/* +-----------+ +-----------------+ | | | ARDUINO | | VIA 6522 | | NANO | | | | | | PA0 |<------ bit 0 ------>| D2 | +-------\ | PA1 |<------ bit 1 ------>| D3 D10 |----- SS ------>| \ | PA2 |<------ bit 2 ------>| D4 D11 |----- MOSI ---->| SD | | PA3 |<------ bit 3 ------>| D5 D12 |<---- MISO -----| CARD | | PA4 |<------ bit 4 ------>| D6 D13 |----- SCK ----->| | | PA5 |<------ bit 5 ------>| D7 | +--------+ | PA6 |<------ bit 6 ------>| D8 | | PA7 |<------ bit 7 ------>| D9 | | | | | | PB7 |<---- MCU_STROBE ----| D14/A0 | | PB0 |--- CPU_STROBE ----->| D15/A1 | | | | | +-----------+ +-----------------+ */ /* PORT ASSIGNMENT FOR FAST READ/WRITE =================================== BIT 0: PORTD[2] BIT 1: PORTD[3] BIT 2: PORTD[4] BIT 3: PORTD[5] BIT 4: PORTD[6] BIT 5: PORTD[7] BIT 6: PORTB[0] BIT 7: PORTB[1] MCU_STROBE: PORTC[0] CPU_STROBE: PORTC[1] in Verilog syntax: data = { PORTB[1:0], PORTD[7:2] }; */ // #define FASTWRITE 1 #ifdef FASTWRITE #define get_cpu_strobe ((PORTC >> 1) & 1) #define set_mcu_strobe(c) PORTC = (PORTC & 0xFE) | (c) #else #define get_cpu_strobe digitalRead(CPU_STROBE) #define set_mcu_strobe(c) digitalWrite(MCU_STROBE,(c)) #endif // #include #include #include "SdFat.h" SdFat SD; #define SD_CS_PIN SS // pin definitions #define BIT0 2 #define BIT1 3 #define BIT2 4 #define BIT3 5 #define BIT4 6 #define BIT5 7 #define BIT6 8 #define BIT7 9 /* 10,11,12,13 reserved for SD card */ #define MCU_STROBE 14 #define CPU_STROBE 15 // indicates that a timeout occurred during wait_cpu_strobe() int TIMEOUT = 0; void wait_cpu_strobe(int value) { unsigned long start_time = millis(); unsigned long elapsed; if(TIMEOUT) return; while(get_cpu_strobe != value) { elapsed = millis() - start_time; if(elapsed > 500) { TIMEOUT = 1; break; } } } const int DIR_INPUT = 0; const int DIR_OUTPUT = 1; int last_dir; // remember last data port pins direction void set_data_port_direction(int dir) { // check if no need to set pins if(dir == last_dir) return; if(dir == DIR_INPUT) { pinMode(BIT0, INPUT); pinMode(BIT1, INPUT); pinMode(BIT2, INPUT); pinMode(BIT3, INPUT); pinMode(BIT4, INPUT); pinMode(BIT5, INPUT); pinMode(BIT6, INPUT); pinMode(BIT7, INPUT); } else { pinMode(BIT0, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT1, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT2, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT3, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT4, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT5, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT6, OUTPUT); pinMode(BIT7, OUTPUT); } // remember direction last_dir = dir; } int receive_byte_from_cpu() { // set data port pins as INPUT pins set_data_port_direction(DIR_INPUT); // both strobes are 0 // CPU deposits data byte and sets strobe high wait_cpu_strobe(HIGH); // read the data byte #ifdef FASTWRITE int data = ((PORTB & 0x03)<<6) | (PORTD >> 2); // data = { PORTB[1:0], PORTD[7:2] } #else int data = (digitalRead(BIT0) << 0) | (digitalRead(BIT1) << 1) | (digitalRead(BIT2) << 2) | (digitalRead(BIT3) << 3) | (digitalRead(BIT4) << 4) | (digitalRead(BIT5) << 5) | (digitalRead(BIT6) << 6) | (digitalRead(BIT7) << 7); #endif // after reading the byte, MCU sets strobe high set_mcu_strobe(HIGH); // CPU now sets strobe low wait_cpu_strobe(LOW); // and MCU sets strobe low set_mcu_strobe(LOW); return data; } void send_byte_to_cpu(int data) { // set data port pins as OUTPUT pins set_data_port_direction(DIR_OUTPUT); // both strobes are 0 // put byte on the data port #ifdef FASTWRITE PORTB = (PORTB & 0xFC) | ((data >> 6) & 0x03); // PORTB[1:0] = data[7:6]; PORTD = (PORTD & 0x03) | (data << 2); // PORTD[7:2] = data[5:0]; #else digitalWrite(BIT0, data & 1); digitalWrite(BIT1, data & 2); digitalWrite(BIT2, data & 4); digitalWrite(BIT3, data & 8); digitalWrite(BIT4, data & 16); digitalWrite(BIT5, data & 32); digitalWrite(BIT6, data & 64); digitalWrite(BIT7, data & 128); #endif // after depositing data byte, MCU sets strobe high set_mcu_strobe(HIGH); // wait for CPU to set strobe high wait_cpu_strobe(HIGH); // tells CPU byte we are finished set_mcu_strobe(LOW); // wait for CPU to set strobe low wait_cpu_strobe(LOW); } // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* // ********************************************************************************************* const int CMD_READ = 0; const int CMD_WRITE = 1; const int CMD_DIR = 2; const int CMD_LOAD = 4; const int CMD_DEL = 11; const int CMD_LS = 12; const int CMD_CD = 13; const int CMD_MKDIR = 14; const int CMD_PWD = 19; const int CMD_RMDIR = 15; const int CMD_TEST = 20; const int ERR_RESPONSE = 255; const int WAIT_RESPONSE = 1; const int OK_RESPONSE = 0; char filename[64]; char tmp[64]; char cd_path[64]; // fixed messages const char *FILE_NOT_FOUND = "?FILE NOT FOUND"; const char *CANT_OPEN_FILE = "?CAN'T OPEN FILE"; const char *ALREADY_EXISTS = "?FILE ALREADY EXISTS"; const char *CANT_CREATE_FILE = "?CAN'T CREATE FILE"; const char *WRITE_ERROR = "?WRITE ERROR"; const char *CANT_DELETE_FILE = "?CAN'T DELETE FILE"; const char *FILE_DELETED = " DELETED"; const char *DIR_NOT_FOUND = "?DIR NOT FOUND"; const char *CANT_REMOVE_DIR = "?CAN'T REMOVE DIR"; const char *DIR_REMOVED = " (DIR) REMOVED"; const char *DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS = "?DIR ALREADY EXISTS"; const char *CANT_MAKE_DIR = "?CAN'T MAKE DIR"; const char *DIR_CREATED = " (DIR) CREATED"; const char *CANT_CD_DIR = "?CAN'T CHANGE DIR"; const char *NOT_A_DIRECTORY = "?NOT A DIRECTORY"; // file structures used to operate with the SD card File myFile; File myDir; void setup() { // debug on serial Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(F("SDCARD library: SDFat.h")); // initialize SD card if (!SD.begin(SD_CS_PIN)) Serial.println(F("SD card initialization failed")); else Serial.println(F("SD card initialized")); // control pins setup pinMode(CPU_STROBE, INPUT); pinMode(MCU_STROBE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(MCU_STROBE, LOW); // data pins setup last_dir = -1; // no previous data direction set_data_port_direction(DIR_INPUT); /* // regex disabled for now MatchState ms; char buf [100] = { "The quick " }; ms.Target (buf); char result = ms.Match ("f.x"); if(result >0) { Serial.println("match!"); } */ // set working directory to root strcpy(cd_path, "/"); } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* @CMD_DIR ****************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** int list_files; void comando_dir(int command) { Serial.println(F("command DIR received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("dir to read: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(filename[0]==0) { // no argument given, use cd_path strcpy(filename, cd_path); } myDir = SD.open(filename); if(!myDir) { Serial.println(F("dir not found")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_NOT_FOUND); return; } // dir opened OK send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); list_files = 0; // starts listing dirs (0) then files (1) while(true) { int c = receive_byte_from_cpu(); if(TIMEOUT) { Serial.println(F("timeout while receiving 'next line' byte")); break; } else if(c == WAIT_RESPONSE) { // do nothing, just keep listening continue; } else if(c == ERR_RESPONSE) { // user asked to abort dir listing Serial.println(F("dir interrupted by the user")); break; } else if(c == OK_RESPONSE) { if(!send_next_dir_line(command)) { Serial.println(F("dir terminated")); break; } } } myDir.close(); } int send_next_dir_line(int command) { // user wants a new line of dir listing while(1) { myFile = myDir.openNextFile(); if(!myFile) { if(list_files==0) { list_files++; myDir.rewind(); continue; } else { // no more lines to send myDir.close(); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); return 0; // no more lines } } if(myFile.isDirectory() && list_files == 0) break; if(!myFile.isDirectory() && list_files == 1) break; } // send the text line send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); send_directory_entry(command); myFile.close(); return 1; // more lines to send } void send_directory_entry(int command) { myFile.getName(filename, 64); strtoupper(filename); if(myFile.isDirectory()) { if(command != CMD_DIR) { sprintf(tmp, "(DIR) %s\r", filename); print_string_to_cpu(tmp); Serial.println(tmp); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%-15s (DIR)\r", filename); print_string_to_cpu(tmp); Serial.println(tmp); } } else { if(command != CMD_DIR) { // BUG the following line does not work // sprintf(tmp, "%5d %s", entry.size(), filename); // use this instead sprintf(tmp, "%5d ", myFile.size()); print_string_to_cpu(tmp); Serial.print(tmp); print_string_to_cpu(filename); Serial.println(filename); send_byte_to_cpu('\r'); } else { char type[5]; char address[5]; strcpy(type,""); strcpy(address, ""); char *x = strchr(filename, '#'); if(x != NULL) { *x++ = 0; if(x[0]=='0' && x[1]=='6') { strcpy(type,"BIN $"); strcpy(address,x+2); } else if(x[0]=='F' && x[1]=='1') { strcpy(type,"BAS $"); strcpy(address,x+2); } else { strcpy(type,"??? "); } } sprintf(tmp, "%-15s", filename); print_string_to_cpu(tmp); Serial.print(filename); sprintf(tmp, "%6d ", myFile.size()); print_string_to_cpu(tmp); Serial.print(tmp); print_string_to_cpu(type); Serial.print(type); print_string_to_cpu(address); Serial.println(address); send_byte_to_cpu('\r'); } } } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* CMD_READ ****************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_read() { Serial.println(F("command CMD_READ received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("file to read: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(!SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("error opening file")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(FILE_NOT_FOUND); return; } // open the file myFile = SD.open(filename); if(!myFile) { Serial.println(F("error opening file")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_OPEN_FILE); return; } Serial.println(F("file opened on the SD card")); // ok response send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.println(F("ok response sent to CPU")); // sends size as low and high byte int size = myFile.size(); send_byte_to_cpu(size & 0xFF); send_byte_to_cpu((size >> 8) & 0xFF); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.println(F("file size sent to CPU")); int bytes_sent = 0; while(myFile.available() && !TIMEOUT) { send_byte_to_cpu(myFile.read()); if(!TIMEOUT) bytes_sent++; } myFile.close(); if(TIMEOUT) { Serial.print(F("timeout, bytes sent: ")); Serial.println(bytes_sent); return; } Serial.println(F("file read ok")); } void send_string_to_cpu(char *msg) { while(1) { int c = *msg++; send_byte_to_cpu(c); if(TIMEOUT) break; if(c==0) break; } } // come send_string_to_cpu ma senza lo zero finale void print_string_to_cpu(char *msg) { while(1) { int c = *msg++; if(c==0) break; send_byte_to_cpu(c); if(TIMEOUT) break; } } void receive_string_from_cpu(char *msg) { while(1) { int c = receive_byte_from_cpu(); if(TIMEOUT) break; *msg++ = c; if(c==0) break; } } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* CMD_WRITE ***************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** int receive_word_from_cpu() { int lo = receive_byte_from_cpu(); int hi = receive_byte_from_cpu(); int data = lo | (hi << 8); return data; } void comando_write() { Serial.println(F("command CMD_WRITE received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("file to write: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("file already exist")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(ALREADY_EXISTS); return; } // open the file myFile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); if(!myFile) { Serial.println(F("error opening file for write")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_CREATE_FILE); return; } Serial.println(F("file opened for write on the SD card")); // ok response send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.println(F("first ok response sent to CPU")); // get file size low and high byte int size = receive_word_from_cpu(); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("received file size: ")); Serial.println(size); int error = 0; for(int t=0;t> 8) & 0xFF); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.println(F("file size sent to CPU")); int bytes_sent = 0; while(myFile.available() && !TIMEOUT) { send_byte_to_cpu(myFile.read()); if(!TIMEOUT) bytes_sent++; } myFile.close(); if(TIMEOUT) { Serial.print(F("timeout, bytes sent: ")); Serial.println(bytes_sent); return; } Serial.println(F("file read ok")); } void strtoupper(char *str){ int len = strlen(str), i; for(i=0;i='a' && str[i]<='z') str[i] = str[i]-'a'+'A'; } // splits filename into file_path and file_name // e.g. "root/myfolder/pluto" => "root/myfolder" , "pluto" // "myfolder/pluto" => "myfolder", "pluto" // "pluto" => "", "pluto" // "/pluto" => "/", "pluto" char file_path[64]; char file_name[64]; void split_path(char *filename) { strcpy(file_path, filename); for(int t=strlen(file_path)-1;t>0;t--) { if(file_path[t] == '/') { file_path[t] = 0; strcpy(file_name, &file_path[t+1]); if(t==0) strcpy(file_path, "/"); // case of root folder return; } } strcpy(file_path, ""); strcpy(file_name, filename); } // // returns in dest the first file that matches (starts with) "filename" // returns 1 if matching file is found // returns 0 if no matching file is found // int matchname(char *filename, char *dest) { // split filename into file_path and file_name split_path(filename); Serial.print(F("after split file_path=")); Serial.print(file_path); Serial.print(F(", file_name=")); Serial.println(file_name); if(strlen(file_path)==0) Serial.println(F("scanning the current directory")); else Serial.println(F("scanning the file_path directory")); // open the directory containing the file myDir = SD.open(strlen(file_path)==0 ? cd_path : file_path); if(!myDir) return 0; Serial.println(F("dir opened")); // scans twice: scanmode=0 for exact match, scanmode=1 for partial match for(int scanmode=0;scanmode<=1;scanmode++) { if(scanmode==0) Serial.println(F("scanning for exact match...")); if(scanmode==1) Serial.println(F("scanning for partial match...")); // scan all the directory while(1) { send_byte_to_cpu(WAIT_RESPONSE); if(TIMEOUT) return 0; myFile = myDir.openNextFile(); // end of directory if(!myFile) { if(scanmode == 0) { // exact match not found, rewind the directory and scan fot partial match myDir.rewind(); break; } else if(scanmode == 1) { // match not found even with partial match, return error myDir.close(); return 0; } } // copy filename in dest and closes it myFile.getName(dest, 64); strtoupper(dest); myFile.close(); Serial.print(F("file entry: ")); Serial.println(dest); // verify the match int len = strlen(filename); bool match_found = strncmp(file_name, dest, len) == 0; // enforce exact match if(scanmode == 0) match_found = match_found && dest[strlen(filename)] == '#'; if(match_found) { if(scanmode==0) Serial.println(F("found an exact match")); if(scanmode==1) Serial.println(F("found a partial match")); // matching, dest already contains the matched file name // if file_path is empty then it's current directory, do nothing // else file_path needs to be combined with file name if(file_path[0]!=0) { Serial.println(F("not on current dir, joining paths")); strcpy(filename, dest); if(file_path[0]=='/' && file_path[1]==0) sprintf(dest,"/%s", filename); // case of root folder else sprintf(dest,"%s/%s", file_path, filename); // case of normal nested folder } myDir.close(); return 1; } } } } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* CMD_DEL ******************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_del() { Serial.println(F("command DEL received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("file to delete: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(!SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("file does not exist")); send_string_to_cpu(FILE_NOT_FOUND); return; } if(TIMEOUT) return; // open the file for deletion myFile = SD.open(filename, FILE_WRITE); if(!myFile) { Serial.println(F("error opening file for deletion")); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_DELETE_FILE); myFile.close(); return; } if(TIMEOUT) return; if(!myFile.remove()) { Serial.println(F("error removing file")); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_DELETE_FILE); myFile.close(); return; } // close the file myFile.close(); print_string_to_cpu(filename); send_string_to_cpu(FILE_DELETED); Serial.println(F("file deleted")); } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* CMD_RMDIR ****************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_rmdir() { Serial.println(F("command RMDIR received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("directory to delete: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; // check if the directory exists if(!SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("dir does not exist")); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_NOT_FOUND); return; } // removes the directory if(!SD.rmdir(filename)) { Serial.println(F("error removing dir")); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_REMOVE_DIR); return; } print_string_to_cpu(filename); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_REMOVED); Serial.println(F("dir removed")); } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* CMD_MKDIR ****************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_mkdir() { Serial.println(F("command MKDIR received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("directory to create: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; // check if the directory exists if(SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("dir already exist")); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_ALREADY_EXISTS); return; } // removes the directory if(!SD.mkdir(filename)) { Serial.println(F("error creating")); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_MAKE_DIR); return; } print_string_to_cpu(filename); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_CREATED); Serial.println(F("dir created")); } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* @CMD_CD ******************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_cd() { Serial.println(F("command CD received from CPU")); // reads filename as 0 terminated string receive_string_from_cpu(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; Serial.print(F("directory to change to: ")); Serial.println(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; // CD without arguments if(filename[0] == 0) { // ok response send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); return; } // CD .. if(filename[0] == '.' && filename[1] == '.' && filename[2] == 0) { strcpy(filename, cd_path); for(int t=strlen(filename)-1;t>=1;t--) { int c = filename[t]; filename[t] = 0; if(c == '/') break; } } // CD / if(filename[0] == '/' && filename[1] == 0) { // changes to the root directory if(SD.chdir()) { // set root working directory strcpy(cd_path, filename); Serial.print(F("dir changed to:")); Serial.println(cd_path); send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); return; } else { Serial.println(F("error changing dir")); send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_CD_DIR); return; } } // CD dirname if(SD.chdir(filename)) { // update working directory if(filename[0] == '/') { strcpy(cd_path, filename); // path is absolute, replace cwd } else { // path is relative, append to cwd if(cd_path[0] == '/' && cd_path[1] == 0) { cd_path[0] = 0; // avoid the double slash ("//DIR") when cwd is root } sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s", cd_path, filename); strcpy(cd_path, tmp); } Serial.print(F("dir changed to:")); Serial.println(cd_path); send_byte_to_cpu(OK_RESPONSE); return; } // errors send_byte_to_cpu(ERR_RESPONSE); // check if the directory exists if(!SD.exists(filename)) { Serial.println(F("dir not found")); send_string_to_cpu(DIR_NOT_FOUND); return; } myFile = SD.open(filename); bool isDir = myFile.isDirectory(); myFile.close(); if(!isDir) { Serial.println(F("not a directory")); send_string_to_cpu(NOT_A_DIRECTORY); } else { Serial.println(F("error changing dir")); send_string_to_cpu(CANT_CD_DIR); } } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* @CMD_PWD ******************************************* // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void comando_pwd() { Serial.println(F("command PWD received from CPU")); send_string_to_cpu(cd_path); } // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ********************************* LOOP ********************************************** // ************************************************************************************** // ************************************************************************************** void loop() { TIMEOUT = 0; int data = receive_byte_from_cpu(); if(TIMEOUT) return; unsigned long start_time = millis(); if(data == CMD_READ) comando_read(); else if(data == CMD_WRITE) comando_write(); else if(data == CMD_LOAD) comando_load(); else if(data == CMD_DEL) comando_del(); else if(data == CMD_RMDIR) comando_rmdir(); else if(data == CMD_MKDIR) comando_mkdir(); else if(data == CMD_CD) comando_cd(); else if(data == CMD_PWD) comando_pwd(); else if(data == CMD_DIR) comando_dir(data); else if(data == CMD_LS) comando_dir(data); else if(data == CMD_TEST) { while(!TIMEOUT) { int data = receive_byte_from_cpu(); send_byte_to_cpu(data ^ 0xFF); } } else { Serial.print(F("unknown command ")); Serial.print(data); Serial.println(F(" received")); } Serial.print(F("command processing time: ")); Serial.println(millis() - start_time); if(TIMEOUT) Serial.println(F("TIMEOUT during command")); }