#include #include "globals.h" #include "bios.h" #include "applevm.h" #include "physicalkeyboard.h" #include "physicaldisplay.h" #include "cpu.h" #ifdef TEENSYDUINO #include #include "teensy-paddles.h" extern Bounce resetButtonDebouncer; extern void runDebouncer(); #endif // using EXTMEM to cache all the filenames in a directory #ifndef TEENSYDUINO #define EXTMEM #endif struct _cacheEntry { char fn[BIOS_MAXPATH]; }; #define BIOSCACHESIZE 1024 // hope that's enough files? EXTMEM char cachedPath[BIOS_MAXPATH] = {0}; EXTMEM char cachedFilter[BIOS_MAXPATH] = {0}; EXTMEM struct _cacheEntry biosCache[BIOSCACHESIZE]; uint16_t numCacheEntries = 0; // When selecting files... char fileFilter[16]; // FIXME length & Strcpy -> strncpy uint16_t fileSelectionFor; // define what the returned name is for // menu screen enums enum { BIOS_AIIE = 0, BIOS_VM = 1, BIOS_HARDWARE = 2, BIOS_DISKS = 3, BIOS_ABOUT = 4, BIOS_PADDLES = 5, BIOS_SELECTFILE = 6, BIOS_DONE = 99, }; enum { ACT_EXIT = 1, ACT_RESET = 2, ACT_COLDBOOT = 3, ACT_MONITOR = 4, ACT_DISPLAYTYPE = 5, ACT_DEBUG = 6, ACT_DISK1 = 7, ACT_DISK2 = 8, ACT_HD1 = 9, ACT_HD2 = 10, ACT_VOLPLUS = 11, ACT_VOLMINUS = 12, ACT_SUSPEND = 13, ACT_RESTORE = 14, ACT_PADX_INV = 15, ACT_PADY_INV = 16, ACT_PADDLES = 17, ACT_SPEED = 18, ACT_ABOUT = 19, }; #define NUM_TITLES 4 const char *menuTitles[NUM_TITLES] = { "Aiie", "VM", "Hardware", "Disks" }; const uint8_t titleWidths[NUM_TITLES] = {45, 28, 80, 45 }; const uint8_t aiieActions[] = { ACT_ABOUT }; const uint8_t vmActions[] = { ACT_EXIT, ACT_RESET, ACT_COLDBOOT, ACT_MONITOR, ACT_DEBUG, ACT_SUSPEND, ACT_RESTORE }; const uint8_t hardwareActions[] = { ACT_DISPLAYTYPE, ACT_SPEED, ACT_PADX_INV, ACT_PADY_INV, ACT_PADDLES, ACT_VOLPLUS, ACT_VOLMINUS }; const uint8_t diskActions[] = { ACT_DISK1, ACT_DISK2, ACT_HD1, ACT_HD2 }; #define CPUSPEED_HALF 0 #define CPUSPEED_FULL 1 #define CPUSPEED_DOUBLE 2 #define CPUSPEED_QUAD 3 const char *staticPathConcat(const char *rootPath, const char *filePath) { static char buf[MAXPATH]; strncpy(buf, rootPath, sizeof(buf)-1); strncat(buf, filePath, sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf)-1); return buf; } BIOS::BIOS() { selectedMenu = BIOS_VM; selectedMenuItem = 0; selectedFile = -1; for (int8_t i=0; idrawPixel(xpos+x, 0, 0xFFFF); g_display->drawPixel(xpos+x, 16, 0xFFFF); } for (int y=0; y<=16; y++) { g_display->drawPixel(xpos, y, 0xFFFF); g_display->drawPixel(xpos + titleWidths[i] + 2*XPADDING, y, 0xFFFF); } xpos += XPADDING; g_display->drawString(selectedMenu == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, xpos, 2, menuTitles[i]); xpos += titleWidths[i] + XPADDING; } } bool BIOS::loop() { static bool needsinit = true; if (needsinit) { g_filemanager->getRootPath(rootPath, sizeof(rootPath)); needsinit = false; } static bool needsRedraw = true; if (selectedMenu == BIOS_DONE) { // We're returning to the bios a second time selectedMenu = BIOS_VM; needsRedraw = true; } #ifdef TEENSYDUINO if (resetButtonDebouncer.read() == LOW) { // wait until it's no longer pressed while (resetButtonDebouncer.read() == LOW) runDebouncer(); delay(100); // wait long enough for it to debounce return BIOS_DONE; } #endif bool hitReturn = false; uint16_t rv; if (g_keyboard->kbhit()) { switch (g_keyboard->read()) { case PK_DARR: selectedMenuItem++; // modded by current action needsRedraw = true; break; case PK_UARR: selectedMenuItem--; // modded by current action needsRedraw = true; break; case PK_RARR: selectedMenuItem = 0; selectedMenu++; selectedMenu %= NUM_TITLES; needsRedraw = true; break; case PK_LARR: selectedMenuItem = 0; selectedMenu--; if (selectedMenu < 0) { selectedMenu = NUM_TITLES-1; } needsRedraw = true; break; case PK_RET: hitReturn = true; needsRedraw = true; break; default: break; } } switch (selectedMenu) { case BIOS_AIIE: rv = AiieMenuHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_VM: rv = VmMenuHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_HARDWARE: rv = HardwareMenuHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_DISKS: rv = DisksMenuHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_ABOUT: rv = AboutScreenHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_PADDLES: rv = PaddlesScreenHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; case BIOS_SELECTFILE: rv = SelectFileScreenHandler(needsRedraw, hitReturn); break; } if (rv != selectedMenu) { selectedMenuItem = 0; needsRedraw = true; selectedMenu = rv; } else needsRedraw = false; // assume the handler drew return ((selectedMenu == BIOS_DONE) ? false : true); } uint16_t BIOS::AiieMenuHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(aiieActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(aiieActions); if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { g_display->clrScr(); DrawMenuBar(); DrawAiieMenu(); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { // there is only ACT_ABOUT return BIOS_ABOUT; } return BIOS_AIIE; } uint16_t BIOS::VmMenuHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(vmActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(vmActions); if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { g_display->clrScr(); DrawMenuBar(); DrawVMMenu(); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { if (isActionActive(vmActions[selectedMenuItem])) { switch (vmActions[selectedMenuItem]) { case ACT_EXIT: return BIOS_DONE; case ACT_RESET: WarmReset(); return BIOS_DONE; case ACT_COLDBOOT: ColdReboot(); return BIOS_DONE; case ACT_MONITOR: ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->Monitor(); return BIOS_DONE; case ACT_DEBUG: g_debugMode++; g_debugMode %= 9; // FIXME: abstract max # localRedraw = true; return BIOS_VM; case ACT_SUSPEND: g_display->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_SELECTED, 80, 100,"Suspending VM..."); g_display->flush(); // CPU is already suspended, so this is safe... ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->Suspend("suspend.vm"); localRedraw = true; return BIOS_VM; case ACT_RESTORE: g_display->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_SELECTED, 80, 100,"Resuming VM..."); g_display->flush(); ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->Resume("suspend.vm"); return BIOS_DONE; } } } return BIOS_VM; } uint16_t BIOS::HardwareMenuHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(hardwareActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(hardwareActions); if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { g_display->clrScr(); DrawMenuBar(); DrawHardwareMenu(); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { if (isActionActive(hardwareActions[selectedMenuItem])) { switch (hardwareActions[selectedMenuItem]) { case ACT_DISPLAYTYPE: g_displayType++; g_displayType %= 4; // FIXME: abstract max # ((AppleDisplay*)g_display)->displayTypeChanged(); localRedraw = true; break; case ACT_SPEED: currentCPUSpeedIndex++; currentCPUSpeedIndex %= 4; switch (currentCPUSpeedIndex) { case CPUSPEED_HALF: g_speed = 1023000/2; break; case CPUSPEED_DOUBLE: g_speed = 1023000*2; break; case CPUSPEED_QUAD: g_speed = 1023000*4; break; default: g_speed = 1023000; break; } localRedraw = true; break; case ACT_PADX_INV: g_invertPaddleX = !g_invertPaddleX; #ifdef TEENSYDUINO ((TeensyPaddles *)g_paddles)->setRev(g_invertPaddleX, g_invertPaddleY); #endif localRedraw = true; break; case ACT_PADY_INV: g_invertPaddleY = !g_invertPaddleY; #ifdef TEENSYDUINO ((TeensyPaddles *)g_paddles)->setRev(g_invertPaddleX, g_invertPaddleY); #endif localRedraw = true; break; case ACT_PADDLES: return BIOS_PADDLES; case ACT_VOLPLUS: g_volume ++; if (g_volume > 15) { g_volume = 15; } localRedraw = true; break; case ACT_VOLMINUS: g_volume--; if (g_volume < 0) { g_volume = 0; } localRedraw = true; break; } } } return BIOS_HARDWARE; } uint16_t BIOS::DisksMenuHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(diskActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(diskActions); if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { g_display->clrScr(); DrawMenuBar(); DrawDisksMenu(); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { if (isActionActive(diskActions[selectedMenuItem])) { switch (diskActions[selectedMenuItem]) { case ACT_DISK1: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(0)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectDisk(0); localRedraw = true; break; } else { strcpy(fileFilter, "dsk,.po,nib,woz"); fileSelectionFor = ACT_DISK1; return BIOS_SELECTFILE; } break; case ACT_DISK2: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->DiskName(1)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectDisk(1); localRedraw = true; break; } else { strcpy(fileFilter, "dsk,.po,nib,woz"); fileSelectionFor = ACT_DISK2; return BIOS_SELECTFILE; } break; case ACT_HD1: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(0)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectHD(0); localRedraw = true; break; } else { strcpy(fileFilter, "img"); fileSelectionFor = ACT_HD1; return BIOS_SELECTFILE; } break; case ACT_HD2: if (((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(1)[0] != '\0') { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->ejectHD(1); localRedraw = true; break; } else { strcpy(fileFilter, "img"); fileSelectionFor = ACT_HD2; return BIOS_SELECTFILE; } break; } } } return BIOS_DISKS; }; uint16_t BIOS::AboutScreenHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; selectedMenuItem = 0; if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { g_display->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_SELECTED, 0, 0, "Aiie! - an Apple //e emulator"); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 15, 20, "(c) 2017-2020 Jorj Bauer"); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 15, 38, "https://github.com/JorjBauer/aiie/"); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 200, "Press return"); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { return BIOS_AIIE; } return BIOS_ABOUT; } uint16_t BIOS::PaddlesScreenHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { static bool localRedraw = true; selectedMenuItem = 0; static uint8_t lastPaddleX = g_paddles->paddle0(); static uint8_t lastPaddleY = g_paddles->paddle1(); if (g_paddles->paddle0() != lastPaddleX) { lastPaddleX = g_paddles->paddle0(); localRedraw = true; } if (g_paddles->paddle1() != lastPaddleY) { lastPaddleY = g_paddles->paddle1(); localRedraw = true; } if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { char buf[50]; g_display->clrScr(); sprintf(buf, "Paddle X: %d ", lastPaddleX); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 12, buf); sprintf(buf, "Paddle Y: %d ", lastPaddleY); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 42, buf); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 92, "Press return to exit"); g_display->flush(); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { return BIOS_HARDWARE; } return BIOS_PADDLES; } static void insertDisk(int forWhat, const char *path, const char *fileName) { // drawIt is false b/c we don't want to draw it immediately -- that // would draw over the bios screen if (forWhat == ACT_DISK1 || forWhat == ACT_DISK2) { ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertDisk(forWhat == ACT_DISK1 ? 0 : 1, staticPathConcat(path, fileName), false); } else { // must be a hard drive ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->insertHD(forWhat == ACT_HD1 ? 0 : 1, staticPathConcat(path, fileName)); } } uint16_t BIOS::SelectFileScreenHandler(bool needsRedraw, bool performAction) { if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = BIOS_MAXFILES + 1; selectedMenuItem %= BIOS_MAXFILES + 2; static bool localRedraw = true; static int8_t page = 0; static uint16_t fileCount = 0; if (needsRedraw || localRedraw) { fileCount = DrawDiskNames(page, selectedMenuItem, fileFilter); localRedraw = false; } if (performAction) { if (selectedMenuItem == 0) { page--; if (page < 0) page = 0; // else sel = BIOS_MAXFILES + 1; localRedraw = true; } else if (selectedMenuItem == BIOS_MAXFILES+1) { if (fileCount == BIOS_MAXFILES) { // don't let them select // 'Next' if there were no // files in the list or if the // list isn't full page++; //sel = 0; localRedraw = true; } } else if (strcmp(fileDirectory[selectedMenuItem-1], "../") == 0) { // Go up a directory (strip a directory name from rootPath) stripDirectory(); page = 0; //sel = 0; localRedraw = true; } else if (fileDirectory[selectedMenuItem-1][strlen(fileDirectory[selectedMenuItem-1])-1] == '/') { // Descend in to the directory. FIXME: file path length? strcat(rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedMenuItem-1]); selectedMenuItem = 0; page = 0; localRedraw = true; } else { selectedFile = selectedMenuItem - 1; insertDisk(fileSelectionFor, rootPath, fileDirectory[selectedFile]); g_display->flush(); return BIOS_DISKS; } } return BIOS_SELECTFILE; } /* bool BIOS::runUntilDone() { // Reset the cache cachedPath[0] = 0; numCacheEntries = 0; g_filemanager->getRootPath(rootPath, sizeof(rootPath)); // FIXME: abstract these constant speeds currentCPUSpeedIndex = CPUSPEED_FULL; if (g_speed == 1023000/2) currentCPUSpeedIndex = CPUSPEED_HALF; if (g_speed == 1023000*2) currentCPUSpeedIndex = CPUSPEED_DOUBLE; if (g_speed == 1023000*4) currentCPUSpeedIndex = CPUSPEED_QUAD; int8_t prevAction = ACT_EXIT; while (1) { switch (prevAction = GetAction(prevAction)) { *** // ConfigurePaddles(); *** } } done: // Undo whatever damage we've done to the screen g_display->redraw(); AiieRect r = { 0, 0, 191, 279 }; g_display->blit(r); // return true if any persistent setting changed that we want to store in eeprom return true; } */ void BIOS::WarmReset() { g_cpu->Reset(); } void BIOS::ColdReboot() { g_vm->Reset(); g_cpu->Reset(); } bool BIOS::isActionActive(int8_t action) { // don't return true for disk events that aren't valid switch (action) { case ACT_EXIT: case ACT_RESET: case ACT_COLDBOOT: case ACT_MONITOR: case ACT_DISPLAYTYPE: case ACT_SPEED: case ACT_ABOUT: case ACT_DEBUG: case ACT_DISK1: case ACT_DISK2: case ACT_HD1: case ACT_HD2: case ACT_SUSPEND: case ACT_RESTORE: case ACT_PADX_INV: case ACT_PADY_INV: case ACT_PADDLES: return true; case ACT_VOLPLUS: return (g_volume < 15); case ACT_VOLMINUS: return (g_volume > 0); } /* NOTREACHED */ return false; } void BIOS::DrawAiieMenu() { if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(aiieActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(aiieActions); char buf[40]; for (int i=0; idrawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } else { g_display->drawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } } } void BIOS::DrawVMMenu() { if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(vmActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(vmActions); char buf[40]; for (int i=0; idrawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } else { g_display->drawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } } } void BIOS::DrawHardwareMenu() { if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(hardwareActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(hardwareActions); char buf[40]; for (int i=0; idrawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } else { g_display->drawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } } // draw the volume bar uint16_t volCutoff = 300.0 * (float)((float) g_volume / 15.0); for (uint8_t y=234; y<=235; y++) { for (uint16_t x = 0; x< 300; x++) { g_display->drawPixel( x, y, x <= volCutoff ? 0xFFFF : 0x0010 ); } } } void BIOS::DrawDisksMenu() { if (selectedMenuItem < 0) selectedMenuItem = sizeof(diskActions)-1; selectedMenuItem %= sizeof(diskActions); char buf[80]; for (int i=0; iDiskName(diskActions[i]==ACT_DISK2 ? 1 : 0); // Get the name of the file; strip off the directory const char *endPtr = &insertedDiskName[strlen(insertedDiskName)-1]; while (endPtr != insertedDiskName && *endPtr != '/') { endPtr--; } if (*endPtr == '/') { endPtr++; } if (insertedDiskName[0]) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Eject Disk %d [%s]", diskActions[i]==ACT_DISK2 ? 2 : 1, endPtr); } else { sprintf(buf, "Insert Disk %d", diskActions[i]==ACT_DISK2 ? 2 : 1); } } break; case ACT_HD1: case ACT_HD2: { const char *insertedDiskName = ((AppleVM *)g_vm)->HDName(diskActions[i]==ACT_HD2 ? 1 : 0); // Get the name of the file; strip off the directory const char *endPtr = &insertedDiskName[strlen(insertedDiskName)-1]; while (endPtr != insertedDiskName && *endPtr != '/') { endPtr--; } if (*endPtr == '/') { endPtr++; } if (insertedDiskName[0]) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Remove HD %d [%s]", diskActions[i]==ACT_HD2 ? 2 : 1, endPtr); } else { sprintf(buf, "Connect HD %d", diskActions[i]==ACT_HD2 ? 2 : 1); } } break; } if (isActionActive(diskActions[i])) { g_display->drawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } else { g_display->drawString(selectedMenuItem == i ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 20 + 14 * i, buf); } } } void BIOS::DrawCurrentMenu() { switch (selectedMenu) { case 0: // Aiie DrawAiieMenu(); break; case 1: // VM DrawVMMenu(); break; case 2: // Hardware DrawHardwareMenu(); break; case 3: // Disks DrawDisksMenu(); break; } } void BIOS::stripDirectory() { rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] = '\0'; // remove the last character while (rootPath[0] && rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] != '/') { rootPath[strlen(rootPath)-1] = '\0'; // remove the last character again } // We're either at the previous directory, or we've nulled out the whole thing. if (rootPath[0] == '\0') { // Never go beyond this strcpy(rootPath, "/"); } } uint16_t BIOS::DrawDiskNames(uint8_t page, int8_t selection, const char *filter) { uint16_t fileCount = GatherFilenames(page, filter); g_display->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_NORMAL, 0, 12, "BIOS Configuration - pick disk"); if (page == 0) { g_display->drawString(selection == 0 ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50, ""); } else { g_display->drawString(selection == 0 ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50, ""); } uint8_t i; for (i=0; idrawString((i == selection-1) ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), fileDirectory[i]); } else { g_display->drawString((i == selection-1) ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50+14*(i+1), "-"); } } // FIXME: this doesn't accurately say whether or not there *are* more. if (fileCount < BIOS_MAXFILES) { g_display->drawString((i+1 == selection) ? M_SELECTDISABLED : M_DISABLED, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), ""); } else { g_display->drawString(i+1 == selection ? M_SELECTED : M_NORMAL, 10, 50 + 14 * (i+1), ""); } g_display->flush(); return fileCount; } // Read a directory, cache all the entries uint16_t BIOS::cacheAllEntries(const char *filter) { // If we've already cached this directory, then just return it if (numCacheEntries && !strcmp(cachedPath, rootPath) && !strcmp(cachedFilter, filter)) return numCacheEntries; // Otherwise flush the cache and start over numCacheEntries = 0; strcpy(cachedPath, rootPath); strcpy(cachedFilter, filter); // This could be a lengthy process, so... g_display->clrScr(); g_display->drawString(M_SELECTED, 0, 0, "Loading..."); g_display->flush(); // read all the entries we can find int16_t idx = 0; while (1) { struct _cacheEntry *ce = &biosCache[numCacheEntries]; idx = g_filemanager->readDir(rootPath, filter, ce->fn, idx, BIOS_MAXPATH); if (idx == -1) { return numCacheEntries; } idx++; numCacheEntries++; if (numCacheEntries >= BIOSCACHESIZE-1) { return numCacheEntries; } } /* NOTREACHED */ } void BIOS::swapCacheEntries(int a, int b) { struct _cacheEntry tmpEntry; strcpy(tmpEntry.fn, biosCache[a].fn); strcpy(biosCache[a].fn, biosCache[b].fn); strcpy(biosCache[b].fn, tmpEntry.fn); } // Take all the entries in the cache and sort htem void BIOS::sortCachedEntries() { if (numCacheEntries <= 1) return; bool changedAnything = true; while (changedAnything) { changedAnything = false; for (int i=0; i 0) { swapCacheEntries(i, i+1); changedAnything = true; } } } } uint16_t BIOS::GatherFilenames(uint8_t pageOffset, const char *filter) { uint8_t startNum = 10 * pageOffset; uint8_t count = 0; // number we're including in our listing uint16_t numEntriesTotal = cacheAllEntries(filter); sortCachedEntries(); if (numEntriesTotal > BIOSCACHESIZE) { // ... umm, this is a problem. FIXME? } struct _cacheEntry *nextEntry = biosCache; while (startNum) { nextEntry++; startNum--; } while (1) { if (nextEntry->fn[0] == 0) return count; strncpy(fileDirectory[count], nextEntry->fn, BIOS_MAXPATH); count++; if (count >= BIOS_MAXFILES) { return count; } nextEntry++; } }