2020-07-11 07:39:56 -04:00

49 lines
1.5 KiB

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <utility>
#include <TeensyThreads.h>
// cf.
// println implementation - can be placed in a header file
namespace arduino_preprocessor_is_buggy {
// helper for parameter pack expansion,
// due to GCC bug 51253 we use an array
using expand = int[];
// used for suppressing compiler warnings
template<class T> void silence(T&&) {};
inline Threads::Mutex& getSerialLock() {
static Threads::Mutex serial_lock;
return serial_lock;
bool serialavailable();
char serialgetch();
template<class T> void print_fwd(const T& arg) {
template<class T1, class T2> void print_fwd(const std::pair<T1, T2>& arg) {
Serial.print(arg.first, arg.second);
template<class... args_t> void print(args_t... params) {
Threads::Scope locker(getSerialLock());
silence(expand{ (print_fwd(params), 42)... });
template<class... args_t> void println(args_t... params) {
Threads::Scope locker(getSerialLock());
silence(expand{ (print_fwd(params), 42)... });
using arduino_preprocessor_is_buggy::print;
using arduino_preprocessor_is_buggy::println;
using arduino_preprocessor_is_buggy::serialavailable;
using arduino_preprocessor_is_buggy::serialgetch;
using std::make_pair;
// end println implementation