#-- Lattice Semiconductor Corporation Ltd. #-- Synplify OEM project file #device options set_option -technology MACHXO set_option -part LCMXO640C set_option -package T100C set_option -speed_grade -3 #compilation/mapping options set_option -symbolic_fsm_compiler true set_option -resource_sharing true #use verilog 2001 standard option set_option -vlog_std v2001 #map options set_option -frequency 70 set_option -maxfan 1000 set_option -auto_constrain_io 0 set_option -disable_io_insertion false set_option -retiming false; set_option -pipe false set_option -force_gsr auto set_option -compiler_compatible 0 set_option -dup false add_file -constraint {D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/RAM2GS.sdc} set_option -default_enum_encoding default #simulation options #timing analysis options set_option -num_critical_paths 3 #automatic place and route (vendor) options set_option -write_apr_constraint 1 #synplifyPro options set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1 set_option -update_models_cp 0 set_option -resolve_multiple_driver 0 set_option -seqshift_no_replicate 0 #-- add_file options set_option -include_path {D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/LCMXO640C} add_file -verilog -vlog_std v2001 {D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/RAM2GS-SPI.v} #-- top module name set_option -top_module RAM2GS #-- set result format/file last project -result_file {D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/LCMXO640C/impl1/RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.edi} #-- error message log file project -log_file {RAM2GS_LCMXO640C_impl1.srf} #-- set any command lines input by customer #-- run Synplify with 'arrange HDL file' project -run -clean