#!/usr/bin/python import sys, getopt, serial, binascii, struct class Mode: NONE = 0 READ = 1 DUMP = 2 BURN = 3 CHECK = 4 class Command: PREFIX = 0x42 NONE = 0 PING = 1 STARTRW = 2 READBLOCK = 3 READBLOCK_MASK = 4 WRITEBLOCK = 5 PONG = 'PONG' BLOCKSIZE = 512 CRCSIZE = 4 romfile = '' serialport = '' def main(argv): global romfile global serialport global mode mode = Mode.NONE if len(argv)==0: usage() try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,'dRbcs:r:',['dump','burn','check','serial=','rom=']) except getopt.GetoptError: usage() for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-c': mode = Mode.CHECK elif opt == '-d': mode = Mode.DUMP elif opt == '-R': mode = Mode.READ elif opt == '-b': mode = Mode.BURN elif opt == '-s': serialport = arg elif opt == '-r': romfile = arg else: mode = Mode.NONE commands = { Mode.NONE: usage, Mode.BURN: burnROM, Mode.DUMP: dumpROM, Mode.READ: dumpROM, Mode.CHECK: checkConnection } commands[mode]() def checkConnection(): if serialport=='': usage() print 'Checking connection to ' + serialport + '...' try: # Create the serial connection connection = serial.Serial(serialport,19200,timeout=1) print 'Found ' + serialport + '. Pinging EETool...' except (OSError,serial.SerialException): print 'Unable to find that serial port.' sys.exit(2) try: # Try sending a ping wrote = connection.write(bytearray([Command.PREFIX,Command.PING])) if wrote != 2: raise ValueError() print 'Sent', wrote, 'byte ping. Waiting for response...' # Did we get a pong back? while 1: numBytes = connection.inWaiting() if numBytes>0: break print 'Received', numBytes, 'byte pong' if numBytes != len(PONG): raise serial.SerialException response = connection.read(numBytes) if (response != PONG): raise serial.SerialException except (ValueError,OSError,serial.SerialException): print 'EETool is not responding. Check connections and try again.' connection.close() sys.exit(2) print 'EETool is online and ready for use.' connection.close() sys.exit(0) def burnROM(): usage() def dumpROM(): if romfile=='' or serialport=='': usage() print 'Connecting to ' + serialport + '...' try: # Create the serial connection connection = serial.Serial(serialport,19200,timeout=1) except (OSError,serial.SerialException): print 'Unable to find that serial port.' sys.exit(2) try: destFile = open (romfile, "wb") except OSError: print 'Unable to write to ROM file',romfile sys.exit(2) try: # Prepare to read wrote = connection.write(bytearray([Command.PREFIX,Command.STARTRW])) if wrote != 2: raise ValueError() print 'Requesting data from EETool...' totalSize = 0 cmd = Command.READBLOCK_MASK if mode==Mode.DUMP else Command.READBLOCK # Request all the blocks for blockNum in range(0,64): wrote = connection.write(bytearray([Command.PREFIX,cmd])) if wrote != 2: raise ValueError() while 1: numBytes = connection.inWaiting() if numBytes>=BLOCKSIZE + CRCSIZE: break if (numBytes!=BLOCKSIZE + CRCSIZE): print 'ERROR: Block',blockNum,'failed to download. Aborting.' sys.exit(2) response = connection.read(numBytes) crc = struct.unpack(' -r -d: Dump the contents of the attached MASK ROM to a file -R: Read the contents of the attached EEPROM to a file -b: Burn the rom file to the attached EEPROM -c: Check your connection to EETool (no other action taken) To find your serial port, connect EETool and try "ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*" on Mac or Linux. On Windows, use a COM port name, such as "COM1". You can use the -c option to find out which one. ''' sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])