#ifndef __CPU_H #define __CPU_H #include #include class MMU; enum addrmode { A_ILLEGAL, A_IMM, A_ABS, A_ZER, A_IMP, A_ACC, A_REL, A_ABI, A_ZEX, A_ZEY, A_ZIND, A_ABX, A_ABXI, A_ABY, A_INX, A_INY, A_ZPREL }; enum optype { O_ILLEGAL, O_ADC, O_AND, O_ASL, O_ASL_ACC, O_BCC, O_BCS, O_BEQ, O_BIT, O_BMI, O_BNE, O_BPL, O_BRA, O_BRK, O_BVC, O_BVS, O_CLC, O_CLD, O_CLI, O_CLV, O_CMP, O_CPX, O_CPY, O_DEC, O_DEC_ACC, O_DEX, O_DEY, O_EOR, O_INC, O_INC_ACC, O_INX, O_INY, O_JMP, O_JSR, O_LDA, O_LDX, O_LDY, O_LSR, O_LSR_ACC, O_NOP, O_ORA, O_PHA, O_PHP, O_PHX, O_PHY, O_PLA, O_PLP, O_PLX, O_PLY, O_ROL, O_ROL_ACC, O_ROR, O_ROR_ACC, O_RTI, O_RTS, O_SBC, O_SEC, O_SED, O_SEI, O_STA, O_STX, O_STY, O_STZ, O_TAX, O_TAY, O_TRB, O_TSB, O_TSX, O_TXA, O_TXS, O_TYA, O_BBR, O_BBS, O_RMB, O_SMB, O_WAI, // and the "illegal" opcodes (those that don't officially exist for // the 65c02, but have repeatable results) O_DCP }; typedef struct { optype op; addrmode mode; uint8_t cycles; } optype_t; extern optype_t opcodes[256]; // Flags (P) register bit definitions. // Negative #define F_N (1<<7) // Overflow #define F_V (1<<6) #define F_UNK (1<<5) // What the heck is this? // Break #define F_B (1<<4) // Decimal #define F_D (1<<3) // Interrupt Disable #define F_I (1<<2) // Zero #define F_Z (1<<1) // Carry #define F_C (1<<0) class Cpu { public: Cpu(); ~Cpu(); bool Serialize(int8_t fh); bool Deserialize(int8_t fh); void Reset(); void nmi(); void rst(); void brk(); void irq(); uint8_t Run(uint8_t numSteps); uint8_t step(); uint8_t X(); uint8_t Y(); uint8_t A(); uint16_t PC(); uint8_t SP(); uint8_t P(); void stageIRQ(); protected: // Stack manipulation void pushS8(uint8_t b); void pushS16(uint16_t w); uint8_t popS8(); uint16_t popS16(); public: void SetMMU(MMU *mmu) { this->mmu = mmu; } void realtime(); public: uint16_t pc; uint8_t sp; uint8_t a; uint8_t x; uint8_t y; uint8_t flags; uint32_t cycles; bool irqPending; MMU *mmu; bool realtimeProcessing; }; #endif