mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 05:29:23 +00:00
Add help to command execution
This commit is contained in:
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
@ -47,6 +47,20 @@ DriverEntry:
jsr $c300 ;enable 80 columns
lda #$05 ;execute command
jsr SendByte
ldy #$00
lda HelpCommand,y
beq endSendHelp
jsr SendByte
bne sendHelp
lda #$00
jsr SendByte
jsr DumpOutput
lda $33
lda #$a4
@ -56,11 +70,11 @@ GetCommand:
lda $0200
cmp #$8d ;skip when return found
beq GetCommand
jsr DumpOutput
jsr SendCommand
bcc GetCommand
lda #$05 ;send command 5 = exec
jsr SendByte
ldy #$00
@ -75,16 +89,19 @@ getInput:
lda #$00
jsr SendByte
jsr GetByte
cmp #$00
beq endOutput
jsr $fded
bcc getOutput
bcc DumpOutput
.byte "a2help",$00
@ -51,109 +51,119 @@ Current file: CommandFirmware.asm
00C719 1
00C719 1 Start:
00C719 1 20 00 C3 jsr $c300 ;enable 80 columns
00C71C 1 A5 33 lda $33
00C71E 1 48 pha
00C71F 1 A9 A4 lda #$a4
00C721 1 85 33 sta $33
00C723 1 GetCommand:
00C723 1 20 67 FD jsr $fd67
00C726 1 AD 00 02 lda $0200
00C729 1 C9 8D cmp #$8d ;skip when return found
00C72B 1 F0 F6 beq GetCommand
00C72D 1 20 33 C7 jsr DumpOutput
00C730 1 18 clc
00C731 1 90 F0 bcc GetCommand
00C733 1
00C733 1 DumpOutput:
00C733 1 A9 05 lda #$05 ;send command 5 = exec
00C735 1 20 5C C7 jsr SendByte
00C738 1 A0 00 ldy #$00
00C73A 1 getInput:
00C73A 1 B9 00 02 lda $0200,y
00C73D 1 C9 8D cmp #$8d
00C73F 1 F0 08 beq sendNullTerminator
00C741 1 29 7F and #$7f
00C743 1 20 5C C7 jsr SendByte
00C746 1 C8 iny
00C747 1 D0 F1 bne getInput
00C749 1 sendNullTerminator:
00C749 1 A9 00 lda #$00
00C74B 1 20 5C C7 jsr SendByte
00C74E 1 getOutput:
00C74E 1 20 7A C7 jsr GetByte
00C751 1 C9 00 cmp #$00
00C753 1 F0 06 beq endOutput
00C755 1 20 ED FD jsr $fded
00C758 1 18 clc
00C759 1 90 F3 bcc getOutput
00C75B 1 endOutput:
00C75B 1 60 rts
00C75C 1
00C75C 1 SendByte:
00C75C 1 48 pha
00C75D 1 waitWrite:
00C75D 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C760 1 2A rol
00C761 1 2A rol
00C762 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
00C764 1 68 pla
00C765 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
00C768 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
00C76A 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C76D 1 finishWrite:
00C76D 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C770 1 2A rol
00C771 1 2A rol
00C772 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
00C774 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
00C776 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C779 1 60 rts
00C77A 1
00C77A 1 GetByte:
00C77A 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
00C77C 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C77F 1 waitRead:
00C77F 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C71C 1 A9 05 lda #$05 ;execute command
00C71E 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C721 1 A0 00 ldy #$00
00C723 1 sendHelp:
00C723 1 B9 76 C7 lda HelpCommand,y
00C726 1 F0 06 beq endSendHelp
00C728 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C72B 1 C8 iny
00C72C 1 D0 F5 bne sendHelp
00C72E 1 endSendHelp:
00C72E 1 A9 00 lda #$00
00C730 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C733 1 20 68 C7 jsr DumpOutput
00C736 1
00C736 1 A5 33 lda $33
00C738 1 48 pha
00C739 1 A9 A4 lda #$a4
00C73B 1 85 33 sta $33
00C73D 1 GetCommand:
00C73D 1 20 67 FD jsr $fd67
00C740 1 AD 00 02 lda $0200
00C743 1 C9 8D cmp #$8d ;skip when return found
00C745 1 F0 F6 beq GetCommand
00C747 1 20 4D C7 jsr SendCommand
00C74A 1 18 clc
00C74B 1 90 F0 bcc GetCommand
00C74D 1
00C74D 1 SendCommand:
00C74D 1 A9 05 lda #$05 ;send command 5 = exec
00C74F 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C752 1 A0 00 ldy #$00
00C754 1 getInput:
00C754 1 B9 00 02 lda $0200,y
00C757 1 C9 8D cmp #$8d
00C759 1 F0 08 beq sendNullTerminator
00C75B 1 29 7F and #$7f
00C75D 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C760 1 C8 iny
00C761 1 D0 F1 bne getInput
00C763 1 sendNullTerminator:
00C763 1 A9 00 lda #$00
00C765 1 20 7D C7 jsr SendByte
00C768 1 DumpOutput:
00C768 1 20 9B C7 jsr GetByte
00C76B 1 C9 00 cmp #$00
00C76D 1 F0 06 beq endOutput
00C76F 1 20 ED FD jsr $fded
00C772 1 18 clc
00C773 1 90 F3 bcc DumpOutput
00C775 1 endOutput:
00C775 1 60 rts
00C776 1
00C776 1 HelpCommand:
00C776 1 61 32 68 65 .byte "a2help",$00
00C77A 1 6C 70 00
00C77D 1
00C77D 1 SendByte:
00C77D 1 48 pha
00C77E 1 waitWrite:
00C77E 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C781 1 2A rol
00C782 1 2A rol
00C783 1 B0 FA bcs waitRead
00C785 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
00C788 1 48 pha
00C789 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
00C783 1 B0 F9 bcs waitWrite
00C785 1 68 pla
00C786 1 8D FD C0 sta OutputByte
00C789 1 A9 1E lda #$1e ; set bit 0 low to indicate write started
00C78B 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C78E 1 finishRead:
00C78E 1 finishWrite:
00C78E 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C791 1 2A rol
00C792 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
00C794 1 68 pla
00C795 1 end:
00C795 1 60 rts
00C796 1
00C796 1 00 00 00 00 .repeat 251-<end
00C79A 1 00 00 00 00
00C79E 1 00 00 00 00
00C7A2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7A6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7AA 1 00 00 00 00
00C7AE 1 00 00 00 00
00C7B2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7B6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7BA 1 00 00 00 00
00C7BE 1 00 00 00 00
00C7C2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7C6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7CA 1 00 00 00 00
00C7CE 1 00 00 00 00
00C7D2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7D6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7DA 1 00 00 00 00
00C7DE 1 00 00 00 00
00C7E2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7E6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7EA 1 00 00 00 00
00C7EE 1 00 00 00 00
00C7F2 1 00 00 00 00
00C7F6 1 00 00 00 00
00C7FA 1 00 00
00C792 1 2A rol
00C793 1 90 F9 bcc finishWrite
00C795 1 A9 1F lda #$1f
00C797 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C79A 1 60 rts
00C79B 1
00C79B 1 GetByte:
00C79B 1 A9 1D lda #$1d ;set read flag low
00C79D 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C7A0 1 waitRead:
00C7A0 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C7A3 1 2A rol
00C7A4 1 B0 FA bcs waitRead
00C7A6 1 AD FE C0 lda InputByte
00C7A9 1 48 pha
00C7AA 1 A9 1F lda #$1f ;set all flags high
00C7AC 1 8D F7 C0 sta OutputFlags
00C7AF 1 finishRead:
00C7AF 1 AD FB C0 lda InputFlags
00C7B2 1 2A rol
00C7B3 1 90 FA bcc finishRead
00C7B5 1 68 pla
00C7B6 1 end:
00C7B6 1 60 rts
00C7B7 1
00C7B7 1 00 00 00 00 .repeat 251-<end
00C7BB 1 00 00 00 00
00C7BF 1 00 00 00 00
00C7C3 1 00 00 00 00
00C7C7 1 00 00 00 00
00C7CB 1 00 00 00 00
00C7CF 1 00 00 00 00
00C7D3 1 00 00 00 00
00C7D7 1 00 00 00 00
00C7DB 1 00 00 00 00
00C7DF 1 00 00 00 00
00C7E3 1 00 00 00 00
00C7E7 1 00 00 00 00
00C7EB 1 00 00 00 00
00C7EF 1 00 00 00 00
00C7F3 1 00 00 00 00
00C7F7 1 00 00 00 00
00C7FB 1 00
00C7FC 1 .byte 0
00C7FC 1 .endrepeat
00C7FC 1 00 00 .byte 0,0 ;0000 blocks = check status
Binary file not shown.
@ -147,10 +147,12 @@ func handleExecCommand() {
if linuxCommand == "a2help" {
writeString("This is a pseudo shell. Each command is executed as a process. The cd command is\n" +
"intercepted and sets the working directory for the next command. Running\n" +
"commands that do not exit will hang. For example, do not use ping without a -c 1\n" +
"or something else to limit its output.\n")
writeString("\r" +
"This is a pseudo shell. Each command is executed as a process. The cd command\r" +
"is intercepted and sets the working directory for the next command. Running\r" +
"commands that do not exit will hang. For example, do not use ping without a\r" +
"way to limit output like -c 1.\r\r")
cmd := exec.Command("bash", "-c", linuxCommand)
cmd.Dir = workingDirectory
Reference in New Issue
Block a user