remove macros for threading compatability

This commit is contained in:
Jorj Bauer 2020-08-03 05:11:23 -04:00
parent f9d060b593
commit 16fbb37f90

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@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
//#define DEBUG_TIMING
#define THREADED if (1)
#if F_CPU < 240000000
#pragma AiiE warning: performance will improve if you overclock the Teensy to 240MHz (F_CPU=240MHz) or 256MHz (F_CPU=256MHz)
#if F_CPU == 600000000
#pragma AiiE suggestion: if you underclock to 528MHz (F_CPU=528MHz) then it will use significantly less power, and still perform perfectly
#define RESETPIN 38
#define DEBUGPIN 23
@ -226,18 +228,16 @@ void runMaintenance(uint32_t now)
static uint32_t nextRuntime = 0;
if (now >= nextRuntime) {
nextRuntime = now + 100000; // FIXME: what's a good time here? 1/10 sec?
if (! {
// This is the BIOS interrupt. We immediately act on it.
if (now >= nextRuntime) {
nextRuntime = now + 100000; // FIXME: what's a good time here? 1/10 sec?
if (! {
// This is the BIOS interrupt. We immediately act on it.
@ -254,66 +254,63 @@ void runDisplay(uint32_t now)
static uint32_t lastFps = 0;
static uint32_t displayFrameCount = 0;
// If it's time to draw the next frame, then do so
if (now >= microsForNext) {
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (1000000.0*((float)refreshCount/(float)TARGET_FPS));
if (g_vm->vmdisplay->needsRedraw()) { // necessary for the VM to redraw
// Used to get the dirty rect and blit just that rect. Could still do,
// but instead, I'm just wildly wasting resources. MWAHAHAHA
// AiieRect what = g_vm->vmdisplay->getDirtyRect();
// g_display->blit(what);
g_display->blit(); // Blit the whole thing, including UI area
// If it's time to draw the next frame, then do so
if (now >= microsForNext) {
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (1000000.0*((float)refreshCount/(float)TARGET_FPS));
// Once a second, start counting all over again
if (now >= nextResetMicros) {
uint32_t newFrameCount = ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->frameCount();
// There are two "FPS" counters here, actually. One is how often
// we're polling the Apple //e memory to refresh the DMA buffer,
// and to show that, we'd use this:
// lastFps = refreshCount;
// The other is how often the DMA code is refreshing the actual
// display, and to show that, we'd use this:
lastFps = newFrameCount - displayFrameCount;
// ... and this debugging code shows both.
println("DMA buffer refresh at ", refreshCount, " FPS");
println("Display refresh at ", newFrameCount - displayFrameCount, " FPS");
displayFrameCount = newFrameCount;
nextResetMicros = now + 1000000;
refreshCount = 0;
microsAtStart = now;
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (1000000.0*((float)refreshCount/(float)TARGET_FPS));
if (g_vm->vmdisplay->needsRedraw()) { // necessary for the VM to redraw
// Used to get the dirty rect and blit just that rect. Could still do,
// but instead, I'm just wildly wasting resources. MWAHAHAHA
// AiieRect what = g_vm->vmdisplay->getDirtyRect();
// g_display->blit(what);
g_display->blit(); // Blit the whole thing, including UI area
// Once a second, start counting all over again
if (now >= nextResetMicros) {
uint32_t newFrameCount = ((TeensyDisplay *)g_display)->frameCount();
// There are two "FPS" counters here, actually. One is how often
// we're polling the Apple //e memory to refresh the DMA buffer,
// and to show that, we'd use this:
// lastFps = refreshCount;
// The other is how often the DMA code is refreshing the actual
// display, and to show that, we'd use this:
lastFps = newFrameCount - displayFrameCount;
// ... and this debugging code shows both.
println("DMA buffer refresh at ", refreshCount, " FPS");
println("Display refresh at ", newFrameCount - displayFrameCount, " FPS");
displayFrameCount = newFrameCount;
nextResetMicros = now + 1000000;
refreshCount = 0;
microsAtStart = now;
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (1000000.0*((float)refreshCount/(float)TARGET_FPS));
// The debouncer is used in the bios, which blocks the main loop
// execution; so this thread updates the debouncer instead.
// execution; so this function updates the debouncer instead. It used
// to be a thread of its own, but now that this is single-threaded
// again, it's a standalone method.
void runDebouncer()
static uint32_t nextRuntime = 0;
// while (1) {
if (millis() >= nextRuntime) {
nextRuntime = millis() + 10;
} else {
if (millis() >= nextRuntime) {
nextRuntime = millis() + 10;
} else {
// threads.yield();
// }
void runCPU(uint32_t now)
@ -323,25 +320,23 @@ void runCPU(uint32_t now)
static uint32_t microsAtStart = micros();
static uint32_t microsForNext = microsAtStart + (countSinceLast * SPEEDCTL);
if (now >= microsForNext) {
countSinceLast += g_cpu->Run(24); // The CPU runs in bursts of cycles. This '24' is the max burst we perform.
((AppleVM *)g_vm)->cpuMaintenance(g_cpu->cycles);
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (countSinceLast * SPEEDCTL);
if (now >= nextResetMicros) {
nextResetMicros = now + 1000000;
if (now >= microsForNext) {
countSinceLast += g_cpu->Run(24); // The CPU runs in bursts of cycles. This '24' is the max burst we perform.
((AppleVM *)g_vm)->cpuMaintenance(g_cpu->cycles);
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (countSinceLast * SPEEDCTL);
if (now >= nextResetMicros) {
nextResetMicros = now + 1000000;
float pct = (100.0 * (float)countSinceLast) / (float)g_speed;
sprintf(debugBuf, "CPU running at %f%%", pct);
float pct = (100.0 * (float)countSinceLast) / (float)g_speed;
sprintf(debugBuf, "CPU running at %f%%", pct);
countSinceLast = 0;
microsAtStart = now;
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (countSinceLast * SPEEDCTL);
countSinceLast = 0;
microsAtStart = now;
microsForNext = microsAtStart + (countSinceLast * SPEEDCTL);