Place & Route TRACE Report

Loading design for application trce from file ram2gs_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd.
Design name: RAM2GS
NCD version: 3.3
Vendor:      LATTICE
Device:      LCMXO2-640HC
Package:     TQFP100
Performance: 4
Loading device for application trce from file 'xo2c640.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.12/ispfpga.
Package Status:                     Final          Version 1.39.
Performance Hardware Data Status:   Final          Version 34.4.
Setup and Hold Report

Lattice TRACE Report - Setup, Version Diamond (64-bit)
Tue Aug 15 22:56:39 2023

Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp.   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems   All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation,  All rights reserved.

Report Information
Command line:    trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.twr -gui -msgset D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf 
Design file:     ram2gs_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd
Preference file: ram2gs_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf
Device,speed:    LCMXO2-640HC,4
Report level:    verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference

Preference Summary

  • FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 170 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. Report: 55.475MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. Report: 150.150MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. Report: 150.150MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 590 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. Report: 101.286MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. BLOCK ASYNCPATHS BLOCK RESETPATHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; 170 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.401ns (weighted slack = 326.802ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[3] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdUFMSDI (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.950ns (28.6% logic, 71.4% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.950ns physical path delay Din[3]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.063ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 172.351ns) by 163.401ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[3]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_T6C.CLK to IOL_T6C.IN Din[3]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.496 IOL_T6C.IN to R4C6A.C1 Bank[3] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.C1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.213 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8A.C0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8A.C0 to R4C8A.F0 SLICE_57 ROUTE 5 0.710 R4C8A.F0 to R4C8B.B1 XOR8MEG18 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8B.B1 to R4C8B.F1 SLICE_20 ROUTE 3 2.351 R4C8B.F1 to IOL_L2C.CE CmdUFMCLK_1_sqmuxa (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.950 (28.6% logic, 71.4% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[3]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_T6C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.452ns (weighted slack = 326.904ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[7] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdUFMSDI (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.899ns (28.7% logic, 71.3% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.899ns physical path delay Din[7]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.063ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 172.351ns) by 163.452ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[7]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_L2A.CLK to IOL_L2A.IN Din[7]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.375 IOL_L2A.IN to R3C6A.D1 Bank[7] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D1 to R3C6A.F1 SLICE_69 ROUTE 1 0.693 R3C6A.F1 to R3C6A.B0 un1_Bank_1_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.B0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.213 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8A.C0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8A.C0 to R4C8A.F0 SLICE_57 ROUTE 5 0.710 R4C8A.F0 to R4C8B.B1 XOR8MEG18 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8B.B1 to R4C8B.F1 SLICE_20 ROUTE 3 2.351 R4C8B.F1 to IOL_L2C.CE CmdUFMCLK_1_sqmuxa (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.899 (28.7% logic, 71.3% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[7]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.522ns (weighted slack = 327.044ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[4] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdUFMSDI (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.829ns (29.0% logic, 71.0% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.829ns physical path delay Din[4]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.063ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 172.351ns) by 163.522ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[4]_MGIOL to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_T6A.CLK to IOL_T6A.IN Din[4]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.375 IOL_T6A.IN to R4C6A.D1 Bank[4] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.D1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.213 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8A.C0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8A.C0 to R4C8A.F0 SLICE_57 ROUTE 5 0.710 R4C8A.F0 to R4C8B.B1 XOR8MEG18 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8B.B1 to R4C8B.F1 SLICE_20 ROUTE 3 2.351 R4C8B.F1 to IOL_L2C.CE CmdUFMCLK_1_sqmuxa (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.829 (29.0% logic, 71.0% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[4]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_T6A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.573ns (weighted slack = 327.146ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[3] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.502ns (44.4% logic, 55.6% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.502ns physical path delay Din[3]_MGIOL to SLICE_18 meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.173ns skew and 0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 172.075ns) by 163.573ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[3]_MGIOL to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_T6C.CLK to IOL_T6C.IN Din[3]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.496 IOL_T6C.IN to R4C6A.C1 Bank[3] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.C1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.092 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8D.D0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8D.D0 to R4C8D.F0 SLICE_60 ROUTE 2 0.758 R4C8D.F0 to R3C8D.C1 ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C1 to R3C8D.F1 SLICE_46 ROUTE 3 0.445 R3C8D.F1 to R3C8D.C0 un1_ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C0 to R3C8D.F0 SLICE_46 ROUTE 1 0.315 R3C8D.F0 to R3C8C.D0 un1_CMDWR CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.721 R3C8C.D0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.502 (44.4% logic, 55.6% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[3]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_T6C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.624ns (weighted slack = 327.248ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[7] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.451ns (44.6% logic, 55.4% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.451ns physical path delay Din[7]_MGIOL to SLICE_18 meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.173ns skew and 0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 172.075ns) by 163.624ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[7]_MGIOL to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_L2A.CLK to IOL_L2A.IN Din[7]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.375 IOL_L2A.IN to R3C6A.D1 Bank[7] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D1 to R3C6A.F1 SLICE_69 ROUTE 1 0.693 R3C6A.F1 to R3C6A.B0 un1_Bank_1_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.B0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.092 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8D.D0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8D.D0 to R4C8D.F0 SLICE_60 ROUTE 2 0.758 R4C8D.F0 to R3C8D.C1 ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C1 to R3C8D.F1 SLICE_46 ROUTE 3 0.445 R3C8D.F1 to R3C8D.C0 un1_ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C0 to R3C8D.F0 SLICE_46 ROUTE 1 0.315 R3C8D.F0 to R3C8C.D0 un1_CMDWR CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.721 R3C8C.D0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.451 (44.6% logic, 55.4% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[7]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.694ns (weighted slack = 327.388ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[4] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.381ns (45.0% logic, 55.0% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.381ns physical path delay Din[4]_MGIOL to SLICE_18 meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.173ns skew and 0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 172.075ns) by 163.694ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[4]_MGIOL to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_T6A.CLK to IOL_T6A.IN Din[4]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.375 IOL_T6A.IN to R4C6A.D1 Bank[4] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.D1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.092 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8D.D0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8D.D0 to R4C8D.F0 SLICE_60 ROUTE 2 0.758 R4C8D.F0 to R3C8D.C1 ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C1 to R3C8D.F1 SLICE_46 ROUTE 3 0.445 R3C8D.F1 to R3C8D.C0 un1_ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C0 to R3C8D.F0 SLICE_46 ROUTE 1 0.315 R3C8D.F0 to R3C8C.D0 un1_CMDWR CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.721 R3C8C.D0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.381 (45.0% logic, 55.0% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[4]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_T6A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.812ns (weighted slack = 327.624ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[0] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdUFMSDI (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.712ns (27.9% logic, 72.1% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.712ns physical path delay SLICE_63 to Din[0]_MGIOL meets 172.414ns delay constraint less -0.173ns skew and 0.063ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 172.524ns) by 163.812ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_63 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q0 SLICE_63 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.383 R4C7A.Q0 to R4C6A.A1 Bank[0] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.A1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.213 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8A.C0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8A.C0 to R4C8A.F0 SLICE_57 ROUTE 5 0.710 R4C8A.F0 to R4C8B.B1 XOR8MEG18 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8B.B1 to R4C8B.F1 SLICE_20 ROUTE 3 2.351 R4C8B.F1 to IOL_L2C.CE CmdUFMCLK_1_sqmuxa (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.712 (27.9% logic, 72.1% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_63: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 163.984ns (weighted slack = 327.968ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[0] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.264ns (44.1% logic, 55.9% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.264ns physical path delay SLICE_63 to SLICE_18 meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 172.248ns) by 163.984ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_63 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R4C7A.CLK to R4C7A.Q0 SLICE_63 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.383 R4C7A.Q0 to R4C6A.A1 Bank[0] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.A1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.092 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8D.D0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8D.D0 to R4C8D.F0 SLICE_60 ROUTE 2 0.758 R4C8D.F0 to R3C8D.C1 ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C1 to R3C8D.F1 SLICE_46 ROUTE 3 0.445 R3C8D.F1 to R3C8D.C0 un1_ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8D.C0 to R3C8D.F0 SLICE_46 ROUTE 1 0.315 R3C8D.F0 to R3C8C.D0 un1_CMDWR CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.721 R3C8C.D0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.264 (44.1% logic, 55.9% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_63: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R4C7A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 164.041ns (weighted slack = 328.082ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[3] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in ADSubmitted (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.034ns (38.0% logic, 62.0% route), 6 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.034ns physical path delay Din[3]_MGIOL to SLICE_10 meets 172.414ns delay constraint less 0.173ns skew and 0.166ns DIN_SET requirement (totaling 172.075ns) by 164.041ns Physical Path Details: Data path Din[3]_MGIOL to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource C2INP_DEL --- 0.577 IOL_T6C.CLK to IOL_T6C.IN Din[3]_MGIOL (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.496 IOL_T6C.IN to R4C6A.C1 Bank[3] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C6A.C1 to R4C6A.F1 SLICE_43 ROUTE 1 0.623 R4C6A.F1 to R3C6A.D0 un1_Bank_1_4 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.D0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.092 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8D.D0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8D.D0 to R4C8D.F0 SLICE_60 ROUTE 2 0.758 R4C8D.F0 to R3C8B.C1 ADWR CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8B.C1 to R3C8B.F1 SLICE_10 ROUTE 2 1.013 R3C8B.F1 to R3C8B.B0 CmdEnable17 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C8B.B0 to R3C8B.F0 SLICE_10 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8B.F0 to R3C8B.DI0 ADSubmitted_r (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.034 (38.0% logic, 62.0% route), 6 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to Din[3]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_T6C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 164.046ns (weighted slack = 328.092ns) Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Bank_0io[2] (from PHI2_c +) Destination: FF Data in CmdUFMSDI (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 8.478ns (28.7% logic, 71.3% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.478ns physical path delay SLICE_68 to Din[0]_MGIOL meets 172.414ns delay constraint less -0.173ns skew and 0.063ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 172.524ns) by 164.046ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_68 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R3C9C.CLK to R3C9C.Q0 SLICE_68 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 1 1.079 R3C9C.Q0 to R3C6A.C1 Bank[2] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.C1 to R3C6A.F1 SLICE_69 ROUTE 1 0.693 R3C6A.F1 to R3C6A.B0 un1_Bank_1_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R3C6A.B0 to R3C6A.F0 SLICE_69 ROUTE 5 1.213 R3C6A.F0 to R4C8A.C0 un1_Bank_1 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8A.C0 to R4C8A.F0 SLICE_57 ROUTE 5 0.710 R4C8A.F0 to R4C8B.B1 XOR8MEG18 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C8B.B1 to R4C8B.F1 SLICE_20 ROUTE 3 2.351 R4C8B.F1 to IOL_L2C.CE CmdUFMCLK_1_sqmuxa (to PHI2_c) -------- 8.478 (28.7% logic, 71.3% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_68: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.539 8.PADDI to R3C9C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.539 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to Din[0]_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 3.712 8.PADDI to IOL_L2C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 3.712 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Report: 55.475MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz ; 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 338.168ns The internal maximum frequency of the following component is 150.150 MHz Logical Details: Cell type Pin name Component name Destination: PIO PAD nCCAS Delay: 6.660ns -- based on Minimum Pulse Width Report: 150.150MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz ; 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 338.168ns The internal maximum frequency of the following component is 150.150 MHz Logical Details: Cell type Pin name Component name Destination: PIO PAD nCRAS Delay: 6.660ns -- based on Minimum Pulse Width Report: 150.150MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; 590 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 6.127ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[12] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 9.591ns (35.7% logic, 64.3% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 9.591ns physical path delay SLICE_4 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 6.127ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_4 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4C.CLK to R6C4C.Q1 SLICE_4 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 1.177 R6C4C.Q1 to R6C5D.C1 FS[12] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.C1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 9.591 (35.7% logic, 64.3% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 6.287ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[17] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 9.431ns (36.3% logic, 63.7% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 9.431ns physical path delay SLICE_1 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 6.287ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_1 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C5B.CLK to R6C5B.Q0 SLICE_1 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 1.017 R6C5B.Q0 to R6C5D.B1 FS[17] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.B1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 9.431 (36.3% logic, 63.7% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_1: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C5B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 6.319ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[13] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 9.399ns (36.4% logic, 63.6% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 9.399ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 6.319ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4D.CLK to R6C4D.Q0 SLICE_3 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.985 R6C4D.Q0 to R6C5D.A1 FS[13] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.A1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 9.399 (36.4% logic, 63.6% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4D.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 6.646ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[14] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 9.072ns (37.7% logic, 62.3% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 9.072ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 6.646ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4D.CLK to R6C4D.Q1 SLICE_3 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.658 R6C4D.Q1 to R6C5D.D1 FS[14] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.D1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 9.072 (37.7% logic, 62.3% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4D.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 6.977ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[12] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in n8MEGEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.741ns (39.1% logic, 60.9% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.741ns physical path delay SLICE_4 to SLICE_43 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 6.977ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_4 to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4C.CLK to R6C4C.Q1 SLICE_4 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 1.177 R6C4C.Q1 to R6C5D.C1 FS[12] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.C1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.632 R5C4C.F0 to R4C4A.D1 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.D1 to R4C4A.F1 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 0.693 R4C4A.F1 to R4C4A.B0 N_139 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.B0 to R4C4A.F0 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 1.069 R4C4A.F0 to R4C6A.CE N_26 (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.741 (39.1% logic, 60.9% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R4C6A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 7.097ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[16] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.621ns (34.0% logic, 66.0% route), 6 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.621ns physical path delay SLICE_2 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 7.097ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_2 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C5A.CLK to R6C5A.Q1 SLICE_2 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 4 1.017 R6C5A.Q1 to R6C5C.B1 FS[16] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.B1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.621 (34.0% logic, 66.0% route), 6 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_2: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C5A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 7.137ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[17] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in n8MEGEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.581ns (39.9% logic, 60.1% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.581ns physical path delay SLICE_1 to SLICE_43 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 7.137ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_1 to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C5B.CLK to R6C5B.Q0 SLICE_1 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 1.017 R6C5B.Q0 to R6C5D.B1 FS[17] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.B1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.632 R5C4C.F0 to R4C4A.D1 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.D1 to R4C4A.F1 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 0.693 R4C4A.F1 to R4C4A.B0 N_139 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.B0 to R4C4A.F0 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 1.069 R4C4A.F0 to R4C6A.CE N_26 (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.581 (39.9% logic, 60.1% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_1: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C5B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R4C6A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 7.169ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[13] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in n8MEGEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.549ns (40.0% logic, 60.0% route), 7 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.549ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_43 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 7.169ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4D.CLK to R6C4D.Q0 SLICE_3 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.985 R6C4D.Q0 to R6C5D.A1 FS[13] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.A1 to R6C5D.F1 SLICE_72 ROUTE 1 0.315 R6C5D.F1 to R6C5C.D1 UFMSDI_ens2_i_o2_0_3 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.D1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.632 R5C4C.F0 to R4C4A.D1 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.D1 to R4C4A.F1 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 0.693 R4C4A.F1 to R4C4A.B0 N_139 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4A.B0 to R4C4A.F0 SLICE_55 ROUTE 1 1.069 R4C4A.F0 to R4C6A.CE N_26 (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.549 (40.0% logic, 60.0% route), 7 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4D.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_43: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R4C6A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 7.281ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[12] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in UFMCLK_0io (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.739ns (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 5 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.739ns physical path delay SLICE_4 to UFMCLK_MGIOL meets 16.000ns delay constraint less -0.173ns skew and 0.153ns DO_SET requirement (totaling 16.020ns) by 7.281ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_4 to UFMCLK_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C4C.CLK to R6C4C.Q1 SLICE_4 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 1.434 R6C4C.Q1 to R6C5D.B0 FS[12] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5D.B0 to R6C5D.F0 SLICE_72 ROUTE 2 1.902 R6C5D.F0 to R5C5C.A1 N_137_5 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C5C.A1 to R5C5C.F1 SLICE_48 ROUTE 2 0.982 R5C5C.F1 to R5C5C.A0 UFMCLK_r_i_a2_2_2 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C5C.A0 to R5C5C.F0 SLICE_48 ROUTE 1 0.693 R5C5C.F0 to R5C5D.B0 d_m3_0_a2_0 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C5D.B0 to R5C5D.F0 SLICE_47 ROUTE 1 1.296 R5C5D.F0 to IOL_B4C.OPOS i1_i (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.739 (27.8% logic, 72.2% route), 5 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to UFMCLK_MGIOL: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.243 62.PADDI to IOL_B4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.243 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 7.354ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[15] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in LEDEN (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 8.364ns (35.0% logic, 65.0% route), 6 logic levels. Constraint Details: 8.364ns physical path delay SLICE_2 to SLICE_27 meets 16.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew and 0.282ns CE_SET requirement (totaling 15.718ns) by 7.354ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_2 to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.452 R6C5A.CLK to R6C5A.Q0 SLICE_2 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.760 R6C5A.Q0 to R6C5C.C1 FS[15] CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R6C5C.C1 to R6C5C.F1 SLICE_64 ROUTE 4 0.988 R6C5C.F1 to R5C4C.D1 N_129 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.D1 to R5C4C.F1 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.445 R5C4C.F1 to R5C4C.C0 N_145 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C4C.C0 to R5C4C.F0 SLICE_59 ROUTE 2 0.753 R5C4C.F0 to R5C3A.C0 N_139_8 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R5C3A.C0 to R5C3A.F0 SLICE_56 ROUTE 1 1.079 R5C3A.F0 to R4C4D.C0 N_140 CTOF_DEL --- 0.495 R4C4D.C0 to R4C4D.F0 SLICE_54 ROUTE 1 1.412 R4C4D.F0 to R5C7B.CE N_28 (to RCLK_c) -------- 8.364 (35.0% logic, 65.0% route), 6 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_2: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R6C5A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_27: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 3.070 62.PADDI to R5C7B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 3.070 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Report: 101.286MHz is the maximum frequency for this preference. Report Summary -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference | Constraint| Actual|Levels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; | 2.900 MHz| 55.475 MHz| 5 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz ; | 2.900 MHz| 150.150 MHz| 0 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz ; | 2.900 MHz| 150.150 MHz| 0 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; | 62.500 MHz| 101.286 MHz| 7 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All preferences were met. Clock Domains Analysis ------------------------ Found 4 clocks: Clock Domain: nCRAS_c Source: nCRAS.PAD Loads: 12 No transfer within this clock domain is found Data transfers from: Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: nCCAS_c Source: nCCAS.PAD Loads: 10 No transfer within this clock domain is found Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Loads: 39 Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: nCRAS_c Source: nCRAS.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: PHI2_c Source: PHI2.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: PHI2_c Source: PHI2.PAD Loads: 19 Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Timing summary (Setup): --------------- Timing errors: 0 Score: 0 Cumulative negative slack: 0 Constraints cover 760 paths, 4 nets, and 439 connections (62.45% coverage) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lattice TRACE Report - Hold, Version Diamond (64-bit) Tue Aug 15 22:56:39 2023 Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 2002-2020 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved. Report Information ------------------ Command line: trce -v 10 -gt -sethld -sp 4 -sphld m -o RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.twr -gui -msgset D:/OneDrive/Documents/GitHub/RAM2GS/CPLD/LCMXO2-640HC/promote.xml RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.ncd RAM2GS_LCMXO2_640HC_impl1.prf Design file: ram2gs_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.ncd Preference file: ram2gs_lcmxo2_640hc_impl1.prf Device,speed: LCMXO2-640HC,m Report level: verbose report, limited to 10 items per preference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference Summary
  • FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 170 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected.
  • FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz (0 errors)
  • 590 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. BLOCK ASYNCPATHS BLOCK RESETPATHS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; 170 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q ADSubmitted (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in ADSubmitted (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_10 to SLICE_10 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_10 to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8B.CLK to R3C8B.Q0 SLICE_10 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.132 R3C8B.Q0 to R3C8B.A0 ADSubmitted CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R3C8B.A0 to R3C8B.F0 SLICE_10 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8B.F0 to R3C8B.DI0 ADSubmitted_r (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q C1Submitted (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in C1Submitted (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_13 to SLICE_13 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_13 to SLICE_13: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8A.CLK to R3C8A.Q0 SLICE_13 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.132 R3C8A.Q0 to R3C8A.A0 C1Submitted CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R3C8A.A0 to R3C8A.F0 SLICE_13 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8A.F0 to R3C8A.DI0 C1Submitted_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_13: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_13: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q CmdSubmitted (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdSubmitted (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_20 to SLICE_20 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_20 to SLICE_20: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R4C8B.CLK to R4C8B.Q0 SLICE_20 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 4 0.132 R4C8B.Q0 to R4C8B.A0 CmdSubmitted CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R4C8B.A0 to R4C8B.F0 SLICE_20 ROUTE 1 0.000 R4C8B.F0 to R4C8B.DI0 N_412_0 (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_20: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R4C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_20: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R4C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q XOR8MEG (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in XOR8MEG (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_42 to SLICE_42 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_42 to SLICE_42: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C9B.CLK to R5C9B.Q0 SLICE_42 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.132 R5C9B.Q0 to R5C9B.A0 XOR8MEG CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C9B.A0 to R5C9B.F0 SLICE_42 ROUTE 1 0.000 R5C9B.F0 to R5C9B.DI0 XOR8MEG_3 (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_42: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C9B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_42: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C9B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.435ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q CmdEnable (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.422ns (68.5% logic, 31.5% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.422ns physical path delay SLICE_18 to SLICE_18 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.435ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_18 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8C.CLK to R3C8C.Q0 SLICE_18 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 3 0.133 R3C8C.Q0 to R3C8C.A0 CmdEnable CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.156 R3C8C.A0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.422 (68.5% logic, 31.5% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.440ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q ADSubmitted (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.427ns (67.7% logic, 32.3% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.427ns physical path delay SLICE_10 to SLICE_18 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.440ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_10 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8B.CLK to R3C8B.Q0 SLICE_10 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.138 R3C8B.Q0 to R3C8C.C1 ADSubmitted CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.156 R3C8C.C1 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.427 (67.7% logic, 32.3% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_10: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.526ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q C1Submitted (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.513ns (56.3% logic, 43.7% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.513ns physical path delay SLICE_13 to SLICE_18 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.526ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_13 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8A.CLK to R3C8A.Q0 SLICE_13 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.224 R3C8A.Q0 to R3C8C.B0 C1Submitted CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.156 R3C8C.B0 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.513 (56.3% logic, 43.7% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_13: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8A.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.527ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q CmdEnable (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdEnable (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.514ns (56.2% logic, 43.8% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.514ns physical path delay SLICE_18 to SLICE_18 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.527ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_18 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R3C8C.CLK to R3C8C.Q0 SLICE_18 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 3 0.225 R3C8C.Q0 to R3C8C.B1 CmdEnable CTOOFX_DEL --- 0.156 R3C8C.B1 to R3C8C.OFX0 SLICE_18 ROUTE 1 0.000 R3C8C.OFX0 to R3C8C.DI0 CmdEnable_s (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.514 (56.2% logic, 43.8% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_18: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R3C8C.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.616ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q CmdLEDEN (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in CmdLEDEN (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.603ns (55.6% logic, 44.4% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.603ns physical path delay SLICE_19 to SLICE_19 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.616ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_19 to SLICE_19: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C8B.CLK to R5C8B.Q0 SLICE_19 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.212 R5C8B.Q0 to R5C8A.A1 CmdLEDEN CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C8A.A1 to R5C8A.F1 SLICE_70 ROUTE 1 0.056 R5C8A.F1 to R5C8B.C0 N_59 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C8B.C0 to R5C8B.F0 SLICE_19 ROUTE 1 0.000 R5C8B.F0 to R5C8B.DI0 N_14_i (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.603 (55.6% logic, 44.4% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_19: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_19: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C8B.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.702ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Cmdn8MEGEN (from PHI2_c -) Destination: FF Data in Cmdn8MEGEN (to PHI2_c -) Delay: 0.689ns (48.6% logic, 51.4% route), 3 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.689ns physical path delay SLICE_21 to SLICE_21 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.702ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_21 to SLICE_21: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C8D.CLK to R5C8D.Q0 SLICE_21 (from PHI2_c) ROUTE 2 0.224 R5C8D.Q0 to R5C8C.B1 Cmdn8MEGEN CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C8C.B1 to R5C8C.F1 SLICE_50 ROUTE 1 0.130 R5C8C.F1 to R5C8D.A0 Cmdn8MEGEN_4_u_i_0 CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C8D.A0 to R5C8D.F0 SLICE_21 ROUTE 1 0.000 R5C8D.F0 to R5C8D.DI0 N_12_i (to PHI2_c) -------- 0.689 (48.6% logic, 51.4% route), 3 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_21: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C8D.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path PHI2 to SLICE_21: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 19 1.240 8.PADDI to R5C8D.CLK PHI2_c -------- 1.240 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz ; 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz ; 0 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================================ Preference: FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; 590 items scored, 0 timing errors detected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.304ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q CASr (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in CASr2 (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.285ns (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.285ns physical path delay SLICE_14 to SLICE_14 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.304ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_14 to SLICE_14: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C9A.CLK to R5C9A.Q0 SLICE_14 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 1 0.152 R5C9A.Q0 to R5C9A.M1 CASr (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.285 (46.7% logic, 53.3% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_14: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R5C9A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_14: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R5C9A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.309ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q RASr (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in RASr2 (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.290ns (45.9% logic, 54.1% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.290ns physical path delay SLICE_29 to SLICE_29 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.309ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_29 to SLICE_29: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C12B.CLK to R6C12B.Q0 SLICE_29 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 2 0.157 R6C12B.Q0 to R6C12B.M1 RASr (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.290 (45.9% logic, 54.1% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_29: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C12B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_29: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C12B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.311ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q RASr2 (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in RASr3 (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.292ns (45.5% logic, 54.5% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.292ns physical path delay SLICE_29 to SLICE_32 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.311ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_29 to SLICE_32: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C12B.CLK to R6C12B.Q1 SLICE_29 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 10 0.159 R6C12B.Q1 to R6C12A.M1 RASr2 (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.292 (45.5% logic, 54.5% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_29: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C12B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_32: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C12A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.311ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q PHI2r2 (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in PHI2r3 (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.292ns (45.5% logic, 54.5% route), 1 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.292ns physical path delay SLICE_65 to SLICE_65 meets -0.019ns M_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.019ns) by 0.311ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_65 to SLICE_65: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R4C4B.CLK to R4C4B.Q0 SLICE_65 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.159 R4C4B.Q0 to R4C4B.M1 PHI2r2 (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.292 (45.5% logic, 54.5% route), 1 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_65: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R4C4B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_65: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R4C4B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[0] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in FS[0] (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_0 to SLICE_0 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_0 to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C3A.CLK to R6C3A.Q1 SLICE_0 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.132 R6C3A.Q1 to R6C3A.A1 FS[0] CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R6C3A.A1 to R6C3A.F1 SLICE_0 ROUTE 1 0.000 R6C3A.F1 to R6C3A.DI1 FS_s[0] (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C3A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_0: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C3A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[13] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in FS[13] (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_3 to SLICE_3 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_3 to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C4D.CLK to R6C4D.Q0 SLICE_3 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.132 R6C4D.Q0 to R6C4D.A0 FS[13] CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R6C4D.A0 to R6C4D.F0 SLICE_3 ROUTE 1 0.000 R6C4D.F0 to R6C4D.DI0 FS_s[13] (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4D.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_3: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4D.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q Ready_fast (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in Ready_fast (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_34 to SLICE_34 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_34 to SLICE_34: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R4C13C.CLK to R4C13C.Q0 SLICE_34 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 14 0.132 R4C13C.Q0 to R4C13C.A0 Ready_fast CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R4C13C.A0 to R4C13C.F0 SLICE_34 ROUTE 1 0.000 R4C13C.F0 to R4C13C.DI0 N_415_0 (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_34: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R4C13C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_34: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R4C13C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[12] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in FS[12] (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_4 to SLICE_4 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_4 to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C4C.CLK to R6C4C.Q1 SLICE_4 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.132 R6C4C.Q1 to R6C4C.A1 FS[12] CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R6C4C.A1 to R6C4C.F1 SLICE_4 ROUTE 1 0.000 R6C4C.F1 to R6C4C.DI1 FS_s[12] (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_4: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4C.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q nUFMCS (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in nUFMCS (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_45 to SLICE_45 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_45 to SLICE_45: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R5C5A.CLK to R5C5A.Q0 SLICE_45 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 1 0.130 R5C5A.Q0 to R5C5A.A0 nUFMCS_c CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R5C5A.A0 to R5C5A.F0 SLICE_45 ROUTE 2 0.002 R5C5A.F0 to R5C5A.DI0 nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_45: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R5C5A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_45: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R5C5A.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Passed: The following path meets requirements by 0.379ns Logical Details: Cell type Pin type Cell/ASIC name (clock net +/-) Source: FF Q FS[9] (from RCLK_c +) Destination: FF Data in FS[9] (to RCLK_c +) Delay: 0.366ns (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Constraint Details: 0.366ns physical path delay SLICE_5 to SLICE_5 meets -0.013ns DIN_HLD and 0.000ns delay constraint less 0.000ns skew requirement (totaling -0.013ns) by 0.379ns Physical Path Details: Data path SLICE_5 to SLICE_5: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource REG_DEL --- 0.133 R6C4B.CLK to R6C4B.Q0 SLICE_5 (from RCLK_c) ROUTE 3 0.132 R6C4B.Q0 to R6C4B.A0 FS[9] CTOF_DEL --- 0.101 R6C4B.A0 to R6C4B.F0 SLICE_5 ROUTE 1 0.000 R6C4B.F0 to R6C4B.DI0 FS_s[9] (to RCLK_c) -------- 0.366 (63.9% logic, 36.1% route), 2 logic levels. Clock Skew Details: Source Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_5: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Destination Clock Path RCLK to SLICE_5: Name Fanout Delay (ns) Site Resource ROUTE 39 1.059 62.PADDI to R6C4B.CLK RCLK_c -------- 1.059 (0.0% logic, 100.0% route), 0 logic levels. Report Summary -------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preference(MIN Delays) | Constraint| Actual|Levels ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; | -| -| 2 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "nCCAS" 2.900000 MHz ; | -| -| 0 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "nCRAS" 2.900000 MHz ; | -| -| 0 | | | FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; | -| -| 1 | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- All preferences were met. Clock Domains Analysis ------------------------ Found 4 clocks: Clock Domain: nCRAS_c Source: nCRAS.PAD Loads: 12 No transfer within this clock domain is found Data transfers from: Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: nCCAS_c Source: nCCAS.PAD Loads: 10 No transfer within this clock domain is found Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Loads: 39 Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "RCLK" 62.500000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: nCRAS_c Source: nCRAS.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: PHI2_c Source: PHI2.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Clock Domain: PHI2_c Source: PHI2.PAD Loads: 19 Covered under: FREQUENCY PORT "PHI2" 2.900000 MHz ; Data transfers from: Clock Domain: RCLK_c Source: RCLK.PAD Not reported because source and destination domains are unrelated. To report these transfers please refer to preference CLKSKEWDIFF to define external clock skew between clock ports. Timing summary (Hold): --------------- Timing errors: 0 Score: 0 Cumulative negative slack: 0 Constraints cover 760 paths, 4 nets, and 439 connections (62.45% coverage) Timing summary (Setup and Hold): --------------- Timing errors: 0 (setup), 0 (hold) Score: 0 (setup), 0 (hold) Cumulative negative slack: 0 (0+0) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------