4live a 4am & san inc hack v1 design notes: global hotkey (Ctrl-@) to enter 4live 40x23 editing space for notes (full 40-column text screen, minus a 1-row status bar) immediately in editing/notetaking mode -- no separate command mode (think Emacs, not vi) initial cursor position is top-left corner, but *** remember cursor position across reboot *** (must persist on disk along with contents) editor is always in overstrike mode (there is no insert mode) - so no way to insert lines (!) editor keyboard commands - left/right/up/down arrows - free movement around 40x23 editing space - - move cursor to first column of next row, with wrap around to first row - - close editor, return to reality - - - save notes to disk non-goals (for v1) - inverse text - flashing text - auto-right-justified text - auto-center-justified text - convenience functions ("draw a line of hyphens") - insert row - scrolling (more than 23 lines) - paging (multiple "screens")