/* (banner font: aciiart.eu) _____________________________________________________________ | _ __ _ _ \ | / \ / _| |_ ___ _ _| |__ _ _ _ __ ___ ___ _ _ |\ | / _ \| |_| '_/ _ \| '_/ '_ \| | | | '_/ _ \/ _ \| '_/ || | / ___ \ _| |_| __/| | | |_) | |_| | | | | | | __/| | || | /_/ \_\| \__\___||_| |____/\___,_|_| |_| |_|___||_| || \_____________________________________________________________|| '------------------------------------------------------------' Afterburner: GAL IC Programmer for Arduino by -= olin =- http://molej.cz/index_aft.html Based on ATFblast 3.1 by Bruce Abbott http://www.bhabbott.net.nz/atfblast.html Based on GALBLAST by Manfred Winterhoff http://www.armory.com/%7Erstevew/Public/Pgmrs/GAL/_ClikMe1st.htm Supports: * National GAL16V8 * Lattice GAL16V8A, GAL16V8B, GAL16V8D * Lattice GAL22V10B * Atmel ATF16V8B, ATF22V10B, ATF22V10CQZ Requires: * Arduino UNO with Afterburner sketch uploaded. * simple programming circuit. Changelog: * use 'git log' This is the PC part that communicates with Arduino UNO by serial line. To compile: gcc -g3 -O0 afterburner afterburner.c */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "serial_port.h" #define VERSION "v.0.5.1" #define MAX_LINE 1024 #define MAXFUSES 10000 #define GALBUFSIZE 16384 typedef enum { UNKNOWN, GAL16V8, GAL20V8, GAL20XV10, GAL22V10, GAL6001, GAL6002, ATF16V8B, ATF22V10B, ATF22V10C } Galtype; /* GAL info */ static struct { Galtype type; unsigned char id0, id1; /* variant 1, variant 2 (eg. 16V8=0x00, 16V8A+=0x1A)*/ char *name; /* pointer to chip name */ int fuses; /* total number of fuses */ int pins; /* number of pins on chip */ int rows; /* number of fuse rows */ int bits; /* number of fuses per row */ int uesrow; /* UES row number */ int uesfuse; /* first UES fuse number */ int uesbytes; /* number of UES bytes */ int eraserow; /* row adddeess for erase */ int eraseallrow; /* row address for erase all */ int pesrow; /* row address for PES read/write */ int pesbytes; /* number of PES bytes */ int cfgrow; /* row address of config bits */ int cfgbits; /* number of config bits */ } galinfo[] = { {UNKNOWN, 0x00, 0x00, "unknown", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0}, {GAL16V8, 0x00, 0x1A, "GAL16V8", 2194, 20, 32, 64, 32, 2056, 8, 63, 54, 58, 8, 60, 82}, {GAL20V8, 0x20, 0x3A, "GAL20V8", 2706, 24, 40, 64, 40, 2568, 8, 63, 59, 58, 8, 60, 82}, {GAL20XV10, 0x65, 0x66, "GAL20XV10", 1671, 24, 40, 40, 44, 1631, 5, 61, 60, 58, 5, 16, 31}, {GAL22V10, 0x48, 0x49, "GAL22V10", 5892, 24, 44, 132, 44, 5828, 8, 61, 60, 58, 10, 16, 20}, {GAL6001, 0x40, 0x41, "GAL6001", 8294, 24, 78, 75, 97, 8222, 9, 63, 62, 96, 8, 8, 68}, {GAL6002, 0x44, 0x44, "GAL6002", 8330, 24, 78, 75, 97, 8258, 9, 63, 62, 96, 8, 8, 104}, {ATF16V8B, 0x00, 0x00, "ATF16V8B", 2194, 20, 32, 64, 32, 2056, 8, 63, 54, 58, 8, 60, 82}, {ATF22V10B, 0x00, 0x00, "ATF22V10B", 5892, 24, 44, 132, 44, 5828, 8, 61, 60, 58, 10, 16, 20}, {ATF22V10C, 0x00, 0x00, "ATF22V10C", 5892, 24, 44, 132, 44, 5828, 8, 61, 60, 58, 10, 16, 20}, }; char verbose = 0; char* filename = 0; char* deviceName = 0; char* pesString = NULL; SerialDeviceHandle serialF = INVALID_HANDLE; Galtype gal; int security = 0; unsigned short checksum; char galbuffer[GALBUFSIZE]; char fusemap[MAXFUSES]; char noGalCheck = 0; char varVppExists = 0; char printSerialWhileWaiting = 0; int calOffset = 0xFFFF; //calibration offset is not applied char enableSecurity = 0; char opRead = 0; char opWrite = 0; char opErase = 0; char opInfo = 0; char opVerify = 0; char opTestVPP = 0; char opCalibrateVPP = 0; char opMeasureVPP = 0; char opSecureGal = 0; char opWritePes = 0; char flagEnableApd = 0; char flagEraseAll = 0; static int waitForSerialPrompt(char* buf, int bufSize, int maxDelay); static char sendGenericCommand(const char* command, const char* errorText, int maxDelay, char printResult); static void printGalTypes() { for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(galinfo) / sizeof(galinfo[0]); i++) { if (i > 1) { printf(" "); } printf("%s", galinfo[i].name); } } static void printHelp() { printf("Afterburner " VERSION " a GAL programming tool for Arduino based programmer\n"); printf("more info: https://github.com/ole00/afterburner\n"); printf("usage: afterburner command(s) [options]\n"); printf("commands: ierwvsbm\n"); printf(" i : read device info and programming voltage\n"); printf(" r : read fuse map from the GAL chip and display it, -t option must be set\n"); printf(" w : write fuse map, -f and -t options must be set\n"); printf(" v : verify fuse map, -f and -t options must be set\n"); printf(" e : erase the GAL chip, -t option must be set. Optionally '-all' can be set.\n"); printf(" p : write PES. -t and -pes options must be set. GAL must be erased with '-all' option.\n"); printf(" s : set VPP ON to check the programming voltage. Ensure the GAL is NOT inserted.\n"); printf(" b : calibrate variable VPP on new board designs. Ensure the GAL is NOT inserted.\n"); printf(" m : measure variable VPP on new board designs. Ensure the GAL is NOT inserted.\n"); printf("options:\n"); printf(" -v : verbose mode\n"); printf(" -t : the GAL type. use "); printGalTypes(); printf("\n"); printf(" -f : JEDEC fuse map file\n"); printf(" -d : name of the serial device. Default is: %s\n", DEFAULT_SERIAL_DEVICE_NAME); printf(" serial params are: 38400, 8N1\n"); printf(" -nc : do not check device GAL type before operation: force the GAL type set on command line\n"); printf(" -sec: enable security - protect the chip. Use with 'w' or 'v' commands.\n"); printf(" -co : Set calibration offset. Use with 'b' command. Value: -20 (-0.2V) to 25 (+0.25V)\n"); printf(" -all: use with 'e' command to erase all data including PES.\n"); printf(" -pes : use with 'p' command to specify new PES. PES format is 8 hex bytes with a delimiter.\n"); printf(" For example 00:03:3A:A1:00:00:00:90\n"); printf("examples:\n"); printf(" afterburner i -t ATF16V8B : reads and prints the device info\n"); printf(" afterburner r -t ATF16V8B : reads the fuse map from the GAL chip and displays it\n"); printf(" afterburner wv -f fuses.jed -t ATF16V8B : reads fuse map from file and writes it to \n"); printf(" the GAL chip. Does the fuse map verification at the end.\n"); printf(" afterburner ep -t GAL20V8 -all -pes 00:03:3A:A1:00:00:00:90 Fully erases the GAL chip\n"); printf(" and writes new PES. Does not work with Atmel chips.\n"); printf("hints:\n"); printf(" - use the 'i' command first to check and set the right programming voltage (VPP)\n"); printf(" of the chip. If the programing voltage is unknown use 10V.\n"); printf(" - known VPP voltages as tested on Afterburner with Arduino UNO: \n"); printf(" Lattice GAL16V8D, GAL20V8B, GAL22V10D: 12V \n"); printf(" Atmel ATF16V8B, AFT16V8C, ATF22V10C: 10V \n"); } static int8_t verifyArgs(char* type) { if (!opRead && !opWrite && !opErase && !opInfo && !opVerify && !opTestVPP && !opCalibrateVPP && !opMeasureVPP && !opWritePes) { printHelp(); printf("Error: no command specified.\n"); return -1; } if (opWritePes && (NULL == pesString || strlen(pesString) != 23)) { printf("Error: invalid or no PES specified.\n"); return -1; } if ((opRead || opWrite || opVerify) && opErase && flagEraseAll) { printf("Error: invalid command combination. Use 'Erase all' in a separate step\n"); return -1; } if ((opRead || opWrite || opVerify) && (opTestVPP || opCalibrateVPP || opMeasureVPP)) { printf("Error: VPP functions can not be conbined with read/write/verify operations\n"); return -1; } if (0 == filename && (opWrite == 1 || opVerify == 1)) { printf("Error: missing JED filename\n"); return -1; } if (0 == type && (opWrite || opRead || opErase || opVerify || opInfo || opWritePes)) { printf("Error: missing GAL type. Use -t to specify.\n"); return -1; } else if (0 != type) { for (int i = 1; i < sizeof(galinfo) / sizeof(galinfo[0]); i++) { if (strcmp(type, galinfo[i].name) == 0) { gal = galinfo[i].type; break; } } if (UNKNOWN == gal) { printf("Error: unknown GAL type. Types: "); printGalTypes(); printf("\n"); return -1; } } return 0; } static int8_t checkArgs(int argc, char** argv) { int i; char* type = 0; char* modes = 0; gal = UNKNOWN; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char* param = argv[i]; if (strcmp("-t", param) == 0) { i++; type = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp("-v", param) == 0) { verbose = 1; } else if (strcmp("-f", param) == 0) { i++; filename = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp("-d", param) == 0) { i++; deviceName = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp("-nc", param) == 0) { noGalCheck = 1; } else if (strcmp("-sec", param) == 0) { opSecureGal = 1; } else if (strcmp("-all", param) == 0) { flagEraseAll = 1; } else if (strcmp("-pes", param) == 0) { i++; pesString = argv[i]; } else if (strcmp("-co", param) == 0) { i++; calOffset = atoi(argv[i]); if (calOffset < -20 || calOffset > 25) { printf("Calibration offset out of range (-20..25 inclusive).\n"); } } else if (param[0] != '-') { modes = param; } } if (calOffset < -20) { calOffset = -20; } else if (calOffset > 25) { calOffset = 25; } i = 0; while (modes != 0 && modes[i] != 0) { switch (modes[i]) { case 'r': opRead = 1; break; case 'w': opWrite = 1; break; case 'v': opVerify = 1; break; case 'e': opErase = 1; break; case 'i': opInfo = 1; break; case 's': opTestVPP = 1; break; case 'b': opCalibrateVPP = 1; break; case 'm': opMeasureVPP = 1; break; case 'p': opWritePes = 1; break; default: printf("Error: unknown operation '%c' \n", modes[i]); } i++; } if (verifyArgs(type)) { return -1; } return 0; } static unsigned short checkSum(unsigned short n) { unsigned short c, e, i; unsigned long a; c = e = 0; a = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { e++; if (e == 9) { e = 1; a += c; c = 0; } c >>= 1; if (fusemap[i]) { c += 0x80; } } return (unsigned short)((c >> (8 - e)) + a); } static int parseFuseMap(char *ptr) { int i, n, type, checksumpos, address, pins, lastfuse; int state = 0; // 0=outside JEDEC, 1=skipping comment or unknown, 2=read command security = 0; checksum = 0; checksumpos = 0; pins = 0; lastfuse = 0; for (n = 0; ptr[n]; n++) { if (ptr[n] == '*') { state = 2; } else switch (state) { case 2: if (!isspace(ptr[n])) switch (ptr[n]) { case 'L': address = 0; state = 3; break; case 'F': state = 5; break; case 'G': state = 13; break; case 'Q': state = 7; break; case 'C': checksumpos = n; state = 14; break; default: state = 1; } break; case 3: if (!isdigit(ptr[n])) { return n; } address = ptr[n] - '0'; state = 4; break; case 4: if (isspace(ptr[n])) { state = 6; } else if (isdigit(ptr[n])) { address = 10 * address + (ptr[n] - '0'); } else { return n; } break; case 5: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (ptr[n] == '0' || ptr[n] == '1') { memset(fusemap, ptr[n] - '0', sizeof(fusemap)); } else { return n; } state = 1; break; case 6: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (ptr[n] == '0' || ptr[n] == '1') { fusemap[address++] = ptr[n] - '0'; } else { return n; } break; case 7: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (ptr[n] == 'P') { pins = 0; state = 8; } else if (ptr[n] == 'F') { lastfuse = 0; state = 9; } else { state = 2; } break; case 8: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (!isdigit(ptr[n])) return n; pins = ptr[n] - '0'; state = 10; break; case 9: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (!isdigit(ptr[n])) return n; lastfuse = ptr[n] - '0'; state = 11; break; case 10: if (isdigit(ptr[n])) { pins = 10 * pins + (ptr[n] - '0'); } else if (isspace(ptr[n])) { state = 12; } else { return n; } break; case 11: if (isdigit(ptr[n])) { lastfuse = 10 * lastfuse + (ptr[n] - '0'); } else if (isspace(ptr[n])) { state = 12; } else { return n; } break; case 12: if (!isspace(ptr[n])) { return n; } break; case 13: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (ptr[n] == '0' || ptr[n] == '1') { security = ptr[n] - '0'; } else { return n; } state = 1; break; case 14: if (isspace(ptr[n])) break; // ignored if (isdigit(ptr[n])) { checksum = ptr[n] - '0'; } else if (toupper(ptr[n]) >= 'A' && toupper(ptr[n]) <= 'F') { checksum = toupper(ptr[n]) - 'A' + 10; } else return n; state = 15; break; case 15: if (isdigit(ptr[n])) { checksum = 16 * checksum + ptr[n] - '0'; } else if (toupper(ptr[n]) >= 'A' && toupper(ptr[n]) <= 'F') { checksum = 16 * checksum + toupper(ptr[n]) - 'A' + 10; } else if (isspace(ptr[n])) { state = 2; } else return n; break; } } if (lastfuse || pins) { int cs = checkSum(lastfuse); if (checksum && checksum != cs) { printf("Checksum does not match! given=0x%04X calculated=0x%04X last fuse=%i\n", checksum, cs, lastfuse); } for (type = 0, i = 1; i < sizeof(galinfo) / sizeof(galinfo[0]); i++) { if ( (lastfuse == 0 || galinfo[i].fuses == lastfuse || galinfo[i].uesfuse == lastfuse && galinfo[i].uesfuse + 8 * galinfo[i].uesbytes == galinfo[i].fuses) && (pins == 0 || galinfo[i].pins == pins || galinfo[i].pins == 24 && pins == 28) ) { if (gal == 0) { type = i; break; } else if (!type) { type = i; } } } } if (lastfuse == 2195 && gal == ATF16V8B) { flagEnableApd = fusemap[2194]; if (verbose) { printf("PD fuse detected: %i\n", fusemap[2194]); } } if (lastfuse == 5893 && gal == ATF22V10C) { flagEnableApd = fusemap[5892]; if (verbose) { printf("PD fuse detected: %i\n", fusemap[5892]); } } return n; } static char readJedec(void) { FILE* f; int size; f = fopen(filename, "r"); if (f) { size = fread(galbuffer, 1, GALBUFSIZE, f); fclose(f); galbuffer[size] = 0; } else { printf("Error: failed to open file: %s\n", filename); return -1; } return 0; } static int openSerial(void) { char buf[512] = {0}; char devName[256] = {0}; int total; int labelPos; //open device name snprintf(devName, sizeof(devName), "%s", (deviceName == 0) ? DEFAULT_SERIAL_DEVICE_NAME : deviceName); serialDeviceCheckName(devName, sizeof(devName)); if (verbose) { printf("opening serial: %s\n", devName); } serialF = serialDeviceOpen(devName); if (serialF == INVALID_HANDLE) { printf("Error: failed to open serial device: %s\n", devName); return -2; } // prod the programmer to output it's identification sprintf(buf, "*\r"); serialDeviceWrite(serialF, buf, 2); //read programmer's message total = waitForSerialPrompt(buf, 512, 3000); buf[total] = 0; //check we are communicating with Afterburner programmer labelPos = strstr(buf, "AFTerburner v.") - buf; if (labelPos >= 0 && labelPos < 500 && buf[total - 3] == '>') { // check for new board desgin: variable VPP labelPos = strstr(buf + labelPos, " varVpp ") - buf; if (labelPos > 0 && labelPos < 500) { if (verbose) { printf("variable VPP board detected\n"); } varVppExists = 1; } //all OK return 0; } if (verbose) { printf("Output from programmer not recognised: %s\n", buf); } serialDeviceClose(serialF); serialF = INVALID_HANDLE; return -4; } static void closeSerial(void) { if (INVALID_HANDLE == serialF) { return; } serialDeviceClose(serialF); serialF = INVALID_HANDLE; } static int checkPromptExists(char* buf, int bufSize) { int i; for (i = 0; i < bufSize && buf[i] != 0; i++) { if (buf[i] == '>') { return i; } } return -1; } static char* stripPrompt(char* buf) { int len; int i; if (buf == 0) { return 0; } len = strlen(buf); i = checkPromptExists(buf, len); if (i >= 0) { buf[i] = 0; len = i; } //strp rear new line characters for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (buf[i] != '\r' && buf[i] != '\n') { break; } else { buf[i] = 0; } } //strip frontal new line characters for (i = 0; buf[i] != 0; i++) { if (buf[0] == '\r' || buf[0] == '\n') { buf++; } } return buf; } //finds beginnig of the last line static char* findLastLine(char* buf) { int i; char* result = buf; if (buf == 0) { return 0; } for (i = 0; buf[i] != 0; i++) { if (buf[i] == '\r' || buf[i] == '\n') { result = buf + i + 1; } } return result; } static char* printBuffer(char* bufPrint, int readSize) { int i; char doPrint = 1; for (i = 0; i < readSize;i++) { if (*bufPrint == '>') { doPrint = 0; } if (doPrint) { printf("%c", *bufPrint); if (*bufPrint == '\n' || *bufPrint == '\r') { fflush(stdout); } bufPrint++; } } return bufPrint; } static int waitForSerialPrompt(char* buf, int bufSize, int maxDelay) { char* bufStart = buf; int bufTotal = bufSize; int bufPos = 0; int readSize; char* bufPrint = buf; char doPrint = printSerialWhileWaiting; memset(buf, 0, bufSize); while (maxDelay > 0) { readSize = serialDeviceRead(serialF, buf, bufSize); if (readSize > 0) { bufPos += readSize; if (checkPromptExists(bufStart, bufTotal) >= 0) { maxDelay = 4; //force exit, but read the rest of the line } else { buf += readSize; bufSize -= readSize; } if (printSerialWhileWaiting) { bufPrint = printBuffer(bufPrint, readSize); } } if (maxDelay > 0) { /* WIN_API handles timeout itself */ #ifndef _USE_WIN_API_ usleep(10 * 1000); maxDelay -= 10; #else maxDelay -= 30; #endif } } return bufPos; } static int sendLine(char* buf, int bufSize, int maxDelay) { int total; int writeSize; char* obuf = buf; if (serialF == INVALID_HANDLE) { return -1; } if (buf == 0) { return -1; } total = strlen(buf); // write the query into the serial port's file // file is opened non blocking so we have to ensure all contents is written while (total > 0) { writeSize = serialDeviceWrite(serialF, buf, total); if (writeSize < 0) { printf("ERROR: written: %i (%s)\n", writeSize, strerror(errno)); return -4; } buf += writeSize; total -= writeSize; } total = waitForSerialPrompt(obuf, bufSize, (maxDelay < 0) ? 6 : maxDelay); obuf[total] = 0; obuf = stripPrompt(obuf); if (verbose) { printf("read: %i '%s'\n", total, obuf); } return total; } // Upload fusemap in byte format (as opposed to bit format used in JEDEC file). static char upload() { char fuseSet; char buf[MAX_LINE]; char line[64]; unsigned int i, j, n; unsigned short csum; int apdFuse = flagEnableApd; int totalFuses = galinfo[gal].fuses; if (apdFuse) { totalFuses++; } // Start upload sprintf(buf, "u\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 20); //device type sprintf(buf, "#t %i %s\r", (int) gal, galinfo[gal].name); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //fuse map buf[0] = 0; fuseSet = 0; for (i = 0; i < totalFuses;) { unsigned char f = 0; if (i % 32 == 0) { if (i != 0) { strcat(buf, "\r"); //the buffer contains at least one fuse set to 1 if (fuseSet) { #ifdef DEBUG_UPLOAD printf("%s\n", buf); #endif sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); buf[0] = 0; } fuseSet = 0; } sprintf(buf, "#f %04i ", i); } f = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && i < totalFuses; j++,i++) { if (fusemap[i]) { f |= (1 << j); fuseSet = 1; } } sprintf(line, "%02X", f); strcat(buf, line); } // send last unfinished fuse line if (i % 32 && fuseSet) { strcat(buf, "\r"); #ifdef DEBUG_UPLOAD printf("%s\n", buf); #endif sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); } //checksum csum = checkSum(totalFuses); if (verbose) { printf("sending csum: %04X\n", csum); } sprintf(buf, "#c %04X\r", csum); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //end of upload return sendGenericCommand("#e\r", "Upload failed", 300, 0); } //returns 0 on success static char sendGenericCommand(const char* command, const char* errorText, int maxDelay, char printResult) { char buf[MAX_LINE]; int readSize; sprintf(buf, "%s", command); readSize = sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, maxDelay); if (readSize < 0) { if (verbose) { printf("%s\n", errorText); } return -1; } else { char* response = stripPrompt(buf); char* lastLine = findLastLine(response); if (lastLine == 0 || (lastLine[0] == 'E' && lastLine[1] == 'R')) { printf("%s\n", response); return -1; } else if (printResult && printSerialWhileWaiting == 0) { printf("%s\n", response); } } return 0; } static char operationWriteOrVerify(char doWrite) { char buf[MAX_LINE]; int readSize; char result; if (readJedec()) { return -1; } result = parseFuseMap(galbuffer); if (verbose) { printf("parse result=%i\n", result); } if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } // set power-down fuse bit (do it before upload to correctly calculate check-sum) result = sendGenericCommand(flagEnableApd ? "z\r" : "Z\r", "APD set failed ?", 4000, 0); if (result) { goto finish; } result = upload(); if (result) { return result; } // write command if (doWrite) { result = sendGenericCommand("w\r", "write failed ?", 4000, 0); if (result) { goto finish; } } // verify command if (opVerify) { result = sendGenericCommand("v\r", "verify failed ?", 4000, 0); } finish: closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationReadInfo(void) { char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("sending 'p' command...\n"); } result = sendGenericCommand("p\r", "info failed ?", 4000, 1); closeSerial(); return result; } // Test of programming voltage. Most chips require +12V to start prograaming. // This test function turns ON the ENable pin so the Programming voltage is set. // After 20 seconds the ENable pin is turned OFF. This gives you time to turn the // pot on the MT3608 module and calibrate the right voltage for the GAL chip. static char operationTestVpp(void) { char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("sending 't' command...\n"); } if (varVppExists) { printf("Turn the Pot on the MT3608 module to set the VPP to 16.5V (+/- 0.05V)\n"); } else { printf("Turn the Pot on the MT3608 module to check / set the VPP\n"); } //print the measured voltages if the feature is available printSerialWhileWaiting = 1; //Voltage testing takes ~20 seconds result = sendGenericCommand("t\r", "info failed ?", 22000, 1); printSerialWhileWaiting = 0; closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationCalibrateVpp(void) { char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } if (calOffset != 0xFFFF) { char cmd [8] = {0}; char val = (char)('0' + (calOffset + 20) / 5); sprintf(cmd, "B%c\r", val); if (verbose) { printf("sending 'B%c' command...\n", val); } result = sendGenericCommand(cmd, "VPP cal. offset failed", 4000, 1); } if (verbose) { printf("sending 'b' command...\n"); } printf("VPP voltages are scanned - this might take a while...\n"); printSerialWhileWaiting = 1; result = sendGenericCommand("b\r", "VPP calibration failed", 16000, 1); printSerialWhileWaiting = 0; closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationMeasureVpp(void) { char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("sending 'm' command...\n"); } //print the measured voltages if the feature is available printSerialWhileWaiting = 1; result = sendGenericCommand("m\r", "VPP measurement failed", 22000, 1); printSerialWhileWaiting = 0; closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationSetGalCheck(void) { int readSize; char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } result = sendGenericCommand(noGalCheck ? "F\r" : "f\r", "noGalCheck failed ?", 4000, 0); closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationSetGalType(Galtype type) { char buf[MAX_LINE]; int readSize; char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } sprintf(buf, "g%i\r", (int)type); result = sendGenericCommand(buf, "setGalType failed ?", 4000, 0); closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationSecureGal() { int readSize; char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } if (verbose) { printf("sending 's' command...\n"); } result = sendGenericCommand("s\r", "secure GAL failed ?", 4000, 0); closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationWritePes(void) { char buf[MAX_LINE]; int readSize; char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } //Switch to upload mode to specify GAL sprintf(buf, "u\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //set GAL type sprintf(buf, "#t %i\r", (int) gal); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //set new PES sprintf(buf, "#p %s\r", pesString); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //Exit upload mode (ensure the return texts are discarded by waiting 100 ms) sprintf(buf, "#e\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); if (verbose) { printf("sending 'P' command...\n"); } result = sendGenericCommand("P\r", "write PES failed ?", 4000, 0); closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationEraseGal(void) { char buf[MAX_LINE]; int readSize; char result; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } //Switch to upload mode to specify GAL sprintf(buf, "u\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //set GAL type sprintf(buf, "#t %i\r", (int) gal); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 300); //Exit upload mode (ensure the return texts are discarded by waiting 100 ms) sprintf(buf, "#e\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); if (flagEraseAll) { result = sendGenericCommand("~\r", "erase all failed ?", 4000, 0); } else { result = sendGenericCommand("c\r", "erase failed ?", 4000, 0); } closeSerial(); return result; } static char operationReadFuses(void) { char* response; char* buf = galbuffer; int readSize; if (openSerial() != 0) { return -1; } //Switch to upload mode to specify GAL sprintf(buf, "u\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); //set GAL type sprintf(buf, "#t %i\r", (int) gal); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 100); //Exit upload mode (ensure the texts are discarded by waiting 100 ms) sprintf(buf, "#e\r"); sendLine(buf, MAX_LINE, 1000); //READ_FUSE command sprintf(buf, "r\r"); readSize = sendLine(buf, GALBUFSIZE, 5000); if (readSize < 0) { return -1; } response = stripPrompt(buf); printf("%s\n", response); closeSerial(); if (response[0] == 'E' && response[1] == 'R') { return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { char result = 0; int i; result = checkArgs(argc, argv); if (result) { return result; } if (verbose) { printf("Afterburner " VERSION " \n"); } result = operationSetGalCheck(); if (gal != UNKNOWN && 0 == result) { result = operationSetGalType(gal); } if (opErase && 0 == result) { result = operationEraseGal(); } if (0 == result) { if (opWrite) { // writing fuses and optionally verification result = operationWriteOrVerify(1); } else if (opInfo) { result = operationReadInfo(); } else if (opRead) { result = operationReadFuses(); } else if (opVerify) { // verification without writing result = operationWriteOrVerify(0); } else if (opTestVPP) { result = operationTestVpp(); } else if (opWritePes) { result = operationWritePes(); } if (0 == result && (opWrite || opVerify)) { if (opSecureGal) { operationSecureGal(); } } //variable VPP functions (for new board designs) if (varVppExists) { if (0 == result && opCalibrateVPP) { result = operationCalibrateVpp(); } if (0 == result && opMeasureVPP) { result = operationMeasureVpp(); } } } if (verbose) { printf("result=%i\n", (char)result); } return result; }