/* Thanks to Dagen Brock: BASIC program to test joystick in Apple II emulators: 5 DP = .10: REM Deadzone Percentage 10 XLEFT = 0:YUP = 0:XRIGHT = 279:YBOT = 159: REM Screen Bounds 15 REM Set target box coordinates 20 HALF = XRIGHT / 2:D1 = INT (HALF - (HALF * DP)):D2 = INT (HALF + (HALF * DP)) 25 HALF = YBOT / 2:D3 = INT (HALF - (HALF * DP)):D4 = INT (HALF + (HALF * DP)) 30 HGR : HCOLOR= 3 35 REM Draw edge box 40 X1 = XLEFT:Y1 = YUP:X2 = XRIGHT:Y2 = YBOT: GOSUB 2000:X1 = X1 + 1:X2 = X2 - 1:Y1 = Y1 + 1:Y2 = Y2 - 1: GOSUB 2000 50 P0 = PDL (0):P1 = PDL (1): GOSUB 3000 55 PRINT P0,P1 60 GOTO 50 2000 HPLOT X1,Y1 TO X1,Y2: HPLOT X1,Y2 TO X2,Y2: HPLOT X2,Y2 TO X2,Y1: HPLOT X2,Y1 TO X1,Y1 2002 RETURN 3000 X = INT (P0 * 274 / 255 + 2):Y = INT (P1 * 154 / 255 + 2) 3010 X1 = X:X2 = X + 1:Y1 = Y:Y2 = Y1 + 1: GOSUB 2000 3020 GOSUB 4000: HCOLOR= 0: GOSUB 2000: HCOLOR= 3 3050 RETURN 4000 HPLOT D1,D3 TO D1,D4: HPLOT D1,D4 TO D2,D4: HPLOT D2,D4 TO D2,D3: HPLOT D2,D3 TO D1,D3 4010 RETURN : REM End Draw Target Box */ /* Read Joystick */ int XPin = A8; int YPin = A7; int Button0Pin = 9; int Button1Pin = 10; int JoystickX; int JoystickY; int XMax = 0; int YMax = 0; int XMin = 1023; int YMin = 1023; /* adjust CalibrationMax up if the range on your joystick is too restricted to calibrate adjust down if your joystick "jumps" around a lot. 800 seems to be a pretty good spot for the sticks i've tested. */ int CalibrationMax = 800; // allows for weird "jumpy" joystick potentiometers. these things are 30 years old, after all. void setup() { // Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(Button0Pin, INPUT); pinMode(Button1Pin, INPUT); Joystick.useManualSend(true); } void loop() { /* auto calibrate: save X, Y. compare them to historical high/low values. if higher/lower, reset highest/lowest variable highest == 1023 lowest == 0 midway between now == 512 */ JoystickX = 1023 - analogRead(XPin); // needs to be inverted! JoystickY = 1023 - analogRead(YPin); /* auto calibrate: save X, Y. compare them to historical high/low values. if higher/lower, reset highest/lowest variable highest == 1023 lowest == 0 midway between now == 512 */ // record the maximum sensor value if ((JoystickX < CalibrationMax) && (JoystickX > XMax)) { XMax = JoystickX; } // record the minimum sensor value if (JoystickX < XMin) { XMin = JoystickX; } // record the maximum sensor value if ((JoystickY < CalibrationMax) && (JoystickY > YMax)) { YMax = JoystickY; } // record the minimum sensor value if (JoystickY < YMin) { YMin = JoystickY; } JoystickX = map(JoystickX, XMin, XMax, 0, 1023); JoystickY = map(JoystickY, YMin, YMax, 0, 1023); Joystick.X(JoystickX); Joystick.Y(JoystickY); Joystick.button(1, digitalRead(Button0Pin)); Joystick.button(2, digitalRead(Button1Pin)); Joystick.send_now(); /* Serial.print(XMin); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(JoystickX); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(XMax); Serial.print(" ---- "); Serial.print(YMin); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(JoystickY); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.println(YMax); */ /* Serial.print(JoystickX); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(JoystickY); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(digitalRead(Button0Pin)); Serial.print(" -- "); Serial.print(digitalRead(Button1Pin)); Serial.println(); delay(100); */ }