
9752 lines
233 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2022 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Your use of Intel Corporation's design tools, logic functions
// and other software and tools, and any partner logic
// functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
// (including device programming or simulation files), and any
// associated documentation or information are expressly subject
// to the terms and conditions of the Intel Program License
// Subscription Agreement, the Intel Quartus Prime License Agreement,
// the Intel FPGA IP License Agreement, or other applicable license
// agreement, including, without limitation, that your use is for
// the sole purpose of programming logic devices manufactured by
// Intel and sold by Intel or its authorized distributors. Please
// refer to the applicable agreement for further details, at
// VENDOR "Altera"
// PROGRAM "Quartus Prime"
// VERSION "Version 22.1std.0 Build 915 10/25/2022 SC Lite Edition"
// DATE "02/28/2023 11:21:31"
// Device: Altera EPM240T100C5 Package TQFP100
// This Verilog file should be used for Questa Intel FPGA (Verilog) only
`timescale 1 ps/ 1 ps
module GR8RAM (
input C25M;
input PHI0;
input nRES;
output nRESout;
input [1:0] SetFW;
input INTin;
output INTout;
input DMAin;
output DMAout;
output nNMIout;
output nIRQout;
output nRDYout;
output nINHout;
output RWout;
output nDMAout;
input [15:0] RA;
input nWE;
inout [7:0] RD;
output RAdir;
output RDdir;
input nIOSEL;
input nDEVSEL;
input nIOSTRB;
output [1:0] SBA;
output [12:0] SA;
output nRCS;
output nRAS;
output nCAS;
output nSWE;
output DQML;
output DQMH;
output RCKE;
inout [7:0] SD;
output nFCS;
output FCK;
input MISO;
inout MOSI;
// Design Ports Information
wire gnd;
wire vcc;
wire unknown;
assign gnd = 1'b0;
assign vcc = 1'b1;
assign unknown = 1'bx;
tri1 devclrn;
tri1 devpor;
tri1 devoe;
wire \nIOSTRBr~regout ;
wire \RD[0]~0 ;
wire \RD[1]~1 ;
wire \RD[2]~2 ;
wire \RD[3]~3 ;
wire \RD[4]~4 ;
wire \RD[5]~5 ;
wire \RD[6]~6 ;
wire \RD[7]~7 ;
wire \SD[0]~0 ;
wire \SD[1]~1 ;
wire \SD[2]~2 ;
wire \SD[3]~3 ;
wire \SD[4]~4 ;
wire \SD[5]~5 ;
wire \SD[6]~6 ;
wire \SD[7]~7 ;
wire \MOSI~0 ;
wire \C25M~combout ;
wire \Equal1~0_combout ;
wire \PHI0~combout ;
wire \PHI0r1~regout ;
wire \nWE~combout ;
wire \PHI0r2~regout ;
wire \PS~0 ;
wire \Equal2~1_combout ;
wire \LS[1]~3 ;
wire \LS[2]~7 ;
wire \LS[2]~7COUT1_28 ;
wire \LS[3]~11 ;
wire \LS[3]~11COUT1_29 ;
wire \LS[4]~13 ;
wire \LS[4]~13COUT1_30 ;
wire \LS[5]~15 ;
wire \LS[5]~15COUT1_31 ;
wire \LS[6]~17 ;
wire \Equal3~0_combout ;
wire \LS[7]~19 ;
wire \LS[7]~19COUT1_32 ;
wire \LS[8]~21 ;
wire \LS[8]~21COUT1_33 ;
wire \LS[9]~23 ;
wire \LS[9]~23COUT1_34 ;
wire \LS[10]~1 ;
wire \LS[10]~1COUT1_35 ;
wire \LS[11]~5 ;
wire \Equal3~1_combout ;
wire \Equal3~2_combout ;
wire \Equal5~0_combout ;
wire \Equal6~0_combout ;
wire \LS[12]~9 ;
wire \LS[12]~9COUT1_36 ;
wire \IS.111~regout ;
wire \nRESout~reg0_regout ;
wire \INTin~combout ;
wire \DMAin~combout ;
wire \IS~17_combout ;
wire \IS~18_combout ;
wire \Equal3~3_combout ;
wire \Equal4~0 ;
wire \Equal3~4 ;
wire \IS~19_combout ;
wire \IS.110~regout ;
wire \SA[1]~3_combout ;
wire \Mux22~0_combout ;
wire \RAMRegSpecSEL~0 ;
wire \SA[1]~2_combout ;
wire \Mux24~0_combout ;
wire \Mux24~1_combout ;
wire \nRES~combout ;
wire \nRESr~regout ;
wire \nDEVSEL~combout ;
wire \nRCS~0_combout ;
wire \nWEr~regout ;
wire \Equal19~0_combout ;
wire \always9~1_combout ;
wire \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ;
wire \always9~3_combout ;
wire \always9~4_combout ;
wire \always9~5_combout ;
wire \AddrIncL~regout ;
wire \Addr[0]~47 ;
wire \Addr[0]~47COUT1_61 ;
wire \Addr[1]~5 ;
wire \Addr[1]~5COUT1_62 ;
wire \Addr[2]~9 ;
wire \Addr[2]~9COUT1_63 ;
wire \Addr[3]~13 ;
wire \Addr[3]~13COUT1_64 ;
wire \Addr[4]~17 ;
wire \Addr[5]~21 ;
wire \Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 ;
wire \Addr[6]~25 ;
wire \Addr[6]~25COUT1_66 ;
wire \AddrIncM~1_combout ;
wire \AddrIncM~0_combout ;
wire \AddrIncM~2_combout ;
wire \AddrIncM~regout ;
wire \Addr[8]~33 ;
wire \Addr[8]~33COUT1_55 ;
wire \Addr[9]~37 ;
wire \Addr[9]~37COUT1_56 ;
wire \Addr[10]~3 ;
wire \Addr[10]~3COUT1_57 ;
wire \Mux23~0_combout ;
wire \Mux23~1_combout ;
wire \nIOSEL~combout ;
wire \REGEN~regout ;
wire \CXXXr~regout ;
wire \Equal9~0 ;
wire \always9~0_combout ;
wire \SetFWLoaded~regout ;
wire \always9~2_combout ;
wire \AddrIncH~0_combout ;
wire \Addr[11]~7 ;
wire \Addr[11]~7COUT1_58 ;
wire \Addr[12]~11 ;
wire \Addr[13]~15 ;
wire \Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 ;
wire \AddrIncH~1_combout ;
wire \AddrIncH~2_combout ;
wire \Addr[14]~19 ;
wire \Addr[14]~19COUT1_60 ;
wire \AddrIncH~regout ;
wire \Addr[16]~27 ;
wire \Addr[16]~27COUT1_49 ;
wire \Addr[17]~31 ;
wire \Addr[17]~31COUT1_50 ;
wire \Addr[18]~35 ;
wire \Addr[18]~35COUT1_51 ;
wire \Addr[19]~39 ;
wire \Addr[19]~39COUT1_52 ;
wire \Addr[20]~41 ;
wire \Addr[21]~43 ;
wire \Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 ;
wire \Addr[22]~45 ;
wire \Addr[22]~45COUT1_54 ;
wire \RAMSpecSEL~0 ;
wire \RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ;
wire \SA[1]~4_combout ;
wire \always8~0 ;
wire \nIOSTRB~combout ;
wire \always8~1 ;
wire \always8~2 ;
wire \always8~3 ;
wire \always8~4_combout ;
wire \IOROMEN~regout ;
wire \Equal16~0_combout ;
wire \Equal16~1_combout ;
wire \Equal16~2_combout ;
wire \comb~1_combout ;
wire \comb~0 ;
wire \comb~2_combout ;
wire \Mux14~2_combout ;
wire \Mux14~3_combout ;
wire \Mux14~0_combout ;
wire \Mux14~1_combout ;
wire \SBA[0]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux13~0_combout ;
wire \SBA[1]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux24~2 ;
wire \Mux24~3_combout ;
wire \SA[1]~5_combout ;
wire \SA[1]~6_combout ;
wire \SA[0]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux23~2 ;
wire \Mux23~3_combout ;
wire \SA[1]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux22~1 ;
wire \Bank~regout ;
wire \Mux22~2_combout ;
wire \Mux22~3_combout ;
wire \SA[2]~reg0_regout ;
wire \SA[3]~15_combout ;
wire \SA[3]~9_combout ;
wire \Mux21~3_combout ;
wire \Mux21~2 ;
wire \Mux21~4_combout ;
wire \SA[3]~8_combout ;
wire \SA[3]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux20~4_combout ;
wire \Mux20~2_combout ;
wire \Mux20~3_combout ;
wire \SA[4]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux19~3_combout ;
wire \Mux19~5_combout ;
wire \Mux19~2 ;
wire \Mux19~4_combout ;
wire \SA[5]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux18~4_combout ;
wire \Mux18~3_combout ;
wire \Mux18~2_combout ;
wire \SA[6]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux17~4_combout ;
wire \Mux17~2_combout ;
wire \Mux17~3_combout ;
wire \SA[7]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux16~3_combout ;
wire \Mux16~4_combout ;
wire \Mux16~2 ;
wire \SA[8]~reg0_regout ;
wire \SA[1]~7_combout ;
wire \SA~10_combout ;
wire \SA[9]~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux15~0_combout ;
wire \Mux15~1_combout ;
wire \SA[10]~reg0_regout ;
wire \SA[11]~reg0_regout ;
wire \SA[12]~reg0_regout ;
wire \nRCS~3_combout ;
wire \nRCS~4_combout ;
wire \Mux12~1_combout ;
wire \Mux12~2_combout ;
wire \nRCS~5_combout ;
wire \Mux12~3_combout ;
wire \nRCS~1 ;
wire \IS.000~regout ;
wire \nRCS~2_combout ;
wire \Mux12~0_combout ;
wire \nRCS~reg0_regout ;
wire \nRAS~reg0_regout ;
wire \nCAS~reg0_regout ;
wire \IS.001~regout ;
wire \Selector0~0_combout ;
wire \nSWE~reg0_regout ;
wire \Equal1~1_combout ;
wire \Selector1~0_combout ;
wire \DQMH~0_combout ;
wire \DQML~reg0_regout ;
wire \Selector2~0_combout ;
wire \DQMH~reg0_regout ;
wire \Mux11~0_combout ;
wire \Mux11~1_combout ;
wire \Mux11~2_combout ;
wire \Mux11~3_combout ;
wire \Equal2~0_combout ;
wire \RCKE~reg0_regout ;
wire \IS.100~regout ;
wire \IS.101~regout ;
wire \FCS~regout ;
wire \FCKOE~regout ;
wire \FCKout~regout ;
wire \RDD[1]~23_combout ;
wire \RDD[1]~22_combout ;
wire \RDD~4_combout ;
wire \Equal20~0_combout ;
wire \RDD~6_combout ;
wire \RDD~8_combout ;
wire \RDD~10_combout ;
wire \RDD[4]~12_combout ;
wire \RDD~14_combout ;
wire \RDD[4]~13_combout ;
wire \RDD~16_combout ;
wire \RDD~18_combout ;
wire \RDD~20_combout ;
wire \SDOE~regout ;
wire \MISO~combout ;
wire \Mux2~0_combout ;
wire \Mux2~1_combout ;
wire \Mux2~2 ;
wire \Mux2~3_combout ;
wire \SA[1]~14_combout ;
wire \MOSIout~regout ;
wire \MOSIOE~regout ;
wire [1:0] SetFWr;
wire [15:0] \RA~combout ;
wire [1:0] \SetFW~combout ;
wire [3:0] PS;
wire [11:0] RAr;
wire [23:0] Addr;
wire [13:0] LS;
wire [7:0] RDD;
wire [3:0] nRESf;
wire [7:0] WRD;
// Location: PIN_86, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[0]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[0]~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[0]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[0]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_87, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[1]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[1]~1 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[1]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[1]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_88, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[2]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[2]~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[2]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[2]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_89, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[3]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[3]~3 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[3]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[3]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_90, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[4]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[4]~4 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[4]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[4]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_91, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[5]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[5]~5 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[5]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[5]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_92, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[6]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[6]~6 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[6]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[6]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_99, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RD[7]~I (
.oe(\comb~2_combout ),
.combout(\RD[7]~7 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RD[7]~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \RD[7]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_50, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[0]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[0]~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[0]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_47, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[1]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[1]~1 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[1]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_56, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[2]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[2]~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[2]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_55, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[3]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[3]~3 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[3]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_51, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[4]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[4]~4 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[4]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_52, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[5]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[5]~5 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[5]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_53, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[6]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[6]~6 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[6]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_54, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \SD[7]~I (
.oe(\SDOE~regout ),
.combout(\SD[7]~7 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SD[7]~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_15, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \MOSI~I (
.datain(\MOSIout~regout ),
.oe(\MOSIOE~regout ),
.combout(\MOSI~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \MOSI~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \MOSI~I .operation_mode = "bidir";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_64, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \C25M~I (
.combout(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \C25M~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \Equal1~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal1~0_combout = (!PS[1] & (((!PS[3]))))
.combout(\Equal1~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal1~0 .lut_mask = "0505";
defparam \Equal1~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal1~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal1~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal1~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal1~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_41, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \PHI0~I (
.combout(\PHI0~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \PHI0~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell PHI0r1(
// Equation(s):
// \PS~0 = (((PHI0r1 & !\PHI0r2~regout )))
// \PHI0r1~regout = DFFEAS(\PS~0 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , \PHI0~combout , , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\PHI0~combout ),
.datad(\PHI0r2~regout ),
.combout(\PS~0 ),
.regout(\PHI0r1~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam PHI0r1.lut_mask = "00f0";
defparam PHI0r1.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam PHI0r1.output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam PHI0r1.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam PHI0r1.sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam PHI0r1.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_43, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \nWE~I (
.combout(\nWE~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nWE~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell PHI0r2(
// Equation(s):
// \comb~0 = (\PHI0~combout & (((PHI0r2 & \nWE~combout ))))
// \PHI0r2~regout = DFFEAS(\comb~0 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , \PHI0r1~regout , , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\PHI0r1~regout ),
.datad(\nWE~combout ),
.combout(\comb~0 ),
.regout(\PHI0r2~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam PHI0r2.lut_mask = "a000";
defparam PHI0r2.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam PHI0r2.output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam PHI0r2.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam PHI0r2.sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam PHI0r2.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N1
maxii_lcell \PS[0] (
// Equation(s):
// PS[0] = DFFEAS((!PS[0] & (((\PS~0 ) # (PS[2])) # (!\Equal1~0_combout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Equal1~0_combout ),
.datab(\PS~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \PS[0] .lut_mask = "00fd";
defparam \PS[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \PS[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \PS[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \PS[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \PS[0] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \PS[1] (
// Equation(s):
// PS[1] = DFFEAS(PS[1] $ ((((PS[0])))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \PS[1] .lut_mask = "55aa";
defparam \PS[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \PS[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \PS[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \PS[1] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \PS[1] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell \PS[2] (
// Equation(s):
// PS[2] = DFFEAS((PS[2] $ (((PS[1] & PS[0])))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \PS[2] .lut_mask = "3ccc";
defparam \PS[2] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \PS[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \PS[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \PS[2] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \PS[2] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \PS[3] (
// Equation(s):
// PS[3] = DFFEAS(PS[3] $ (((PS[2] & (PS[1] & PS[0])))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \PS[3] .lut_mask = "6aaa";
defparam \PS[3] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \PS[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \PS[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \PS[3] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \PS[3] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \Equal2~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal2~1_combout = (PS[3] & (PS[2] & (PS[1] & PS[0])))
.combout(\Equal2~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal2~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal2~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal2~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal2~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal2~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal2~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \LS[0] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[0] = DFFEAS(((\Equal2~1_combout $ (LS[0]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Equal2~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[0] .lut_mask = "0ff0";
defparam \LS[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \LS[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \LS[0] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \LS[1] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[1] = DFFEAS(LS[1] $ ((LS[0])), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[1]~3 = CARRY((LS[1] & (LS[0])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cout(\LS[1]~3 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[1] .lut_mask = "6688";
defparam \LS[1] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[1] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \LS[1] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \LS[2] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[2] = DFFEAS(LS[2] $ ((((\LS[1]~3 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[2]~7 = CARRY(((!\LS[1]~3 )) # (!LS[2]))
// \LS[2]~7COUT1_28 = CARRY(((!\LS[1]~3 )) # (!LS[2]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[1]~3 ),
.cout0(\LS[2]~7 ),
.cout1(\LS[2]~7COUT1_28 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[2] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[2] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \LS[2] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[2] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[2] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell \LS[3] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[3] = DFFEAS(LS[3] $ ((((!(!\LS[1]~3 & \LS[2]~7 ) # (\LS[1]~3 & \LS[2]~7COUT1_28 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[3]~11 = CARRY((LS[3] & ((!\LS[2]~7 ))))
// \LS[3]~11COUT1_29 = CARRY((LS[3] & ((!\LS[2]~7COUT1_28 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[1]~3 ),
.cin0(\LS[2]~7 ),
.cin1(\LS[2]~7COUT1_28 ),
.cout0(\LS[3]~11 ),
.cout1(\LS[3]~11COUT1_29 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[3] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[3] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[3] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[3] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \LS[3] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[3] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[3] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \LS[4] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[4] = DFFEAS((LS[4] $ (((!\LS[1]~3 & \LS[3]~11 ) # (\LS[1]~3 & \LS[3]~11COUT1_29 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[4]~13 = CARRY(((!\LS[3]~11 ) # (!LS[4])))
// \LS[4]~13COUT1_30 = CARRY(((!\LS[3]~11COUT1_29 ) # (!LS[4])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[1]~3 ),
.cin0(\LS[3]~11 ),
.cin1(\LS[3]~11COUT1_29 ),
.cout0(\LS[4]~13 ),
.cout1(\LS[4]~13COUT1_30 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[4] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[4] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[4] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[4] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \LS[4] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[4] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[4] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[4] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[4] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \LS[5] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[5] = DFFEAS(LS[5] $ ((((!(!\LS[1]~3 & \LS[4]~13 ) # (\LS[1]~3 & \LS[4]~13COUT1_30 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[5]~15 = CARRY((LS[5] & ((!\LS[4]~13 ))))
// \LS[5]~15COUT1_31 = CARRY((LS[5] & ((!\LS[4]~13COUT1_30 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[1]~3 ),
.cin0(\LS[4]~13 ),
.cin1(\LS[4]~13COUT1_30 ),
.cout0(\LS[5]~15 ),
.cout1(\LS[5]~15COUT1_31 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[5] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[5] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[5] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[5] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \LS[5] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[5] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[5] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[5] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[5] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \LS[6] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[6] = DFFEAS((LS[6] $ (((!\LS[1]~3 & \LS[5]~15 ) # (\LS[1]~3 & \LS[5]~15COUT1_31 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[6]~17 = CARRY(((!\LS[5]~15COUT1_31 ) # (!LS[6])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[1]~3 ),
.cin0(\LS[5]~15 ),
.cin1(\LS[5]~15COUT1_31 ),
.cout(\LS[6]~17 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[6] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[6] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[6] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[6] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \LS[6] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[6] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[6] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[6] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[6] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \LS[7] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[7] = DFFEAS((LS[7] $ ((!\LS[6]~17 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[7]~19 = CARRY(((LS[7] & !\LS[6]~17 )))
// \LS[7]~19COUT1_32 = CARRY(((LS[7] & !\LS[6]~17 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[6]~17 ),
.cout0(\LS[7]~19 ),
.cout1(\LS[7]~19COUT1_32 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[7] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[7] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \LS[7] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[7] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[7] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[7] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[7] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \Equal3~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal3~0_combout = (LS[1] & (LS[7] & (LS[3] & LS[6])))
.combout(\Equal3~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal3~0 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal3~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal3~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal3~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal3~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal3~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \LS[8] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[8] = DFFEAS((LS[8] $ (((!\LS[6]~17 & \LS[7]~19 ) # (\LS[6]~17 & \LS[7]~19COUT1_32 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[8]~21 = CARRY(((!\LS[7]~19 ) # (!LS[8])))
// \LS[8]~21COUT1_33 = CARRY(((!\LS[7]~19COUT1_32 ) # (!LS[8])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[6]~17 ),
.cin0(\LS[7]~19 ),
.cin1(\LS[7]~19COUT1_32 ),
.cout0(\LS[8]~21 ),
.cout1(\LS[8]~21COUT1_33 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[8] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[8] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[8] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[8] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \LS[8] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[8] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[8] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[8] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[8] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \LS[9] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[9] = DFFEAS((LS[9] $ ((!(!\LS[6]~17 & \LS[8]~21 ) # (\LS[6]~17 & \LS[8]~21COUT1_33 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[9]~23 = CARRY(((LS[9] & !\LS[8]~21 )))
// \LS[9]~23COUT1_34 = CARRY(((LS[9] & !\LS[8]~21COUT1_33 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[6]~17 ),
.cin0(\LS[8]~21 ),
.cin1(\LS[8]~21COUT1_33 ),
.cout0(\LS[9]~23 ),
.cout1(\LS[9]~23COUT1_34 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[9] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[9] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[9] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[9] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \LS[9] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[9] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[9] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[9] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[9] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \LS[10] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[10] = DFFEAS(LS[10] $ (((((!\LS[6]~17 & \LS[9]~23 ) # (\LS[6]~17 & \LS[9]~23COUT1_34 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[10]~1 = CARRY(((!\LS[9]~23 )) # (!LS[10]))
// \LS[10]~1COUT1_35 = CARRY(((!\LS[9]~23COUT1_34 )) # (!LS[10]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[6]~17 ),
.cin0(\LS[9]~23 ),
.cin1(\LS[9]~23COUT1_34 ),
.cout0(\LS[10]~1 ),
.cout1(\LS[10]~1COUT1_35 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[10] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[10] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[10] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[10] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \LS[10] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[10] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[10] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[10] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[10] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \LS[11] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[11] = DFFEAS(LS[11] $ ((((!(!\LS[6]~17 & \LS[10]~1 ) # (\LS[6]~17 & \LS[10]~1COUT1_35 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[11]~5 = CARRY((LS[11] & ((!\LS[10]~1COUT1_35 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[6]~17 ),
.cin0(\LS[10]~1 ),
.cin1(\LS[10]~1COUT1_35 ),
.cout(\LS[11]~5 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[11] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[11] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[11] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[11] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \LS[11] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[11] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[11] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[11] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[11] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \LS[12] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[12] = DFFEAS(LS[12] $ ((((\LS[11]~5 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
// \LS[12]~9 = CARRY(((!\LS[11]~5 )) # (!LS[12]))
// \LS[12]~9COUT1_36 = CARRY(((!\LS[11]~5 )) # (!LS[12]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[11]~5 ),
.cout0(\LS[12]~9 ),
.cout1(\LS[12]~9COUT1_36 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[12] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[12] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \LS[12] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \LS[12] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[12] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[12] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[12] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \Equal3~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal3~1_combout = (LS[10] & (LS[8] & (LS[11] & LS[9])))
.combout(\Equal3~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal3~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal3~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal3~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal3~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal3~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal3~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \Equal3~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal3~2_combout = ((\Equal3~0_combout & (LS[12] & \Equal3~1_combout )))
.datab(\Equal3~0_combout ),
.datad(\Equal3~1_combout ),
.combout(\Equal3~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal3~2 .lut_mask = "c000";
defparam \Equal3~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal3~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal3~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal3~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal3~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \Equal5~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal5~0_combout = (LS[5] & (((LS[4] & \Equal3~2_combout ))))
.datad(\Equal3~2_combout ),
.combout(\Equal5~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal5~0 .lut_mask = "a000";
defparam \Equal5~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal5~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal5~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal5~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal5~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \Equal6~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal6~0_combout = (LS[0] & (\Equal5~0_combout & (LS[2])))
.datab(\Equal5~0_combout ),
.combout(\Equal6~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal6~0 .lut_mask = "8080";
defparam \Equal6~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal6~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal6~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal6~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal6~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell \LS[13] (
// Equation(s):
// LS[13] = DFFEAS((((!\LS[11]~5 & \LS[12]~9 ) # (\LS[11]~5 & \LS[12]~9COUT1_36 ) $ (!LS[13]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal2~1_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.cin(\LS[11]~5 ),
.cin0(\LS[12]~9 ),
.cin1(\LS[12]~9COUT1_36 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \LS[13] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \LS[13] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \LS[13] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \LS[13] .lut_mask = "f00f";
defparam \LS[13] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \LS[13] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \LS[13] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \LS[13] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \LS[13] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell \IS.111 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS.111~regout = DFFEAS((\IS.111~regout ) # ((\Equal2~1_combout & (\Equal6~0_combout & LS[13]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.datab(\IS.111~regout ),
.datac(\Equal6~0_combout ),
.regout(\IS.111~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.111 .lut_mask = "eccc";
defparam \IS.111 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.111 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \IS.111 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.111 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.111 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell \nRESout~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRESout~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((((\IS.111~regout ) # (\nRESout~reg0_regout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\IS.111~regout ),
.datad(\nRESout~reg0_regout ),
.regout(\nRESout~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .lut_mask = "fff0";
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRESout~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_49, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \INTin~I (
.combout(\INTin~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \INTin~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_48, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \DMAin~I (
.combout(\DMAin~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DMAin~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \IS~17 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS~17_combout = (((\IS.111~regout ) # (!\Equal2~1_combout )))
.datac(\Equal2~1_combout ),
.datad(\IS.111~regout ),
.combout(\IS~17_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS~17 .lut_mask = "ff0f";
defparam \IS~17 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS~17 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \IS~17 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS~17 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS~17 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell \IS~18 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS~18_combout = ((LS[2] & (!LS[0])) # (!LS[2] & ((LS[0]) # (LS[13])))) # (!\Equal5~0_combout )
.datab(\Equal5~0_combout ),
.combout(\IS~18_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS~18 .lut_mask = "7f7b";
defparam \IS~18 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS~18 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \IS~18 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS~18 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS~18 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \Equal3~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal3~3_combout = (LS[2] & (!LS[4] & (!LS[13] & !LS[5])))
.combout(\Equal3~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal3~3 .lut_mask = "0002";
defparam \Equal3~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal3~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal3~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal3~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal3~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \IS.100 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal4~0 = (LS[0] & (((\Equal3~3_combout & \Equal3~2_combout ))))
// \IS.100~regout = DFFEAS(\Equal4~0 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \IS~19_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Equal3~3_combout ),
.datad(\Equal3~2_combout ),
.ena(\IS~19_combout ),
.combout(\Equal4~0 ),
.regout(\IS.100~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.100 .lut_mask = "a000";
defparam \IS.100 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.100 .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \IS.100 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.100 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.100 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \IS.001 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal3~4 = (!LS[0] & (((\Equal3~3_combout & \Equal3~2_combout ))))
// \IS.001~regout = DFFEAS(\Equal3~4 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \IS~19_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Equal3~3_combout ),
.datad(\Equal3~2_combout ),
.ena(\IS~19_combout ),
.combout(\Equal3~4 ),
.regout(\IS.001~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.001 .lut_mask = "5000";
defparam \IS.001 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.001 .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \IS.001 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.001 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.001 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \IS~19 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS~19_combout = (!\IS~17_combout & (((\Equal4~0 ) # (\Equal3~4 )) # (!\IS~18_combout )))
.dataa(\IS~17_combout ),
.datab(\IS~18_combout ),
.datac(\Equal4~0 ),
.datad(\Equal3~4 ),
.combout(\IS~19_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS~19 .lut_mask = "5551";
defparam \IS~19 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS~19 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \IS~19 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS~19 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS~19 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \IS.110 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS.110~regout = DFFEAS((LS[2] & (\Equal5~0_combout & (LS[0] & !LS[13]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \IS~19_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\Equal5~0_combout ),
.ena(\IS~19_combout ),
.regout(\IS.110~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.110 .lut_mask = "0080";
defparam \IS.110 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.110 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \IS.110 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.110 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.110 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~3_combout = (((!PS[1] & \IS.110~regout )) # (!PS[0]))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~3 .lut_mask = "30ff";
defparam \SA[1]~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \Mux22~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux22~0_combout = ((PS[0] & (LS[12])))
.combout(\Mux22~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux22~0 .lut_mask = "c0c0";
defparam \Mux22~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux22~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux22~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux22~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux22~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_4, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[3]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [3]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[3]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_98, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[1]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [1]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[1]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \RAr[1] (
// Equation(s):
// \RAMRegSpecSEL~0 = (RAr[0] & (((RAr[1]))))
// RAr[1] = DFFEAS(\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [1], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [1]),
.combout(\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[1] .lut_mask = "a0a0";
defparam \RAr[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[1] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[1] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[1] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~2_combout = (PS[1]) # (((\IS.110~regout ) # (!PS[0])))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~2 .lut_mask = "faff";
defparam \SA[1]~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux24~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux24~0_combout = ((LS[10] & ((PS[0]))))
.combout(\Mux24~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux24~0 .lut_mask = "cc00";
defparam \Mux24~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux24~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux24~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux24~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux24~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \Mux24~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux24~1_combout = (\SA[1]~4_combout & (((RAr[1] & \SA[1]~3_combout )))) # (!\SA[1]~4_combout & ((\Mux24~0_combout ) # ((!\SA[1]~3_combout ))))
.dataa(\Mux24~0_combout ),
.datab(\SA[1]~4_combout ),
.datad(\SA[1]~3_combout ),
.combout(\Mux24~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux24~1 .lut_mask = "e233";
defparam \Mux24~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux24~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux24~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux24~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux24~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_14, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[10]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [10]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[10]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_44, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \nRES~I (
.combout(\nRES~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRES~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell \nRESf[0] (
// Equation(s):
// nRESf[0] = DFFEAS(GND, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , \nRES~combout , , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\nRES~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESf[0] .lut_mask = "0000";
defparam \nRESf[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRESf[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRESf[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRESf[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRESf[0] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell \nRESf[1] (
// Equation(s):
// nRESf[1] = DFFEAS(GND, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , nRESf[0], , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESf[1] .lut_mask = "0000";
defparam \nRESf[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRESf[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRESf[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRESf[1] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRESf[1] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \nRESf[2] (
// Equation(s):
// nRESf[2] = DFFEAS(GND, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , nRESf[1], , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESf[2] .lut_mask = "0000";
defparam \nRESf[2] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRESf[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRESf[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRESf[2] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRESf[2] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \nRESf[3] (
// Equation(s):
// nRESf[3] = DFFEAS(GND, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , nRESf[2], , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESf[3] .lut_mask = "0000";
defparam \nRESf[3] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRESf[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRESf[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRESf[3] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRESf[3] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell nRESr(
// Equation(s):
// \nRESr~regout = DFFEAS((nRESf[0]) # ((nRESf[3]) # ((nRESf[2]) # (nRESf[1]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.regout(\nRESr~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam nRESr.lut_mask = "fffe";
defparam nRESr.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam nRESr.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam nRESr.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam nRESr.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam nRESr.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_40, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \nDEVSEL~I (
.combout(\nDEVSEL~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nDEVSEL~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \nRCS~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~0_combout = (((!\nDEVSEL~combout & \IS.111~regout )))
.datac(\nDEVSEL~combout ),
.datad(\IS.111~regout ),
.combout(\nRCS~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~0 .lut_mask = "0f00";
defparam \nRCS~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \nRCS~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell nWEr(
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~1 = (\IS.110~regout ) # ((\nRCS~0_combout & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & !nWEr)))
// \nWEr~regout = DFFEAS(\nRCS~1 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \nWE~combout , , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.dataa(\nRCS~0_combout ),
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datac(\nWE~combout ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\nRCS~1 ),
.regout(\nWEr~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam nWEr.lut_mask = "ff08";
defparam nWEr.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam nWEr.output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam nWEr.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam nWEr.sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam nWEr.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell \Equal19~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal19~0_combout = (PS[3] & (!PS[2] & (!PS[1] & !PS[0])))
.combout(\Equal19~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal19~0 .lut_mask = "0002";
defparam \Equal19~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal19~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal19~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal19~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal19~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \always9~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~1_combout = (!\nWEr~regout & (!\nDEVSEL~combout & (\Equal19~0_combout & \always9~0_combout )))
.dataa(\nWEr~regout ),
.datab(\nDEVSEL~combout ),
.datac(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.datad(\always9~0_combout ),
.combout(\always9~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~1 .lut_mask = "1000";
defparam \always9~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_97, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[2]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [2]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[2]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \RAr[2] (
// Equation(s):
// \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 = (!RAr[3] & (((!RAr[2]))))
// RAr[2] = DFFEAS(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [2], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [2]),
.combout(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[2] .lut_mask = "0505";
defparam \RAr[2] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[2] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[2] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[2] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \always9~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~3_combout = (\always9~1_combout & (RAr[0] & (!RAr[1] & \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 )))
.dataa(\always9~1_combout ),
.datad(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.combout(\always9~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~3 .lut_mask = "0800";
defparam \always9~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \always9~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~4_combout = (\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 & (!RAr[1] & (\always9~1_combout & !RAr[0])))
.dataa(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.datac(\always9~1_combout ),
.combout(\always9~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~4 .lut_mask = "0020";
defparam \always9~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N1
maxii_lcell \always9~5 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~5_combout = (!\nDEVSEL~combout & (((\Equal19~0_combout ))))
.dataa(\nDEVSEL~combout ),
.datac(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.combout(\always9~5_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~5 .lut_mask = "5050";
defparam \always9~5 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~5 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~5 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~5 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~5 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell AddrIncL(
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncL~regout = DFFEAS((\always9~5_combout & (\always9~0_combout & (\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 & \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\always9~5_combout ),
.datab(\always9~0_combout ),
.datac(\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 ),
.datad(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\AddrIncL~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam AddrIncL.lut_mask = "8000";
defparam AddrIncL.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam AddrIncL.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam AddrIncL.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam AddrIncL.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam AddrIncL.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \Addr[0] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[0] = DFFEAS(\AddrIncL~regout $ ((Addr[0])), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[0]~0 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[0]~47 = CARRY((\AddrIncL~regout & (Addr[0])))
// \Addr[0]~47COUT1_61 = CARRY((\AddrIncL~regout & (Addr[0])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\AddrIncL~regout ),
.datac(\RD[0]~0 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cout0(\Addr[0]~47 ),
.cout1(\Addr[0]~47COUT1_61 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[0] .lut_mask = "6688";
defparam \Addr[0] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Addr[0] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \Addr[1] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[1] = DFFEAS((Addr[1] $ ((\Addr[0]~47 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[1]~1 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[1]~5 = CARRY(((!\Addr[0]~47 ) # (!Addr[1])))
// \Addr[1]~5COUT1_62 = CARRY(((!\Addr[0]~47COUT1_61 ) # (!Addr[1])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[1]~1 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[0]~47 ),
.cin1(\Addr[0]~47COUT1_61 ),
.cout0(\Addr[1]~5 ),
.cout1(\Addr[1]~5COUT1_62 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[1] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[1] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[1] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \Addr[1] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[1] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[1] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \Addr[2] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[2] = DFFEAS((Addr[2] $ ((!\Addr[1]~5 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[2]~2 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[2]~9 = CARRY(((Addr[2] & !\Addr[1]~5 )))
// \Addr[2]~9COUT1_63 = CARRY(((Addr[2] & !\Addr[1]~5COUT1_62 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[2]~2 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[1]~5 ),
.cin1(\Addr[1]~5COUT1_62 ),
.cout0(\Addr[2]~9 ),
.cout1(\Addr[2]~9COUT1_63 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[2] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[2] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[2] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \Addr[2] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[2] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[2] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \Addr[3] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[3] = DFFEAS(Addr[3] $ ((((\Addr[2]~9 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[3]~3 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[3]~13 = CARRY(((!\Addr[2]~9 )) # (!Addr[3]))
// \Addr[3]~13COUT1_64 = CARRY(((!\Addr[2]~9COUT1_63 )) # (!Addr[3]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[3]~3 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[2]~9 ),
.cin1(\Addr[2]~9COUT1_63 ),
.cout0(\Addr[3]~13 ),
.cout1(\Addr[3]~13COUT1_64 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[3] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[3] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[3] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[3] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[3] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[3] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \Addr[4] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[4] = DFFEAS(Addr[4] $ ((((!\Addr[3]~13 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[4]~4 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[4]~17 = CARRY((Addr[4] & ((!\Addr[3]~13COUT1_64 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[4]~4 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[3]~13 ),
.cin1(\Addr[3]~13COUT1_64 ),
.cout(\Addr[4]~17 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[4] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[4] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[4] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \Addr[4] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[4] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[4] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[4] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[4] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \Addr[5] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[5] = DFFEAS(Addr[5] $ ((((\Addr[4]~17 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[5]~5 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[5]~21 = CARRY(((!\Addr[4]~17 )) # (!Addr[5]))
// \Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 = CARRY(((!\Addr[4]~17 )) # (!Addr[5]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[5]~5 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[4]~17 ),
.cout0(\Addr[5]~21 ),
.cout1(\Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[5] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[5] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[5] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[5] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[5] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[5] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[5] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell \Addr[6] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[6] = DFFEAS((Addr[6] $ ((!(!\Addr[4]~17 & \Addr[5]~21 ) # (\Addr[4]~17 & \Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[6]~6 , , , \always9~4_combout )
// \Addr[6]~25 = CARRY(((Addr[6] & !\Addr[5]~21 )))
// \Addr[6]~25COUT1_66 = CARRY(((Addr[6] & !\Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[6]~6 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[4]~17 ),
.cin0(\Addr[5]~21 ),
.cin1(\Addr[5]~21COUT1_65 ),
.cout0(\Addr[6]~25 ),
.cout1(\Addr[6]~25COUT1_66 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[6] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[6] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[6] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[6] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \Addr[6] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[6] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[6] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[6] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[6] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \Addr[7] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[7] = DFFEAS((Addr[7] $ (((!\Addr[4]~17 & \Addr[6]~25 ) # (\Addr[4]~17 & \Addr[6]~25COUT1_66 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[7]~7 , , , \always9~4_combout )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[7]~7 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~4_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[4]~17 ),
.cin0(\Addr[6]~25 ),
.cin1(\Addr[6]~25COUT1_66 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[7] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[7] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[7] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[7] .lut_mask = "3c3c";
defparam \Addr[7] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Addr[7] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[7] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[7] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[7] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \AddrIncM~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncM~1_combout = (Addr[5] & (Addr[6] & (Addr[4] & Addr[3])))
.combout(\AddrIncM~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncM~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \AddrIncM~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncM~0_combout = ((\AddrIncL~regout & (Addr[0])))
.datab(\AddrIncL~regout ),
.combout(\AddrIncM~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .lut_mask = "c0c0";
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncM~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell \AddrIncM~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncM~2_combout = (Addr[1] & (Addr[2] & (\AddrIncM~1_combout & \AddrIncM~0_combout )))
.datac(\AddrIncM~1_combout ),
.datad(\AddrIncM~0_combout ),
.combout(\AddrIncM~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncM~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell AddrIncM(
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncM~regout = DFFEAS((Addr[7] & ((\always9~4_combout & ((!\RD[7]~7 ))) # (!\always9~4_combout & (\AddrIncM~2_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\AddrIncM~2_combout ),
.datac(\RD[7]~7 ),
.datad(\always9~4_combout ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\AddrIncM~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam AddrIncM.lut_mask = "0a88";
defparam AddrIncM.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam AddrIncM.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam AddrIncM.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam AddrIncM.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam AddrIncM.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \Addr[8] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[8] = DFFEAS(\AddrIncM~regout $ ((Addr[8])), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[0]~0 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[8]~33 = CARRY((\AddrIncM~regout & (Addr[8])))
// \Addr[8]~33COUT1_55 = CARRY((\AddrIncM~regout & (Addr[8])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\AddrIncM~regout ),
.datac(\RD[0]~0 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cout0(\Addr[8]~33 ),
.cout1(\Addr[8]~33COUT1_55 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[8] .lut_mask = "6688";
defparam \Addr[8] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[8] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[8] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[8] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Addr[8] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \Addr[9] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[9] = DFFEAS((Addr[9] $ ((\Addr[8]~33 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[1]~1 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[9]~37 = CARRY(((!\Addr[8]~33 ) # (!Addr[9])))
// \Addr[9]~37COUT1_56 = CARRY(((!\Addr[8]~33COUT1_55 ) # (!Addr[9])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[1]~1 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[8]~33 ),
.cin1(\Addr[8]~33COUT1_55 ),
.cout0(\Addr[9]~37 ),
.cout1(\Addr[9]~37COUT1_56 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[9] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[9] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[9] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \Addr[9] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[9] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[9] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[9] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[9] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell \Addr[10] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[10] = DFFEAS((Addr[10] $ ((!\Addr[9]~37 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[2]~2 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[10]~3 = CARRY(((Addr[10] & !\Addr[9]~37 )))
// \Addr[10]~3COUT1_57 = CARRY(((Addr[10] & !\Addr[9]~37COUT1_56 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[2]~2 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[9]~37 ),
.cin1(\Addr[9]~37COUT1_56 ),
.cout0(\Addr[10]~3 ),
.cout1(\Addr[10]~3COUT1_57 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[10] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[10] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[10] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \Addr[10] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[10] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[10] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[10] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[10] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \RAr[10] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux24~2 = (\SA[1]~2_combout & (\Mux24~1_combout )) # (!\SA[1]~2_combout & ((\Mux24~1_combout & (RAr[10])) # (!\Mux24~1_combout & ((Addr[10])))))
// RAr[10] = DFFEAS(\Mux24~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [10], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.dataa(\SA[1]~2_combout ),
.datab(\Mux24~1_combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [10]),
.combout(\Mux24~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[10] .lut_mask = "d9c8";
defparam \RAr[10] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[10] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[10] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[10] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[10] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_8, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[9]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [9]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[9]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell \RAr[9] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux16~2 = (((RAr[9] & !PS[0])))
// RAr[9] = DFFEAS(\Mux16~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [9], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [9]),
.combout(\Mux16~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[9] .lut_mask = "00f0";
defparam \RAr[9] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[9] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[9] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[9] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[9] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_6, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[7]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [7]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[7]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \Addr[11] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[11] = DFFEAS(Addr[11] $ ((((\Addr[10]~3 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[3]~3 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[11]~7 = CARRY(((!\Addr[10]~3 )) # (!Addr[11]))
// \Addr[11]~7COUT1_58 = CARRY(((!\Addr[10]~3COUT1_57 )) # (!Addr[11]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[3]~3 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[10]~3 ),
.cin1(\Addr[10]~3COUT1_57 ),
.cout0(\Addr[11]~7 ),
.cout1(\Addr[11]~7COUT1_58 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[11] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[11] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[11] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[11] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[11] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[11] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[11] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[11] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_34, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[11]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [11]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[11]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux23~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux23~0_combout = ((LS[11] & ((PS[0]))))
.combout(\Mux23~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux23~0 .lut_mask = "cc00";
defparam \Mux23~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux23~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux23~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux23~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux23~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \Mux23~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux23~1_combout = (\SA[1]~3_combout & ((\SA[1]~4_combout & ((RAr[2]))) # (!\SA[1]~4_combout & (\Mux23~0_combout )))) # (!\SA[1]~3_combout & (!\SA[1]~4_combout ))
.dataa(\SA[1]~3_combout ),
.datab(\SA[1]~4_combout ),
.datac(\Mux23~0_combout ),
.combout(\Mux23~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux23~1 .lut_mask = "b931";
defparam \Mux23~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux23~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux23~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux23~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux23~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \RAr[11] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux23~2 = (\SA[1]~2_combout & (((\Mux23~1_combout )))) # (!\SA[1]~2_combout & ((\Mux23~1_combout & ((RAr[11]))) # (!\Mux23~1_combout & (Addr[11]))))
// RAr[11] = DFFEAS(\Mux23~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [11], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.dataa(\SA[1]~2_combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [11]),
.datad(\Mux23~1_combout ),
.combout(\Mux23~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[11] .lut_mask = "fa44";
defparam \RAr[11] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[11] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[11] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[11] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[11] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_7, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[8]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [8]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[8]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \RAr[8] (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal9~0 = (!RAr[10] & (!RAr[11] & (!RAr[8] & !RAr[9])))
// RAr[8] = DFFEAS(\Equal9~0 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [8], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [8]),
.combout(\Equal9~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[8] .lut_mask = "0001";
defparam \RAr[8] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[8] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[8] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[8] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[8] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \RAr[7] (
// Equation(s):
// \always8~2 = (RAr[10] & (RAr[9] & (RAr[7] & RAr[8])))
// RAr[7] = DFFEAS(\always8~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [7], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [7]),
.combout(\always8~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[7] .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \RAr[7] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[7] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[7] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[7] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[7] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_39, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \nIOSEL~I (
.combout(\nIOSEL~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nIOSEL~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N0
maxii_lcell REGEN(
// Equation(s):
// \REGEN~regout = DFFEAS(((\REGEN~regout ) # ((\Equal19~0_combout & !\nIOSEL~combout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\REGEN~regout ),
.datac(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.datad(\nIOSEL~combout ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\REGEN~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam REGEN.lut_mask = "ccfc";
defparam REGEN.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam REGEN.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam REGEN.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam REGEN.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam REGEN.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_37, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[14]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [14]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[14]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_35, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[12]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [12]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[12]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_38, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[15]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [15]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[15]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_36, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[13]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [13]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[13]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell CXXXr(
// Equation(s):
// \CXXXr~regout = DFFEAS((\RA~combout [14] & (!\RA~combout [12] & (\RA~combout [15] & !\RA~combout [13]))), GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.dataa(\RA~combout [14]),
.datab(\RA~combout [12]),
.datac(\RA~combout [15]),
.datad(\RA~combout [13]),
.regout(\CXXXr~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam CXXXr.lut_mask = "0020";
defparam CXXXr.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam CXXXr.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam CXXXr.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam CXXXr.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam CXXXr.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \always9~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~0_combout = (RAr[7] & (\REGEN~regout & (\CXXXr~regout & \Equal9~0 )))
.datab(\REGEN~regout ),
.datac(\CXXXr~regout ),
.datad(\Equal9~0 ),
.combout(\always9~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~0 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \always9~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_96, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \SetFW[0]~I (
.combout(\SetFW~combout [0]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SetFW[0]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell SetFWLoaded(
// Equation(s):
// \SetFWLoaded~regout = DFFEAS(VCC, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.regout(\SetFWLoaded~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam SetFWLoaded.lut_mask = "ffff";
defparam SetFWLoaded.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam SetFWLoaded.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam SetFWLoaded.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam SetFWLoaded.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam SetFWLoaded.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \SetFWr[0] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux2~2 = (LS[1] & (((!LS[2])))) # (!LS[1] & (\Equal1~0_combout & (!SetFWr[0] & LS[2])))
// SetFWr[0] = DFFEAS(\Mux2~2 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , !\SetFWLoaded~regout , \SetFW~combout [0], , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\Equal1~0_combout ),
.datac(\SetFW~combout [0]),
.ena(!\SetFWLoaded~regout ),
.combout(\Mux2~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SetFWr[0] .lut_mask = "04aa";
defparam \SetFWr[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SetFWr[0] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \SetFWr[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SetFWr[0] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \SetFWr[0] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_95, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \SetFW[1]~I (
.combout(\SetFW~combout [1]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SetFW[1]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N6
maxii_lcell \always9~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \always9~2_combout = (\always9~1_combout & (!RAr[0] & (RAr[1] & \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 )))
.dataa(\always9~1_combout ),
.datad(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.combout(\always9~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always9~2 .lut_mask = "2000";
defparam \always9~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always9~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always9~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always9~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always9~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell \AddrIncH~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncH~0_combout = ((\AddrIncM~regout & (Addr[8])))
.datab(\AddrIncM~regout ),
.combout(\AddrIncH~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .lut_mask = "c0c0";
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncH~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \Addr[12] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[12] = DFFEAS(Addr[12] $ ((((!\Addr[11]~7 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[4]~4 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[12]~11 = CARRY((Addr[12] & ((!\Addr[11]~7COUT1_58 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[4]~4 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[11]~7 ),
.cin1(\Addr[11]~7COUT1_58 ),
.cout(\Addr[12]~11 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[12] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[12] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[12] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \Addr[12] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[12] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[12] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[12] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[12] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \Addr[13] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[13] = DFFEAS(Addr[13] $ ((((\Addr[12]~11 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[5]~5 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[13]~15 = CARRY(((!\Addr[12]~11 )) # (!Addr[13]))
// \Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 = CARRY(((!\Addr[12]~11 )) # (!Addr[13]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[5]~5 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[12]~11 ),
.cout0(\Addr[13]~15 ),
.cout1(\Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[13] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[13] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[13] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[13] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[13] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[13] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[13] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \Addr[14] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[14] = DFFEAS(Addr[14] $ ((((!(!\Addr[12]~11 & \Addr[13]~15 ) # (\Addr[12]~11 & \Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[6]~6 , , , \always9~3_combout )
// \Addr[14]~19 = CARRY((Addr[14] & ((!\Addr[13]~15 ))))
// \Addr[14]~19COUT1_60 = CARRY((Addr[14] & ((!\Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[6]~6 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[12]~11 ),
.cin0(\Addr[13]~15 ),
.cin1(\Addr[13]~15COUT1_59 ),
.cout0(\Addr[14]~19 ),
.cout1(\Addr[14]~19COUT1_60 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[14] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[14] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[14] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[14] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \Addr[14] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[14] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[14] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[14] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[14] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell \AddrIncH~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncH~1_combout = (Addr[13] & (Addr[12] & (Addr[14] & Addr[11])))
.combout(\AddrIncH~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncH~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \AddrIncH~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncH~2_combout = (Addr[9] & (\AddrIncH~0_combout & (Addr[10] & \AddrIncH~1_combout )))
.datab(\AddrIncH~0_combout ),
.datad(\AddrIncH~1_combout ),
.combout(\AddrIncH~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \AddrIncH~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \Addr[15] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[15] = DFFEAS((Addr[15] $ (((!\Addr[12]~11 & \Addr[14]~19 ) # (\Addr[12]~11 & \Addr[14]~19COUT1_60 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[7]~7 , , , \always9~3_combout )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[7]~7 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~3_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[12]~11 ),
.cin0(\Addr[14]~19 ),
.cin1(\Addr[14]~19COUT1_60 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[15] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[15] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[15] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[15] .lut_mask = "3c3c";
defparam \Addr[15] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Addr[15] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[15] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[15] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[15] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell AddrIncH(
// Equation(s):
// \AddrIncH~regout = DFFEAS((Addr[15] & ((\always9~3_combout & ((!\RD[7]~7 ))) # (!\always9~3_combout & (\AddrIncH~2_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\AddrIncH~2_combout ),
.datab(\always9~3_combout ),
.datac(\RD[7]~7 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\AddrIncH~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam AddrIncH.lut_mask = "2e00";
defparam AddrIncH.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam AddrIncH.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam AddrIncH.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam AddrIncH.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam AddrIncH.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \Addr[16] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[16] = DFFEAS(\AddrIncH~regout $ ((Addr[16])), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[0]~0 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[16]~27 = CARRY((\AddrIncH~regout & (Addr[16])))
// \Addr[16]~27COUT1_49 = CARRY((\AddrIncH~regout & (Addr[16])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\AddrIncH~regout ),
.datac(\RD[0]~0 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cout0(\Addr[16]~27 ),
.cout1(\Addr[16]~27COUT1_49 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[16] .lut_mask = "6688";
defparam \Addr[16] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[16] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[16] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[16] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Addr[16] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N1
maxii_lcell \Addr[17] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[17] = DFFEAS((Addr[17] $ ((\Addr[16]~27 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[1]~1 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[17]~31 = CARRY(((!\Addr[16]~27 ) # (!Addr[17])))
// \Addr[17]~31COUT1_50 = CARRY(((!\Addr[16]~27COUT1_49 ) # (!Addr[17])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[1]~1 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[16]~27 ),
.cin1(\Addr[16]~27COUT1_49 ),
.cout0(\Addr[17]~31 ),
.cout1(\Addr[17]~31COUT1_50 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[17] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[17] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[17] .lut_mask = "3c3f";
defparam \Addr[17] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[17] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[17] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[17] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[17] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell \Addr[18] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[18] = DFFEAS((Addr[18] $ ((!\Addr[17]~31 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[2]~2 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[18]~35 = CARRY(((Addr[18] & !\Addr[17]~31 )))
// \Addr[18]~35COUT1_51 = CARRY(((Addr[18] & !\Addr[17]~31COUT1_50 )))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[2]~2 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[17]~31 ),
.cin1(\Addr[17]~31COUT1_50 ),
.cout0(\Addr[18]~35 ),
.cout1(\Addr[18]~35COUT1_51 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[18] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[18] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[18] .lut_mask = "c30c";
defparam \Addr[18] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[18] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[18] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[18] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[18] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N3
maxii_lcell \Addr[19] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[19] = DFFEAS(Addr[19] $ ((((\Addr[18]~35 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[3]~3 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[19]~39 = CARRY(((!\Addr[18]~35 )) # (!Addr[19]))
// \Addr[19]~39COUT1_52 = CARRY(((!\Addr[18]~35COUT1_51 )) # (!Addr[19]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[3]~3 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[18]~35 ),
.cin1(\Addr[18]~35COUT1_51 ),
.cout0(\Addr[19]~39 ),
.cout1(\Addr[19]~39COUT1_52 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[19] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[19] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[19] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[19] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[19] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[19] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[19] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[19] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \Addr[20] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[20] = DFFEAS(Addr[20] $ ((((!\Addr[19]~39 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[4]~4 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[20]~41 = CARRY((Addr[20] & ((!\Addr[19]~39COUT1_52 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[4]~4 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin0(\Addr[19]~39 ),
.cin1(\Addr[19]~39COUT1_52 ),
.cout(\Addr[20]~41 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[20] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[20] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[20] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \Addr[20] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[20] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[20] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[20] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[20] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \Addr[21] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[21] = DFFEAS(Addr[21] $ ((((\Addr[20]~41 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[5]~5 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[21]~43 = CARRY(((!\Addr[20]~41 )) # (!Addr[21]))
// \Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 = CARRY(((!\Addr[20]~41 )) # (!Addr[21]))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[5]~5 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[20]~41 ),
.cout0(\Addr[21]~43 ),
.cout1(\Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[21] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[21] .lut_mask = "5a5f";
defparam \Addr[21] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[21] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[21] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[21] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[21] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \Addr[22] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[22] = DFFEAS(Addr[22] $ ((((!(!\Addr[20]~41 & \Addr[21]~43 ) # (\Addr[20]~41 & \Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[6]~6 , , , \always9~2_combout )
// \Addr[22]~45 = CARRY((Addr[22] & ((!\Addr[21]~43 ))))
// \Addr[22]~45COUT1_54 = CARRY((Addr[22] & ((!\Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 ))))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[6]~6 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[20]~41 ),
.cin0(\Addr[21]~43 ),
.cin1(\Addr[21]~43COUT1_53 ),
.cout0(\Addr[22]~45 ),
.cout1(\Addr[22]~45COUT1_54 ));
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[22] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[22] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[22] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[22] .lut_mask = "a50a";
defparam \Addr[22] .operation_mode = "arithmetic";
defparam \Addr[22] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[22] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[22] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[22] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N7
maxii_lcell \Addr[23] (
// Equation(s):
// Addr[23] = DFFEAS((Addr[23] $ (((!\Addr[20]~41 & \Addr[22]~45 ) # (\Addr[20]~41 & \Addr[22]~45COUT1_54 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , \RD[7]~7 , , , \always9~2_combout )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RD[7]~7 ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.sload(\always9~2_combout ),
.cin(\Addr[20]~41 ),
.cin0(\Addr[22]~45 ),
.cin1(\Addr[22]~45COUT1_54 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Addr[23] .cin0_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[23] .cin1_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[23] .cin_used = "true";
defparam \Addr[23] .lut_mask = "3c3c";
defparam \Addr[23] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Addr[23] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \Addr[23] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Addr[23] .sum_lutc_input = "cin";
defparam \Addr[23] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \SetFWr[1] (
// Equation(s):
// \RAMSpecSEL~0 = (((SetFWr[1]) # (!Addr[23])) # (!SetFWr[0]))
// SetFWr[1] = DFFEAS(\RAMSpecSEL~0 , GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , !\SetFWLoaded~regout , \SetFW~combout [1], , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\SetFW~combout [1]),
.ena(!\SetFWLoaded~regout ),
.combout(\RAMSpecSEL~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SetFWr[1] .lut_mask = "f3ff";
defparam \SetFWr[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SetFWr[1] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \SetFWr[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SetFWr[1] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \SetFWr[1] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \RAMSpecSEL~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \RAMSpecSEL~1_combout = (\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 & (\always9~0_combout & (\RAMSpecSEL~0 & \RAMRegSpecSEL~1 )))
.dataa(\RAMRegSpecSEL~0 ),
.datab(\always9~0_combout ),
.datac(\RAMSpecSEL~0 ),
.datad(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.combout(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RAMSpecSEL~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~4_combout = (PS[1]) # ((PS[0] & (!\IS.110~regout & \RAMSpecSEL~1_combout )))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~4 .lut_mask = "cecc";
defparam \SA[1]~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \RAr[3] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux22~1 = (\SA[1]~3_combout & ((\SA[1]~4_combout & ((RAr[3]))) # (!\SA[1]~4_combout & (\Mux22~0_combout )))) # (!\SA[1]~3_combout & (((!\SA[1]~4_combout ))))
// RAr[3] = DFFEAS(\Mux22~1 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [3], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.dataa(\SA[1]~3_combout ),
.datab(\Mux22~0_combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [3]),
.datad(\SA[1]~4_combout ),
.combout(\Mux22~1 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[3] .lut_mask = "a0dd";
defparam \RAr[3] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[3] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[3] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[3] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_100, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[0]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [0]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[0]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \RAr[0] (
// Equation(s):
// \always8~0 = (RAr[1] & (RAr[2] & (RAr[0] & RAr[3])))
// RAr[0] = DFFEAS(\always8~0 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [0], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [0]),
.combout(\always8~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[0] .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \RAr[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[0] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[0] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[0] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_42, I/O Standard: 3.3V Schmitt Trigger Input, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \nIOSTRB~I (
.combout(\nIOSTRB~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nIOSTRB~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_3, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[6]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [6]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[6]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \RAr[6] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux19~2 = (((RAr[6]) # (PS[0])))
// RAr[6] = DFFEAS(\Mux19~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [6], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [6]),
.combout(\Mux19~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[6] .lut_mask = "fff0";
defparam \RAr[6] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[6] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[6] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[6] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[6] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_1, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[4]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [4]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[4]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N3
maxii_lcell \RAr[4] (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux21~2 = (((RAr[4] & !PS[0])))
// RAr[4] = DFFEAS(\Mux21~2 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [4], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datac(\RA~combout [4]),
.combout(\Mux21~2 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[4] .lut_mask = "00f0";
defparam \RAr[4] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[4] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[4] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[4] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[4] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell nIOSTRBr(
// Equation(s):
// \always8~1 = (((!nIOSTRBr & RAr[4])))
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\nIOSTRB~combout ),
.combout(\always8~1 ),
.regout(\nIOSTRBr~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam nIOSTRBr.lut_mask = "0f00";
defparam nIOSTRBr.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam nIOSTRBr.output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam nIOSTRBr.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam nIOSTRBr.sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam nIOSTRBr.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_2, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \RA[5]~I (
.combout(\RA~combout [5]),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RA[5]~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N7
maxii_lcell \RAr[5] (
// Equation(s):
// \always8~3 = (RAr[6] & (\always8~1 & (RAr[5] & \always8~2 )))
// RAr[5] = DFFEAS(\always8~3 , GLOBAL(\PHI0~combout ), VCC, , , \RA~combout [5], , , VCC)
.clk(\PHI0~combout ),
.datab(\always8~1 ),
.datac(\RA~combout [5]),
.datad(\always8~2 ),
.combout(\always8~3 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAr[5] .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \RAr[5] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RAr[5] .output_mode = "reg_and_comb";
defparam \RAr[5] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RAr[5] .sum_lutc_input = "qfbk";
defparam \RAr[5] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell \always8~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \always8~4_combout = (\always8~0 & (\Equal19~0_combout & (!\nIOSTRB~combout & \always8~3 )))
.dataa(\always8~0 ),
.datab(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.datac(\nIOSTRB~combout ),
.datad(\always8~3 ),
.combout(\always8~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \always8~4 .lut_mask = "0800";
defparam \always8~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \always8~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \always8~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \always8~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \always8~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell IOROMEN(
// Equation(s):
// \IOROMEN~regout = DFFEAS((!\always8~4_combout & ((\IOROMEN~regout ) # ((\Equal19~0_combout & !\nIOSEL~combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , !\nRESr~regout , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IOROMEN~regout ),
.datab(\always8~4_combout ),
.datac(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.datad(\nIOSEL~combout ),
.sclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\IOROMEN~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam IOROMEN.lut_mask = "2232";
defparam IOROMEN.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam IOROMEN.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam IOROMEN.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam IOROMEN.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam IOROMEN.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \Equal16~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal16~0_combout = (\RA~combout [2] & (\RA~combout [3] & (\RA~combout [1] & \RA~combout [0])))
.dataa(\RA~combout [2]),
.datab(\RA~combout [3]),
.datac(\RA~combout [1]),
.datad(\RA~combout [0]),
.combout(\Equal16~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal16~0 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal16~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal16~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal16~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal16~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal16~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N1
maxii_lcell \Equal16~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal16~1_combout = (\RA~combout [4] & (\RA~combout [7] & (\RA~combout [6] & \RA~combout [5])))
.dataa(\RA~combout [4]),
.datab(\RA~combout [7]),
.datac(\RA~combout [6]),
.datad(\RA~combout [5]),
.combout(\Equal16~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal16~1 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal16~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal16~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal16~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal16~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal16~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \Equal16~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal16~2_combout = (\RA~combout [9] & (\RA~combout [8] & (\RA~combout [10] & \Equal16~1_combout )))
.dataa(\RA~combout [9]),
.datab(\RA~combout [8]),
.datac(\RA~combout [10]),
.datad(\Equal16~1_combout ),
.combout(\Equal16~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal16~2 .lut_mask = "8000";
defparam \Equal16~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal16~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal16~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal16~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal16~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \comb~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \comb~1_combout = (\IOROMEN~regout & (!\nIOSTRB~combout & ((!\Equal16~2_combout ) # (!\Equal16~0_combout ))))
.dataa(\IOROMEN~regout ),
.datab(\Equal16~0_combout ),
.datac(\nIOSTRB~combout ),
.datad(\Equal16~2_combout ),
.combout(\comb~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \comb~1 .lut_mask = "020a";
defparam \comb~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \comb~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \comb~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \comb~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \comb~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell \comb~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \comb~2_combout = (\comb~0 & ((\comb~1_combout ) # ((!\nDEVSEL~combout ) # (!\nIOSEL~combout ))))
.dataa(\comb~1_combout ),
.datab(\nIOSEL~combout ),
.datac(\nDEVSEL~combout ),
.datad(\comb~0 ),
.combout(\comb~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \comb~2 .lut_mask = "bf00";
defparam \comb~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \comb~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \comb~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \comb~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \comb~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \Mux14~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux14~2_combout = (((PS[1]) # (PS[0])))
.combout(\Mux14~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux14~2 .lut_mask = "fff0";
defparam \Mux14~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux14~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux14~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux14~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux14~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \Mux14~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux14~3_combout = (Addr[23] & (!SetFWr[1] & (!\IS.110~regout & !\Mux14~2_combout )))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.datad(\Mux14~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux14~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux14~3 .lut_mask = "0002";
defparam \Mux14~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux14~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux14~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux14~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux14~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux14~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux14~0_combout = (Addr[23] & (!SetFWr[1] & (PS[1] $ (PS[0]))))
.combout(\Mux14~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux14~0 .lut_mask = "0220";
defparam \Mux14~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux14~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux14~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux14~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux14~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux14~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux14~1_combout = (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & (\Mux14~0_combout & ((PS[1]) # (!\IS.110~regout ))))
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.datad(\Mux14~0_combout ),
.combout(\Mux14~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux14~1 .lut_mask = "8c00";
defparam \Mux14~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux14~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux14~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux14~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux14~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \SBA[0]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SBA[0]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((PS[3] & (\Mux14~3_combout )) # (!PS[3] & ((\Mux14~1_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\Mux14~3_combout ),
.datad(\Mux14~1_combout ),
.regout(\SBA[0]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .lut_mask = "cfc0";
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SBA[0]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux13~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux13~0_combout = (PS[0] & (!PS[1] & ((\IS.110~regout ) # (!\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout )))) # (!PS[0] & (PS[1] & ((!\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ))))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\Mux13~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux13~0 .lut_mask = "2066";
defparam \Mux13~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux13~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux13~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux13~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux13~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell \SBA[1]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SBA[1]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((PS[3] & (\IS.110~regout & ((!\Mux14~2_combout )))) # (!PS[3] & (((\Mux13~0_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\Mux13~0_combout ),
.datad(\Mux14~2_combout ),
.regout(\SBA[1]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .lut_mask = "0cac";
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SBA[1]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N7
maxii_lcell \Mux24~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux24~3_combout = (PS[3] & (LS[1] & ((!\Mux14~2_combout )))) # (!PS[3] & (((\Mux24~2 ))))
.datac(\Mux24~2 ),
.datad(\Mux14~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux24~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux24~3 .lut_mask = "50d8";
defparam \Mux24~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux24~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux24~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux24~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux24~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~5 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~5_combout = ((PS[0]) # ((\IS.110~regout & PS[3])))
.datab(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~5_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~5 .lut_mask = "ffc0";
defparam \SA[1]~5 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~5 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~5 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~5 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~5 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N7
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~6 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~6_combout = (\SA[1]~5_combout ) # ((PS[1] & ((PS[3]) # (!\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ))) # (!PS[1] & (!PS[3])))
.dataa(\SA[1]~5_combout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~6_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~6 .lut_mask = "ebef";
defparam \SA[1]~6 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~6 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~6 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~6 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~6 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \SA[0]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[0]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((\SA[1]~6_combout & ((\Mux24~3_combout ))) # (!\SA[1]~6_combout & (Addr[1]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Mux24~3_combout ),
.datad(\SA[1]~6_combout ),
.regout(\SA[0]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f0aa";
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[0]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \Mux23~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux23~3_combout = (PS[3] & (!\Mux14~2_combout & (LS[2]))) # (!PS[3] & (((\Mux23~2 ))))
.dataa(\Mux14~2_combout ),
.datad(\Mux23~2 ),
.combout(\Mux23~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux23~3 .lut_mask = "4f40";
defparam \Mux23~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux23~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux23~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux23~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux23~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N4
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((\SA[1]~6_combout & ((\Mux23~3_combout ))) # (!\SA[1]~6_combout & (Addr[2]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Mux23~3_combout ),
.datad(\SA[1]~6_combout ),
.regout(\SA[1]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f0cc";
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell Bank(
// Equation(s):
// \Bank~regout = DFFEAS((\always9~1_combout & ((\always8~0 & (\RD[0]~0 )) # (!\always8~0 & ((\Bank~regout ))))) # (!\always9~1_combout & (((\Bank~regout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), GLOBAL(\nRESr~regout ), , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\always9~1_combout ),
.datab(\RD[0]~0 ),
.datac(\always8~0 ),
.datad(\Bank~regout ),
.aclr(!\nRESr~regout ),
.regout(\Bank~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam Bank.lut_mask = "df80";
defparam Bank.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam Bank.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam Bank.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam Bank.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam Bank.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \Mux22~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux22~2_combout = (\SA[1]~2_combout & (((\Mux22~1 )))) # (!\SA[1]~2_combout & ((\Mux22~1 & ((\Bank~regout ))) # (!\Mux22~1 & (Addr[12]))))
.datab(\SA[1]~2_combout ),
.datac(\Mux22~1 ),
.datad(\Bank~regout ),
.combout(\Mux22~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux22~2 .lut_mask = "f2c2";
defparam \Mux22~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux22~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux22~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux22~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux22~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux22~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux22~3_combout = (PS[3] & (((LS[3] & !\Mux14~2_combout )))) # (!PS[3] & (\Mux22~2_combout ))
.dataa(\Mux22~2_combout ),
.datad(\Mux14~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux22~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux22~3 .lut_mask = "0aca";
defparam \Mux22~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux22~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux22~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux22~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux22~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \SA[2]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[2]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((\SA[1]~6_combout & ((\Mux22~3_combout ))) # (!\SA[1]~6_combout & (Addr[3]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Mux22~3_combout ),
.datad(\SA[1]~6_combout ),
.regout(\SA[2]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f0cc";
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[2]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \SA[3]~15 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[3]~15_combout = (PS[3] & (!PS[1] & (!\IS.110~regout & !PS[0]))) # (!PS[3] & (PS[1]))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[3]~15 .lut_mask = "4446";
defparam \SA[3]~15 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[3]~15 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[3]~15 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[3]~15 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[3]~15 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \SA[3]~9 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[3]~9_combout = ((PS[3] & (!PS[1] & !PS[0]))) # (!\SA[1]~6_combout )
.datac(\SA[1]~6_combout ),
.combout(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[3]~9 .lut_mask = "0f2f";
defparam \SA[3]~9 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[3]~9 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[3]~9 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[3]~9 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[3]~9 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \Mux21~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux21~3_combout = (\SA[3]~15_combout & (((Addr[4]) # (!\SA[3]~9_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (LS[4] & ((\SA[3]~9_combout ))))
.dataa(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.combout(\Mux21~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux21~3 .lut_mask = "e4aa";
defparam \Mux21~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux21~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux21~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux21~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux21~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux21~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux21~4_combout = (Addr[13] & (PS[0] & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & !\IS.110~regout )))
.datac(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\Mux21~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux21~4 .lut_mask = "0080";
defparam \Mux21~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux21~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux21~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux21~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux21~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell \SA[3]~8 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[3]~8_combout = (PS[3]) # ((!\SA[1]~5_combout & (PS[1] & \RAMSpecSEL~1_combout )))
.dataa(\SA[1]~5_combout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[3]~8 .lut_mask = "f4f0";
defparam \SA[3]~8 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[3]~8 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[3]~8 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[3]~8 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[3]~8 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N3
maxii_lcell \SA[3]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[3]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Mux21~3_combout & ((\Mux21~2 ) # ((\SA[3]~8_combout )))) # (!\Mux21~3_combout & (((\Mux21~4_combout & !\SA[3]~8_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux21~3_combout ),
.datab(\Mux21~2 ),
.datac(\Mux21~4_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.regout(\SA[3]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .lut_mask = "aad8";
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[3]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux20~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux20~4_combout = (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & (PS[0] & (Addr[14] & !\IS.110~regout )))
.dataa(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\Mux20~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux20~4 .lut_mask = "0080";
defparam \Mux20~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux20~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux20~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux20~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux20~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux20~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux20~2_combout = (RAr[5] & (((!PS[0]))))
.combout(\Mux20~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux20~2 .lut_mask = "00aa";
defparam \Mux20~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux20~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux20~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux20~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux20~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N7
maxii_lcell \Mux20~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux20~3_combout = (\SA[3]~9_combout & ((\SA[3]~15_combout & ((Addr[5]))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (LS[5])))) # (!\SA[3]~9_combout & (((\SA[3]~15_combout ))))
.datab(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.datac(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.combout(\Mux20~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux20~3 .lut_mask = "f838";
defparam \Mux20~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux20~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux20~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux20~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux20~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \SA[4]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[4]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Mux20~3_combout & (((\Mux20~2_combout ) # (\SA[3]~8_combout )))) # (!\Mux20~3_combout & (\Mux20~4_combout & ((!\SA[3]~8_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux20~4_combout ),
.datab(\Mux20~2_combout ),
.datac(\Mux20~3_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.regout(\SA[4]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f0ca";
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[4]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux19~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux19~3_combout = (\SA[3]~15_combout & (Addr[6] & ((\SA[3]~9_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (((LS[6]) # (!\SA[3]~9_combout ))))
.datab(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.combout(\Mux19~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux19~3 .lut_mask = "b833";
defparam \Mux19~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux19~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux19~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux19~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux19~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux19~5 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux19~5_combout = (\IS.110~regout ) # (((Addr[15]) # (!PS[0])) # (!\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ))
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\Mux19~5_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux19~5 .lut_mask = "fbff";
defparam \Mux19~5 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux19~5 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux19~5 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux19~5 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux19~5 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N3
maxii_lcell \Mux19~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux19~4_combout = (\Mux19~3_combout & ((\Mux19~5_combout ) # ((\SA[3]~8_combout )))) # (!\Mux19~3_combout & (((\Mux19~2 & !\SA[3]~8_combout ))))
.dataa(\Mux19~3_combout ),
.datab(\Mux19~5_combout ),
.datac(\Mux19~2 ),
.datad(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.combout(\Mux19~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux19~4 .lut_mask = "aad8";
defparam \Mux19~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux19~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux19~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux19~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux19~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N1
maxii_lcell \SA[5]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[5]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((((\Mux19~4_combout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , VCC, , , PS[2])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datad(\Mux19~4_combout ),
.regout(\SA[5]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .lut_mask = "ff00";
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[5]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux18~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux18~4_combout = (!\IS.110~regout & (PS[0] & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & Addr[16])))
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datac(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\Mux18~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux18~4 .lut_mask = "4000";
defparam \Mux18~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux18~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux18~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux18~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux18~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux18~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux18~3_combout = (\SA[3]~15_combout & ((Addr[7]) # ((!\SA[3]~9_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (((LS[7] & \SA[3]~9_combout ))))
.dataa(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.combout(\Mux18~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux18~3 .lut_mask = "d8aa";
defparam \Mux18~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux18~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux18~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux18~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux18~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux18~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux18~2_combout = (((RAr[7] & !PS[0])))
.combout(\Mux18~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux18~2 .lut_mask = "00f0";
defparam \Mux18~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux18~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux18~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux18~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux18~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \SA[6]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[6]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\SA[3]~8_combout & (((\Mux18~3_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~8_combout & ((\Mux18~3_combout & ((\Mux18~2_combout ))) # (!\Mux18~3_combout & (\Mux18~4_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux18~4_combout ),
.datab(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.datac(\Mux18~3_combout ),
.datad(\Mux18~2_combout ),
.regout(\SA[6]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f2c2";
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[6]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux17~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux17~4_combout = (Addr[17] & (PS[0] & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & !\IS.110~regout )))
.datac(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\Mux17~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux17~4 .lut_mask = "0080";
defparam \Mux17~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux17~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux17~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux17~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux17~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux17~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux17~2_combout = (((RAr[8] & !PS[0])))
.combout(\Mux17~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux17~2 .lut_mask = "00f0";
defparam \Mux17~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux17~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux17~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux17~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux17~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell \Mux17~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux17~3_combout = (\SA[3]~15_combout & ((Addr[8]) # ((!\SA[3]~9_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (((LS[8] & \SA[3]~9_combout ))))
.datac(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.combout(\Mux17~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux17~3 .lut_mask = "acf0";
defparam \Mux17~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux17~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux17~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux17~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux17~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell \SA[7]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[7]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\SA[3]~8_combout & (((\Mux17~3_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~8_combout & ((\Mux17~3_combout & ((\Mux17~2_combout ))) # (!\Mux17~3_combout & (\Mux17~4_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux17~4_combout ),
.datab(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.datac(\Mux17~2_combout ),
.datad(\Mux17~3_combout ),
.regout(\SA[7]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .lut_mask = "fc22";
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[7]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux16~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux16~3_combout = (\SA[3]~15_combout & ((Addr[9]) # ((!\SA[3]~9_combout )))) # (!\SA[3]~15_combout & (((LS[9] & \SA[3]~9_combout ))))
.datac(\SA[3]~15_combout ),
.datad(\SA[3]~9_combout ),
.combout(\Mux16~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux16~3 .lut_mask = "acf0";
defparam \Mux16~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux16~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux16~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux16~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux16~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \Mux16~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux16~4_combout = (Addr[18] & (PS[0] & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & !\IS.110~regout )))
.datac(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\Mux16~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux16~4 .lut_mask = "0080";
defparam \Mux16~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux16~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux16~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux16~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux16~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y4_N1
maxii_lcell \SA[8]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[8]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Mux16~3_combout & (((\Mux16~2 ) # (\SA[3]~8_combout )))) # (!\Mux16~3_combout & (\Mux16~4_combout & ((!\SA[3]~8_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , PS[2], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux16~3_combout ),
.datab(\Mux16~4_combout ),
.datac(\Mux16~2 ),
.datad(\SA[3]~8_combout ),
.regout(\SA[8]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .lut_mask = "aae4";
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[8]~reg0 .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N0
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~7 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~7_combout = (PS[0] & (((!\IS.110~regout ))))
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\SA[1]~7_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~7 .lut_mask = "00aa";
defparam \SA[1]~7 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~7 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~7 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~7 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~7 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N5
maxii_lcell \SA~10 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA~10_combout = (\SA[1]~7_combout & (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout & (!PS[2] & \Equal1~0_combout )))
.dataa(\SA[1]~7_combout ),
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datad(\Equal1~0_combout ),
.combout(\SA~10_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA~10 .lut_mask = "0800";
defparam \SA~10 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA~10 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA~10 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA~10 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA~10 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell \SA[9]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[9]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((((Addr[19])) # (!\SA~10_combout )), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\SA~10_combout ),
.regout(\SA[9]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .lut_mask = "ff33";
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[9]~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N6
maxii_lcell \Mux15~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux15~0_combout = (PS[2]) # ((PS[1] $ (PS[3])) # (!PS[0]))
.combout(\Mux15~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux15~0 .lut_mask = "f6ff";
defparam \Mux15~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux15~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux15~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux15~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux15~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux15~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux15~1_combout = ((\IS.110~regout ) # ((!SetFWr[1] & Addr[20])))
.datac(\IS.110~regout ),
.combout(\Mux15~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux15~1 .lut_mask = "f3f0";
defparam \Mux15~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux15~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux15~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux15~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux15~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \SA[10]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[10]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Mux15~0_combout ) # ((!PS[1] & ((\Mux15~1_combout ) # (!\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datac(\Mux15~0_combout ),
.datad(\Mux15~1_combout ),
.regout(\SA[10]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .lut_mask = "f5f1";
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[10]~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \SA[11]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[11]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((!SetFWr[1] & (Addr[21] & \SA~10_combout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datad(\SA~10_combout ),
.regout(\SA[11]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .lut_mask = "3000";
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[11]~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N3
maxii_lcell \SA[12]~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[12]~reg0_regout = DFFEAS(((!SetFWr[1] & (Addr[22] & \SA~10_combout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datad(\SA~10_combout ),
.regout(\SA[12]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .lut_mask = "3000";
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[12]~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell \nRCS~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~3_combout = (\CXXXr~regout & (\nWEr~regout & ((\IOROMEN~regout ) # (!RAr[11]))))
.dataa(\IOROMEN~regout ),
.datac(\CXXXr~regout ),
.datad(\nWEr~regout ),
.combout(\nRCS~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~3 .lut_mask = "b000";
defparam \nRCS~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \nRCS~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \nRCS~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~4_combout = ((!\Equal9~0 & ((\nRCS~3_combout ))))
.datab(\Equal9~0 ),
.datad(\nRCS~3_combout ),
.combout(\nRCS~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~4 .lut_mask = "3300";
defparam \nRCS~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \nRCS~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux12~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux12~1_combout = (\nWEr~regout & (((PS[1]))))
.dataa(\nWEr~regout ),
.combout(\Mux12~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux12~1 .lut_mask = "aa00";
defparam \Mux12~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux12~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux12~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux12~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux12~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux12~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux12~2_combout = (\IS.111~regout & (\Mux12~1_combout & ((\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ) # (\nRCS~4_combout ))))
.dataa(\IS.111~regout ),
.datab(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.datac(\nRCS~4_combout ),
.datad(\Mux12~1_combout ),
.combout(\Mux12~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux12~2 .lut_mask = "a800";
defparam \Mux12~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux12~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux12~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux12~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux12~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell \nRCS~5 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~5_combout = (\IS.110~regout ) # ((\IS.111~regout & ((\nRCS~4_combout ) # (\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ))))
.dataa(\IS.111~regout ),
.datab(\IS.110~regout ),
.datac(\nRCS~4_combout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\nRCS~5_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~5 .lut_mask = "eeec";
defparam \nRCS~5 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~5 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \nRCS~5 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~5 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~5 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell \Mux12~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux12~3_combout = (\Mux12~2_combout & ((PS[1] $ (!PS[0])))) # (!\Mux12~2_combout & (((PS[1]) # (!PS[0])) # (!\nRCS~5_combout )))
.dataa(\Mux12~2_combout ),
.datab(\nRCS~5_combout ),
.combout(\Mux12~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux12~3 .lut_mask = "f15f";
defparam \Mux12~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux12~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux12~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux12~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux12~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell \IS.000 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS.000~regout = DFFEAS(VCC, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \IS~19_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.ena(\IS~19_combout ),
.regout(\IS.000~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.000 .lut_mask = "ffff";
defparam \IS.000 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.000 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \IS.000 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.000 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.000 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \nRCS~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~2_combout = (\IS.111~regout & (LS[1] & (LS[0]))) # (!\IS.111~regout & (((\IS.000~regout ))))
.dataa(\IS.111~regout ),
.datad(\IS.000~regout ),
.combout(\nRCS~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~2 .lut_mask = "d580";
defparam \nRCS~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \nRCS~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux12~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux12~0_combout = (PS[1] & (((PS[0] & !\nRCS~2_combout )))) # (!PS[1] & (((PS[0])) # (!\nRCS~1 )))
.datab(\nRCS~1 ),
.datad(\nRCS~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux12~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux12~0 .lut_mask = "51f1";
defparam \Mux12~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux12~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux12~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux12~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux12~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell \nRCS~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRCS~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((!PS[2] & ((PS[3] & ((!\Mux12~0_combout ))) # (!PS[3] & (!\Mux12~3_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux12~3_combout ),
.datad(\Mux12~0_combout ),
.regout(\nRCS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .lut_mask = "010d";
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRCS~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell \nRAS~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nRAS~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((!PS[2] & ((PS[1] & (PS[3])) # (!PS[1] & (!PS[3] & PS[0])))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.regout(\nRAS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .lut_mask = "0908";
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nRAS~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y2_N3
maxii_lcell \nCAS~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nCAS~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((!PS[2] & ((PS[1] & (PS[3] $ (!PS[0]))) # (!PS[1] & (PS[3] & !PS[0])))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.regout(\nCAS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .lut_mask = "0806";
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nCAS~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \Selector0~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Selector0~0_combout = (((!PS[1]) # (!\IS.001~regout )))
.datac(\IS.001~regout ),
.combout(\Selector0~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Selector0~0 .lut_mask = "0fff";
defparam \Selector0~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Selector0~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Selector0~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Selector0~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Selector0~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \nSWE~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \nSWE~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((PS[3] & (!PS[2] & ((!PS[0]) # (!\Selector0~0_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Selector0~0_combout ),
.regout(\nSWE~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .lut_mask = "040c";
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \nSWE~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N1
maxii_lcell \Equal1~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal1~1_combout = (!PS[0] & (((!PS[2]))))
.combout(\Equal1~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal1~1 .lut_mask = "0505";
defparam \Equal1~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal1~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal1~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal1~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal1~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \Selector1~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Selector1~0_combout = (PS[3] & ((LS[0]) # ((PS[1])))) # (!PS[3] & (((RAr[0]) # (!PS[1]))))
.combout(\Selector1~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Selector1~0 .lut_mask = "fadd";
defparam \Selector1~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Selector1~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Selector1~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Selector1~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Selector1~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \DQMH~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \DQMH~0_combout = (PS[1] & (((!PS[3] & \RAMSpecSEL~1_combout )))) # (!PS[1] & (!\IS.110~regout & (PS[3])))
.datab(\IS.110~regout ),
.datad(\RAMSpecSEL~1_combout ),
.combout(\DQMH~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DQMH~0 .lut_mask = "1a10";
defparam \DQMH~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \DQMH~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \DQMH~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \DQMH~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \DQMH~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \DQML~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \DQML~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Equal1~1_combout & ((\DQMH~0_combout & ((!Addr[0]))) # (!\DQMH~0_combout & (!\Selector1~0_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Equal1~1_combout ),
.datab(\Selector1~0_combout ),
.datac(\DQMH~0_combout ),
.regout(\DQML~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DQML~reg0 .lut_mask = "02a2";
defparam \DQML~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \DQML~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \DQML~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \DQML~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \DQML~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \Selector2~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Selector2~0_combout = (PS[3] & (((PS[1])) # (!LS[0]))) # (!PS[3] & (((!PS[1]) # (!RAr[0]))))
.combout(\Selector2~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Selector2~0 .lut_mask = "af77";
defparam \Selector2~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Selector2~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Selector2~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Selector2~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Selector2~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \DQMH~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \DQMH~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((\Equal1~1_combout & ((\DQMH~0_combout & (Addr[0])) # (!\DQMH~0_combout & ((!\Selector2~0_combout ))))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\Selector2~0_combout ),
.datac(\Equal1~1_combout ),
.datad(\DQMH~0_combout ),
.regout(\DQMH~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .lut_mask = "a030";
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \DQMH~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N0
maxii_lcell \Mux11~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux11~0_combout = (PS[3] & (PS[1] & (\nRCS~2_combout ))) # (!PS[3] & (((\Mux12~2_combout ))))
.datab(\nRCS~2_combout ),
.datad(\Mux12~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux11~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux11~0 .lut_mask = "8f80";
defparam \Mux11~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux11~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux11~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux11~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux11~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \Mux11~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux11~1_combout = (\nRCS~5_combout & ((PS[0]) # ((!PS[3] & \PS~0 ))))
.datab(\nRCS~5_combout ),
.datac(\PS~0 ),
.combout(\Mux11~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux11~1 .lut_mask = "cc40";
defparam \Mux11~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux11~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux11~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux11~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux11~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell \Mux11~2 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux11~2_combout = (\Mux11~1_combout ) # ((PS[3] & ((\nRCS~1 ) # (PS[0]))))
.dataa(\Mux11~1_combout ),
.datab(\nRCS~1 ),
.combout(\Mux11~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux11~2 .lut_mask = "faea";
defparam \Mux11~2 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux11~2 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux11~2 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux11~2 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux11~2 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \Mux11~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux11~3_combout = (!PS[2] & ((\Mux11~0_combout ) # ((!PS[1] & \Mux11~2_combout ))))
.datab(\Mux11~0_combout ),
.datad(\Mux11~2_combout ),
.combout(\Mux11~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux11~3 .lut_mask = "0d0c";
defparam \Mux11~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux11~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux11~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux11~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux11~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell \Equal2~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal2~0_combout = (PS[1] & (((PS[2] & PS[0]))))
.combout(\Equal2~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal2~0 .lut_mask = "a000";
defparam \Equal2~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal2~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal2~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal2~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal2~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell \RCKE~reg0 (
// Equation(s):
// \RCKE~reg0_regout = DFFEAS((!\Mux11~3_combout & (((PS[3]) # (!\Equal2~0_combout )) # (!\nRCS~1 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux11~3_combout ),
.datab(\nRCS~1 ),
.datad(\Equal2~0_combout ),
.regout(\RCKE~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .lut_mask = "5155";
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RCKE~reg0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N1
maxii_lcell \IS.101 (
// Equation(s):
// \IS.101~regout = DFFEAS((!LS[2] & (\Equal5~0_combout & (!LS[0] & !LS[13]))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \IS~19_combout , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\Equal5~0_combout ),
.ena(\IS~19_combout ),
.regout(\IS.101~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \IS.101 .lut_mask = "0004";
defparam \IS.101 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \IS.101 .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \IS.101 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \IS.101 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \IS.101 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell FCS(
// Equation(s):
// \FCS~regout = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout ) # ((\IS.100~regout ) # ((\IS.101~regout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\IS.100~regout ),
.datac(\IS.101~regout ),
.regout(\FCS~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam FCS.lut_mask = "fefe";
defparam FCS.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam FCS.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam FCS.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam FCS.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam FCS.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X3_Y1_N1
maxii_lcell FCKOE(
// Equation(s):
// \FCKOE~regout = DFFEAS((((\IS.111~regout ) # (\IS.000~regout ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\IS.111~regout ),
.datad(\IS.000~regout ),
.regout(\FCKOE~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam FCKOE.lut_mask = "fff0";
defparam FCKOE.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam FCKOE.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam FCKOE.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam FCKOE.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam FCKOE.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell FCKout(
// Equation(s):
// \FCKout~regout = DFFEAS(((!\IS.101~regout & ((PS[3]) # (!\IS.110~regout )))) # (!PS[0]), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datac(\IS.101~regout ),
.regout(\FCKout~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam FCKout.lut_mask = "0dff";
defparam FCKout.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam FCKout.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam FCKout.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam FCKout.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam FCKout.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N7
maxii_lcell \RDD[1]~23 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD[1]~23_combout = (!RAr[3] & (\always9~0_combout & (!RAr[2] & !RAr[1])))
.datab(\always9~0_combout ),
.combout(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .lut_mask = "0004";
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[1]~23 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \RDD[1]~22 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD[1]~22_combout = (!RAr[3] & (!RAr[2] & (!RAr[0] & \always9~0_combout )))
.datad(\always9~0_combout ),
.combout(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .lut_mask = "0100";
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[1]~22 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N7
maxii_lcell \RDD~4 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~4_combout = (\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((Addr[8]) # ((\RDD[1]~22_combout )))) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & (((!\RDD[1]~22_combout & \SD[0]~0 ))))
.dataa(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datad(\SD[0]~0 ),
.combout(\RDD~4_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~4 .lut_mask = "ada8";
defparam \RDD~4 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~4 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~4 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~4 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~4 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \Equal20~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Equal20~0_combout = (!PS[1] & (!PS[3] & (PS[2] & PS[0])))
.combout(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Equal20~0 .lut_mask = "1000";
defparam \Equal20~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Equal20~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Equal20~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Equal20~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Equal20~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N4
maxii_lcell \RDD[0] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[0] = DFFEAS((\RDD~4_combout & ((Addr[0]) # ((!\RDD[1]~22_combout )))) # (!\RDD~4_combout & (((\RDD[1]~22_combout & Addr[16])))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RDD~4_combout ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[0] .lut_mask = "bc8c";
defparam \RDD[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[0] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N1
maxii_lcell \RDD~6 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~6_combout = (\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((Addr[9]) # ((\RDD[1]~22_combout )))) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & (((!\RDD[1]~22_combout & \SD[1]~1 ))))
.dataa(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datad(\SD[1]~1 ),
.combout(\RDD~6_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~6 .lut_mask = "ada8";
defparam \RDD~6 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~6 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~6 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~6 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~6 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N2
maxii_lcell \RDD[1] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[1] = DFFEAS((\RDD[1]~22_combout & ((\RDD~6_combout & ((Addr[1]))) # (!\RDD~6_combout & (Addr[17])))) # (!\RDD[1]~22_combout & (\RDD~6_combout )), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datab(\RDD~6_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[1] .lut_mask = "ec64";
defparam \RDD[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[1] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[1] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N9
maxii_lcell \RDD~8 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~8_combout = (\RDD[1]~23_combout & (((\RDD[1]~22_combout ) # (Addr[10])))) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & (\SD[2]~2 & (!\RDD[1]~22_combout )))
.dataa(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.datab(\SD[2]~2 ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.combout(\RDD~8_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~8 .lut_mask = "aea4";
defparam \RDD~8 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~8 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~8 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~8 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~8 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N0
maxii_lcell \RDD[2] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[2] = DFFEAS((\RDD[1]~22_combout & ((\RDD~8_combout & (Addr[2])) # (!\RDD~8_combout & ((Addr[18]))))) # (!\RDD[1]~22_combout & (\RDD~8_combout )), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datab(\RDD~8_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[2] .lut_mask = "e6c4";
defparam \RDD[2] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[2] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[2] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N8
maxii_lcell \RDD~10 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~10_combout = (\RDD[1]~22_combout & (((\RDD[1]~23_combout )))) # (!\RDD[1]~22_combout & ((\RDD[1]~23_combout & (Addr[11])) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((\SD[3]~3 )))))
.dataa(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.datad(\SD[3]~3 ),
.combout(\RDD~10_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~10 .lut_mask = "e5e0";
defparam \RDD~10 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~10 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~10 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~10 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~10 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y3_N5
maxii_lcell \RDD[3] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[3] = DFFEAS((\RDD[1]~22_combout & ((\RDD~10_combout & (Addr[3])) # (!\RDD~10_combout & ((Addr[19]))))) # (!\RDD[1]~22_combout & (((\RDD~10_combout )))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\RDD[1]~22_combout ),
.datad(\RDD~10_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[3] .lut_mask = "afc0";
defparam \RDD[3] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[3] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[3] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N4
maxii_lcell \RDD[4]~12 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD[4]~12_combout = ((RAr[0] $ (!RAr[1])) # (!\always9~0_combout )) # (!\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 )
.dataa(\RAMRegSpecSEL~1 ),
.datab(\always9~0_combout ),
.combout(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .lut_mask = "f77f";
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[4]~12 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N8
maxii_lcell \RDD~14 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~14_combout = (\RDD[4]~12_combout & (((Addr[4] & \RDD[1]~23_combout )))) # (!\RDD[4]~12_combout & ((Addr[12]) # ((!\RDD[1]~23_combout ))))
.dataa(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
.datad(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.combout(\RDD~14_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~14 .lut_mask = "e455";
defparam \RDD~14 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~14 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~14 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~14 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~14 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N9
maxii_lcell \RDD[4]~13 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD[4]~13_combout = (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((\RDD[4]~12_combout ) # ((!SetFWr[1]))))
.dataa(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
.datab(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.combout(\RDD[4]~13_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .lut_mask = "2323";
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[4]~13 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N5
maxii_lcell \RDD[4] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[4] = DFFEAS((\RDD~14_combout & (((Addr[20])) # (!\RDD[4]~13_combout ))) # (!\RDD~14_combout & (\RDD[4]~13_combout & (\SD[4]~4 ))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\RDD~14_combout ),
.datab(\RDD[4]~13_combout ),
.datac(\SD[4]~4 ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[4] .lut_mask = "ea62";
defparam \RDD[4] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[4] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[4] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[4] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[4] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \RDD~16 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~16_combout = (\RDD[4]~12_combout & (\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((Addr[5])))) # (!\RDD[4]~12_combout & (((Addr[13])) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout )))
.dataa(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
.datab(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.combout(\RDD~16_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~16 .lut_mask = "d951";
defparam \RDD~16 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~16 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~16 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~16 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~16 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N1
maxii_lcell \RDD[5] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[5] = DFFEAS((\RDD[4]~13_combout & ((\RDD~16_combout & ((Addr[21]))) # (!\RDD~16_combout & (\SD[5]~5 )))) # (!\RDD[4]~13_combout & (((\RDD~16_combout )))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\SD[5]~5 ),
.datab(\RDD[4]~13_combout ),
.datad(\RDD~16_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[5] .lut_mask = "f388";
defparam \RDD[5] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[5] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[5] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[5] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[5] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N6
maxii_lcell \RDD~18 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~18_combout = (\RDD[1]~23_combout & ((\RDD[4]~12_combout & ((Addr[6]))) # (!\RDD[4]~12_combout & (Addr[14])))) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout & (((!\RDD[4]~12_combout ))))
.datab(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.datac(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
.combout(\RDD~18_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~18 .lut_mask = "cb0b";
defparam \RDD~18 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~18 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~18 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~18 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~18 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N2
maxii_lcell \RDD[6] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[6] = DFFEAS((\RDD[4]~13_combout & ((\RDD~18_combout & (Addr[22])) # (!\RDD~18_combout & ((\SD[6]~6 ))))) # (!\RDD[4]~13_combout & (((\RDD~18_combout )))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RDD[4]~13_combout ),
.datac(\RDD~18_combout ),
.datad(\SD[6]~6 ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[6] .lut_mask = "bcb0";
defparam \RDD[6] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[6] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[6] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[6] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[6] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X6_Y4_N0
maxii_lcell \RDD~20 (
// Equation(s):
// \RDD~20_combout = (\RDD[4]~12_combout & (Addr[7] & ((\RDD[1]~23_combout )))) # (!\RDD[4]~12_combout & (((Addr[15]) # (!\RDD[1]~23_combout ))))
.datab(\RDD[4]~12_combout ),
.datad(\RDD[1]~23_combout ),
.combout(\RDD~20_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD~20 .lut_mask = "b833";
defparam \RDD~20 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD~20 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \RDD~20 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD~20 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD~20 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y4_N3
maxii_lcell \RDD[7] (
// Equation(s):
// RDD[7] = DFFEAS((\RDD~20_combout & (((Addr[23]) # (!\RDD[4]~13_combout )))) # (!\RDD~20_combout & (\SD[7]~7 & ((\RDD[4]~13_combout )))), !GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , \Equal20~0_combout , , , , )
.clk(!\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\RDD~20_combout ),
.datab(\SD[7]~7 ),
.datad(\RDD[4]~13_combout ),
.ena(\Equal20~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDD[7] .lut_mask = "e4aa";
defparam \RDD[7] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \RDD[7] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \RDD[7] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \RDD[7] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \RDD[7] .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell \WRD[0] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[0] = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout & (\MOSI~0 )) # (!\IS.110~regout & (((\RD[0]~0 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[0], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\MOSI~0 ),
.datad(\RD[0]~0 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[0] .lut_mask = "dd88";
defparam \WRD[0] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[0] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[0] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[0] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[0] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X5_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell SDOE(
// Equation(s):
// \SDOE~regout = DFFEAS((((\Equal19~0_combout & \nRCS~1 ))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , , , , )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\Equal19~0_combout ),
.datad(\nRCS~1 ),
.regout(\SDOE~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam SDOE.lut_mask = "f000";
defparam SDOE.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam SDOE.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam SDOE.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam SDOE.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam SDOE.synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_16, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: Default
maxii_io \MISO~I (
.combout(\MISO~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \MISO~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \MISO~I .operation_mode = "input";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N7
maxii_lcell \WRD[1] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[1] = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout & (\MISO~combout )) # (!\IS.110~regout & (((\RD[1]~1 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[1], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\MISO~combout ),
.datad(\RD[1]~1 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[1] .lut_mask = "dd88";
defparam \WRD[1] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[1] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[1] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[1] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[1] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N2
maxii_lcell \WRD[2] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[2] = DFFEAS(((\IS.110~regout & (WRD[0])) # (!\IS.110~regout & ((\RD[2]~2 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[2], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RD[2]~2 ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[2] .lut_mask = "aacc";
defparam \WRD[2] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[2] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[2] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[2] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[2] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N3
maxii_lcell \WRD[3] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[3] = DFFEAS(((\IS.110~regout & (WRD[1])) # (!\IS.110~regout & ((\RD[3]~3 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[3], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RD[3]~3 ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[3] .lut_mask = "aacc";
defparam \WRD[3] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[3] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[3] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[3] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[3] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N5
maxii_lcell \WRD[4] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[4] = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout & (((WRD[2])))) # (!\IS.110~regout & (\RD[4]~4 )), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[4], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\RD[4]~4 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[4] .lut_mask = "ee44";
defparam \WRD[4] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[4] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[4] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[4] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[4] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell \WRD[5] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[5] = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout & (((WRD[3])))) # (!\IS.110~regout & (\RD[5]~5 )), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[5], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\RD[5]~5 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[5] .lut_mask = "ee44";
defparam \WRD[5] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[5] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[5] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[5] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[5] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \WRD[6] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[6] = DFFEAS(((\IS.110~regout & (WRD[4])) # (!\IS.110~regout & ((\RD[6]~6 )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[6], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datab(\RD[6]~6 ),
.datad(\IS.110~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[6] .lut_mask = "aacc";
defparam \WRD[6] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[6] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[6] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[6] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[6] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X7_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell \WRD[7] (
// Equation(s):
// WRD[7] = DFFEAS((\IS.110~regout & (((WRD[5])))) # (!\IS.110~regout & (\RD[7]~7 )), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , WRD[7], , , PS[0])
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\IS.110~regout ),
.datab(\RD[7]~7 ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \WRD[7] .lut_mask = "ee44";
defparam \WRD[7] .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \WRD[7] .output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam \WRD[7] .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \WRD[7] .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \WRD[7] .synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X4_Y2_N2
maxii_lcell \Mux2~0 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux2~0_combout = (LS[1] & (!PS[1] & ((!LS[2])))) # (!LS[1] & (PS[1] & (!SetFWr[1] & LS[2])))
.combout(\Mux2~0_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux2~0 .lut_mask = "0422";
defparam \Mux2~0 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux2~0 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux2~0 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux2~0 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux2~0 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N8
maxii_lcell \Mux2~1 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux2~1_combout = (((LS[0] & \Mux2~0_combout )))
.datad(\Mux2~0_combout ),
.combout(\Mux2~1_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux2~1 .lut_mask = "f000";
defparam \Mux2~1 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux2~1 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux2~1 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux2~1 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux2~1 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N9
maxii_lcell \Mux2~3 (
// Equation(s):
// \Mux2~3_combout = (((LS[0] & \Mux2~2 )))
.datad(\Mux2~2 ),
.combout(\Mux2~3_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \Mux2~3 .lut_mask = "f000";
defparam \Mux2~3 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \Mux2~3 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \Mux2~3 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \Mux2~3 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \Mux2~3 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N6
maxii_lcell \SA[1]~14 (
// Equation(s):
// \SA[1]~14_combout = PS[3] $ ((((PS[1]))))
.combout(\SA[1]~14_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~14 .lut_mask = "5a5a";
defparam \SA[1]~14 .operation_mode = "normal";
defparam \SA[1]~14 .output_mode = "comb_only";
defparam \SA[1]~14 .register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam \SA[1]~14 .sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam \SA[1]~14 .synch_mode = "off";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y1_N4
maxii_lcell MOSIout(
// Equation(s):
// \MOSIout~regout = DFFEAS((PS[2] & (((\Mux2~3_combout )))) # (!PS[2] & (\Mux2~1_combout & ((\SA[1]~14_combout )))), GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , PS[0], , , !PS[0], )
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.dataa(\Mux2~1_combout ),
.datab(\Mux2~3_combout ),
.datac(\SA[1]~14_combout ),
.regout(\MOSIout~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam MOSIout.lut_mask = "cca0";
defparam MOSIout.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam MOSIout.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam MOSIout.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam MOSIout.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam MOSIout.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: LC_X2_Y2_N8
maxii_lcell MOSIOE(
// Equation(s):
// \MOSIOE~regout = DFFEAS(GND, GLOBAL(\C25M~combout ), VCC, , , \IS.101~regout , , , VCC)
.clk(\C25M~combout ),
.datac(\IS.101~regout ),
.regout(\MOSIOE~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam MOSIOE.lut_mask = "0000";
defparam MOSIOE.operation_mode = "normal";
defparam MOSIOE.output_mode = "reg_only";
defparam MOSIOE.register_cascade_mode = "off";
defparam MOSIOE.sum_lutc_input = "datac";
defparam MOSIOE.synch_mode = "on";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_30, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nRESout~I (
.datain(\nRESout~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRESout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_20, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \INTout~I (
.datain(\INTin~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \INTout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_18, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \DMAout~I (
.datain(\DMAin~combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DMAout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_26, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \nNMIout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nNMIout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_29, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \nIRQout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nIRQout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_28, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \nRDYout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRDYout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_27, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \nINHout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nINHout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_33, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \RWout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RWout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_21, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 16mA
maxii_io \nDMAout~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nDMAout~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_19, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RAdir~I (
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RAdir~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_17, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RDdir~I (
.datain(!\comb~2_combout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RDdir~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_69, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SBA[0]~I (
.datain(\SBA[0]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SBA[0]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_71, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SBA[1]~I (
.datain(\SBA[1]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SBA[1]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_75, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[0]~I (
.datain(\SA[0]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[0]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_81, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[1]~I (
.datain(\SA[1]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[1]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_82, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[2]~I (
.datain(\SA[2]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[2]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_84, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[3]~I (
.datain(\SA[3]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[3]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_76, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[4]~I (
.datain(\SA[4]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[4]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_83, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[5]~I (
.datain(\SA[5]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[5]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_77, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[6]~I (
.datain(\SA[6]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[6]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_78, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[7]~I (
.datain(\SA[7]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[7]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_74, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[8]~I (
.datain(\SA[8]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[8]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_72, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[9]~I (
.datain(\SA[9]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[9]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_73, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[10]~I (
.datain(\SA[10]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[10]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_70, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[11]~I (
.datain(\SA[11]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[11]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_68, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \SA[12]~I (
.datain(\SA[12]~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \SA[12]~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_67, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nRCS~I (
.datain(!\nRCS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRCS~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_62, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nRAS~I (
.datain(!\nRAS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nRAS~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_61, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nCAS~I (
.datain(!\nCAS~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nCAS~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_58, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nSWE~I (
.datain(!\nSWE~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nSWE~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_85, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \DQML~I (
.datain(!\DQML~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DQML~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_57, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \DQMH~I (
.datain(!\DQMH~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \DQMH~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_66, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \RCKE~I (
.datain(!\RCKE~reg0_regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \RCKE~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_5, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \nFCS~I (
.datain(!\FCS~regout ),
.oe(\FCKOE~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \nFCS~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on
// Location: PIN_12, I/O Standard: 3.3-V LVTTL, Current Strength: 8mA
maxii_io \FCK~I (
.datain(\FCKout~regout ),
.oe(\FCKOE~regout ),
// synopsys translate_off
defparam \FCK~I .bus_hold = "true";
defparam \FCK~I .operation_mode = "output";
// synopsys translate_on