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synced 2025-02-03 04:32:00 +00:00
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23 lines
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#include <utils.h>
#include <apple1.h>
byte *const LASTSTATE = 0x29; // Last input state
byte *const TAPEIN = 0xC081; // Tape input
byte *const DSP = 0xD012; // display data port
void main()
asm {
simple_monitor: lda TAPEIN // read tape input
cmp LASTSTATE // compare to previous state
beq no_toggle // if same just skip
sta LASTSTATE // else save new state
ldx #35 // set "toggle detected" flag in X, 35 is also the char to print
no_toggle: bit DSP // check if display is ready to accept a character
bmi simple_monitor // if not, just keep reading tape
stx DSP // else display the "toggle detected" flag character
ldx #45 // resets the "toggle detected" flag to the "-" sign, sets also Z=0 flag
bne simple_monitor // cheap jump because Z is also 0