; Apple 1 emulator for SAM Coupe, by Simon Owen ; ; Version 1.1 (24/8/2008) ; ; WWW: http://simonowen.com/sam/apple1emu/ base: equ &a000 ; Spare-ish Apple 1 space status: equ &f9 ; Status and extended keyboard port lmpr: equ &fa ; Low Memory Page Register hmpr: equ &fb ; High Memory Page Register vmpr: equ &fc ; Video Memory Page Register keyboard: equ &fe ; Keyboard port border: equ &fe ; Border port rom0_off: equ %00100000 ; LMPR bit to disable ROM0 rom1_on: equ %01000000 ; LMPR bit to enable ROM1 vmpr_mode2: equ %00100000 ; Mode 2 select for VMPR low_page: equ 3 ; LMPR during emulation screen_page: equ 5 ; SAM display file_page: equ 6 ; File import text page bord_invalid: equ 2 ; Invalid instruction (red) m6502_nmi: equ &fffa ; nmi vector address m6502_reset: equ &fffc ; reset vector address m6502_int: equ &fffe ; int vector address (also for BRK) getkey: equ &1cab ; SAM ROM key reading (NZ=got key in A, A=0 for no key) ; Apple 1 keyboard and display I/O locations kbd_data: equ &d010 ; keyboard data kbd_ctrl: equ &d011 ; keyboard control dsp_data: equ &d012 ; display data dsp_ctrl: equ &d013 ; display control ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; org base dump $ autoexec start: di ld a,low_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ld a,vmpr_mode2+screen_page out (vmpr),a ld sp,stack_top call set_sam_attrs ; set the mode 2 attrs so the screen is visible call setup_im2 ; enable IM 2 reset_loop: ld hl,0 ld (dsp_data),hl ; display ready ld (kbd_data),hl ; no key available ld hl,(m6502_reset) ; start from reset vector ld (reg_pc),hl ld a,&04 ; interrupts disabled ld (reg_p),a ei call load_state call execute ; GO! call save_state jr reset_loop ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Utility functions ; Fill SAM mode 2 display attributes to make the screen visible set_sam_attrs: ld a,screen_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ld hl,&2000 ld bc,&1844 ; 24 blocks of bright green on black clear_lp: ld (hl),c inc l jr nz,clear_lp inc h djnz clear_lp ld a,low_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ret ; Scroll the screen up 1 row and clear the bottom line scroll_screen: ld hl,0 ld d,h ld e,l inc h ld bc,&1700 scroll_lp: FOR 32, ldi ; 32 * LDI jp pe,scroll_lp dec h scroll_clr: ld (hl),0 inc l jp nz,scroll_clr ret ; Advance the cursor 1 character, wrapping and scrolling if necessary advance_chr: ld hl,(cursor_xy) cp &5f jr z,back_chr cp &0a jr z,advance_line cp &0d jr z,advance_line ld a,l add a,6 ld l,a cp &f0 jr c,no_wrap advance_line: ld l,0 inc h ld a,h cp &18 jr nz,no_wrap dec h exx call scroll_screen exx no_wrap: ld (cursor_xy),hl ret back_chr: ld a,l sub 6 ld l,a jr nc,no_wrap ld l,39*6 ld a,h sub 1 adc a,0 ld h,a jr no_wrap ; Map display character from SAM to Apple 1 map_chr: cp &20 jr c,invalid_chr and %10111111 xor %01100000 ret invalid_chr: xor a ret ; Display character in A at current cursor position display_chr: add a,a ; * 2 add a,a ; * 4 ld l,a ld h,0 add hl,hl ; * 8 ld de,font_data add hl,de ld d,mask_data/256 exx ld hl,(cursor_xy) ld a,l and %00000111 srl l srl l srl l inc l exx ld e,a exx ld de,&0020 ld b,8 draw_lp: exx ld c,(hl) inc l xor a cp e jr z,no_rot ld b,e rot_lp: srl c rra djnz rot_lp no_rot: ld b,a ld a,(de) inc e exx and (hl) inc l exx or c ex af,af' ld a,(de) dec e exx and (hl) exx or b exx ld (hl),a dec l ex af,af' ld (hl),a add hl,de djnz draw_lp ret ; LSB=pixel position (0-240), MSB=display row (0-23) cursor_xy: defw 0 ; Map key symbols from SAM to Apple 1 map_key: cp &0c jr z,del_key cp &fc jr z,tab_key cp &80 jr nc,ignore_key cp &61 ; 'a' ret c cp &7b ; 'z'+1 ret nc and %11011111 ret del_key: ld a,&5f ; Delete -> _ ret tab_key: ld a,&09 ; standard tab ret invalid_key: ld a,&20 ; space for invalid ret ignore_key: xor a ; ignore ret ; Get a type-in key from the imported file get_filekey: ld a,file_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ld hl,(filepos) ld a,h or l or (hl) jr z,file_done ; jump if no file file_skip: ld a,(hl) ; fetch next file character inc hl and a jr z,clear_file2 ; clear file at end cp &0d ; CR? jr z,file_skip ; ignore CR in file cp &0a ; LF? jr nz,file_done ld a,&0d ; convert LF to CR file_done: ld (filepos),hl ex af,af' ld a,screen_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ex af,af' and a ret filepos: defw 0 ; Clear the file area to disable type-in clear_file: ld a,file_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a clear_file2: ld hl,0 ld c,l clr_file_lp: ld (hl),c inc l jr nz,clr_file_lp inc h bit 7,h jr nz,clr_file_lp ld h,l xor a ; no file character jr file_done update_io: ld a,&f7 in a,(status) and %00100000 jr nz,not_esc ; jump if Esc not pressed call clear_file ; Esc cancels type-in mode ld a,&fe in a,(keyboard) rra jr c,not_reset ; unshifted gives chr ld a,&c9 ; RET opcode ld (main_loop),a ; return to reset on next instruction not_reset: jr c,got_key ; unshifted gives chr still_esc: ld a,&f7 in a,(status) and %00100000 jr z,still_esc ; wait until Esc released ld a,&1b ; Esc character jr got_key not_esc: ld a,&7f in a,(keyboard) bit 1,a jr nz,not_sym ld a,&f7 in a,(keyboard) rra ld c,&ff ; line interrupt disable jr nc,got_line rra ld c,88 ; centre of display (312/2-68=88) jr c,not_sym got_line: ld a,c out (status),a ; set or disable line interrupt not_sym: ld hl,kbd_ctrl bit 7,(hl) ; key available? jr nz,no_key ; no need to read more yet call get_filekey ; got a type-in key from file? jr nz,got_key ; jump if we have skip_key: ld a,&1f+rom1_on out (lmpr),a call getkey ex af,af' ld a,screen_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a ex af,af' jr z,no_key call map_key and a jr z,skip_key got_key: ld hl,kbd_data ld (hl),a set 7,(hl) ; bit 7 always set inc l set 7,(hl) ; key available no_key: ld hl,dsp_data bit 7,(hl) ; display char available? jr z,no_char res 7,(hl) ; display ready ld a,(hl) ; fetch character to display and a jr z,done_draw cp &7f jr z,done_draw push af ld a,&00 ; space call display_chr ; erase cursor pop af cp &5f ; backspace? (underscore) jr z,done_draw2 ; if so, no need to process further push af call map_chr ; map output from SAM->Apple 1 call display_chr ; show it pop af done_draw2: call advance_chr ; advance the cursor position ld a,&3f ; cursor block call display_chr ; show cursor done_draw: no_char: ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Interrupt handling setup_im2: ld hl,im2_table ld a,im2_jp/256 im2_fill: ld (hl),a inc l jr nz,im2_fill inc h ld (hl),a ; complete the final entry ld a,im2_table/256 ld i,a im 2 ; set interrupt mode 2 ret im2_handler: push af push bc push de push hl ex af,af' exx push af push bc push de push hl push ix push iy in a,(lmpr) push af ld a,screen_page+rom0_off out (lmpr),a call update_io pop af out (lmpr),a pop iy pop ix pop hl pop de pop bc pop af exx ex af,af' pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ei reti ; IM 2 table must be aligned to 256-byte boundary defs -$\256 im2_table: defs 257 ; IM 2 vector must have LSB==MSB defs $/256-1 stack_top: ; stack fits nicely in the slack space im2_jp: jp im2_handler ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; 65C02 emulation execute: ld a,&1a ; LD A,(DE) ld (ix),a jp (ix) i_undoc_3: inc de ; 3-byte NOP i_undoc_2: inc de ; 2-byte NOP i_undoc_1: ; ld a,bord_invalid ; out (border),a jp (ix) read_write_loop: write_loop: ld a,h cp &d0 ; I/O area? jr z,write_trap zwrite_loop: main_loop: ld a,(de) ; 7/7/15 - fetch opcode inc de ; 6/7/11 - PC++ ld l,a ; 4/6/6 - LSB is opcode ld h,msb_table/256 ; 7/7/15 - look-up table ld h,(hl) ; 7/8/16 - opcode MSB jp (hl) ; 4/5/9 - execute! ; = 35T (official) / 40T (off-screen) / 72T (on-screen) write_trap: ld a,l cp &12 ; display char? jr z,chr_write jp (ix) chr_write: set 7,(hl) ; display busy jp (ix) read_loop: ld a,h cp &d0 jr z,read_trap ld a,(de) ; fetch opcode inc de ; PC++ ld l,a ; LSB is opcode ld h,msb_table/256 ; look-up table ld h,(hl) ; opcode MSB jp (hl) ; execute! read_trap: ld a,l cp &10 ; key read? jr z,key_read jp (ix) key_read: inc l res 7,(hl) ; key not available jp (ix) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; load_state: ld a,(reg_a) ld b,a ; set A ld a,(reg_x) ld iyh,a ; set X to IYh ld a,(reg_y) ld iyl,a ; set Y to IYl exx ld a,(reg_s) ld l,a ; set S ld h,&01 ; MSB for stack pointer ld a,(reg_p) ld c,a ; keep safe and %00001100 ; keep D and I or %00110000 ; force T and B ld d,a ; set P ld a,c and %01000000 ; keep V ld e,a ; set V ld a,c rra ; carry from C ex af,af' ; set carry ld a,c and %10000010 ; keep N Z xor %00000010 ; zero for Z exx ld c,a ; set N Z ld de,(reg_pc) ; set PC ld ix,main_loop ; decode loop ret save_state: ld a,b ; get A ld (reg_a),a ld a,iyh ; get X from IYh ld (reg_x),a ld a,iyl ; get Y from IYl ld (reg_y),a ex af,af' ; carry inc c dec c ; set N Z push af ; save flags ex af,af' ; protect carry exx pop bc ld a,c and %10000001 ; keep Z80 N and C bit 6,c ; check Z80 Z jr z,save_nz or %00000010 ; set Z save_nz: or e ; merge V or d ; merge T B D I ld (reg_p),a ld a,l ; get S ld (reg_s),a exx ld (reg_pc),de ret ; During running we keep the 65xx registers in Z80 registers ; These are used only to hold the state before/after running reg_a: defb 0 reg_p: defb 0 reg_x: defb 0 reg_y: defb 0 reg_s: defb 0 reg_pc: defw 0 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; defs -$\256 msb_table: defb op_00>>8, op_01>>8, op_02>>8, op_03>>8, op_04>>8, op_05>>8, op_06>>8, op_07>>8 defb op_08>>8, op_09>>8, op_0a>>8, op_0b>>8, op_0c>>8, op_0d>>8, op_0e>>8, op_0f>>8 defb op_10>>8, op_11>>8, op_12>>8, op_13>>8, op_14>>8, op_15>>8, op_16>>8, op_17>>8 defb op_18>>8, op_19>>8, op_1a>>8, op_1b>>8, op_1c>>8, op_1d>>8, op_1e>>8, op_1f>>8 defb op_20>>8, op_21>>8, op_22>>8, op_23>>8, op_24>>8, op_25>>8, op_26>>8, op_27>>8 defb op_28>>8, op_29>>8, op_2a>>8, op_2b>>8, op_2c>>8, op_2d>>8, op_2e>>8, op_2f>>8 defb op_30>>8, op_31>>8, op_32>>8, op_33>>8, op_34>>8, op_35>>8, op_36>>8, op_37>>8 defb op_38>>8, op_39>>8, op_3a>>8, op_3b>>8, op_3c>>8, op_3d>>8, op_3e>>8, op_3f>>8 defb op_40>>8, op_41>>8, op_42>>8, op_43>>8, op_44>>8, op_45>>8, op_46>>8, op_47>>8 defb op_48>>8, op_49>>8, op_4a>>8, op_4b>>8, op_4c>>8, op_4d>>8, op_4e>>8, op_4f>>8 defb op_50>>8, op_51>>8, op_52>>8, op_53>>8, op_54>>8, op_55>>8, op_56>>8, op_57>>8 defb op_58>>8, op_59>>8, op_5a>>8, op_5b>>8, op_5c>>8, op_5d>>8, op_5e>>8, op_5f>>8 defb op_60>>8, op_61>>8, op_62>>8, op_63>>8, op_64>>8, op_65>>8, op_66>>8, op_67>>8 defb op_68>>8, op_69>>8, op_6a>>8, op_6b>>8, op_6c>>8, op_6d>>8, op_6e>>8, op_6f>>8 defb op_70>>8, op_71>>8, op_72>>8, op_73>>8, op_74>>8, op_75>>8, op_76>>8, op_77>>8 defb op_78>>8, op_79>>8, op_7a>>8, op_7b>>8, op_7c>>8, op_7d>>8, op_7e>>8, op_7f>>8 defb op_80>>8, op_81>>8, op_82>>8, op_83>>8, op_84>>8, op_85>>8, op_86>>8, op_87>>8 defb op_88>>8, op_89>>8, op_8a>>8, op_8b>>8, op_8c>>8, op_8d>>8, op_8e>>8, op_8f>>8 defb op_90>>8, op_91>>8, op_92>>8, op_93>>8, op_94>>8, op_95>>8, op_96>>8, op_97>>8 defb op_98>>8, op_99>>8, op_9a>>8, op_9b>>8, op_9c>>8, op_9d>>8, op_9e>>8, op_9f>>8 defb op_a0>>8, op_a1>>8, op_a2>>8, op_a3>>8, op_a4>>8, op_a5>>8, op_a6>>8, op_a7>>8 defb op_a8>>8, op_a9>>8, op_aa>>8, op_ab>>8, op_ac>>8, op_ad>>8, op_ae>>8, op_af>>8 defb op_b0>>8, op_b1>>8, op_b2>>8, op_b3>>8, op_b4>>8, op_b5>>8, op_b6>>8, op_b7>>8 defb op_b8>>8, op_b9>>8, op_ba>>8, op_bb>>8, op_bc>>8, op_bd>>8, op_be>>8, op_bf>>8 defb op_c0>>8, op_c1>>8, op_c2>>8, op_c3>>8, op_c4>>8, op_c5>>8, op_c6>>8, op_c7>>8 defb op_c8>>8, op_c9>>8, op_ca>>8, op_cb>>8, op_cc>>8, op_cd>>8, op_ce>>8, op_cf>>8 defb op_d0>>8, op_d1>>8, op_d2>>8, op_d3>>8, op_d4>>8, op_d5>>8, op_d6>>8, op_d7>>8 defb op_d8>>8, op_d9>>8, op_da>>8, op_db>>8, op_dc>>8, op_dd>>8, op_de>>8, op_df>>8 defb op_e0>>8, op_e1>>8, op_e2>>8, op_e3>>8, op_e4>>8, op_e5>>8, op_e6>>8, op_e7>>8 defb op_e8>>8, op_e9>>8, op_ea>>8, op_eb>>8, op_ec>>8, op_ed>>8, op_ee>>8, op_ef>>8 defb op_f0>>8, op_f1>>8, op_f2>>8, op_f3>>8, op_f4>>8, op_f5>>8, op_f6>>8, op_f7>>8 defb op_f8>>8, op_f9>>8, op_fa>>8, op_fb>>8, op_fc>>8, op_fd>>8, op_fe>>8, op_ff>>8 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; defs -$\256 ; align to 256-byte boundary font_data: MDAT "font.bin" mask_data: defb %00000011,%11111111 defb %11000000,%11111111 defb %11110000,%00111111 defb %11111100,%00001111 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end: equ $ length: equ end-start ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Instruction implementations INC "opimpl.inc" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Ken Wessen's custom BASIC+Krusader+Monitor ROM (&e000-&ffff) ; BRK handler points to mini-monitor in this version dump &e000 MDAT "65C02.rom.bin" ; Original Monitor ROM (&ff00-&ffff) ; If uncommented, this will replace the monitor ROM section from above dump &ff00 MDAT "apple1.rom"