mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 14:30:36 +00:00
when writing to ram, use the MMU. Also cleaned up comments.
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,21 +66,25 @@ uint8_t Mouse::readSwitches(uint8_t s)
void Mouse::writeSwitches(uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
switch (s) {
/* Many of these were designed to be reads, because they don't have to
* modify any state inside the VM directly -- but it's important (per docs)
* that we return A, X, and Y as they were when we were called. So these
* are all now writes, which don't modify A/X/Y. */
g_mouse->setPosition( (g_ram.readByte(0x578) << 8) | g_ram.readByte(0x478),
(g_ram.readByte(0x5F8) << 8) | g_ram.readByte(0x4F8)
g_mouse->setPosition( (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x578) << 8) | g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x478),
(g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x5F8) << 8) | g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x4F8)
g_mouse->setPosition( (g_ram.readByte(0x578+4) << 8) | g_ram.readByte(0x478+4),
(g_ram.readByte(0x5F8+4) << 8) | g_ram.readByte(0x4F8+4)
g_mouse->setPosition( (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x578+4) << 8) | g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x478+4),
(g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x5F8+4) << 8) | g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x4F8+4)
g_ram.writeByte(0x578+4, 0);
g_ram.writeByte(0x478+4, 0);
g_ram.writeByte(0x5F8+4, 0);
g_ram.writeByte(0x4F8+4, 0);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x578+4, 0);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x478+4, 0);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x5F8+4, 0);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x4F8+4, 0);
@ -92,25 +96,22 @@ void Mouse::writeSwitches(uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
lastX = xpos; lastY = ypos;
curButton = g_mouse->getButton();
uint8_t newStatus = g_ram.readByte(0x778+4) & ~0xC0;
uint8_t newStatus = g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x778+4) & ~0xC0;
if (curButton) { newStatus |= 0x80; };
if (lastButton) { newStatus |= 0x40; };
uint16_t xv = xpos >> 8; xv &= 0xFF;
printf("XPOS: %d => 0x%X 0x%X\n", xpos, xv, xpos & 0xFF);
g_ram.writeByte(0x578+4, xv); // high X
g_ram.writeByte(0x478+4, xpos & 0xFF); // low X
g_ram.writeByte(0x5F8+4, (ypos >> 8) & 0xFF); // high Y
g_ram.writeByte(0x4F8+4, ypos); // low Y
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x578+4, (xpos >> 8) & 0xFF); // high X
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x478+4, xpos & 0xFF); // low X
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x5F8+4, (ypos >> 8) & 0xFF); // high Y
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x4F8+4, ypos); // low Y
// Set clamp to (0,0) - (1023,1023)
g_ram.writeByte(0x578, 0); // high of lowclamp
g_ram.writeByte(0x478, 0); // low of lowclamp
g_ram.writeByte(0x5F8, 0x03); // high of highclamp
g_ram.writeByte(0x4F8, 0xFF); // low of highclamp
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x578, 0); // high of lowclamp
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x478, 0); // low of lowclamp
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x5F8, 0x03); // high of highclamp
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x4F8, 0xFF); // low of highclamp
g_mouse->setClamp(XCLAMP, 0, 1023);
g_mouse->setClamp(YCLAMP, 0, 1023);
@ -120,20 +121,20 @@ void Mouse::writeSwitches(uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
interruptsTriggered |= 0x80;
lastButton = curButton;
g_ram.writeByte(0x778+4, interruptsTriggered);
g_ram.writeByte(0x6B8+4, interruptsTriggered); // hack to appease ROM
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x778+4, interruptsTriggered);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x6B8+4, interruptsTriggered); // hack to appease ROM
interruptsTriggered = 0;
case SW_W_INIT:
v &= 0x03; // just the low 3 bits apparently?
printf("Simple init: value is 0x%X\n", v);
status = v;
g_ram.writeByte(0x7f8 + 4, v);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x7f8 + 4, v);
uint16_t lowval = (g_ram.readByte(0x578) << 8) | (g_ram.readByte(0x478));
uint16_t highval = (g_ram.readByte(0x5F8) << 8) | (g_ram.readByte(0x4F8));
uint16_t lowval = (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x578) << 8) | (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x478));
uint16_t highval = (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x5F8) << 8) | (g_vm->getMMU()->read(0x4F8));
if (v) {
g_mouse->setClamp(YCLAMP, lowval, highval);
} else {
@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ void Mouse::writeSwitches(uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
status = v;
g_ram.writeByte(0x7f8 + 4, v);
g_vm->getMMU()->write(0x7f8 + 4, v);
printf("mouse: unknown switch write 0x%X = 0x%2X\n", s, v);
@ -154,249 +155,120 @@ void Mouse::writeSwitches(uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
void Mouse::loadROM(uint8_t *toWhere)
/* Actual mouse ROM Disassembly:
C400- 2C 58 FF BIT $FF58 ; test bits in FF58 w/ A
C403- 70 1B BVS $C420 ; V will contain bit 6 from $FF58, which should be $60 on boot-up (RTS), which has $40 set, so should branch here
C405- 38 SEC
C406- 90 18 BCC $C420 ; no-op; unless called @ $C406 directly?
C408- B8 CLV ; clear overflow
C409- 50 15 BVC $C420 ; always branches
; unused... ? more lookup table... ?
C40B- 01 20 ORA ($20,X)
; This is the lookup table for entry addresses
C410- AE
C411- 00
C412- 6D ;(setmouse @ c46d)
C413- 75 ;(servemouse @ C475)
C414- 8E ;(readmouse @ C48E)
C415- 9F ;(clearmouse @ C49F)
C416- A4 ;(posmouse @ C4A4)
C417- 86 ;(clampmouse @ C486)
C418- A9 ;(homemouse @ C4A9)
C419- 97 ;(initmouse @ C497)
C41A- AE
C41B- AE
C41C- AE ;(semi-documented: sets mouse frequency handler to 60 or 50 hz)
C41D- AE
C41E- AE
C41F- AE
; Main (installs KSW for IN# handling)
C420- 48 PHA ; push accumulator to stack
C421- 98 TYA
C422- 48 PHA ; push Y to stack
C423- 8A TXA
C424- 48 PHA ; push X to stack
C425- 08 PHP ; push status to stack
C426- 78 SEI ; disable interrupts
; This JSR $FF58 is a trick to get the address we're calling from. By
; default, $FF58 contains a RTS (until patched as the DOS '&' vector,
; or ProDOS does something similar). As long as this executes before
; the DOS takes over, it's safe; but if we're doing this after ProDOS
; loads, a 64k machine might have garbage after the language card RAM
; is loaded here. A safer alternative would be something like
; LDA #$60 ; Write an RTS ($60) to a temporary memory
; STA WORK ; address, and then
; JSR WORK ; jump to it
; LDA $100, X ; grab the return address off the stack
C427- 20 58 FF JSR $FF58 ; call something that will RTS
C42A- BA TSX ; pull stack pointer to X
C42B- BD 00 01 LDA $0100,X ; grab A from the current stack pointer, which has our return addr
C42E- AA TAX ; X = return addr
C42F- 0A ASL
C430- 0A ASL
C431- 0A ASL
C432- 0A ASL
C433- A8 TAY ; Y = (return addr) << 4
C434- 28 PLP ; restore status from stack (includes V,C)
C435- 50 0F BVC $C446 ; overflow is clear from when we were called?
C437- A5 38 LDA $38 ; >> $38 is the IN# vector ("KSW") low byte
C439- D0 0D BNE $C448 ; restore stack & return
C43B- 8A TXA
C43C- 45 39 EOR $39 ; >> KSW high byte
C43E- D0 08 BNE $C448 ; restore stack & return
C440- A9 05 LDA #$05
C442- 85 38 STA $38 ; ($38) = $05
C444- D0 0B BNE $C451
;; we wind up here when the entry vector $c405 is called directly (from $9eba)
C446- B0 09 BCS $C451 ; carry set if ... ?
;; entry point when called as PR# so BASIC/DOS can init the mouse
C448- 68 PLA ; pull X from stack
C449- AA TAX
C44A- 68 PLA ; pull Y from stack, but
C44B- EA NOP ; throw it away
C44C- 68 PLA ; pull A from stack
C44D- 99 80 C0 STA $C080,Y ; LC RAM bank2, read and wr-protect
C450- 60 RTS
C451- 99 81 C0 STA $C081,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read ROM
C454- 68 PLA ;
C455- BD 38 06 LDA $0638,X
C458- AA TAX
C459- 68 PLA
C45A- A8 TAY
C45B- 68 PLA
C45C- BD 00 02 LDA $0200,X ; keyboard character buffer?
C45F- 60 RTS
C460- 00 BRK
C461- 00 BRK
C462- 00 BRK
C463- 00 BRK
C464- 00 BRK
C465- 00 BRK
C466- 00 BRK
C467- 00 BRK
C468- 00 BRK
C469- 00 BRK
C46A- 00 BRK
C46B- 00 BRK
C46C- 00 BRK
; SetMouse
C46D- C9 10 CMP #$10 ; interrupt on VBL + interrupt on mouse move?
C46F- B0 3F BCS $C4B0 ; RTS if A >= 0x10
C471- 99 82 C0 STA $C082,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read ROM, wr-protect RAM
C474- 60 RTS
; ServeMouse
C475- 48 PHA ; save A
C476- 18 CLC
C477- 90 39 BCC $C4B2 ; always branches
; ServeMouse cleanup and exit
C479- 99 83 C0 STA $C083,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read RAM
C47C- BD B8 06 LDA $06B8,X ; apparently this is where the new status wound up, also $7f8 + <slot#>
C47F- 29 0E AND #$0E
C481- D0 01 BNE $C484 ; if the interrupt bits don't show it was a mouse interrupt, set error (C) before returning
C483- 38 SEC
C484- 68 PLA ; restore A
C485- 60 RTS
; ClampMouse
C486- C9 02 CMP #$02
C488- B0 26 BCS $C4B0 ; RTS if 2 <= the A register
C48A- 99 83 C0 STA $C083,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read RAM
C48D- 60 RTS
; ReadMouse
C48E- A9 04 LDA #$04
C490- 99 83 C0 STA $C083,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read RAM
C493- 18 CLC
C494- EA NOP
C495- EA NOP
C496- 60 RTS
; InitMouse
C497- EA NOP
C498- A9 02 LDA #$02
C49A- 99 83 C0 STA $C083,Y ; LC RAM bank 2, read RAM
C49D- 18 CLC
C49E- 60 RTS
; ClearMouse
C4A0- A9 05 LDA #$05
C4A2- D0 F6 BNE $C49A
; PosMouse
C4A5- A9 06 LDA #$06
C4A7- D0 F1 BNE $C49A
; HomeMouse
C4AA- A9 07 LDA #$07
; "TimeData" to set freq before init to 50/60 Hz? Doesn't look like it...
C4AE- A2 03 LDX #$03
C4B0- 38 SEC
C4B1- 60 RTS
; ServeMouse main worker
C4B2- 08 PHP
C4B3- A5 00 LDA $00
C4B5- 48 PHA
C4B6- A9 60 LDA #$60
C4B8- 85 00 STA $00
C4BA- 78 SEI
C4BB- 20 00 00 JSR $0000
C4BF- 68 PLA
C4C0- 85 00 STA $00
C4C2- BD 00 01 LDA $0100,X
C4C5- 28 PLP
C4C7- 0A ASL
C4C8- 0A ASL
C4C9- 0A ASL
C4CC- A9 03 LDA #$03
C4CE- 18 CLC
C4CF- 90 A8 BCC $C479 ; always branches
... but the version below is patched so it uses soft switches to call
back here.
C471- 8D CF C0 STA $C0CF ; use soft switch 0xF to handle it
60 RTS
Patch: C471 from 99 82 C0 60 => 8D CF C0 60
78 SEI
AD CE C0 LDA $C0CE ; use soft switch 0xE (read) to trigger this - expect new value to be placed in $7f8+4 and $6b8+4
A2 04 LDX #$04 ; our slot number, for cleanup code
18 CLC
90 C1 BCC $C47C
Patch: C4B2 from 08 A5 00 48 A9 60 85 00 78 =>
78 AD CE C0 A2 04 18 90 C1
C48E- AD CB C0 LDA $C0CB ; soft switch 0x0B for readmouse
18 CLC
60 RTS
Patch: from A9 04 99 83 C0 =>
AD CB C0 18 60
C49F- AD CA C0 LDA $C0CA ; soft switch 0x0A for clearmouse
18 CLC
60 RTS
Patch: from EA A9 05 D0 F6 =>
AD CA C0 18 60
C4a4- AD C9 C0 LDA $C0C9 ; soft switch 0x09 for posmouse
18 CLC
60 RTS
Patch: from EA A9 06 D0 F1 =>
AD C9 C0 18 60
C48A- 8D CD C0 STA $C04D ; use write to soft switch 0x0D to trigger clamp
60 RTS
Patch: from 99 83 C0 60 => 8D CD C0 60
C4A9- AD C8 C0 LDA $c048 ; soft switch 0x08 for homemouse (read)
18 CLC
60 RTS
Patch: from EA A9 07 D0 EC => AD C8 C0 18 60
C498- AD CC C0 LDA $C04C ; soft switch 0x0C read for initmouse
18 CLC
60 RTS
Patch: from A9 02 99 83 C0 => AD CC C0 18 60
/* This is a custom-built ROM which hands off control to the C++ code via
* soft switch writes. It's hard-coded to work with the mouse in Slot 4.
* ; $c400 is the entry point for PR#4
* $C400 2C 58 FF BIT $FF58
* $C403 70 1B BVS $C420
* ; $c405 is the entry point for IN#4 when we set KSW
* $C405 38 SEC
* $C406 90 18 BCC $C420
* $C408 B8 CLV
* $C409 50 15 BVC $C420 ; always branch
* $C40B 01 20 8D 8D 8D ; data (ID bytes & such)
* $C410 8D 00 60 68 76 7B 80 85 ; data (lookup table of entrypoints)
* $C418 8F 94 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D ; data (lookup table of entrypoints)
* ; $c420 is the I/O handler
* $C420 48 PHA
* $C421 98 TYA
* $C422 48 PHA
* $C423 8A TXA
* $C424 48 PHA
* $C425 08 PHP
* $C426 78 SEI
* $C427 20 58 FF JSR $FF58
* $C42A BA TSX
* $C42B BD 00 01 LDA $100,X
* $C42E AA TAX
* $C42F 0A ASL
* $C430 0A ASL
* $C431 0A ASL
* $C432 0A ASL
* $C433 A8 TAY
* $C434 28 PLP
* $C435 50 0F BVC $C446
* $C437 A5 38 LDA $0
* $C439 D0 0D BNE $C448
* $C43B 8A TXA
* $C43C 45 39 EOR $0
* $C43E D0 08 BNE $C448
* $C440 A9 05 LDA #$0
* $C442 85 38 STA $0
* $C444 D0 0B BNE $C451
* $C446 B0 09 BCS $C451
* $C448 68 PLA
* $C449 AA TAX
* $C44A 68 PLA
* $C44B EA NOP
* $C44C 68 PLA
* $C44D EA NOP
* $C44E EA NOP
* $C44F EA NOP
* $C450 60 RTS
* $C451 EA NOP
* $C452 EA NOP
* $C453 EA NOP
* $C454 68 PLA
* $C455 BD 38 06 LDA $638,X
* $C458 AA TAX
* $C459 68 PLA
* $C45A A8 TAY
* $C45B 68 PLA
* $C45C BD 00 02 LDA $200,X
* $C45F 60 RTS
* ; $c460 is SetMouse
* $C460 C9 10 CMP #$0
* $C462 B0 29 BCS $C48D
* $C464 8D CF C0 STA $C0CF
* $C467 60 RTS
* ; $c468 is ServeMouse
* $C468 48 PHA
* $C469 18 CLC
* $C46A 90 2D BCC $C499 ; jump to ServeMouseWorker
* ; $c46c is ServeMouseExit
* $C46C BD B8 06 LDA $6B8,X
* $C46F 29 0E AND #$0
* $C471 D0 01 BNE $C474
* $C473 38 SEC
* $C474 68 PLA
* $C475 60 RTS
* ; $c476 is ReadMouse
* $C476 8D CB C0 STA $C0CB
* $C479 18 CLC
* $C47A 60 RTS
* ; $c47b is ClearMouse
* $C47B 8D CA C0 STA $C0CA
* $C47E 18 CLC
* $C47F 60 RTS
* ; $c480 is PosMouse
* $C480 8D C9 C0 STA $C0C9
* $C483 18 CLC
* $C484 60 RTS
* ; $c485 is ClampMouse
* $C485 C9 02 CMP #$0
* $C487 B0 04 BCS $C48D
* $C489 8D CD C0 STA $C0CD
* $C48C 60 RTS
* ; $c48d is an error exit point
* $C48D 38 SEC
* $C48E 60 RTS
* ; $c48f is HomeMouse
* $C48F 8D C8 C0 STA $C0C8
* $C492 18 CLC
* $C493 60 RTS
* ; $c494 is InitMouse
* $C494 8D CC C0 STA $C0CC
* $C497 18 CLC
* $C498 60 RTS
* ; $c499 is ServeMouse
* $C499 78 SEI
* $C49A 8D CE C0 STA $C0CE
* $C49D A2 04 LDX #$0
* $C49F 18 CLC
* $C4A0 90 CA BCC $C46C
* ; $C4A2..C4FA is dead space (all $FF)
* $C4FB D6 FF FF FF 01 ; data (ID bytes)
uint8_t rom[256] = { 0x2c, 0x58, 0xff, 0x70, 0x1B, 0x38, 0x90, 0x18, // C400
@ -442,12 +314,8 @@ bool Mouse::hasExtendedRom()
void Mouse::loadExtendedRom(uint8_t *toWhere, uint16_t byteOffset)
#if 0
printf("loading extended rom for the mouse\n");
for (int i=0; i<256; i++) {
toWhere[i] = romData[i + byteOffset];
// There's no extended ROM needed, b/c we do the extended ROM work
// directly in C++
void Mouse::maintainMouse(int64_t cycleCount)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user