per1234 642f540df2 Move sketch to appropriately named subfolder
The Arduino IDE requires that a sketch be located in a folder of the same name. Although the name of the repository does match the sketch name, when GitHub's popular Clone or download > Download ZIP feature is used to download the contents of a repository the branch/release/commit name is appended to the folder name, causing a mismatch.

When opening a file that does not meet this sketch/folder name matching requirement the Arduino IDE presents a dialog:

The file "TommyPROM.ino" needs to be inside a sketch folder named "TommyPROM".
Create this folder, move the file, and continue?

After clicking "OK" the Arduino IDE currently moves only the file TommyPROM.ino to the new folder, leaving behind the other source files. This causes compilation of the sketch to fail:

TommyPROM-master\TommyPROM\TommyPROM.ino:13:23: fatal error: Configure.h: No such file or directory

 #include "Configure.h"
2018-05-11 00:58:55 -07:00

59 lines
1.5 KiB

* XMODEM CRC Communication
* Simple implementation of read and write using XMODEM CRC. This is tied
* directly to the PROM code, so the receive function writes the data to the
* PROM device as each packet is received. The complete file is not kept
* in memory.
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Configure.h"
//class PromDevice;
class CmdStatus;
class XModem
XModem(PromDevice & pd, CmdStatus & cs) : promDevice(pd), cmdStatus(cs) {}
uint32_t ReceiveFile(uint16_t address);
bool SendFile(uint16_t address, uint32_t fileSize);
void Cancel();
// XMODEM control characters.
XMDM_SOH = 0x01,
XMDM_EOT = 0x04,
XMDM_ACK = 0x06,
XMDM_NAK = 0x15,
XMDM_CAN = 0x18,
XMDM_ESC = 0x1b,
// Misc constants for XMODEM.
PKTLEN = 128
PromDevice & promDevice;
CmdStatus & cmdStatus;
int GetChar(int msWaitTime = 3000);
uint16_t UpdateCrc(uint16_t crc, uint8_t data);
bool StartReceive();
bool ReceivePacket(uint8_t buffer[], unsigned bufferSize, uint8_t seq, uint16_t destAddr);
void SendPacket(uint16_t address, uint8_t seq);
#endif // #define INCLUDE_CONFIGURE_H