#include "noslotclock.h" #include "applemmu.h" // for FLOATING #define initSequence 0x5CA33AC55CA33AC5LL /* The no-slot clock works like this... * * The NSC is installed in some bank of ROM memory. For our instance, * it's 0xC300 or 0xC800. When a read or write occurs in these pages * - and ROM isn't switched out or whatever - then this driver is * invoked. * * (It's the job of applemmu to decide if the right address is being * called to invoke the read or write here.) * * To get the clock to respond, we need to first pass it the init * Sequence (above). The NSC gets one bit at a time from watching the * transactions on the bus. So first the driver reads or writes to * memory address (e.g.) 0xC800 or 0xC801, depending on whether it * wants to send a 0 or 1 bit; and then, if the NSC sees all of the * correct bits for the init sequence, it allows responses when * reading from memory (e.g.) 0xC804. These responses are, again, one * bit at a time of the current date and time. */ NoSlotClock::NoSlotClock(AppleMMU *mmu) { this->mmu = mmu; compareReg = initSequence; clockReg = 0x00LL; clockRegPtr = compareRegPtr = 0; regEnabled = false; writeEnabled = true; } NoSlotClock::~NoSlotClock() { } bool NoSlotClock::read(uint8_t s, uint8_t *d) { if (s & 0x04) { return doRead(d); } else { doWrite(s); return false; } } void NoSlotClock::write(uint8_t s) { if (s & 0x04) { doRead(0); } else { doWrite(s); } } bool NoSlotClock::doRead(uint8_t *d) { if (!regEnabled) { compareReg = initSequence; compareRegPtr = 0; writeEnabled = true; return false; } if (d) { *d = (clockReg & 0x01) ? ((*d) | 1) : ((*d) & ~1); } clockRegPtr++; clockReg >>= 1; if (clockRegPtr == 64) { regEnabled = false; clockRegPtr = 0; } return true; } void NoSlotClock::doWrite(uint8_t address) { if (!writeEnabled) { return; } if (!regEnabled) { if ((compareReg & 0x01) == (address & 0x01)) { compareRegPtr++; compareReg >>= 1; if (compareRegPtr == 64) { regEnabled = true; compareRegPtr = 0; compareReg = initSequence; populateClockRegister(); } } else { writeEnabled = false; } } else { // The NSC driver is writing a new clock time to the clock... clockRegPtr++; clockReg >>= 1; if (address & 0x01) { clockReg |= 0x8000000000000000LL; } if (clockRegPtr == 64) { regEnabled = false; // The clockReg should now contain a BCD4 packed date like // 0x1708071521140200 // ... 2017, August 07, ; 21:14:02.00 // where that is clearly suspect. Probably because 2017 // was too far in the future when this driver was written... clockRegPtr = 0; updateClockFromRegister(); } } } void NoSlotClock::writeNibble(uint8_t n) { for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++) { clockReg <<= 1; if (n & 0x08) { clockReg |= 1; } n <<= 1; } }