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2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
AUTO 3,1
.OP 65C02
.OR $2000
.TF bin/seq
* # SEQ
* Prints sequences of numbers.
* ## Arguments
* **<first>**
* Starting number for the sequence of numbers.
* **<incr>**
* Count in increments of <incr>. Default is 1 if omitted.
* **<last>**
* Last number to count to. If <last> is less than <first>, then the default <incr> is -1.
* ## Return Value
* N/A
* ### Author
* 2021-11-17, Brian J. Bernstein <brian@dronefone.com>.
.INB inc/macros.i
.INB inc/a2osx.i
* Defines / Consts
* Zero Page Segment, up to 32 bytes
ZPPtr1 .BS 2 ; address pointer (used in arg parsing)
ArgIndex .BS 1 ; index offset for argument parsing
NumArgIndex .BS 1 ; used for numerical argument indexing
Direction .BS 1 ; direction of counting, 0=backwards, 1=forwards
wFirst .BS 2 ; arg variable - starting count
wIncr .BS 2 ; arg variable - increment
wLast .BS 2 ; arg variable - ending count
bFormat .BS 1 ; flag that the format -f option was specified
bHelp .BS 1 ; flag that the help -h option was specified
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
ZPPtrFormat .BS 2 ; pointer to format -f string
bString .BS 1 ; flag that the string -s option was specified
ZPPtrString .BS 2 ; pointer to string -s string
bTerminating .BS 1 ; flag that the terminating -t option was specified
ZPPtrTerm .BS 2 ; pointer to terminating -t string
*ZPPtr1 .BS 2
ZPPtr2 .BS 2
ZPTmpByte .BS 1
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
* File Header (16 Bytes)
jmp (.1,x)
.DA #$61 ; 6502,Level 1 (65c02)
.DA #1 ; BIN Layout Version 1
.DA #0 ; Events disabled (enable with S.PS.F.EVENT)
.DA #0
.DA CS.END-CS.START ; Code Size (without Constants)
.DA DS.END-DS.START ; Data SegmentSize
.DA #32 ; Stack Size
.DA #ZS.END-ZS.START ; Zero Page Size
.DA 0
* Relocation Table
L.MSG.USAGE .DA MSG.USAGE ; msg for usage / help text
.DA 0
* Called once at process creation
* Put code for loading LIB here
lda L.FMT.FORMAT ; set default format
sta ZPPtrFormat
sta ZPPtrFormat+1
lda L.FMT.STRING ; set default string separator
sta ZPPtrString
sta ZPPtrString+1
lda L.FMT.TERM ; set default seq terminator string
sta ZPPtrTerm
lda L.FMT.TERM+1
sta ZPPtrTerm+1
* Called until exit with CS
* if RUN exits with CC, RUN entered again
.1 inc ArgIndex ; Check next argument
lda ArgIndex
>SYSCALL ArgV ; check for an arg at index in A
bcc .10 ; if it exists, keep checking
jmp .8 ; otherwise, we're done with args
.10 >STYA ZPPtr1 ; ArgV pointer was in Y,A so stick into ZPPtr1
lda (ZPPtr1)
cmp #'-' ; does arg have a hyphen?
bne .11 ; if not, check for string/numeric args
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
jsr CS.RUN.CheckOpt ; if it had a hyphen, check and set arg if recognized
bcs .9 ; if we didn't recognize the arg, go to usage and exit
bit bHelp ; was the arg 'Help'?
bpl .1 ; no, loop again to check next
jmp .9 ; it was, so display usage and exit
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
*--- Checking of argument -F ----------
.11 bit bFormat ; did we just see the -f option?
bpl .12 ; no, jump to next arg flag
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
lda ArgIndex ; yes, then get the pointer to the arg string
>SYSCALL ArgV ; and set it to the pointer for the -f
>STYA ZPPtrFormat ; string storage
lda #0 ; and clear out that we processed the -f
sta bFormat ; argument so that we don't try it again
jmp .1 ; and then go process the next arg
*--- Checking of argument -S ----------
.12 bit bString ; did we just see the -s option?
bpl .13 ; no, jump to next arg flag
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
lda ArgIndex ; yes, then get the pointer to the next arg string
>SYSCALL ArgV ; and set it to the pointer for the -s
>STYA ZPPtrString ; string storage
lda #0 ; and clear out that we processed the -s
sta bString ; argument so that we don't try to do it again
jmp .1 ; and then go process the next arg
*--- Checking of argument -T ----------
.13 bit bTerminating ; did we just see the -t option?
bpl .2 ; no, jump to numeric processing
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
lda ArgIndex ; yes, then get the pointer to the arg string
>SYSCALL ArgV ; and set it to the pointer for the -t
>STYA ZPPtrTerm ; string storage
lda #0 ; and clear out that we processed the -t
sta bTerminating ; argument so that we don't try it again
jmp .1 ; and then go process the next arg
*--- Display usage and error out ------
>PUSHW L.MSG.USAGE ; push address for usage text
>SYSCALL PrintF ; print usage message
lda #E.SYN ; set OS return code as Syntax Error
sec ; indicate we don't want CS.RUN called again
rts ; return to OS
*--- Successful exit ------------------
lda #0 ; set OS return code to success
sec ; indicate we don't want CS.RUN called again
rts ; return to OS
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
*--- Processing numerical args --------
.2 lda ArgIndex
>SYSCALL ArgV ; check for an arg at index in A
.20 >SYSCALL AToI ; get the next value on the command line
>STYA wIncr ; temporarily store it as the increment value
inc NumArgIndex
lda NumArgIndex ; check what argument value we were looking at
cmp #1 ; because if it was the first, then it is probably wFirst
bne .3
>LDYA wIncr ; copy the value to wFirst
>STYA wFirst
.3 cmp #2 ; but if we were looking at second value, then
bne .4 ; we assume it is 'wLast' for the moment
>LDYA wIncr ; and copy it over
>STYA wLast
.4 cmp #3 ; if we're looking at third value, then we must have had
bne .5 ; an increment value, so we need to swap what we recorded
ldx wLast ; as wLast and swap it with the just-read wIncr
ldy wIncr
stx wIncr
sty wLast
ldx wLast+1 ; as wLast and swap it with the just-read wIncr
ldy wIncr+1
stx wIncr+1
sty wLast+1
.5 jmp .1 ; go check for another argument
2022-11-02 07:54:30 +01:00
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
*--- Done with args so figure out -----
*--- what numerical args are for ------
.8 lda NumArgIndex ; check that we got 1 to 3 numeric arguments.
cmp #1
bmi .9 ; otherwise, display help and error out
cmp #4
bpl .9
cmp #1 ; if we only got one, then it was wLast
bne .81
lda wFirst ; copy what we thought was wFirst to wLast
sta wLast
lda wFirst+1
sta wLast+1
ldy #1 ; set 1 as wFirst
lda #0
>STYA wFirst
>STYA wIncr ; and set 1 as wIncr
jmp .82
.81 cmp #2 ; check to see if we didn't get an increment
bne .82
ldy #1 ; if not, then just store +1 as the increment
lda #0
>STYA wIncr
.82 jsr CS.RUN.Seq ; everything is set, go 'seq' fame and fortune
jmp .99
* Called if option S.PS.F.EVENT enabled in Header
* Timer Event : every 10th seconds
CS.DOEVENT sec ; we don't use this since we don't have timer events
* Called once, when RUN exited with CS
* Put code for unloading LIB here
CS.QUIT clc ; nothing to do on exit except clear carry and return
* CheckOpt assumes a set ZPPtr1 which is the address of the command line argument being examined.
* We start at 1 to look past the '-' as position 0 since that was checked by the caller.
* OptionList is a list of possible options and each character correlates with a memory offset
* in OptionVars, which are only one byte since they are in ZP but this also allows for us to
* simply use indexed addressing to reference them easily as well instead of doing 16-bit
* address juggling.
* The options are checked in reverse from end-to-start and indexed by X.
CS.RUN.CheckOpt ldy #1 ; set up y to look at second character of passed in arg
lda (ZPPtr1),y ; check second character of passed in argument into A
ldx #OptionVars-OptionList-1 ; clever way to put size of OptionList into X
.2 cmp OptionList,x ; compare the arg we got to the OptionList at X
beq .3 ; if it is a match, go handle it.
dex ; if not, decrement so we can check next OptionList
bpl .2 ; if we haven't reached end of OptionList, go check next
sec ; set carry if we didn't find a match
rts ; return to caller
.3 ldy OptionVars,x ; since we matched, find ZP addr of matching option into Y
lda #$ff ; we will set this ZP option to $FF
sta 0,y ; store A into the ZP address we have in Y
clc ; clear carry since we found a match
rts ; return to caller
* CS.RUN.Seq - Entry point for when args are handled and we're ready to 'seq'.
* This is anything we need to do before actually 'seq'encing.
CS.RUN.Seq jsr CS.DetermineDir ; determine if we're doing increment or decrement
* CS.DoSeq - the actual 'SEQ' work once everything is set up.
*--- Print the number in ZPPtrFormat --
.1 >PUSHW ZPPtrFormat ; set up the format that we're printing sequence with
>PUSHW wFirst ; current seq value is kept in wFirst
>SYSCALL PrintF ; print the current seq count.
*--- Print the string sepators --------
>LDYA ZPPtrString
jsr CS.PrintFEscYA ; print string separator
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
lda Direction ; check which direction we're counting
cmp #DIR_INCREMENT ; going up?
bne .2 ; nope, go to decrement code
*--- Do INCREMENTAL math on the seq ---
clc ; ADDING wIncr to wFirst
lda wFirst ; do 16-bit addition of wFirst + wIncr
adc wIncr
sta wFirst
lda wFirst+1
adc wIncr+1
sta wFirst+1
jsr CS.CmpFirstLast ; is wFirst >= wLast?
bcs .1 ; no, so keep going
lda wFirst ; check to see if wFirst == wLast
cmp wLast
bne .9
lda wFirst+1
cmp wLast+1
bne .9
jmp .1 ; wFirst == wLast, so go around one more time
*--- Do DECREMENTAL math on the seq ---
.2 sec ; SUBTRACTING wIncr from wFirst
lda wFirst
sbc wIncr
sta wFirst
lda wFirst+1
sbc wIncr+1
sta wFirst+1
jsr CS.CmpFirstLast ; is wFirst still >= wLast?
bcc .1 ; yes, keep going.
lda wFirst ; check to see if wFirst == wLast
cmp wLast
bne .9
lda wFirst+1
cmp wLast+1
bne .9
jmp .1 ; wFirst == wLast, so go around one more time
*--- Done with sequence, finish up ----
>LDYA ZPPtrTerm ; set up terminating string
jsr CS.PrintFEscYA ; print terminating string
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rts ; done with SEQ!
* TODO: negatives in incr shouldn't be allowed.
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
* CS.DetermineDir - checks that increment value in relation +/- to
* wFirst / wLast, and then sets the Direction flag.
CS.DetermineDir jsr CS.CmpFirstLast ; compare first/last values
bcc .1 ; if first < last, then we're counting forward
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
jmp .2
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
.2 sta Direction ; set the direction
rts ; and return to caller.
* CS.CmpFirstLast - compares wFirst to wLast value and sets carry based on
* if wFirst greater than or equal to wLast, or clear carry
* if wFirst is less than wLast.
* IN: n/a (uses global wFirst/wLast)
* OUT: carry flag; set if wFirst >= wLast, clear if wFirst < wLast.
CS.CmpFirstLast >PUSHW wFirst ; using FPU macro, so push first,
>PUSHW wLast ; and call the macro
lda (pStack) ; get result from stack
bne .1 ; yes, wFirst is >= wLast
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
>POP 2 ; wFirst < wLast
sec ; return to caller with carry set
.1 >POP 2 ; wFirst is >= wLast
clc ; return to caller with carry clear
.INB usr/src/shared/x.stresc.s
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
MSG.USAGE .CS "Usage : SEQ [options] [first [incr]] last\r\n"
.CS " -F fmt : numeric format\r\n"
.CS " -S sep : string separator\r\n"
.CZ " -T trm : terminating string\r\n"
2022-11-02 07:54:30 +01:00
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
OptionList .AS "FfSsTtHh"
OptionVars .DA #bFormat,#bFormat,#bString,#bString,#bTerminating,#bTerminating,#bHelp,#bHelp
.INB usr/src/shared/x.stresc.g
2021-12-02 16:06:35 -05:00
* Per Process DATA segment (0 filled before INIT)
.OR 0
SAVE usr/src/bin/seq.s