#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3 require 'lib' ("..") local _ENV = require 'std.normalize' { 'std.strict', 'const', 'io', 'curses', } local _6502 = require '6502' local cpu = _6502:new() -- Per Apple-1 Operation Manual (1976) local _c = const { DSPCR = 0xd013, DSP = 0xd012, KBDCR = 0xd011, KBD = 0xd010 } local stdscr local screenX = 0 local screenY = 0 local running = true local mmu = { ram = {}, immutable = {}, reset = function() mmu.ram[_c.KBDCR] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.DSPCR] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.DSP] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.KBD] = 0x80 end, } local mmu_metatable = { __index = function(t, address) if (address == _c.KBD) then t.ram[_c.KBDCR] = 0x27; return t.ram[_c.KBD] end return t.ram[address] or 0 end, __newindex = function(t, address, v) if (address == _c.DSP) then if ((t.ram[_c.DSPCR] & 0x04) == 0x04) then t.ram[_c.DSP] = v return end end if (address == _c.KBDCR) then if (t.ram[_c.KBDCR] == 0) then v = 0x27 end t.ram[_c.KBDCR] = v return end if (t.immutable[address]) then assert(0, "Tried to write to ROM") return end t.ram[address] = v end, } setmetatable(mmu, mmu_metatable) cpu.ram = mmu -- Load the monitor ROM @ 0xFF00 local f = assert(io.open("monitor.rom", "rb"), "Can't open monitor.rom") local data = f:read("*a") assert(#data == 256) local i=0 while (i < #data) do cpu:writemem(0xFF00 + i, data:byte(i+1)) mmu.immutable[0xFF00+i] = true i = i + 1 end -- Load the basic ROM @ 0xE000 local f = assert(io.open("basic.rom", "rb"), "Can't open basic.rom") local data = f:read("*a") assert(#data == 4096) local i=0 while (i < #data) do cpu:writemem(0xE000 + i, data:byte(i+1)) mmu.immutable[0xE000+i] = true i = i + 1 end cpu:init() mmu.ram[_c.KBDCR] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.DSPCR] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.DSP] = 0 mmu.ram[_c.KBD] = 0x80 --mmu:reset() cpu:rst() stdscr = curses.initscr() curses.cbreak() curses.echo(false) curses.nl(false) stdscr:clear() stdscr:nodelay(true) stdscr:scrollok(true) stdscr:refresh() function checkForInput() local ret = false if (mmu[_c.KBDCR] == 0x27) then -- can handle input local c = stdscr:getch() if (c and c > 0 and c < 256) then -- and we have input c = c & 0x7F if (c >= 0x61 and c <= 0x7A) then c = c & 0x5F end if (c < 0x60) then mmu[_c.KBD] = c | 0x80 -- write kbd mmu[_c.KBDCR] = 0xA7 -- write KbdCr ret = true end end end return ret end function updateScreen() local dsp = mmu[_c.DSP] -- High bit of the display character indicates there's something waiting to display if (dsp & 0x80 == 0x80) then dsp = dsp & 0x7F local tmp = dsp if (dsp >= 0x60 and dsp <= 0x7F) then tmp = tmp & 0x5F end if (tmp == 0x0D) then -- return key screenX = 0 screenY = screenY + 1 else if (tmp >= 0x20 and tmp <= 0x5F) then stdscr:mvaddch(screenY, screenX, tmp) screenX = screenX + 1 end end if (screenX == 40) then screenX = 0 screenY = screenY + 1 end if (screenY == 24) then stdscr:scrl(1) screenY = 23 end -- draw the cursor stdscr:move(screenY, screenX) mmu[_c.DSP] = dsp -- write to dsp end stdscr:refresh() end local function err (err) curses.endwin () print "Caught an error:" print (debug.traceback (err, 2)) os.exit (2) end function main() while (running) do local pc = cpu.pc local o = cpu:readmem(cpu.pc) local cc = cpu:step() checkForInput() updateScreen() end end xpcall(main, err)