WINDOWS is $3908/$8A01 (compressed/decompressed) can be decompressed to anywhere because it immediately gets moved to auxmem ($800+, $4000+) (code for this is in LD.SYSTEM) *must* be decompressed backwards because there literally isn't room to fit both ($C309) in mainmem PAYDAY is $30CC/$7616 decompressed to $4000/main loads PAYINTRO (title screen) then PAYINTRO2 (credits code) then BOARD (game screen) XXXXX PAYINTRO is $13CB/$3FF8 XXXXX is DHGR title screen, could be rearranged so mainmem data is first, then XXXXX decompressed into $2000-$5FF8 then copy $4000/main to $2000/aux XXXXX but this would have to happen before loading PAYDAY PAYINTRO2 displays secondary title/credits screen with resume prompt BOARD is DHGR screen of game board, loaded once at start of game no disk access once game starts (unless you save) after end of game, jumps to $4000 (code from PAYDAY, still in place) to reload and redisplay title screen so PAYDAY is persistent in mainmem, WINDOWS is persistent in auxmem, and everything else is transient and reloaded LD.SYSTEM is loaded by ProDOS during boot but never reloaded, can be named anything.SYSTEM idea: WINDOWS.X and PAYDAY.X can both fit in mainmem at the same time, could potentially copy compressed WINDOWS.X to auxmem and duplicate exodecrunch in auxmem, then decompress directly into auxmem (would require either no progress bar or bank switching during progress update)