BLOAD OBJ.0900 ($0900..$3FFF) BLOAD OBJ.5000 ($5000..$8FFF) JSR $900 BLOAD BOARD.PIC ($2000.$3FFF) JSR $906 MLI quit -=-=- BLOAD OBJ ($0900..$AFFF) JSR $900 copy $20 pages from $9000 to $2000 JSR $906 MLI quit -=-=- exomizer mem -q -P23 -lnone -f "OBJ"@0x0900 -o "OBJ.X" -f means forward decrunching so it'll start at $900 and work its way up use version of exodecrunch that's in Passport with DECRUNCH_FORWARDS = 1 that version also supports drawing a progress bar it's OK if earlier compressed data gets overwritten by uncompressed data (decrunch never needs to go back to previous data) so just load compressed data high enough in memory that it can read and write the final bytes i.e. uncompressed data ends at $AFFF so compressed data can start before that as long as it ends after $B000 warning: XSingle index pads reads to 512 bytes so don't put compressed data TOO high or the padding might end up clobbering ProDOS code at $BF00