/* Use this program with the Apple2idIOT card and the basic programs RRAM, WRAM and CMDROT to read/write and rot13 a single string contained within the dual port ram on the card. CA = 49664 AA = CA + 1 */ // Load Wi-Fi library #include #include #include #include Apple2Idiot a2i = Apple2Idiot(); #define COMMAND_SET_COUNTRY 200 #define COMMAND_SET_CITY 201 #define COMMAND_FETCH_WEATHER 205 const char* wifi_ssid = "GSO"; const char* wifi_password = "xerxes27"; /*******************/ /* Weather Service */ /*******************/ const String weather_service_api_key= "0ab97bbbea58592d7c9d64067a34d2d0"; const String weather_url = "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?"; String country_code = "US"; String city_name = "Tucson"; /*******************/ /* Misc */ /*******************/ const long readLoopInterval = 100; // millis unsigned long lastReadLoopTime = 0; byte lastAppleCommand = 0; /*################################################ # Setup # ################################################*/ void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); a2i.init(); Serial.println(""); Serial.println("Starting wifi..."); Serial.print(" connecting to: "); Serial.println(wifi_ssid); WiFi.begin(wifi_ssid, wifi_password); while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(600); Serial.print("."); } Serial.println(""); Serial.println("WiFi connected successfully"); Serial.print("Got IP: "); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP()); //Show ESP32 IP on serial Serial.println("Setup done"); } /*################################################ # Functions # ################################################*/ byte fetch_weather() { byte result = 0; HTTPClient http; //const String request_url = weather_url + "q=Tucson,us&APPID=" + weather_service_api_key; const String request_url = weather_url + "q=" + city_name + "," + country_code + "&APPID=" + weather_service_api_key; Serial.println(request_url); http.begin(request_url); int httpCode = http.GET(); //Make the request delay(10); if (httpCode > 0) { //Check for the returning code String payload = http.getString(); //Serial.println(httpCode); Serial.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++"); Serial.println(payload); Serial.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++"); StaticJsonDocument<200> filter; filter["weather"][0]["main"] = true; filter["weather"][0]["description"] = true; filter["main"]["humidity"] = true; filter["main"]["temp"] = true; filter["wind"]["speed"] = true; filter["wind"]["deg"] = true; StaticJsonDocument<400> doc; DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload, DeserializationOption::Filter(filter)); //DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, payload); if (error) { Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed: ")); Serial.println(error.f_str()); } else { Serial.println("----------------------"); serializeJsonPretty(doc, Serial); Serial.println("----------------------"); serializeJsonPretty(doc["wind"], Serial); Serial.println("----------------------"); String temp = doc["main"]["temp"]; String humidity = doc["main"]["humidity"]; String wind_speed = doc["wind"]["speed"]; String wind_deg = doc["wind"]["deg"]; String weather_description1 = doc["weather"][0]["main"]; String weather_description2 = doc["weather"][0]["description"]; int address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(temp, SHARED_RAM_START_ADDRESS); address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(humidity, address_counter + 1); address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(wind_speed, address_counter + 1); address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(wind_deg, address_counter + 1); address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(weather_description1, address_counter + 1); address_counter = a2i.write_string_to_shared_ram(weather_description2, address_counter + 1); } result = ACK; } else { Serial.println("Error on HTTP request"); result = ERR; } http.end(); //Free the resources return result; } /*################################################ # Main # ################################################*/ void loop() { if ((millis() - lastReadLoopTime) > readLoopInterval) { byte command_byte = a2i.read_data(APPLE_COMMAND_ADDRESS); if (command_byte == RAM_BUSY) { Serial.println("Command Read: RAM BUSY"); } else if (command_byte != lastAppleCommand){ byte result = 0; Serial.print("Command Switch command_byte: "); Serial.println(command_byte); switch(command_byte) { case COMMAND_SET_COUNTRY: Serial.println("COMMAND_SET_COUNTRY"); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); // notify Apple IIe we are processing command byte country_code = a2i.read_string_from_ram(SHARED_RAM_START_ADDRESS); Serial.println("Received: ["+country_code+"]"); a2i.write_data(APPLE_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, EOT); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte break; case COMMAND_SET_CITY: Serial.println("COMMAND_SET_CITY"); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); // notify Apple IIe we are processing command byte city_name = a2i.read_string_from_ram(SHARED_RAM_START_ADDRESS); Serial.println("Received: ["+city_name+"]"); a2i.write_data(APPLE_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, EOT); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte break; case COMMAND_FETCH_WEATHER: Serial.println("COMMAND_FETCH_WEATHER"); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); // notify Apple IIe we are processing command byte result = fetch_weather(); a2i.write_data(APPLE_COMMAND_ADDRESS, ACK); a2i.write_data(ESP_COMMAND_ADDRESS, result); // notify Apple IIe we are done processing command byte break; } lastAppleCommand = command_byte; } lastReadLoopTime = millis(); } }