#!/bin/bash # Path to wine binary for testing Windows binary PATH=~/wine/bin:$PATH # list of commands to test, must be space delimited CMD=("./c2t-96h" "wine c2t-96h.exe") # list of images to test, must be space delimited. # Images cannot have spaces in names. IMAGES="zork.dsk dangerous_dave.po" dsk_test() { IMAGE=$1 BASENAME=$(basename $1) FILETYPE=$(echo $BASENAME | awk -F. '{print $NF}') dd if=/dev/zero of=test.$FILETYPE bs=1k count=140 >/dev/null 2>&1 osascript test.scrp test.${FILETYPE} S1=$(md5sum ${IMAGE} | awk '{print $1}') S2=$(md5sum test.$FILETYPE | awk '{print $1}') echo "$IMAGE $S1 $S2" if [ "$S1" = "$S2" ] then rm -f test.$FILETYPE test.aif return 0 fi return 1 } for i in $IMAGES do for j in $(seq 0 $(( ${#CMD[@]} - 1 )) ) do echo ${CMD[$j]} $i test.aif eval ${CMD[$j]} $i test.aif if dsk_test $i then echo "$i passed" echo else echo "$i failed" exit 1 fi done done exit 0