#include "physicaldisplay.h" #include "globals.h" #include "applevm.h" #include "appleui.h" #include "font.h" void PhysicalDisplay::drawCharacter(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, char c) { int8_t xsize = 8, ysize = 0x07; uint16_t offPixel, onPixel; switch (mode) { case M_NORMAL: onPixel = 0xFFFF; offPixel = 0x0010; break; case M_SELECTED: onPixel = 0x0000; offPixel = 0xFFFF; break; case M_DISABLED: default: onPixel = 0x7BEF; offPixel = 0x0000; break; case M_SELECTDISABLED: onPixel = 0x7BEF; offPixel = 0xFFE0; break; case M_PLAIN: onPixel = 0xFFFF; offPixel = 0x0000; break; } const unsigned char *ch = asciiToAppleGlyph(c); for (int8_t y_off = 0; y_off <= ysize; y_off++) { for (int8_t x_off = 0; x_off <= xsize; x_off++) { if (*ch & (1 << (x_off))) { drawPixel(x+x_off, y+y_off, onPixel); } else { drawPixel(x+x_off, y+y_off, offPixel); } } ch++; } } void PhysicalDisplay::drawString(uint8_t mode, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, const char *str) { int8_t xsize = 8; // width of a char in this font for (int8_t i=0; i= (320-xsize)/2) break; // FIXME this is a // pre-scaled number, b/c // drawCharacter is // scaling. Klutzy. It's // also using the ILI // constant; what about // the RA8875? } } void PhysicalDisplay::redraw() { if (g_ui) { g_ui->drawStaticUIElement(UIeOverlay); if (g_vm) { g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk1_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] == '\0'); g_ui->drawOnOffUIElement(UIeDisk2_state, ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] == '\0'); } } }