F 1 "Keyboard Connector" H 3530 1310 100 0000 C CNN
F 2 "unikbd:PinHeader_2x20_P2.54mm_Vertical" H 3400 2500 50 0001 C CNN
F 3 "~" H 3400 2500 50 0001 C CNN
1 3400 2500
1 0 0 -1
Text Notes 2235 6495 0 50 ~ 0
Special Keys:\n\nThe keys at (Row 7, Col 0), (Row 1, Col 0), and (Row7 , Col 0) are not\nwired into the matrix at the keyboard PCB, since these keys may have\nspecial handling for the OSI keyboard.\n\nFor OSI:\n(Row 7, Col 0) is Shift Lock. Since the original Push-ON/Push-OFF keys\nare not always available, a flip-flop circuit may be substituted for the\nphysical push-on/push-off mechanism. The row and column lines are\nbrought to the interface board for connection to the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is BREAK, which is not wired into the matrix, but instead \ninitiates a RESET signal, after a time delay.\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is not wired into the matrix by default\n\nFor Apple 2:\n(Row 7, Col 0) is LEFT ARROW, and is wired into the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is not wired into the matrix\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is the POWER indicator key, and is wired into the matrix.\n\nFor the Classic layout:\n\n(Row 7, Col 0) is “@“, and is wired into the matrix.\n\n(Row1, Col 0) is Rubout, and is wired into the matrix\n\n(Row 0, Col 0) is the POWER indicator key, and is wired into the matrix