!cpu 6502 *=$8000 !to "build/ROCK.N.SCROLL#068000",plain !ct "src/lcase.ct" !src "../common/src/constants.a" !src "../common/src/macros.a" jmp start compressed_data !bin "src/OBJ.X" FORWARD_DECRUNCHING = 1 SHOW_PROGRESS_DURING_DECRUNCH = 1 kExoProgressWidth = 18 ; depends on total size, max 38 !src "../common/src/exodecrunch.a" start +INIT_MACHINE print_loop lda LoadingText beq + jsr ROM_COUT inc print_loop+1 bne print_loop inc print_loop+2 bne print_loop + !if * != $B55F { !serious "Adjust prelaunch to patch JSR at ", *, " to JMP" } jsr decrunch ; compressed data contains target address bit GFXMODE bit PAGE1 bit HIRES bit FULLGFX jsr $900 bit CLEARKBD jsr PRODOS_MLI !byte CMD_QUIT !word + + !byte 4 get_crunched_byte lda compressed_data inc get_crunched_byte+1 bne + inc get_crunched_byte+2 + rts LoadingText !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " BEZ PRESENTS " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " ROCK AND SCROLL " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " BY " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " JOHN BESNARD " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text " COPYRIGHT 1987 " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !text "______________________________________" !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !byte $8D,$8D,$8D !text " SPECIAL COPY FOR FRIENDS OF BEZ",$8D,$8D,$8D,$8D !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $40,"GAME" !scrxor $00," & " !scrxor $40,"ROUTINES" !scrxor $00,", " !scrxor $40,"COPYRIGHT" !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $40,"BEZ" !scrxor $00," 1987 " !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $40,"MOCKINGBOARD" !scrxor $00,", " !scrxor $40,"COPYRIGHT" !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $40,"SWEET" !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $40,"MICRO" !scrxor $00," " !scrxor $00," " !byte $00