,$01,$4e,$01,$4d,$01,$4e,$01
.byt $4d,$05,$4b,$81,$00,$3a,$01,$3c
.byt $01,$3d,$03,$3f,$03,$3d,$03,$3c
.byt $03,$3a,$03,$39,$1b,$3a,$0b,$3b
.byt $01,$3b,$01,$3d,$03,$3e,$03,$40
.byt $03,$3e,$03,$3d,$0b,$3b,$03,$3a
.byt $07,$3b,$81,$06,$4c,$01,$4e,$01
.byt $4f,$01,$4e,$01,$4f,$01,$4e,$05
.byt $4c,$81,$00,$3b,$01,$3d,$01,$3e
.byt $03,$40,$03,$3e,$03,$3d,$03,$3b
.byt $03,$3a,$1b,$3b,$8b,$05,$35,$03
.byt $33,$07,$32,$03,$30,$03,$2f,$0b
.byt $30,$03,$32,$0f,$30,$0b,$35,$03
.byt $33,$07,$32,$03,$30,$03,$2f,$1f
.byt $30,$8b,$00,$3c,$01,$3c,$01,$3e
.byt $03,$3f,$03,$41,$03,$3f,$03,$3e
.byt $0b,$3d,$01,$3d,$01,$3f,$03,$40
.byt $03,$42,$03,$40,$03,$3f,$03,$3e
.byt $01,$3e,$01,$40,$03,$41,$03,$40
.byt $03,$3e,$03,$3d,$03,$3e,$03,$3c
.byt $03,$3a,$01,$3a,$01,$3c,$03,$3d
.byt $03,$3c,$03,$3a,$03,$39,$03,$3a
.byt $03,$3c,$ff
ptn09 =*
.byt $83,$00,$32,$01,$35,$01,$34,$03
.byt $32,$03,$35,$03,$34,$03,$32,$03
.byt $35,$01,$34,$01,$32,$03,$32,$03
.byt $3a,$03,$39,$03,$3a,$03,$32,$03
.byt $3a,$03,$39,$03,$3a,$ff
ptn2a =*
.byt $03,$34,$01,$37,$01,$35,$03,$34
.byt $03,$37,$03,$35,$03,$34,$03,$37
.byt $01,$35,$01,$34,$03,$34,$03,$3a
.byt $03,$39,$03,$3a,$03,$34,$03,$3a
.byt $03,$39,$03,$3a,$ff
ptn2b =*
.byt $03,$39,$03,$38,$03,$39,$03,$3a
.byt $03,$39,$03,$37,$03,$35,$03,$34
.byt $03,$35,$03,$34,$03,$35,$03,$37
.byt $03,$35,$03,$34,$03,$32,$03,$31
.byt $ff
ptn0a =*
.byt $03
.byt $37,$01,$3a,$01,$39,$03,$37,$03
.byt $3a,$03,$39,$03,$37,$03,$3a,$01
.byt $39,$01,$37,$03,$37,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3d,$03,$3e,$03,$37,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3d,$03,$3e,$03,$3d,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3e,$03,$3d,$03,$40,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3d,$03,$40,$03,$3e,$03,$40,$03
.byt $40,$01,$43,$01,$41,$03,$40,$03
.byt $43,$01,$41,$01,$40,$03,$43,$03
.byt $41,$03,$43,$03,$43,$01,$46,$01
.byt $45,$03,$43,$03,$46,$01,$45,$01
.byt $43,$03,$46,$03,$45,$03,$43,$01
.byt $48,$01,$49,$01,$48,$01,$46,$01
.byt $45,$01,$46,$01,$45,$01,$43,$01
.byt $41,$01,$43,$01,$41,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3d,$01,$39,$01,$3b,$01,$3d,$ff
ptn0d =*
.byt $01,$3e,$01,$39,$01,$35,$01,$39
.byt $01,$3e,$01,$39,$01,$35,$01,$39
.byt $03,$3e,$01,$41,$01,$40,$03,$40
.byt $01,$3d,$01,$3e,$01,$40,$01,$3d
.byt $01,$39,$01,$3d,$01,$40,$01,$3d
.byt $01,$39,$01,$3d,$03,$40,$01,$43
.byt $01,$41,$03,$41,$01,$3e,$01,$40
.byt $01,$41,$01,$3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e
.byt $01,$41,$01,$3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e
.byt $03,$41,$01,$45,$01,$43,$03,$43
.byt $01,$40,$01,$41,$01,$43,$01,$40
.byt $01,$3d,$01,$40,$01,$43,$01,$40
.byt $01,$3d,$01,$40,$01,$46,$01,$43
.byt $01,$45,$01,$46,$01,$44,$01,$43
.byt $01,$40,$01,$3d,$ff
ptn0f =*
.byt $01,$3e,$01
.byt $39,$01,$35,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $39,$01,$35,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $39,$01,$35,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $39,$01,$35,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3a,$01,$37,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3a,$01,$37,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3a,$01,$37,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01
.byt $3a,$01,$37,$01,$3a,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3d,$01,$39,$01,$3d,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3d,$01,$39,$01,$3d,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3d,$01,$39,$01,$3d,$01,$40,$01
.byt $3d,$01,$39,$01,$3d,$01,$41,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01,$41,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01,$41,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01,$41,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$39,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3e,$01,$3a,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3f,$01,$3c,$01,$3f,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3f,$01,$3c,$01,$3f,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3f,$01,$3c,$01,$3f,$01,$43,$01
.byt $3f,$01,$3c,$01,$3f,$01,$45,$01
.byt $42,$01,$3c,$01,$42,$01,$45,$01
.byt $42,$01,$3c,$01,$42,$01,$48,$01
.byt $45,$01,$42,$01,$45,$01,$4b,$01
.byt $48,$01,$45,$01,$48,$01,$4b,$01
.byt $4a,$01,$48,$01,$4a,$01,$4b,$01
.byt $4a,$01,$48,$01,$4a,$01,$4b,$01
.byt $4a,$01,$48,$01,$4a,$01,$4c,$01
.byt $4e,$03,$4f,$ff
ptn11 =*
.byt $bf,$06,$56,$1f,$57,$1f,$56,$1f
.byt $5b,$1f,$56,$1f,$57,$1f,$56,$1f
.byt $4f,$ff
ptn12 =*
.byt $bf,$0c,$68,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f,$7f
.byt $7f,$7f,$ff
ptn13 =*
.byt $bf,$08,$13,$3f,$13,$3f,$13,$3f
.byt $13,$3f,$13,$3f,$13,$3f,$13,$1f
.byt $13,$ff
ptn14 =*
.byt $97,$09,$2e,$03,$2e,$1b,$32,$03
.byt $32,$1b,$31,$03,$31,$1f,$34,$43
.byt $17,$32,$03,$32,$1b,$35,$03,$35
.byt $1b,$34,$03,$34,$0f,$37,$8f,$0a
.byt $37,$43,$ff
ptn15 =*
.byt $97,$09,$2b,$03,$2b,$1b,$2e,$03
.byt $2e,$1b,$2d,$03,$2d,$1f,$30,$43
.byt $17,$2e,$03,$2e,$1b,$32,$03,$32
.byt $1b,$31,$03,$31,$0f,$34,$8f,$0a
.byt $34,$43,$ff
ptn16 =*
.byt $0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f
.byt $0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f
.byt $0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f
.byt $0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f,$0f,$1f
.byt $ff
ptn17 =*
.byt $97,$09,$33,$03,$33,$1b,$37,$03
.byt $37,$1b,$36,$03,$36,$1f,$39,$43
.byt $17,$37,$03,$37,$1b,$3a,$03,$3a
.byt $1b,$39,$03,$39,$2f,$3c,$21,$3c
.byt $21,$3d,$21,$3e,$21,$3f,$21,$40
.byt $21,$41,$21,$42,$21,$43,$21,$44
.byt $01,$45,$ff
ptn18 =*
.byt $97,$09,$30,$03,$30,$1b,$33,$03
.byt $33,$1b,$32,$03,$32,$1f,$36,$43
.byt $17,$33,$03,$33,$1b,$37,$03,$37
.byt $1b,$36,$03,$36,$2f,$39,$21,$39
.byt $21,$3a,$21,$3b,$21,$3c,$21,$3d
.byt $21,$3e,$21,$3f,$21,$40,$21,$41
.byt $01,$42,$ff
ptn19 =*
.byt $0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a
.byt $0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a
.byt $0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a
.byt $0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a,$0f,$1a
.byt $ff
ptn1a =*
.byt $1f,$46,$bf,$0a,$46,$7f,$7f,$ff
ptn1b =*
.byt $1f,$43,$bf,$0a,$43,$7f,$ff
ptn1c =*
.byt $83,$02,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1e,$03
.byt $1f,$ff
ptn29 =*
.byt $8f,$0b,$38,$4f,$ff
ptn2c =*
.byt $83,$0e,$32,$07,$32,$07,$2f,$07
.byt $2f,$03,$2b,$87,$0b,$46,$83,$0e
.byt $2c,$03,$2c,$8f,$0b,$32,$ff
ptn2d =*
.byt $43,$83,$0e,$32,$03,$32,$03,$2f
.byt $03,$2f,$03,$2c,$87,$0b,$38,$ff
ptn39 =*
.byt $83,$01
.byt $43,$01,$4f,$01,$5b,$87,$03,$2f
.byt $83,$01,$43,$01,$4f,$01,$5b,$87
.byt $03,$2f,$83,$01,$43,$01,$4f,$01
.byt $5b,$87,$03,$2f,$83,$01,$43,$01
.byt $4f,$01,$5b,$87,$03,$2f,$83,$01
.byt $43,$01,$4f,$01,$5b,$87,$03,$2f
.byt $83,$01,$43,$01,$4f,$01,$5b,$87
.byt $03,$2f
ptn01 =*
.byt $83,$01,$43,$01,$4f,$01,$5b,$87
.byt $03,$2f,$83,$01,$43,$01,$4f,$01
.byt $5b,$87,$03,$2f,$ff
ptn02 =*
.byt $83,$02,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1f,$03
.byt $1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1f,$03
.byt $1f,$ff
ptn1d =*
.byt $03,$15,$03,$15,$03,$1f,$03,$21
.byt $03,$15,$03,$15,$03,$1f,$03,$21
.byt $ff
ptn1e =*
.byt $03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03,$1c,$03,$1c
.byt $03,$1d,$03,$1d,$03,$1e,$03,$1e
.byt $ff
ptn1f =*
.byt $03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03,$24,$03,$26
.byt $03,$13,$03,$13,$07,$1f,$ff
ptn04 =*
.byt $03,$18,$03,$18,$03,$24,$03,$24
.byt $03,$18,$03,$18,$03,$24,$03,$24
.byt $03,$20,$03,$20,$03,$2c,$03,$2c
.byt $03,$20,$03,$20,$03,$2c,$03,$2c
.byt $ff
ptn20 =*
.byt $03,$19,$03,$19,$03
.byt $25,$03,$25,$03,$19,$03,$19,$03
.byt $25,$03,$25,$03,$21,$03,$21,$03
.byt $2d,$03,$2d,$03,$21,$03,$21,$03
.byt $2d,$03,$2d,$ff
ptn06 =*
.byt $03,$1a,$03,$1a
.byt $03,$26,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a
.byt $03,$26,$03,$26,$03,$15,$03,$15
.byt $03,$21,$03,$21,$03,$15,$03,$15
.byt $03,$21,$03,$21,$03,$18,$03,$18
.byt $03,$24,$03,$24,$03,$18,$03,$18
.byt $03,$24,$03,$24,$03,$1f,$03,$1f
.byt $03,$2b,$03,$2b,$03,$1f,$03,$1f
.byt $03,$2b,$03,$2b,$03,$1a,$03,$1a
.byt $03,$26,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a
.byt $03,$26,$03,$26,$03,$15,$03,$15
.byt $03,$21,$03,$21,$03,$15,$03,$15
.byt $03,$21,$03,$21,$03,$18,$03,$18
.byt $03,$24,$03,$24,$03,$18,$03,$18
.byt $03,$24,$03,$24,$03,$1c,$03,$1c
.byt $03,$28,$03,$28,$03,$1c,$03,$1c
.byt $03,$28,$03,$28
ptn3b =*
.byt $83,$04,$36,$07
.byt $36,$07,$37,$07,$36,$03,$33,$07
.byt $32,$57,$ff
ptn08 =*
.byt $83,$02,$1b,$03,$1b,$03,$27,$03
.byt $27,$03,$1b,$03,$1b,$03,$27,$03
.byt $27,$ff
ptn21 =*
.byt $03,$1c,$03,$1c,$03,$28,$03,$28
.byt $03,$1c,$03,$1c,$03,$28,$03,$28
.byt $ff
ptn22 =*
.byt $03,$1d,$03,$1d,$03,$29,$03,$29
.byt $03,$1d,$03,$1d,$03,$29,$03,$29
.byt $ff
ptn23 =*
.byt $03,$18,$03,$18,$03,$24,$03,$24
.byt $03,$18,$03,$18,$03,$24,$03,$24
.byt $ff
ptn24 =*
.byt $03,$1e,$03,$1e,$03,$2a,$03,$2a
.byt $03,$1e,$03,$1e,$03,$2a,$03,$2a
.byt $ff
ptn25 =*
.byt $83,$05,$26,$01,$4a,$01,$34,$03
.byt $29,$03,$4c,$03,$4a,$03,$31,$03
.byt $4a,$03,$24,$03,$22,$01,$46,$01
.byt $30,$03,$25,$03,$48,$03,$46,$03
.byt $2d,$03,$46,$03,$24,$ff
ptn0b =*
.byt $83,$02,$1a,$03,$1a,$03,$26,$03
.byt $26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03,$26,$03
.byt $26,$ff
ptn0c =*
.byt $03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1d,$03,$1f
.byt $03,$13,$03,$13,$03,$1d,$03,$1f
.byt $ff
ptn26 =*
.byt $87,$02,$1a,$87,$03,$2f,$83,$02
.byt $26,$03,$26,$87,$03,$2f,$ff
ptn10 =*
.byt $07,$1a,$4f,$47,$ff
ptn0e =*
.byt $03,$1f,$03,$1f,$03,$24,$03,$26
.byt $07,$13,$47,$ff
ptn30 =*
.byt $bf,$0f,$32,$0f,$32,$8f,$90,$30
.byt $3f,$32,$13,$32,$03,$32,$03,$35
.byt $03,$37,$3f,$37,$0f,$37,$8f,$90
.byt $30,$3f,$32,$13,$32,$03,$2d,$03
.byt $30,$03,$32,$ff
ptn31 =*
.byt $0f,$32
.byt $af,$90,$35,$0f,$37,$a7,$99,$37
.byt $07,$35,$3f,$32,$13,$32,$03,$32
.byt $a3,$e8,$35,$03,$37,$0f,$35,$af
.byt $90,$37,$0f,$37,$a7,$99,$37,$07
.byt $35,$3f,$32,$13,$32,$03,$2d,$a3
.byt $e8,$30,$03,$32,$ff
ptn32 =*
.byt $07,$32,$03
.byt $39,$13,$3c,$a7,$9a,$37,$a7,$9b
.byt $38,$07,$37,$03,$35,$03,$32,$03
.byt $39,$1b,$3c,$a7,$9a,$37,$a7,$9b
.byt $38,$07,$37,$03,$35,$03,$32,$03
.byt $39,$03,$3c,$03,$3e,$03,$3c,$07
.byt $3e,$03,$3c,$03,$39,$a7,$9a,$37
.byt $a7,$9b,$38,$07,$37,$03,$35,$03
.byt $32,$af,$90,$3c,$1f,$3e,$43,$03
.byt $3e,$03,$3c,$03,$3e,$ff
ptn33 =*
.byt $03,$3e
.byt $03,$3e,$a3,$e8,$3c,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3e,$03,$3e,$a3,$e8,$3c,$03,$3e
.byt $03,$3e,$03,$3e,$a3,$e8,$3c,$03
.byt $3e,$03,$3e,$03,$3e,$a3,$e8,$3c
.byt $03,$3e,$af,$91,$43,$1f,$41,$43
.byt $03,$3e,$03,$41,$03,$43,$03,$43
.byt $03,$43,$a3,$e8,$41,$03,$43,$03
.byt $43,$03,$43,$a3,$e8,$41,$03,$43
.byt $03,$45,$03,$48,$a3,$fd,$45,$03
.byt $44,$01,$43,$01,$41,$03,$3e,$03
.byt $3c,$03,$3e,$2f,$3e,$bf,$98,$3e
.byt $43,$03,$3e,$03,$3c,$03,$3e,$ff
ptn34 =*
.byt $03,$4a,$03,$4a,$a3,$f8,$48,$03
.byt $4a,$03,$4a,$03,$4a,$a3,$f8,$48
.byt $03,$4a,$ff
ptn35 =*
.byt $01,$51,$01,$54,$01
.byt $51,$01,$54,$01,$51,$01,$54,$01
.byt $51,$01,$54,$01,$51,$01,$54,$01
.byt $51,$01,$54,$01,$51,$01,$54,$01
.byt $51,$01,$54,$ff
ptn36 =*
.byt $01,$50,$01,$4f
.byt $01,$4d,$01,$4a,$01,$4f,$01,$4d
.byt $01,$4a,$01,$48,$01,$4a,$01,$48
.byt $01,$45,$01,$43,$01,$44,$01,$43
.byt $01,$41,$01,$3e,$01,$43,$01,$41
.byt $01,$3e,$01,$3c,$01,$3e,$01,$3c
.byt $01,$39,$01,$37,$01,$38,$01,$37
.byt $01,$35,$01,$32,$01,$37,$01,$35
.byt $01,$32,$01,$30,$ff
ptn37 =*
.byt $5f,$5f,$5f
.byt $47,$83,$0e,$32,$07,$32,$07,$2f
.byt $03,$2f,$07,$2f,$97,$0b,$3a,$5f
.byt $5f,$47,$8b,$0e,$32,$03,$32,$03
.byt $2f,$03,$2f,$47,$97,$0b,$3a,$5f
.byt $5f,$47,$83,$0e,$2f,$0b,$2f,$03
.byt $2f,$03,$2f,$87,$0b,$30,$17,$3a
.byt $5f,$8b,$0e,$32,$0b,$32,$0b,$2f
.byt $0b,$2f,$07,$2c,$07,$2c,$ff
ptn38 =*
.byt $87
.byt $0b,$34,$17,$3a,$5f,$5f,$84,$0e
.byt $32,$04,$32,$05,$32,$04,$2f,$04
.byt $2f,$05,$2f,$47,$97,$0b,$3a,$5f
.byt $5f,$84,$0e,$32,$04,$32,$05,$32
.byt $04,$2f,$04,$2f,$05,$2f,$ff
ptn2f =*
.byt $03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $24,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $18,$03,$19,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $24,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $18,$03,$19,$03,$18,$03,$18,$03
.byt $22,$03,$24,$03,$18,$03,$18,$03
.byt $16,$03,$17,$03,$18,$03,$18,$03
.byt $22,$03,$24,$03,$18,$03,$18,$03
.byt $16,$03,$17,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03
.byt $1d,$03,$1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03
.byt $1d,$03,$1e,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03
.byt $1d,$03,$1f,$03,$13,$03,$13,$03
.byt $1d,$03,$1e,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $24,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $18,$03,$19,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $24,$03,$26,$03,$1a,$03,$1a,$03
.byt $18,$03,$19,$ff
instr =*
.byt $80,$09,$41,$48,$60,$03,$81,$00
.byt $00,$08,$81,$02,$08,$00,$00,$01
.byt $a0,$02,$41,$09,$80,$00,$00,$00
.byt $00,$02,$81,$09,$09,$00,$00,$05
.byt $00,$08,$41,$08,$50,$02,$00,$04
.byt $00,$01,$41,$3f,$c0,$02,$00,$00
.byt $00,$08,$41,$04,$40,$02,$00,$00
.byt $00,$08,$41,$09,$00,$02,$00,$00
.byt $00,$09,$41,$09,$70,$02,$5f,$04
.byt $00,$09,$41,$4a,$69,$02,$81,$00
.byt $00,$09,$41,$40,$6f,$00,$81,$02
.byt $80,$07,$81,$0a,$0a,$00,$00,$01
.byt $00,$09,$41,$3f,$ff,$01,$e7,$02
.byt $00,$08,$41,$90,$f0,$01,$e8,$02
.byt $00,$08,$41,$06,$0a,$00,$00,$01
.byt $00,$09,$41,$19,$70,$02,$a8,$00
.byt $00,$02,$41,$09,$90,$02,$00,$00
.byt $00,$00,$11,$0a,$fa,$00,$00,$05
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