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2019-01-30 20:55:46 +00:00
<HEAD><TITLE>Synthesis and Ngdbuild Report</TITLE>
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<PRE><A name="Syn"></A><B><U><big>Synthesis and Ngdbuild Report</big></U></B>
synthesis: version Diamond (64-bit)
Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by NeoCAD Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995 AT&T Corp. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Lucent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2001 Agere Systems All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Lattice Semiconductor Corporation, All rights reserved.
Thu Oct 05 12:19:47 2017
Command Line: synthesis -f yellowstone_blink_yellowstone_blink_lattice.synproj -gui
Synthesis options:
The -a option is MachXO2.
The -s option is 4.
The -t option is TQFP100.
The -d option is LCMXO2-1200HC.
Using package TQFP100.
Using performance grade 4.
### Lattice Family : MachXO2
### Device : LCMXO2-1200HC
### Package : TQFP100
### Speed : 4
INFO - synthesis: User-Selected Strategy Settings
Optimization goal = Balanced
Top-level module name = blink.
Target frequency = 1.000000 MHz.
Maximum fanout = 1000.
Timing path count = 3
BRAM utilization = 100.000000 %
DSP usage = true
DSP utilization = 100.000000 %
fsm_encoding_style = auto
resolve_mixed_drivers = 0
fix_gated_clocks = 1
Mux style = Auto
Use Carry Chain = true
carry_chain_length = 0
Loop Limit = 1950.
Use IO Insertion = TRUE
Use IO Reg = AUTO
Resource Sharing = TRUE
Propagate Constants = TRUE
Remove Duplicate Registers = TRUE
force_gsr = auto
ROM style = auto
RAM style = auto
The -comp option is FALSE.
The -syn option is FALSE.
-p C:/Users/chamberlin/Documents/Liron (searchpath added)
-p C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data (searchpath added)
-p C:/Users/chamberlin/Documents/Liron/yellowstone_blink (searchpath added)
-p C:/Users/chamberlin/Documents/Liron (searchpath added)
Verilog design file = C:/Users/chamberlin/Documents/Liron/top.v
NGD file = yellowstone_blink_yellowstone_blink.ngd
-sdc option: SDC file input not used.
-lpf option: Output file option is ON.
Hardtimer checking is enabled (default). The -dt option is not used.
The -r option is OFF. [ Remove LOC Properties is OFF. ]
Technology check ok...
Analyzing Verilog file C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/userware/NT/SYNTHESIS_HEADERS/machxo2.v. VERI-1482
Compile design.
Compile Design Begin
Analyzing Verilog file c:/users/chamberlin/documents/liron/top.v. VERI-1482
Analyzing Verilog file C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/userware/NT/SYNTHESIS_HEADERS/machxo2.v. VERI-1482
Top module name (Verilog): blink
INFO - synthesis: c:/users/chamberlin/documents/liron/top.v(1): compiling module blink. VERI-1018
INFO - synthesis: C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/userware/NT/SYNTHESIS_HEADERS/machxo2.v(1793): compiling module OSCH. VERI-1018
WARNING - synthesis: c:/users/chamberlin/documents/liron/top.v(18): expression size 32 truncated to fit in target size 24. VERI-1209
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
Loading device for application map from file 'xo2c1200.nph' in environment: C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga.
Package Status: Final Version 1.42.
Top-level module name = blink.
GSR will not be inferred because no asynchronous signal was found in the netlist.
Applying 1.000000 MHz constraint to all clocks
WARNING - synthesis: No user .sdc file.
Results of NGD DRC are available in blink_drc.log.
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00a/data/xo2alib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/xo2c00/data/xo2clib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/mg5g00/data/mg5glib.ngl'...
Loading NGL library 'C:/lscc/diamond/3.9_x64/ispfpga/or5g00/data/orc5glib.ngl'...
All blocks are expanded and NGD expansion is successful.
Writing NGD file yellowstone_blink_yellowstone_blink.ngd.
################### Begin Area Report (blink)######################
Number of register bits => 21 of 1520 (1 % )
CCU2D => 11
FD1S3AX => 21
GSR => 1
OB => 2
OSCH => 1
################### End Area Report ##################
################### Begin BlackBox Report ######################
TSALL => 1
################### End BlackBox Report ##################
################### Begin Clock Report ######################
Clock Nets
Number of Clocks: 1
Net : clk, loads : 21
Clock Enable Nets
Number of Clock Enables: 0
Top 0 highest fanout Clock Enables:
Highest fanout non-clock nets
Top 10 highest fanout non-clock nets:
Net : pin_led_c_20, loads : 2
Net : n21, loads : 1
Net : n20, loads : 1
Net : n19, loads : 1
Net : n18, loads : 1
Net : n17, loads : 1
Net : n16, loads : 1
Net : n15, loads : 1
Net : n14, loads : 1
Net : n13, loads : 1
################### End Clock Report ##################
<A name="lse_trs"></A><B><U><big>Timing Report Summary</big></U></B>
Constraint | Constraint| Actual|Levels
| | |
create_clock -period 1000.000000 -name | | |
clk0 [get_nets clk] | 1.000 MHz| 181.028 MHz| 12
| | |
All constraints were met.
Peak Memory Usage: 49.246 MB
Elapsed CPU time for LSE flow : 0.406 secs