napple1 is an Apple 1 emulator using ncurses, ported from the SDL version Pom1 emulafor.. If you have some questions, please visit projects home page or mail to How to install on cygwin ========================= 0. Setup cygwin (base) and make, gcc4, libncurses-dev and follow Linux procedure. How to install on Linux ======================== 1. Download latest source package nappple1-..tar.gz and extract it. 2. Build cd napple1/src make cd .. 3. Run ./napple1 How to uninstall ================ cd napple1/src make clean How to use programs on napple1 ============================== - Key map In normal terminals, if you press 'D' key, it will be echoed as 'd' on screen. And press 'Shift + D' prints 'D' on screen. Shift key works to flip caps. However, napple1, if you press 'D' key, it will be echoed 'D'. All letters you can type is upper case only. Because original apple1 has a limit to do so. And shift key works like a control key in napple1. - Cold start Apple 1 Basic type E000R - Warm start Apple 1 Basic type E2B3R - Emulator commands Command Key Description -------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic load Shidt + B Load rom/basic.rom to ram Dump core Shift + D Dump memory to core/_file name_ Load core Shift + L Load memory from core/_file name_ Reset Shift + R Reset the emulator Hard reset Shidt + H Reset & Clear memory Quit Shidt + Q Quit the emulator Mode Shift + M Mode change 8KB & 32KB ram mode - Load / Save programs To load or save program, please load or dump entire 64kb memory. - napple1 memory map in memory.c /* * Memory maap of napple1 * * Apple I 8K mode & napple1 64K mode, common usage * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * $0000 Ststem & User Space * $0200 - $027F Input Buffer used by monitor * $0FFF * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * $D010 KBD Keyboard input register. b7 is always 1 by hardware. * Read KBD will automatcically clear KBDCR's b7. * $D011 KBDCR When key is pressed, b7 is set by hardware. * $D012 DSP Bit b6..b0 is output character for the terminal. * Writing to DSP will set b7 by hardware. * The termianl clear b7 after the character is accepted. * $D013 DSPCR Unused. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * $E000 Apple I Integer BASIC * $E2B3 Re-entry address * $EFFF * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * $FF00 Monitor * $FFEF Echo * $FFFF * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Apple I 8K mode memory map * --------------------------------- * Start Type * addr * --------------------------------- * $0000 4KB RAM * $1000 unused * $D010 Display and Keyboard I/O * $D014 unused * $E000 4KB RAM * $F000 unused * $FF00 256B ROM^ (Woz Monitor) * --------------------------------- * ^ ROM can be written by Load core */ /* napple I 32K mode memory map * --------------------------------- * Start Type * addr * --------------------------------- * $0000 32K RAM * $8000 unused * $D010 Display and Keyboard I/O * $D014 unused * $E000 8K ROM^ * --------------------------------- * ^ ROM can be written by Load core */