Synthesis Report
#Build: Synplify Pro (R) R-2021.03L-SP1, Build 093R, Aug 10 2021
#install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
#OS: Windows 8 6.2
#Hostname: ZANEPC

# Wed Aug 16 04:50:31 2023

#Implementation: impl1

Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys HDL Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @

@N|Running in 64-bit mode

Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Verilog Compiler, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @

@N|Running in 64-bit mode
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\machxo.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\lucent\pmi_def.v" (library work)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\hypermods.v" (library __hyper__lib__)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\umr_capim.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_objects.v" (library snps_haps)
@I::"C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase\lib\vlog\scemi_pipes.svh" (library snps_haps)
@I::"D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\RAM2GS-SPI.v" (library work)
Verilog syntax check successful!

Compiler output is up to date.  No re-compile necessary

Selecting top level module RAM2GS
@N: CG364 :"D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\RAM2GS-SPI.v":1:7:1:12|Synthesizing module RAM2GS in library work.
Running optimization stage 1 on RAM2GS .......
Finished optimization stage 1 on RAM2GS (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 92MB peak: 93MB)
Running optimization stage 2 on RAM2GS .......
Finished optimization stage 2 on RAM2GS (CPU Time 0h:00m:00s, Memory Used current: 93MB peak: 93MB)

For a summary of runtime and memory usage per design unit, please see file:
@L: D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\synwork\layer0.rt.csv

At c_ver Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 89MB peak: 90MB)

Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime

Process completed successfully.
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:31 2023


Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @

@N|Running in 64-bit mode

At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 90MB peak: 91MB)

Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime

Process completed successfully.
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:31 2023


For a summary of runtime and memory usage for all design units, please see file:
@L: D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\synwork\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1_comp.rt.csv


At c_hdl Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 23MB peak: 23MB)

Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime

Process completed successfully.
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:31 2023


Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Synopsys Netlist Linker, Version comp202103synp2, Build 093R, Built Aug 10 2021 09:15:36, @

@N|Running in 64-bit mode
File D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\synwork\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1_comp.srs changed - recompiling

At syn_nfilter Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 90MB peak: 91MB)

Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime

Process completed successfully.
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:32 2023

# Wed Aug 16 04:50:33 2023

Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Pre-mapping, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct  6 2021 11:12:38, @

Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 117MB peak: 117MB)

Done reading skeleton netlist (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 121MB peak: 130MB)

Reading constraint file: D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\RAM2GS.sdc
@L: D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1_scck.rpt 
See clock summary report "D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1_scck.rpt"
@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled. 
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)

Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 125MB peak: 130MB)

Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 125MB peak: 130MB)

Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 138MB peak: 138MB)

Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 138MB peak: 140MB)

@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance InitReady.
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved. 
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Ready.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance RCKE.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRCAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdLEDEN.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance Cmdn8MEGEN.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRCS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance LEDEN.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance n8MEGEN.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRRAS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMCLK.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMCS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdUFMSDI.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance C1Submitted.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdSubmitted.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance ADSubmitted.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance XOR8MEG.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nUFMCS.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance UFMSDI.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance UFMCLK.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance CmdEnable.
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "1" on instance nRWE.

Starting clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 170MB peak: 170MB)

Finished clock optimization phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 170MB peak: 171MB)

Starting clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

Finished clock optimization report phase (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

@N: FX1184 |Applying syn_allowed_resources blockrams=0 on top level netlist RAM2GS 

Finished netlist restructuring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

Clock Summary

          Start     Requested     Requested     Clock        Clock                Clock
Level     Clock     Frequency     Period        Type         Group                Load 
0 -       RCLK      62.5 MHz      16.000        declared     default_clkgroup     48   
0 -       PHI2      2.9 MHz       350.000       declared     default_clkgroup     19   
0 -       nCRAS     2.9 MHz       350.000       declared     default_clkgroup     14   
0 -       nCCAS     2.9 MHz       350.000       declared     default_clkgroup     8    

Clock Load Summary

          Clock     Source          Clock Pin       Non-clock Pin     Non-clock Pin     
Clock     Load      Pin             Seq Example     Seq Example       Comb Example      
RCLK      48        RCLK(port)      CASr2.C         -                 -                 
PHI2      19        PHI2(port)      Bank[7:0].C     PHI2r.D[0]        un1_PHI2.I[0](inv)
nCRAS     14        nCRAS(port)     CBR.C           RASr.D[0]         RASr_2.I[0](inv)  
nCCAS     8         nCCAS(port)     WRD[7:0].C      CASr.D[0]         CASr_2.I[0](inv)  

ICG Latch Removal Summary:
Number of ICG latches removed: 0
Number of ICG latches not removed:	0
For details review file gcc_ICG_report.rpt

@S |Clock Optimization Summary


4 non-gated/non-generated clock tree(s) driving 89 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 gated/generated clock tree(s) driving 0 clock pin(s) of sequential element(s)
0 instances converted, 0 sequential instances remain driven by gated/generated clocks

=========================== Non-Gated/Non-Generated Clocks ============================
Clock Tree ID     Driving Element     Drive Element Type     Fanout     Sample Instance
@KP:ckid0_0       RCLK                port                   48         nRWE           
@KP:ckid0_1       PHI2                port                   19         RA11           
@KP:ckid0_2       nCCAS               port                   8          WRD[7:0]       
@KP:ckid0_3       nCRAS               port                   14         RowA[9:0]      


@N: FX1143 |Skipping assigning INTERNAL_VREF to iobanks, because the table of mapping from pin to iobank is not initialized.
Finished Pre Mapping Phase.

Starting constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

Finished constraint checker preprocessing (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

Finished constraint checker (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 172MB peak: 172MB)

Pre-mapping successful!

At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 92MB peak: 173MB)

Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:34 2023

# Wed Aug 16 04:50:35 2023

Copyright (C) 1994-2021 Synopsys, Inc.
This Synopsys software and all associated documentation are proprietary to Synopsys, Inc.
and may only be used pursuant to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
with Synopsys, Inc. All other use, reproduction, modification, or distribution of the
Synopsys software or the associated documentation is strictly prohibited.
Tool: Synplify Pro (R)
Build: R-2021.03L-SP1
Install: C:\lscc\diamond\3.12\synpbase
OS: Windows 6.2

Hostname: ZANEPC

Implementation : impl1
Synopsys Lattice Technology Mapper, Version map202103lat, Build 070R, Built Oct  6 2021 11:12:38, @

Mapper Startup Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 117MB peak: 117MB)

@N: MF916 |Option synthesis_strategy=base is enabled. 
@N: MF248 |Running in 64-bit mode.
@N: MF666 |Clock conversion enabled. (Command "set_option -fix_gated_and_generated_clocks 1" in the project file.)

Design Input Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 119MB peak: 130MB)

Mapper Initialization Complete (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 119MB peak: 130MB)

Start loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 133MB peak: 133MB)

Finished loading timing files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 135MB peak: 136MB)

Starting Optimization and Mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 168MB peak: 168MB)

Finished RTL optimizations (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 171MB peak: 171MB)

@N: MO231 :"d:\onedrive\documents\github\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v":147:1:147:6|Found counter in view:work.RAM2GS(verilog) instance IS[3:0] 
@N: MO231 :"d:\onedrive\documents\github\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v":134:1:134:6|Found counter in view:work.RAM2GS(verilog) instance FS[17:0] 
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[0].
@W: FX474 |User-specified initial value defined for some sequential elements which can prevent optimum synthesis results from being achieved. 
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[1].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[2].
@N: FX493 |Applying initial value "0" on instance IS[3].

Starting factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 173MB peak: 173MB)

Finished factoring (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 174MB peak: 174MB)

Available hyper_sources - for debug and ip models
	None Found

Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 175MB peak: 175MB)

Starting Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 175MB peak: 175MB)

Finished Early Timing Optimization (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 176MB peak: 176MB)

Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 176MB peak: 176MB)

Finished preparing to map (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 176MB peak: 176MB)

Finished technology mapping (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:01s; Memory used current: 177MB peak: 177MB)

Pass		 CPU time		Worst Slack		Luts / Registers
   1		0h:00m:01s		    -3.26ns		 127 /        89
   2		0h:00m:01s		    -3.23ns		 123 /        89
   3		0h:00m:01s		    -3.23ns		 123 /        89
   4		0h:00m:01s		    -3.23ns		 123 /        89
   5		0h:00m:01s		    -3.23ns		 124 /        89
   6		0h:00m:01s		    -3.23ns		 124 /        89
@N: FX271 :"d:\onedrive\documents\github\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v":105:1:105:6|Replicating instance CBR (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 7 loads 1 time to improve timing.
@N: FX271 :"d:\onedrive\documents\github\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v":105:1:105:6|Replicating instance FWEr (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 5 loads 1 time to improve timing.
@N: FX271 :"d:\onedrive\documents\github\ram2gs\cpld\ram2gs-spi.v":147:1:147:6|Replicating instance Ready (in view: work.RAM2GS(verilog)) with 15 loads 1 time to improve timing.
Timing driven replication report
Added 3 Registers via timing driven replication
Added 1 LUTs via timing driven replication

   7		0h:00m:01s		    -2.99ns		 128 /        92

   8		0h:00m:01s		    -2.99ns		 127 /        92
   9		0h:00m:01s		    -3.09ns		 127 /        92
  10		0h:00m:01s		    -3.19ns		 127 /        92
  11		0h:00m:01s		    -3.19ns		 127 /        92
  12		0h:00m:01s		    -3.19ns		 127 /        92

Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 178MB peak: 178MB)

Finished restoring hierarchy (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 178MB peak: 178MB)

Start Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 142MB peak: 179MB)

Writing Analyst data base D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\synwork\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1_m.srm

Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 179MB peak: 179MB)

Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
@N: FX1056 |Writing EDF file: D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\LCMXO256C\impl1\RAM2GS_LCMXO256C_impl1.edi
@N: BW106 |Synplicity Constraint File capacitance units using default value of 1pF 

Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 184MB peak: 184MB)

Finished Writing Netlists (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:02s; Memory used current: 184MB peak: 185MB)

Start final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 182MB peak: 185MB)

@N: MT615 |Found clock RCLK with period 16.00ns 
@N: MT615 |Found clock PHI2 with period 350.00ns 
@N: MT615 |Found clock nCRAS with period 350.00ns 
@N: MT615 |Found clock nCCAS with period 350.00ns 

# Timing report written on Wed Aug 16 04:50:38 2023

Top view:               RAM2GS
Requested Frequency:    2.9 MHz
Wire load mode:         top
Paths requested:        3
Constraint File(s):    D:\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\RAM2GS\CPLD\RAM2GS.sdc
@N: MT320 |This timing report is an estimate of place and route data. For final timing results, use the FPGA vendor place and route report.

@N: MT322 |Clock constraints include only register-to-register paths associated with each individual clock.

Performance Summary

Worst slack in design: -3.705

                   Requested     Estimated     Requested     Estimated                Clock        Clock           
Starting Clock     Frequency     Frequency     Period        Period        Slack      Type         Group           
PHI2               2.9 MHz       0.6 MHz       350.000       1646.750      -3.705     declared     default_clkgroup
RCLK               62.5 MHz      13.3 MHz      16.000        75.280        -2.312     declared     default_clkgroup
nCCAS              2.9 MHz       NA            350.000       NA            NA         declared     default_clkgroup
nCRAS              2.9 MHz       0.6 MHz       350.000       1613.150      -3.609     declared     default_clkgroup
Estimated period and frequency reported as NA means no slack depends directly on the clock waveform

@W: MT118 |Paths from clock (PHI2:f) to clock (RCLK:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small.  
@W: MT117 |Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (PHI2:f) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small.  
@W: MT118 |Paths from clock (nCRAS:f) to clock (RCLK:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small.  
@W: MT116 |Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (PHI2:r) are overconstrained because the required time of 2.00 ns is too small.  
@W: MT117 |Paths from clock (RCLK:r) to clock (nCRAS:f) are overconstrained because the required time of 1.00 ns is too small.  

Clock Relationships

Clocks            |    rise  to  rise    |    fall  to  fall     |    rise  to  fall     |    fall  to  rise   
Starting  Ending  |  constraint  slack   |  constraint  slack    |  constraint  slack    |  constraint  slack  
RCLK      RCLK    |  16.000      7.560   |  No paths    -        |  No paths    -        |  No paths    -      
RCLK      PHI2    |  2.000       -1.216  |  No paths    -        |  1.000       -2.312   |  No paths    -      
PHI2      RCLK    |  No paths    -       |  No paths    -        |  No paths    -        |  1.000       -3.705 
PHI2      PHI2    |  No paths    -       |  350.000     343.998  |  175.000     166.500  |  175.000     171.784
nCRAS     RCLK    |  No paths    -       |  No paths    -        |  No paths    -        |  1.000       -3.609 
 Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
       'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.

Interface Information 

No IO constraint found

Detailed Report for Clock: PHI2

Starting Points with Worst Slack

                 Starting                                           Arrival            
Instance         Reference     Type        Pin     Net              Time        Slack  
CmdSubmitted     PHI2          FD1S3AX     Q       CmdSubmitted     1.552       -3.705 
CmdUFMCLK        PHI2          FD1P3AX     Q       CmdUFMCLK        1.348       -3.297 
CmdUFMCS         PHI2          FD1P3AX     Q       CmdUFMCS         1.348       -3.297 
CmdUFMSDI        PHI2          FD1P3AX     Q       CmdUFMSDI        1.348       -3.297 
CmdLEDEN         PHI2          FD1P3AX     Q       CmdLEDEN         1.456       -2.216 
Cmdn8MEGEN       PHI2          FD1P3AX     Q       Cmdn8MEGEN       1.456       -2.216 
Bank[2]          PHI2          FD1S3AX     Q       Bank[2]          1.348       166.500
Bank[3]          PHI2          FD1S3AX     Q       Bank[3]          1.348       166.500
Bank[4]          PHI2          FD1S3AX     Q       Bank[4]          1.348       166.500
Bank[5]          PHI2          FD1S3AX     Q       Bank[5]          1.348       166.500

Ending Points with Worst Slack

                 Starting                                               Required            
Instance         Reference     Type        Pin     Net                  Time         Slack  
UFMCLK           PHI2          FD1S3AX     D       UFMCLK_RNO           -0.003       -3.705 
UFMSDI           PHI2          FD1S3AX     D       UFMSDI_RNO           -0.003       -3.705 
nUFMCS           PHI2          FD1S3AY     D       nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i     -0.003       -3.705 
LEDEN            PHI2          FD1P3AX     SP      N_33                 0.806        -2.800 
n8MEGEN          PHI2          FD1P3AX     SP      N_31                 0.806        -2.800 
LEDEN            PHI2          FD1P3AX     D       N_70                 -0.003       -2.216 
n8MEGEN          PHI2          FD1P3AX     D       N_69                 -0.003       -2.216 
CmdSubmitted     PHI2          FD1S3AX     D       N_460_0              173.997      166.500
ADSubmitted      PHI2          FD1S3AX     D       ADSubmitted_r        173.997      167.797
C1Submitted      PHI2          FD1S3AX     D       C1Submitted_RNO      173.997      167.797

Worst Path Information

Path information for path number 1: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.702
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (critical) :                     -3.705

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CmdSubmitted / Q
    Ending point:                            UFMCLK / D
    The start point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                   Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CmdSubmitted        FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.552     1.552 r     -         
CmdSubmitted        Net          -        -       -         -           3         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41     ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.552 r     -         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.393     2.945 r     -         
N_139_i             Net          -        -       -         -           3         
UFMCLK_RNO          ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     2.945 r     -         
UFMCLK_RNO          ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.702 r     -         
UFMCLK_RNO          Net          -        -       -         -           1         
UFMCLK              FD1S3AX      D        In      0.000     3.702 r     -         

Path information for path number 2: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.702
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (critical) :                     -3.705

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CmdSubmitted / Q
    Ending point:                            nUFMCS / D
    The start point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                    Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                 Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CmdSubmitted         FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.552     1.552 r     -         
CmdSubmitted         Net          -        -       -         -           3         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41      ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.552 r     -         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41      ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.393     2.945 r     -         
N_139_i              Net          -        -       -         -           3         
nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i     ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     2.945 r     -         
nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.702 r     -         
nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i     Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nUFMCS               FD1S3AY      D        In      0.000     3.702 r     -         

Path information for path number 3: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.702
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (critical) :                     -3.705

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CmdSubmitted / Q
    Ending point:                            UFMSDI / D
    The start point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                   Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CmdSubmitted        FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.552     1.552 r     -         
CmdSubmitted        Net          -        -       -         -           3         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41     ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.552 r     -         
PHI2r3_RNITCN41     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.393     2.945 r     -         
N_139_i             Net          -        -       -         -           3         
UFMSDI_RNO          ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     2.945 r     -         
UFMSDI_RNO          ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.702 r     -         
UFMSDI_RNO          Net          -        -       -         -           1         
UFMSDI              FD1S3AX      D        In      0.000     3.702 r     -         

Detailed Report for Clock: RCLK

Starting Points with Worst Slack

             Starting                                      Arrival           
Instance     Reference     Type        Pin     Net         Time        Slack 
LEDEN        RCLK          FD1P3AX     Q       LEDEN       1.552       -2.312
n8MEGEN      RCLK          FD1P3AX     Q       n8MEGEN     1.456       -2.216
FS[13]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[13]      1.552       7.560 
FS[14]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[14]      1.552       7.560 
FS[15]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[15]      1.552       7.560 
FS[17]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[17]      1.552       7.560 
S[1]         RCLK          FD1S3IX     Q       S[1]        1.768       8.533 
S[0]         RCLK          FD1S3IX     Q       CO0         1.756       8.545 
FS[16]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[16]      1.612       8.689 
FS[12]       RCLK          FD1S3AX     Q       FS[12]      1.552       8.749 

Ending Points with Worst Slack

               Starting                                               Required           
Instance       Reference     Type        Pin     Net                  Time         Slack 
CmdLEDEN       RCLK          FD1P3AX     D       N_21_i               -0.003       -2.312
XOR8MEG        RCLK          FD1P3AX     D       XOR8MEG_3            -0.003       -2.312
Cmdn8MEGEN     RCLK          FD1P3AX     D       N_19_i               -0.003       -2.216
RA11           RCLK          FD1S3IX     D       RA11_2               0.997        -1.216
UFMSDI         RCLK          FD1S3AX     D       UFMSDI_RNO           14.997       7.560 
UFMCLK         RCLK          FD1S3AX     D       UFMCLK_RNO           14.997       7.668 
LEDEN          RCLK          FD1P3AX     SP      N_33                 15.806       8.261 
n8MEGEN        RCLK          FD1P3AX     SP      N_31                 15.806       8.261 
nRCS           RCLK          FD1S3AY     D       N_28_i               14.997       8.533 
nUFMCS         RCLK          FD1S3AY     D       nUFMCS_s_0_N_5_i     14.997       8.653 

Worst Path Information

Path information for path number 1: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      2.309
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -2.312

    Number of logic level(s):                1
    Starting point:                          LEDEN / Q
    Ending point:                            CmdLEDEN / D
    The start point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                  Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name               Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
LEDEN              FD1P3AX      Q        Out     1.552     1.552 r     -         
LEDEN              Net          -        -       -         -           3         
CmdLEDEN_RNO       ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.552 r     -         
CmdLEDEN_RNO       ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     2.309 r     -         
N_21_i             Net          -        -       -         -           1         
CmdLEDEN           FD1P3AX      D        In      0.000     2.309 r     -         

Path information for path number 2: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      2.309
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -2.312

    Number of logic level(s):                1
    Starting point:                          LEDEN / Q
    Ending point:                            XOR8MEG / D
    The start point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                      Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                   Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
LEDEN                  FD1P3AX      Q        Out     1.552     1.552 r     -         
LEDEN                  Net          -        -       -         -           3         
XOR8MEG_3_u_0_a3_3     ORCALUT4     B        In      0.000     1.552 r     -         
XOR8MEG_3_u_0_a3_3     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     2.309 f     -         
XOR8MEG_3              Net          -        -       -         -           1         
XOR8MEG                FD1P3AX      D        In      0.000     2.309 f     -         

Path information for path number 3: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      2.213
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -2.216

    Number of logic level(s):                1
    Starting point:                          n8MEGEN / Q
    Ending point:                            Cmdn8MEGEN / D
    The start point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            PHI2 [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                  Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name               Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
n8MEGEN            FD1P3AX      Q        Out     1.456     1.456 r     -         
n8MEGEN            Net          -        -       -         -           2         
Cmdn8MEGEN_RNO     ORCALUT4     C        In      0.000     1.456 r     -         
Cmdn8MEGEN_RNO     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     2.213 r     -         
N_19_i             Net          -        -       -         -           1         
Cmdn8MEGEN         FD1P3AX      D        In      0.000     2.213 r     -         

Detailed Report for Clock: nCRAS

Starting Points with Worst Slack

              Starting                                        Arrival           
Instance      Reference     Type        Pin     Net           Time        Slack 
CBR           nCRAS         FD1S3AX     Q       CBR           1.660       -3.609
CBR_fast      nCRAS         FD1S3AX     Q       CBR_fast      1.456       -3.513
FWEr          nCRAS         FD1S3AX     Q       FWEr          1.552       -3.501
FWEr_fast     nCRAS         FD1S3AX     Q       FWEr_fast     1.456       -3.405

Ending Points with Worst Slack

               Starting                                             Required           
Instance       Reference     Type        Pin     Net                Time         Slack 
nRWE           nCRAS         FD1S3AY     D       N_39_i             -0.003       -3.609
nRowColSel     nCRAS         FD1S3IX     D       nRowColSel_0_0     -0.003       -3.609
nRCAS          nCRAS         FD1S3AY     D       N_37_i             -0.003       -3.513
RCKEEN         nCRAS         FD1S3AX     D       RCKEEN_8           -0.003       -3.405
nRCS           nCRAS         FD1S3AY     D       N_28_i             -0.003       -3.405

Worst Path Information

Path information for path number 1: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.606
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -3.609

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CBR / Q
    Ending point:                            nRWE / D
    The start point is clocked by            nCRAS [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                  Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name               Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CBR                FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.660     1.660 r     -         
CBR                Net          -        -       -         -           5         
nRWE_RNO_0         ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.660 r     -         
nRWE_RNO_0         ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.189     2.849 f     -         
G_17_1             Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nRWE_RNO           ORCALUT4     B        In      0.000     2.849 f     -         
nRWE_RNO           ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.606 r     -         
N_39_i             Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nRWE               FD1S3AY      D        In      0.000     3.606 r     -         

Path information for path number 2: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.606
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -3.609

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CBR / Q
    Ending point:                            nRowColSel / D
    The start point is clocked by            nCRAS [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                       Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                    Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CBR                     FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.660     1.660 r     -         
CBR                     Net          -        -       -         -           5         
nRowColSel_0_0_a3_0     ORCALUT4     B        In      0.000     1.660 r     -         
nRowColSel_0_0_a3_0     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.189     2.849 f     -         
N_179                   Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nRowColSel_0_0          ORCALUT4     B        In      0.000     2.849 f     -         
nRowColSel_0_0          ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.606 f     -         
nRowColSel_0_0          Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nRowColSel              FD1S3IX      D        In      0.000     3.606 f     -         

Path information for path number 3: 
      Requested Period:                      1.000
    - Setup time:                            1.003
    + Clock delay at ending point:           0.000 (ideal)
    = Required time:                         -0.003

    - Propagation time:                      3.510
    - Clock delay at starting point:         0.000 (ideal)
    = Slack (non-critical) :                 -3.513

    Number of logic level(s):                2
    Starting point:                          CBR_fast / Q
    Ending point:                            nRCAS / D
    The start point is clocked by            nCRAS [falling] (rise=0.000 fall=175.000 period=350.000) on pin CK
    The end   point is clocked by            RCLK [rising] (rise=0.000 fall=8.000 period=16.000) on pin CK

Instance / Net                         Pin      Pin               Arrival     No. of    
Name                      Type         Name     Dir     Delay     Time        Fan Out(s)
CBR_fast                  FD1S3AX      Q        Out     1.456     1.456 r     -         
CBR_fast                  Net          -        -       -         -           2         
nRCAS_0_sqmuxa_1_0_a3     ORCALUT4     A        In      0.000     1.456 r     -         
nRCAS_0_sqmuxa_1_0_a3     ORCALUT4     Z        Out     1.297     2.753 r     -         
nRCAS_0_sqmuxa_1          Net          -        -       -         -           2         
nRCAS_RNO                 ORCALUT4     B        In      0.000     2.753 r     -         
nRCAS_RNO                 ORCALUT4     Z        Out     0.757     3.510 f     -         
N_37_i                    Net          -        -       -         -           1         
nRCAS                     FD1S3AY      D        In      0.000     3.510 f     -         


Timing exceptions that could not be applied

Finished final timing analysis (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 185MB)

Finished timing report (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 183MB peak: 185MB)

Resource Usage Report
Part: lcmxo256c-3

Register bits: 92 of 256 (36%)
PIC Latch:       0
I/O cells:       67

BB:             8
CCU2:           9
FD1P3AX:        11
FD1S3AX:        59
FD1S3AY:        5
FD1S3IX:        14
FD1S3JX:        3
GSR:            1
IB:             26
INV:            8
OB:             33
ORCALUT4:       119
PFUMX:          2
PUR:            1
VHI:            1
VLO:            1
Mapper successful!

At Mapper Exit (Real Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; CPU Time elapsed 0h:00m:03s; Memory used current: 66MB peak: 185MB)

Process took 0h:00m:03s realtime, 0h:00m:03s cputime
# Wed Aug 16 04:50:38 2023
