#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $romfile = shift || die "Must provide the path to an Apple //e ROM image"; my $diskrom = shift || die "Must also provide the path to an Apple //e Disk II ROM image"; my $parallelrom = shift || die "Must also provide the path to an Apple // parallel card ROM image"; my $hdrom = shift || die "Must also provide the path to the AppleWin HDDRVR.BIN"; validate($romfile, 32768, "an Apple //e ROM image"); validate($diskrom, 256, "a DiskII ROM image"); validate($parallelrom, 256, "a parallel card ROM image"); validate($hdrom, 256, "HDDRVR.BIN from AppleWin"); dumpRom($romfile, "apple/applemmu-rom.h", "romData", 32768); dumpRom($diskrom, "apple/diskii-rom.h", "romData", 256); dumpRom($parallelrom, "apple/parallel-rom.h", "romData", 256); dumpRom($hdrom, "apple/hd32-rom.h", "romData", 256); exit 0; sub validate { my ($filename, $expectedSize, $description) = @_; my @info = lstat($filename); die "Unable to stat '$filename' file: $!" unless scalar @info; die "This doesn't look like $description" unless ($info[7] == $expectedSize); } sub dumpRom { my ($input, $output, $dataname, $datasize) = @_; open(IN, "<", $input) || die "Unable to open $input file: $!"; open(OUT, ">", "$output") || die "Unable to create $output: $!"; print OUT <