per1234 642f540df2 Move sketch to appropriately named subfolder
The Arduino IDE requires that a sketch be located in a folder of the same name. Although the name of the repository does match the sketch name, when GitHub's popular Clone or download > Download ZIP feature is used to download the contents of a repository the branch/release/commit name is appended to the folder name, causing a mismatch.

When opening a file that does not meet this sketch/folder name matching requirement the Arduino IDE presents a dialog:

The file "TommyPROM.ino" needs to be inside a sketch folder named "TommyPROM".
Create this folder, move the file, and continue?

After clicking "OK" the Arduino IDE currently moves only the file TommyPROM.ino to the new folder, leaving behind the other source files. This causes compilation of the sketch to fail:

TommyPROM-master\TommyPROM\TommyPROM.ino:13:23: fatal error: Configure.h: No such file or directory

 #include "Configure.h"
2018-05-11 00:58:55 -07:00

257 lines
6.5 KiB

#include "XModem.h"
#include "CmdStatus.h"
uint32_t XModem::ReceiveFile(uint16_t address)
uint8_t buffer[PKTLEN];
int c;
uint8_t seq = 1;
uint32_t numBytes = 0;
bool complete = false;
if (!StartReceive())
cmdStatus.error("Timeout waiting for transfer to start.");
return 0;
while (!complete)
if ((c = GetChar()) < 0)
cmdStatus.error("Timeout waiting for start of next packet.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "seq", seq);
return 0;
switch (c)
case XMDM_SOH:
// Start of a packet
if (ReceivePacket(buffer, PKTLEN, seq++, address))
numBytes += PKTLEN;
address += PKTLEN;
return 0;
case XMDM_EOT:
// End of transfer
complete = true;
case XMDM_CAN:
case XMDM_ESC:
// Cancel from sender
cmdStatus.error("Transfer canceled by sender.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "seq", seq);
return 0;
// Fail the transfer on anything else
cmdStatus.error("Unexpected character received waiting for next packet.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "char", c);
return 0;
return numBytes;
// This method it not very tolerant of communication errors. If the receiver
// does not send a positive ACK for each packet or does not ACK the packet
// within one second then the transfer will fail. Unlike in the dial-up
// days of old, this is designed to be run on a 3 foot cable betwee two fast
// hosts, so communication errors or timeouts are extremely unlikely.
bool XModem::SendFile(uint16_t address, uint32_t fileSize)
uint8_t seq = 1;
int rxChar = -1;
uint32_t bytesSent = 0;
while (rxChar == -1)
rxChar = GetChar();
if (rxChar != XMDM_CRC)
cmdStatus.error("Expected XModem CRC start char.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "char", rxChar);
return false;
while (bytesSent < fileSize)
SendPacket(address, seq++);
address += PKTLEN;
rxChar = GetChar(5000);
if (rxChar != XMDM_ACK)
cmdStatus.error("Expected XModem ACK.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "char", rxChar);
return false;
bytesSent += PKTLEN;
return true;
void XModem::Cancel()
// Send a cancel and then eat input until the line is quiet for 3 seconds.
while (GetChar(3000) != -1)
// Private functions
int XModem::GetChar(int msWaitTime)
if (Serial.available() > 0)
} while (msWaitTime--);
return -1;
uint16_t XModem::UpdateCrc(uint16_t crc, uint8_t data)
crc = crc ^ ((uint16_t)data << 8);
for (int ix = 0; (ix < 8); ix++)
if (crc & 0x8000)
crc = (crc << 1) ^ 0x1021;
crc <<= 1;
return crc;
bool XModem::StartReceive()
for (int retries = 30; (retries); --retries)
// Send the 'C' character, indicating a CRC16 XMODEM transfer, until the sender
// of the file responds with something. The start character will be sent once a
// second for a number of seconds. If nothing is received in that time then
// return false to indicate that the transfer did not start.
for (int ms = 1000; (ms); --ms)
if (Serial.available() > 0)
return true;
return false;
bool XModem::ReceivePacket(uint8_t buffer[], unsigned bufferSize, uint8_t seq, uint16_t destAddr)
int c;
uint8_t rxSeq1, rxSeq2;
uint16_t calcCrc = 0;
uint16_t rxCrc;
rxSeq1 = (uint8_t) GetChar();
rxSeq2 = (uint8_t) GetChar();
for (unsigned ix = 0; (ix < bufferSize); ix++)
if ((c = GetChar()) < 0)
// If the read times out then fail this packet. Note that this check isn't
// done for the sequence and CRC. If they timeout then the values won't match
// so there is not point in the extra code to check for the error. The worst
// that will happen is that the transfer will need to wait 3 timeouts before
// realizing that something is wrong.
cmdStatus.error("Timeout waiting for next packet char.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "seq", seq);
return false;
buffer[ix] = (uint8_t) c;
calcCrc = UpdateCrc(calcCrc, buffer[ix]);
rxCrc = ((uint16_t) GetChar()) << 8;
rxCrc |= GetChar();
if ((calcCrc != rxCrc) || (rxSeq1 != seq) || ((rxSeq1 ^ rxSeq2) != 0xff))
// Fail if the CRC or sequence number is not correct or if the two received
// sequence numbers are not the complement of one another.
cmdStatus.error("Bad CRC or sequence number.");
cmdStatus.setValueDec(0, "seq", seq);
return false;
// The data is good. Process the packet then ACK it to the sender.
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
if (!promDevice.writeData(buffer, bufferSize, destAddr))
cmdStatus.error("Write failed");
cmdStatus.setValueHex(0, "address", destAddr);
return false;
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
return true;
void XModem::SendPacket(uint16_t address, uint8_t seq)
uint16_t crc = 0;
for (int ix = 0; (ix < PKTLEN); ix++)
byte c = promDevice.readData(address++);
crc = UpdateCrc(crc, c);
Serial.write(crc >> 8);
Serial.write(crc & 0xff);