Initial mostly working RPI command

This commit is contained in:
Terence Boldt 2021-12-28 16:23:27 -05:00
parent a80939355b
commit 285d23af55
6 changed files with 95 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ XTRNADDR = $BE50 ;Ext cmd implementation addr.
XLEN = $BE52 ;length of command string-1.
XCNUM = $BE53 ;CI cmd no. (ext cmd - 0).
PBITS = $BE54 ;Command parameter bits.
XRETURN = $BE9E ;Known RTS instruction.
XRETURN = $FF58 ;Known RTS instruction.
InputByte = $c0fe
OutputByte = $c0fd
InputFlags = $c0fb
@ -53,10 +53,13 @@ Wait = $fca8
BNE NXTCHR ;No, read next one.
LDA #CMDLEN-1 ;Our cmd! Put cmd length-1
;lda #$8d
;sta $02ff
;lda #$fe
STA XLEN ; in CI global XLEN.
LDA #>XRETURN ;Point XTRNADDR to a known
LDA #<XRETURN ;Point XTRNADDR to a known
STA XTRNADDR ; RTS since we'll handle
LDA #<XRETURN ; at the time we intercept
LDA #>XRETURN ; at the time we intercept
STA XTRNADDR+1 ; our command.
LDA #0 ;Mark the cmd number as
@ -105,7 +108,8 @@ skipOutput:
bcc DumpOutput
jmp (NXTCMD)
.byte "a2help",$00
@ -154,8 +158,6 @@ finishRead:
bcc finishRead
clc ;success

Binary file not shown.

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Current file: RPi.Command.asm
000300 1 XLEN = $BE52 ;length of command string-1.
000300 1 XCNUM = $BE53 ;CI cmd no. (ext cmd - 0).
000300 1 PBITS = $BE54 ;Command parameter bits.
000300 1 XRETURN = $BE9E ;Known RTS instruction.
000300 1 XRETURN = $FF58 ;Known RTS instruction.
000300 1 InputByte = $c0fe
000300 1 OutputByte = $c0fd
000300 1 InputFlags = $c0fb
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ Current file: RPi.Command.asm
000300 1 ;
000300 1 AD 07 BE LDA EXTRNCMD+1
000303 1 8D E1 03 STA NXTCMD
000303 1 8D E3 03 STA NXTCMD
000306 1 AD 08 BE LDA EXTRNCMD+2
000309 1 8D E2 03 STA NXTCMD+1
000309 1 8D E4 03 STA NXTCMD+1
00030C 1 ;
00030C 1 A9 17 LDA #<RPI ;Install the address of our
00030E 1 8D 07 BE STA EXTRNCMD+1 ; command handler in the
@ -50,17 +50,20 @@ Current file: RPi.Command.asm
000317 1 A2 00 RPI: LDX #0 ;Check for our command.
000319 1 BD 00 02 NXTCHR: LDA INBUF,X ;Get first character.
00031C 1 09 20 ora #$20 ;Make it lower case
00031E 1 DD DE 03 CMP CMD,X ;Does it match?
00031E 1 DD E0 03 CMP CMD,X ;Does it match?
000321 1 D0 27 BNE NOTOURS ;No, back to CI.
000323 1 E8 INX ;Next character
000324 1 E0 03 CPX #CMDLEN ;All characters yet?
000326 1 D0 F1 BNE NXTCHR ;No, read next one.
000328 1 ;
000328 1 A9 02 LDA #CMDLEN-1 ;Our cmd! Put cmd length-1
00032A 1 ;lda #$8d
00032A 1 ;sta $02ff
00032A 1 ;lda #$fe
00032A 1 8D 52 BE STA XLEN ; in CI global XLEN.
00032D 1 A9 BE LDA #>XRETURN ;Point XTRNADDR to a known
00032D 1 A9 58 LDA #<XRETURN ;Point XTRNADDR to a known
00032F 1 8D 50 BE STA XTRNADDR ; RTS since we'll handle
000332 1 A9 9E LDA #<XRETURN ; at the time we intercept
000332 1 A9 FF LDA #>XRETURN ; at the time we intercept
000334 1
000334 1 8D 51 BE STA XTRNADDR+1 ; our command.
000337 1 A9 00 LDA #0 ;Mark the cmd number as
@ -73,27 +76,27 @@ Current file: RPi.Command.asm
000348 1 90 04 bcc SendCommand
00034A 1 ;
00034E 1 ; ; TO CLAIM IT.
00034E 1
00034E 1 SendCommand:
00034E 1 2C 10 C0 bit ClearKeyboard
000351 1 A9 05 lda #$05 ;send command 5 = exec
000353 1 20 96 03 jsr SendByte
000353 1 20 99 03 jsr SendByte
000356 1 A0 03 ldy #$03 ;skip over "RPI"
000358 1 getInput:
000358 1 B9 00 02 lda $0200,y
00035B 1 C9 8D cmp #$8d
00035D 1 F0 08 beq sendNullTerminator
00035F 1 29 7F and #$7f
000361 1 20 96 03 jsr SendByte
000361 1 20 99 03 jsr SendByte
000364 1 C8 iny
000365 1 D0 F1 bne getInput
000367 1 sendNullTerminator:
000367 1 A9 00 lda #$00
000369 1 20 96 03 jsr SendByte
000369 1 20 99 03 jsr SendByte
00036C 1 DumpOutput:
00036C 1 20 B4 03 jsr GetByte
00036C 1 20 B7 03 jsr GetByte
00036F 1 B0 07 bcs skipOutput
000371 1 C9 00 cmp #$00
000373 1 F0 19 beq endOutput
@ -104,76 +107,75 @@ Current file: RPi.Command.asm
00037D 1 AD 00 C0 lda Keyboard ;send keypress to RPi
000380 1 20 ED FD jsr PrintChar
000383 1 29 7F and #$7f
000385 1 20 96 03 jsr SendByte
000385 1 20 99 03 jsr SendByte
000388 1 2C 10 C0 bit ClearKeyboard
00038B 1 18 clc
00038C 1 90 DE bcc DumpOutput
00038E 1 endOutput:
00038E 1 60 rts
00038F 1
00038F 1 HelpCommand:
00038F 1 61 32 68 65 .byte "a2help",$00
000393 1 6C 70 00
000396 1
000396 1 SendByte:
000396 1 48 pha
000397 1 waitWrite:
000397 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00039A 1 2A rol
00039B 1 2A rol
00039C 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
00039E 1 68 pla
00039F 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
0003A2 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
0003A4 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003A7 1 finishWrite:
0003A7 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003AA 1 2A rol
0003AB 1 2A rol
0003AC 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
0003AE 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
0003B0 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003B3 1 60 rts
0003B4 1
0003B4 1 GetByte:
0003B4 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
0003B6 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003B9 1 waitRead:
0003B9 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003BC 1 2A rol
0003BD 1 90 0C bcc readByte
0003BF 1 2C 00 C0 bit Keyboard ;keypress will abort waiting to read
0003C2 1 10 F5 bpl waitRead
0003C4 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high and exit
0003C6 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003C9 1 38 sec ;failure
0003CA 1 60 rts
0003CB 1 readByte:
0003CB 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
0003CE 1 48 pha
0003CF 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
0003D1 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003D4 1 finishRead:
0003D4 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003D7 1 2A rol
0003D8 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
0003DA 1 68 pla
0003DB 1 18 clc ;success
0003DC 1 end:
0003DC 1 18 clc
0003DD 1 60 rts
0003DE 1
0003DE 1
0003DE 1 ;macro for string with high-bit set
0003DE 1 .macro aschi str
0003DE 1 .repeat .strlen (str), c
0003DE 1 .byte .strat (str, c) | $80
0003DE 1 .endrep
0003DE 1 .endmacro
0003DE 1
0003DE 1 F2 F0 E9 CMD: aschi "rpi"
0003E1 1 CMDLEN = 3 ;Our command length
0003E1 1 ;
0003E1 1 00 00 NXTCMD: .byte 0,0 ; STORE THE NEXT EXT CMD'S
0003E3 1 ; ADDRESS HERE.
0003E3 1
00038E 1 18 clc
00038F 1 6C E3 03 jmp (NXTCMD)
000392 1
000392 1 HelpCommand:
000392 1 61 32 68 65 .byte "a2help",$00
000396 1 6C 70 00
000399 1
000399 1 SendByte:
000399 1 48 pha
00039A 1 waitWrite:
00039A 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00039D 1 2A rol
00039E 1 2A rol
00039F 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
0003A1 1 68 pla
0003A2 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
0003A5 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
0003A7 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003AA 1 finishWrite:
0003AA 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003AD 1 2A rol
0003AE 1 2A rol
0003AF 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
0003B1 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
0003B3 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003B6 1 60 rts
0003B7 1
0003B7 1 GetByte:
0003B7 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
0003B9 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003BC 1 waitRead:
0003BC 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003BF 1 2A rol
0003C0 1 90 0C bcc readByte
0003C2 1 2C 00 C0 bit Keyboard ;keypress will abort waiting to read
0003C5 1 10 F5 bpl waitRead
0003C7 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high and exit
0003C9 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003CC 1 38 sec ;failure
0003CD 1 60 rts
0003CE 1 readByte:
0003CE 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
0003D1 1 48 pha
0003D2 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
0003D4 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
0003D7 1 finishRead:
0003D7 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
0003DA 1 2A rol
0003DB 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
0003DD 1 68 pla
0003DE 1 18 clc ;success
0003DF 1 60 rts
0003E0 1
0003E0 1
0003E0 1 ;macro for string with high-bit set
0003E0 1 .macro aschi str
0003E0 1 .repeat .strlen (str), c
0003E0 1 .byte .strat (str, c) | $80
0003E0 1 .endrep
0003E0 1 .endmacro
0003E0 1
0003E0 1 F2 F0 E9 CMD: aschi "rpi"
0003E3 1 CMDLEN = 3 ;Our command length
0003E3 1 ;
0003E3 1 00 00 NXTCMD: .byte 0,0 ; STORE THE NEXT EXT CMD'S
0003E5 1 ; ADDRESS HERE.
0003E5 1

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@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ DriveFirmware.bin CommandFirmware.bin FileAccessFirmware.bin MenuFirmware.bin \
ca65 Shell.asm -o Shell.o --listing Shell.lst || exit 1
ld65 Shell.o -o Shell.bin -C ../.cicd/none.cfg || exit 1
ca65 RPi.Command.asm -o RPi.Command.o --listing RPi.Command.lst || exit 1
ld65 RPi.Command.o -o RPi.Command.bin -C ../.cicd/none.cfg || exit 1
rm ./*.o
rm DriveFirmware.bin
rm MenuFirmware.bin
@ -54,4 +57,5 @@ rm FileAccessFirmware.bin
ProDOS-Utilities -d ../RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv -c put -i AT28C64B.bin -p /APPLE2.IO.RPI/AT28C64B.BIN || exit 1
ProDOS-Utilities -d ../RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv -c put -i Shell.bin -p /APPLE2.IO.RPI/SHELL || exit 1
ProDOS-Utilities -d ../RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv -c put -i RPi.Command.bin -p /APPLE2.IO.RPI/RPI.COMMAND -a 0x0300 || exit 1
ProDOS-Utilities -d ../RaspberryPi/Apple2-IO-RPi.hdv -c ls

Binary file not shown.

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ func ExecCommand() {
if forceLowercase {
linuxCommand = strings.ToLower(linuxCommand)
linuxCommand = strings.Trim(linuxCommand, " ")
fmt.Printf("Command to run: %s\n", linuxCommand)
if strings.HasPrefix(linuxCommand, "cd ") {
workingDirectory = strings.Replace(linuxCommand, "cd ", "", 1)