Kernel 0.94

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Rémy GIBERT 2020-06-29 15:12:33 +02:00
parent 3c7188a189
commit 6eaa0718ba
3 changed files with 61 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ L59BD jsr XRW.AllPhasesOff make sure all motor phases are off
lda A4L command #.
cmp #$04 is the command allowed ?
bcs XRW.E.IO if not.
lda bloknml
ldx bloknml+1
stx XRW.ReqTrack calculate block's track and sector.
@ -101,20 +97,9 @@ L5362 lda IO.D2.DrvSel1,x
bne .1
php now zero flag set.
* lda A4L make sure this command needs seeking.
* beq L537C branch if status check.
* lda XRW.ReqTrack get destination track
* jsr XRW.Seek and go to it.
* now at desired track. was the motor already on ?
plp was motor on ?
bne L538E if so, don't wait.
L5372 plp
* motor was off, wait for it to speed up
@ -128,16 +113,32 @@ L537F lda #1
* if it looks stopped then the drive is not present
jsr XRW.CheckMotorOn is drive present ?
beq hndlerr branch if no drive
beq XRW.E.ND
* now check: if it is not the status disk command,
* locate the correct sector for this operation
L538E lda A4L get command #
beq XRW.TestWP if 0 then status command
bne .1
jsr XRW.TestWP 0 = status
bcs XRW.E.WP
lda #0
bra XRW.E.OK
.1 cmp #4 3 = format
bcs XRW.E.IO
cmp #2 Write ?
bne .2
jsr XRW.TestWP
bcs XRW.E.WP
.2 lda A4L get command #
jsr regrwts
bcs .3 if error
bcs XRW.E.IO
inc buf+1
@ -146,12 +147,22 @@ L538E lda A4L get command #
lda A4L get command #
jsr regrwts get 2nd half of block
dec buf+1
.3 rts
bcs XRW.E.IO
XRW.E.OK bit IO.D2.DrvOff,x turn off
lda #0
bit IO.D2.DrvOff,x turn off
@ -159,22 +170,22 @@ regrwts ldy #1
sty XRW.RecalibrateCnt
lsr set carry = 1 for read, 0 for write.
bcs L5398 must prenibblize for write
bcs .1 must prenibblize for write
jsr XRW.PreNibble
L5398 ldy #64
.1 ldy #64
sty XRW.RetryCnt
L539D jsr XRW.ReadAddr read next address field.
bcc L53BE if CC A = current track
.2 jsr XRW.ReadAddr read next address field.
bcc .4 if CC, A = current track
L53A4 dec XRW.RetryCnt one less chance.
bne L539D branch to retry.
.3 dec XRW.RetryCnt one less chance.
bne .2 branch to retry.
XRW.Recalibrate lda #MLI.E.IO anticipate a bad drive error.
dec XRW.RecalibrateCnt
bmi hndlerr
bmi .9
@ -187,46 +198,30 @@ XRW.Recalibrate lda #MLI.E.IO anticipate a bad drive error.
sta XRW.D2VolNum-1,y
jsr XRW.Seek
bra L5398
bra .1
L53BE cmp XRW.ReqTrack
beq L53D5
.4 cmp XRW.ReqTrack
beq .5
lda XRW.ReqTrack
jsr XRW.Seek
bra L5398
L53D5 lda XRW.AddrField.S is this the right sector ?
bra .1
.5 lda XRW.AddrField.S is this the right sector ?
cmp XRW.ReqSector
bne L53A4 no, try another sector.
bne .3 no, try another sector.
lda A4L read or write ?
lsr the carry will tell.
bcc L53F4 branch if write
jsr XRW.Read
bcs L53A4 if bad read
bcs .3 if bad read
L53E7 lda #$00
.HS D0 bne branch never taken (skip 1 byte)
hndlerr sec
ldx A2L slot offset
bit IO.D2.DrvOff,x turn off
XRW.TestWP ldx A2L
lda IO.D2.ReadProt,x test for write protected
lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x
rol write protect-->carry-->bit 0=1
lda IO.D2.RData,x keep in read mode
bra statdne
.9 rts
L53F4 jsr XRW.Write
statdne bcc L53E7 if no errors.
lda #MLI.E.WRTPROT disk write protected.
bne hndlerr always
L53F4 jmp XRW.Write
* determine if motor is stopped
@ -253,6 +248,13 @@ XRW.CheckMotorOnX
.9 rts
XRW.TestWP ldx A2L
lda IO.D2.ReadProt,x test for write protected
lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x
rol write protect-->carry-->bit 0=1
lda IO.D2.RData,x keep in read mode
* preniblize subroutine (16 sector format)
* converts 256 bytes of user data in (buf) into 6 bit nibls in nbuf2.
@ -384,17 +386,7 @@ L596F ldy #$FF index to last byte of data to write.
* on exit: carry set if error (write protect violation).
* if no error, acc=uncertain, x=unchanged, y=0, carry clear.
XRW.Write sec anticipate write protect error
lda IO.D2.ReadProt,x
lda IO.D2.ReadMode,x sense write protect flag
bpl .1
jmp wexit exit if write protected
* timing is critical. a one micro-second cycle time is assumed.
* number in () is how many micro-seconds per instruction or subroutine
.1 lda nbuf2
XRW.Write lda nbuf2
sta pcl
lda #$FF sync data.
@ -807,17 +799,6 @@ XRW.Trk2Qtrk asl x2
.1 adc #$ff SELF MODIFIED
* read address field subroutine (16-sector format)
* reads volume, track and sector.
* on entry: x = slot# times $10, read mode
* on exit: carry set if error, else if no error:
* acc=$AA, y=0, x=unchanged, carry clear,
* ccstv contains chksum,sector,track & volume read.
* uses temps: count,last,csum & 4 bytes at ccstv
* expects: original 10-sector normal density nibls (4-bit) odd bits then even.
* observe 'no page cross' warnings on some branches !!!
XRW.ReadAddr ldy #$FC
sty XRW.CheckSum init nibble counter to $FCFC
@ -874,12 +855,6 @@ L56D2 lda IO.D2.RData,x read 'even bit' nibl
tay if final checksum non-zero,
bne rderr then error.
*L56E6 lda IO.D2.RData,x first bit-slip nibl
* bpl L56E6 *** no page cross ***
* cmp #$DE
* bne rderr
ldy XRW.UnitIndex Succesfull REad, update Drive table
lda XRW.AddrField.V