// Arduino connectors library // // Copyright (c) 2013 Kelly Egan // // The MIT License (MIT) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software // and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, // including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, // and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do // so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial // portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT // NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. // IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE // SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // https://github.com/kellyegan/OpenSCAD-Arduino-Mounting-Library //use //Constructs a roughed out arduino board //Current only USB, power and headers module arduino(boardType = UNO, useColors = true) { //The PCB with holes if (useColors) difference() { color("SteelBlue") boardShape( boardType ); translate([0,0,-pcbHeight * 0.5]) holePlacement(boardType = boardType) color("SteelBlue") cylinder(r = mountingHoleRadius, h = pcbHeight * 2, $fn=32); } else difference() { boardShape( boardType ); translate([0,0,-pcbHeight * 0.5]) holePlacement(boardType = boardType) cylinder(r = mountingHoleRadius, h = pcbHeight * 2, $fn=32); } //Add all components to board components( boardType = boardType, component = ALL, useColors = useColors ); } //Setting for enclosure mounting holes (Not Arduino mounting) NOMOUNTINGHOLES = 0; INTERIORMOUNTINGHOLES = 1; EXTERIORMOUNTINGHOLES = 2; //Offset from board. Negative values are insets module boardShape( boardType = UNO, offset = 0, height = pcbHeight ) { dimensions = boardDimensions(boardType); xScale = (dimensions[0] + offset * 2) / dimensions[0]; yScale = (dimensions[1] + offset * 2) / dimensions[1]; translate([-offset, -offset, 0]) scale([xScale, yScale, 1.0]) linear_extrude(height = height) polygon(points = boardShapes[boardType]); } //Create a bounding box around the board //Offset - will increase the size of the box on each side, //Height - overides the boardHeight and offset in the z direction BOARD = 0; //Includes all components and PCB PCB = 1; //Just the PCB COMPONENTS = 2; //Just the components module boundingBox(boardType = UNO, offset = 0, height = 0, cornerRadius = 0, include = BOARD) { //What parts are included? Entire board, pcb or just components. pos = ([boardPosition(boardType), pcbPosition(boardType), componentsPosition(boardType)])[include]; dim = ([boardDimensions(boardType), pcbDimensions(boardType), componentsDimensions(boardType)])[include]; //Depending on if height is set position and dimensions will change position = [ pos[0] - offset, pos[1] - offset, (height == 0 ? pos[2] - offset : pos[2] ) ]; dimensions = [ dim[0] + offset * 2, dim[1] + offset * 2, (height == 0 ? dim[2] + offset * 2 : height) ]; translate( position ) { if( cornerRadius == 0 ) { cube( dimensions ); } else { roundedCube( dimensions, cornerRadius=cornerRadius ); } } } //Creates standoffs for different boards TAPHOLE = 0; PIN = 1; module standoffs( boardType = UNO, height = 10, topRadius = mountingHoleRadius + 1, bottomRadius = mountingHoleRadius + 2, holeRadius = mountingHoleRadius, mountType = TAPHOLE ) { holePlacement(boardType = boardType) union() { difference() { cylinder(r1 = bottomRadius, r2 = topRadius, h = height, $fn=32); if( mountType == TAPHOLE ) { cylinder(r = holeRadius, h = height * 4, center = true, $fn=32); } } if( mountType == PIN ) { translate([0, 0, height - 1]) pintack( h=pcbHeight + 3, r = holeRadius, lh=3, lt=1, bh=1, br=topRadius ); } } } //This is used for placing the mounting holes and for making standoffs //child elements will be centered on that chosen boards mounting hole centers module holePlacement(boardType = UNO ) { for(i = boardHoles[boardType] ) { translate(i) children(0); } } //Places components on board // compenent - the data set with a particular component (like boardHeaders) // extend - the amount to extend the component in the direction of its socket // offset - the amount to increase the components other two boundaries //Component IDs ALL = -1; HEADER_F = 0; HEADER_M = 1; USB = 2; POWER = 3; RJ45 = 4; module components( boardType = UNO, component = ALL, extension = 0, offset = 0, useColors = false ) { translate([0, 0, pcbHeight]) { for( i = [0:len(components[boardType]) - 1] ){ if( components[boardType][i][3] == component || component == ALL) { //Calculates position + adjustment for offset and extention position = components[boardType][i][0] - (([1,1,1] - components[boardType][i][2]) * offset) + [ min(components[boardType][i][2][0],0), min(components[boardType][i][2][1],0), min(components[boardType][i][2][2],0) ] * extension; //Calculates the full box size including offset and extention dimensions = components[boardType][i][1] + ((components[boardType][i][2] * [1,1,1]) * components[boardType][i][2]) * extension + ([1,1,1] - components[boardType][i][2]) * offset * 2; translate( position ) { if (useColors) color( components[boardType][i][4] ) cube( dimensions ); if (!useColors) cube( dimensions ); } } } } } module roundedCube( dimensions = [10,10,10], cornerRadius = 1, faces=32 ) { hull() cornerCylinders( dimensions = dimensions, cornerRadius = cornerRadius, faces=faces ); } module cornerCylinders( dimensions = [10,10,10], cornerRadius = 1, faces=32 ) { translate([ cornerRadius, cornerRadius, 0]) { cylinder( r = cornerRadius, $fn = faces, h = dimensions[2] ); translate([dimensions[0] - cornerRadius * 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = cornerRadius, $fn = faces, h = dimensions[2] ); translate([0, dimensions[1] - cornerRadius * 2, 0]) { cylinder( r = cornerRadius, $fn = faces, h = dimensions[2] ); translate([dimensions[0] - cornerRadius * 2, 0, 0]) cylinder( r = cornerRadius, $fn = faces, h = dimensions[2] ); } } } //Create a clip that snapps into a clipHole module clip(clipWidth = 5, clipDepth = 5, clipHeight = 5, lipDepth = 1.5, lipHeight = 3) { translate([-clipWidth/2,-(clipDepth-lipDepth),0]) rotate([90, 0, 90]) linear_extrude(height = clipWidth, convexity = 10) polygon( points=[ [0, 0], [clipDepth - lipDepth, 0], [clipDepth - lipDepth, clipHeight - lipHeight], [clipDepth - 0.25, clipHeight - lipHeight], [clipDepth, clipHeight - lipHeight + 0.25], [clipDepth - lipDepth * 0.8, clipHeight], [(clipDepth - lipDepth) * 0.3, clipHeight] ], paths=[[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]] ); } //Hole for clip module clipHole(clipWidth = 5, clipDepth = 5, clipHeight = 5, lipDepth = 1.5, lipHeight = 3, holeDepth = 5) { offset = 0.1; translate([-clipWidth/2,-(clipDepth-lipDepth),0]) translate([-offset, clipDepth - lipDepth-offset, clipHeight - lipHeight - offset]) cube( [clipWidth + offset * 2, holeDepth, lipHeight + offset * 2] ); } module mountingHole(screwHeadRad = woodscrewHeadRad, screwThreadRad = woodscrewThreadRad, screwHeadHeight = woodscrewHeadHeight, holeDepth = 10) { union() { translate([0, 0, -0.01]) cylinder( r = screwThreadRad, h = 1.02, $fn = 32 ); translate([0, 0, 1]) cylinder( r1 = screwThreadRad, r2 = screwHeadRad, h = screwHeadHeight, $fn = 32 ); translate([0, 0, screwHeadHeight - 0.01 + 1]) cylinder( r = screwHeadRad, h = holeDepth - screwHeadHeight + 0.02, $fn = 32 ); } } /******************************** UTILITY FUNCTIONS *******************************/ //Return the length side of a square given its diagonal function sides( diagonal ) = sqrt(diagonal * diagonal / 2); //Return the minimum values between two vectors of either length 2 or 3. 2D Vectors are treated as 3D vectors who final value is 0. function minVec( vector1, vector2 ) = [min(vector1[0], vector2[0]), min(vector1[1], vector2[1]), min((vector1[2] == undef ? 0 : vector1[2]), (vector2[2] == undef ? 0 : vector2[2]) )]; //Return the maximum values between two vectors of either length 2 or 3. 2D Vectors are treated as 3D vectors who final value is 0. function maxVec( vector1, vector2 ) = [max(vector1[0], vector2[0]), max(vector1[1], vector2[1]), max((vector1[2] == undef ? 0 : vector1[2]), (vector2[2] == undef ? 0 : vector2[2]) )]; //Determine the minimum point on a component in a list of components function minCompPoint( list, index = 0, minimum = [10000000, 10000000, 10000000] ) = index >= len(list) ? minimum : minCompPoint( list, index + 1, minVec( minimum, list[index][0] )); //Determine the maximum point on a component in a list of components function maxCompPoint( list, index = 0, maximum = [-10000000, -10000000, -10000000] ) = index >= len(list) ? maximum : maxCompPoint( list, index + 1, maxVec( maximum, list[index][0] + list[index][1])); //Determine the minimum point in a list of points function minPoint( list, index = 0, minimum = [10000000, 10000000, 10000000] ) = index >= len(list) ? minimum : minPoint( list, index + 1, minVec( minimum, list[index] )); //Determine the maximum point in a list of points function maxPoint( list, index = 0, maximum = [-10000000, -10000000, -10000000] ) = index >= len(list) ? maximum : maxPoint( list, index + 1, maxVec( maximum, list[index] )); //Returns the pcb position and dimensions function pcbPosition(boardType = UNO) = minPoint(boardShapes[boardType]); function pcbDimensions(boardType = UNO) = maxPoint(boardShapes[boardType]) - minPoint(boardShapes[boardType]) + [0, 0, pcbHeight]; //Returns the position of the box containing all components and its dimensions function componentsPosition(boardType = UNO) = minCompPoint(components[boardType]) + [0, 0, pcbHeight]; function componentsDimensions(boardType = UNO) = maxCompPoint(components[boardType]) - minCompPoint(components[boardType]); //Returns the position and dimensions of the box containing the pcb board function boardPosition(boardType = UNO) = minCompPoint([[pcbPosition(boardType), pcbDimensions(boardType)], [componentsPosition(boardType), componentsDimensions(boardType)]]); function boardDimensions(boardType = UNO) = maxCompPoint([[pcbPosition(boardType), pcbDimensions(boardType)], [componentsPosition(boardType), componentsDimensions(boardType)]]) - minCompPoint([[pcbPosition(boardType), pcbDimensions(boardType)], [componentsPosition(boardType), componentsDimensions(boardType)]]); /******************************* BOARD SPECIFIC DATA ******************************/ //Board IDs NG = 0; DIECIMILA = 1; DUEMILANOVE = 2; UNO = 3; LEONARDO = 4; MEGA = 5; MEGA2560 = 6; DUE = 7; YUN = 8; INTELGALILEO = 9; TRE = 10; ETHERNET = 11; /********************************** MEASUREMENTS **********************************/ pcbHeight = 1.7; headerWidth = 2.54; headerHeight = 9; mountingHoleRadius = 3.2 / 2; ngWidth = 53.34; leonardoDepth = 68.58 + 1.1; //PCB depth plus offset of USB jack (1.1) ngDepth = 68.58 + 6.5; megaDepth = 101.6 + 6.5; //Coding is my business and business is good! dueDepth = 101.6 + 1.1; arduinoHeight = 11 + pcbHeight + 0; /********************************* MOUNTING HOLES *********************************/ //Duemilanove, Diecimila, NG and earlier ngHoles = [ [ 2.54, 15.24 ], [ 17.78, 66.04 ], [ 45.72, 66.04 ] ]; //Uno, Leonardo holes unoHoles = [ [ 2.54, 15.24 ], [ 17.78, 66.04 ], [ 45.72, 66.04 ], [ 50.8, 13.97 ] ]; //Due and Mega 2560 dueHoles = [ [ 2.54, 15.24 ], [ 17.78, 66.04 ], [ 45.72, 66.04 ], [ 50.8, 13.97 ], [ 2.54, 90.17 ], [ 50.8, 96.52 ] ]; // Original Mega holes megaHoles = [ [ 2.54, 15.24 ], [ 50.8, 13.97 ], [ 2.54, 90.17 ], [ 50.8, 96.52 ] ]; boardHoles = [ ngHoles, //NG ngHoles, //Diecimila ngHoles, //Duemilanove unoHoles, //Uno unoHoles, //Leonardo megaHoles, //Mega dueHoles, //Mega 2560 dueHoles, //Due 0, //Yun 0, //Intel Galileo 0, //Tre unoHoles //Ethernet ]; /********************************** BOARD SHAPES **********************************/ ngBoardShape = [ [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 53.34, 0.0 ], [ 53.34, 66.04 ], [ 50.8, 66.04 ], [ 48.26, 68.58 ], [ 15.24, 68.58 ], [ 12.7, 66.04 ], [ 1.27, 66.04 ], [ 0.0, 64.77 ] ]; megaBoardShape = [ [ 0.0, 0.0 ], [ 53.34, 0.0 ], [ 53.34, 99.06 ], [ 52.07, 99.06 ], [ 49.53, 101.6 ], [ 15.24, 101.6 ], [ 12.7, 99.06 ], [ 2.54, 99.06 ], [ 0.0, 96.52 ] ]; boardShapes = [ ngBoardShape, //NG ngBoardShape, //Diecimila ngBoardShape, //Duemilanove ngBoardShape, //Uno ngBoardShape, //Leonardo megaBoardShape, //Mega megaBoardShape, //Mega 2560 megaBoardShape, //Due 0, //Yun 0, //Intel Galileo 0, //Tre ngBoardShape //Ethernet ]; /*********************************** COMPONENTS ***********************************/ //Component data. //[position, dimensions, direction(which way would a cable attach), type(header, usb, etc.), color] ngComponents = [ [[1.27, 17.526, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 10, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 26.67, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 6, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[9.34, -6.5, 0],[12, 16, 11],[0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray" ], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; etherComponents = [ [[1.27, 17.526, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 10, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 26.67, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 6, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[7.20, -4.4, 0],[16, 22, 13],[0, -1, 0], RJ45, "Green" ], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; leonardoComponents = [ [[1.27, 17.526, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 10, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 26.67, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 6, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[11.5, -1.1, 0],[7.5, 5.9, 3],[0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray" ], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; megaComponents = [ [[1.27, 22.86, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 67.31, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 31.75, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 6, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 72.39, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 92.71, 0], [headerWidth * 18, headerWidth * 2, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[9.34, -6.5, 0],[12, 16, 11],[0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray"], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; mega2560Components = [ [[1.27, 17.526, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 10, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 67.31, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 26.67, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[49.53, 72.39, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[1.27, 92.71, 0], [headerWidth * 18, headerWidth * 2, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black" ], [[9.34, -6.5, 0],[12, 16, 11],[0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray" ], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; dueComponents = [ [[1.27, 17.526, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 10, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 44.45, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 67.31, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 26.67, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight ], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 49.53, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[49.53, 72.39, 0], [headerWidth, headerWidth * 8, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[1.27, 92.71, 0], [headerWidth * 18, headerWidth * 2, headerHeight], [0, 0, 1], HEADER_F, "Black"], [[11.5, -1.1, 0], [7.5, 5.9, 3], [0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray" ], [[27.365, -1.1, 0], [7.5, 5.9, 3], [0, -1, 0], USB, "LightGray" ], [[40.7, -1.8, 0], [9.0, 13.2, 10.9], [0, -1, 0], POWER, "Black" ] ]; components = [ ngComponents, //NG ngComponents, //Diecimila ngComponents, //Duemilanove ngComponents, //Uno leonardoComponents, //Leonardo megaComponents, //Mega mega2560Components, //Mega 2560 dueComponents, //Due 0, //Yun 0, //Intel Galileo 0, //Tre etherComponents //Ethernet ]; /****************************** NON-BOARD PARAMETERS ******************************/ //Mounting holes woodscrewHeadRad = 4.6228; //Number 8 wood screw head radius woodscrewThreadRad = 2.1336; //Number 8 wood screw thread radius woodscrewHeadHeight = 2.8448; //Number 8 wood screw head height