Zane Kaminski 79dd794f45 New PLD revision
For write operations, register data is latched and CAS signal becomes in the middle of S6, 70ns before the end of PHI0. This gives more write data setup time, which may be needed on the Apple II with the 1 MHz 6502.
2019-10-18 15:07:38 -04:00

23 lines
7.8 KiB
Executable File

{ "Info" "IQEXE_SEPARATOR" "" "*******************************************************************" { } { } 3 0 "*******************************************************************" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425328372 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_PRODUCT" "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer Quartus II 32-bit " "Running Quartus II 32-bit TimeQuest Timing Analyzer" { { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_VERSION" "Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition " "Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Web Edition" { } { } 0 0 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425328388 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Oct 18 15:02:06 2019 " "Processing started: Fri Oct 18 15:02:06 2019" { } { } 0 0 "Processing started: %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425328388 ""} } { } 4 0 "Running %2!s! %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425328388 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_START_BANNER_COMMANDLINE" "quartus_sta GR8RAM -c GR8RAM " "Command: quartus_sta GR8RAM -c GR8RAM" { } { } 0 0 "Command: %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425328388 ""}
{ "Info" "0" "" "qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1" { } { } 0 0 "qsta_default_script.tcl version: #1" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 0 1571425328497 ""}
{ "Warning" "WQCU_PARALLEL_NO_LICENSE" "" "Parallel compilation is not licensed and has been disabled" { } { } 0 20028 "Parallel compilation is not licensed and has been disabled" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330310 ""}
{ "Info" "IDAT_DAT_STARTED" "" "Started post-fitting delay annotation" { } { } 0 306004 "Started post-fitting delay annotation" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330325 ""}
{ "Info" "IDAT_DAT_COMPLETED" "" "Delay annotation completed successfully" { } { } 0 306005 "Delay annotation completed successfully" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330325 ""}
{ "Warning" "WTDB_ANALYZE_COMB_LATCHES_NOT_SUPPORTED" "" "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family." { } { } 0 335095 "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer does not support the analysis of latches as synchronous elements for the currently selected device family." 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330403 ""}
{ "Critical Warning" "WSTA_SDC_NOT_FOUND" "GR8RAM.sdc " "Synopsys Design Constraints File file not found: 'GR8RAM.sdc'. A Synopsys Design Constraints File is required by the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to get proper timing constraints. Without it, the Compiler will not properly optimize the design." { } { } 1 332012 "Synopsys Design Constraints File file not found: '%1!s!'. A Synopsys Design Constraints File is required by the TimeQuest Timing Analyzer to get proper timing constraints. Without it, the Compiler will not properly optimize the design." 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330450 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_CLOCK_FOUND_DERIVING" "base clocks \"derive_clocks -period 1.0\" " "No user constrained base clocks found in the design. Calling \"derive_clocks -period 1.0\"" { } { } 0 332142 "No user constrained %1!s! found in the design. Calling %2!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330450 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCKS_INFO" "Deriving Clocks " "Deriving Clocks" { { "Info" "ISTA_DERIVE_CLOCKS_INFO" "create_clock -period 1.000 -name C7M C7M " "create_clock -period 1.000 -name C7M C7M" { } { } 0 332105 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330450 ""} } { } 0 332105 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330450 ""}
{ "Critical Warning" "WSTA_TIMING_NOT_MET" "" "Timing requirements not met" { } { } 1 332148 "Timing requirements not met" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330560 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "setup -47.500 " "Worst-case setup slack is -47.500" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " Slack End Point TNS Clock " " Slack End Point TNS Clock " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= ============= ===================== " "========= ============= =====================" { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " -47.500 -2169.500 C7M " " -47.500 -2169.500 C7M " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} } { } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "hold 5.000 " "Worst-case hold slack is 5.000" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " Slack End Point TNS Clock " " Slack End Point TNS Clock " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= ============= ===================== " "========= ============= =====================" { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " 5.000 0.000 C7M " " 5.000 0.000 C7M " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""} } { } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330575 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Recovery " "No Recovery paths to report" { } { } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330622 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_NO_PATHS_TO_REPORT" "Removal " "No Removal paths to report" { } { } 0 332140 "No %1!s! paths to report" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330638 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_WORST_CASE_SLACK" "minimum pulse width -4.500 " "Worst-case minimum pulse width slack is -4.500" { { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " Slack End Point TNS Clock " " Slack End Point TNS Clock " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330653 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" "========= ============= ===================== " "========= ============= =====================" { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330653 ""} { "Info" "ISTA_CREATE_TIMING_SUMMARY_INFO" " -4.500 -486.000 C7M " " -4.500 -486.000 C7M " { } { } 0 332119 "%1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330653 ""} } { } 0 332146 "Worst-case %1!s! slack is %2!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330653 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_METASTABILITY_REPORT_DISABLED" "" "The selected device family is not supported by the report_metastability command." { } { } 0 332001 "The selected device family is not supported by the report_metastability command." 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330794 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_UCP_NOT_CONSTRAINED" "setup " "Design is not fully constrained for setup requirements" { } { } 0 332102 "Design is not fully constrained for %1!s! requirements" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330872 ""}
{ "Info" "ISTA_UCP_NOT_CONSTRAINED" "hold " "Design is not fully constrained for hold requirements" { } { } 0 332102 "Design is not fully constrained for %1!s! requirements" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425330872 ""}
{ "Info" "IQEXE_ERROR_COUNT" "TimeQuest Timing Analyzer 0 s 4 s Quartus II 32-bit " "Quartus II 32-bit TimeQuest Timing Analyzer was successful. 0 errors, 4 warnings" { { "Info" "IQEXE_END_PEAK_VSIZE_MEMORY" "259 " "Peak virtual memory: 259 megabytes" { } { } 0 0 "Peak virtual memory: %1!s! megabytes" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425331044 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_END_BANNER_TIME" "Fri Oct 18 15:02:11 2019 " "Processing ended: Fri Oct 18 15:02:11 2019" { } { } 0 0 "Processing ended: %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425331044 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_TIME" "00:00:05 " "Elapsed time: 00:00:05" { } { } 0 0 "Elapsed time: %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425331044 ""} { "Info" "IQEXE_ELAPSED_CPU_TIME" "00:00:05 " "Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:05" { } { } 0 0 "Total CPU time (on all processors): %1!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425331044 ""} } { } 0 0 "%6!s! %1!s! was successful. %2!d! error%3!s!, %4!d! warning%5!s!" 0 0 "Quartus II" 0 -1 1571425331044 ""}