// LOAD: for basic files in prodos format // it is like a normal CMD_READ // PRODOS format: // "A","1", 510 bytes low memory, basic program // global cmd void comando_load_bas() { // send command byte send_byte_to_MCU(CMD_LOAD); if(TIMEOUT) return; // send filename send_string_to_MCU(filename); if(TIMEOUT) return; // wait for OK response, MCU sends many WAIT_RESPONSE to avoid TIMEOUT while(1) { byte response = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; if(response == ERR_RESPONSE) { // error with file, print message print_string_response(); return; } if(response == OK_RESPONSE) break; } // get matching file name receive_string_from_MCU(filename); woz_puts("FOUND "); woz_puts(filename); woz_putc('\r'); byte filetype = 0; token_ptr = filename; while(1) { if(*token_ptr == '#') { if(token_ptr[1] == '0' && token_ptr[2] == '6') { filetype = 0x06; break; } if(token_ptr[1] == 'F' && token_ptr[2] == '1') { filetype = 0xF1; break; } if(token_ptr[1] == 'F' && token_ptr[2] == '8') { filetype = 0xF8; break; } } if(*token_ptr == 0) break; token_ptr++; } // calculate start address for 0x06 binary file if(filetype == 0x06 || filetype == 0xF8) { token_ptr+=2; hex_to_word(token_ptr); start_address = tmpword; } // get file length in tmpword receive_word_from_mcu(); if(TIMEOUT) return; if(filetype == 0) { woz_puts("?INVALID FILE NAME TAG #"); for(word t=0;t!=tmpword;t++) receive_byte_from_MCU(); // empty buffer return; } woz_puts("LOADING\r"); if(filetype == 0x06) { // 0x06 BINARY FILE format // get file bytes token_ptr = (byte *) start_address; for(word t=0;t!=tmpword;t++) { byte data = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; *token_ptr++ = data; } // decrease by one for display result token_ptr--; // print feedback to user woz_putc('\r'); woz_puts(filename); woz_puts("\r$"); woz_print_hexword(start_address); woz_puts("-$"); woz_print_hexword((word)token_ptr); woz_puts(" ("); utoa(tmpword, filename, 10); // use filename as string buffer woz_puts(filename); woz_puts(" BYTES)\rOK"); // executes machine language program at start address if(cmd == CMD_RUN) { woz_putc('\r'); tmpword = start_address; asm { jmp (tmpword) } } return; } if(filetype == 0xF8) { // 0xF8 APPLESOFT BASIC LITE *TXTTAB = start_address; // get file bytes token_ptr = (byte *) start_address; for(word t=0;t!=tmpword;t++) { byte data = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; *token_ptr++ = data; } *VARTAB = (word) token_ptr; *PRGEND = (word) token_ptr; // decrease by one for display result token_ptr--; // print feedback to user woz_putc('\r'); woz_puts(filename); woz_puts("\r$"); woz_print_hexword(start_address); woz_puts("-$"); woz_print_hexword((word)token_ptr); woz_puts(" ("); utoa(tmpword, filename, 10); // use filename as string buffer woz_puts(filename); woz_puts(" BYTES)\rOK"); // executes machine language program at start address //if(cmd == CMD_RUN) { // woz_putc('\r'); // tmpword = start_address; // asm { // jmp (tmpword) // } //} return; } // 0xF1 BASIC FILE TYPE // get file bytes token_ptr = (byte *) 0; for(word t=0;t!=tmpword;t++) { byte data = receive_byte_from_MCU(); if(TIMEOUT) return; if((t==0 && data!=0x41) || (t==1 && data!=0x31)) { woz_puts("?UNKNOWN FILE FORMAT"); t=t+1; for(;t!=tmpword;t++) receive_byte_from_MCU(); // empty buffer return; } else if(t<0x004a) { // skip zone $00-$49 } else if(t<0x0100) { // writes in the zone $4a-$ff (BASIC pointers) *token_ptr = data; } else if(t<0x1ff) { // skip zone $100-$1ff (stack) } else if(t==0x1ff) { // basic program chuck follows, move the pointer token_ptr = *BASIC_LOMEM; token_ptr--; // compensate for the increment in the loop } else { // writes in the BASIC program zone *token_ptr = data; } token_ptr++; } bas_file_info(); // executes basic program $EFEC = RUN entry point if(cmd == CMD_RUN) { woz_putc('\r'); asm { jmp $EFEC } } } void bas_file_info() { // print feedback to user woz_putc('\r'); woz_puts(filename); woz_putc('\r'); bas_info(); woz_puts("\rOK"); } void bas_info() { woz_puts("(LOMEM=$"); woz_print_hexword((word) *BASIC_LOMEM); woz_puts(" HIMEM=$"); woz_print_hexword((word) *BASIC_HIMEM); woz_putc(')'); }