Kernel 0.93+

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Rémy GIBERT 2019-11-08 17:11:49 +01:00
parent bb6916c347
commit 851f76d9e9
2 changed files with 272 additions and 286 deletions

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@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ LDR.IIGS sta cortflag
* running from gs/os shell so zero out os_boot for appletalk
stz OS_BOOT indicates O/S initially booted.
sta OS_BOOT indicates O/S initially booted.
jsr patch101 patch for gs/os - rev note #101
.1 bra LDR.Common
@ -513,7 +513,11 @@ LDR.SetupCLK stx ZPInBufPtr
LDR.SetupRAM jsr lc1in
LDR.SetupRAM lda GP.numdevs
cmp #13
bcs LDR.SetupCLK.RTS
jsr lc1in
@ -542,9 +546,9 @@ LDR.SetupRAM jsr lc1in
lda #RAMDRV put driver address into
sta drivertbl2+6 slot 3, drive 2.
sta drivertbl2+7
sta DEVPTRS3D2+1
inc GP.numdevs count (-1) active devices
ldx GP.numdevs
@ -561,7 +565,10 @@ LDR.BlkDevScan stz idxl
lda #$C7 search slots from high to low
sta idxl+1
.1 jsr cmpid
lda #7
sta LDR.SlotIdx
.1 jsr LDR.CheckDiskID
bcs .8 if no ProDOS device in this slot.
ldy #$ff
@ -572,115 +579,158 @@ LDR.BlkDevScan stz idxl
lda #RWTS
sta driveradr
lda /RWTS
sta driveradr+1
sec 2 devices
jsr installdev
bra .8
jsr LDR.AddBlkDevs
bra .7
.2 cmp #$FF if = $FF then 13 sector disk II.
beq .8 ignore if 13 sector boot ROM
ldy #$07 check for a smartport device.
lda (idxl),y
bne .2 no smartport
bne .3 no smartport
jsr smartprt
bra .8
jsr LDR.AddSPDevs
bra .7
.2 ldy #$FE BLK device...
.3 ldy #$FE BLK device...
lda (idxl),y get attributes.
and #$03 verify it provides read and status calls.
cmp #$03
bne .7 assume it's an off-brand disk
jsr setdevid set up the devid byte from attributes
php remember that it's not a disk //.
lda (idxl),y get back ID byte
sta devid ->DEV LIST NIBBLE
lsr move # of units (0=1, 1=2) to carry.
and #$3 Device count minus 1
ldx LDR.SlotIdx
sta LDR.DevCnt-1,x
iny $CnFF
lda (idxl),y
sta driveradr
lda idxl+1 store hi entry addr (low already done)
sta driveradr+1
jsr installdev install 1 or 2 devices from this slot.
cpx #2 CS if 2 devs or more
jsr LDR.AddBlkDevs install 1 or 2 devices from this slot.
.7 lda idxl+1 mark a bit in slot byte
and #$07 to indicate rom present.
.7 ldx LDR.SlotIdx
lda sltbit,x
tsb rommap mark bit to flag rom present
.8 dec idxl+1 next lower slot.
lda idxl+1
and #$07 have all slots been checked ?
dec LDR.SlotIdx have all slots been checked ?
bne .1
lda #7
sta LDR.SlotIdx
.1 ldx LDR.SlotIdx
lda LDR.DevCnt-1,x
cmp #3
bcc .8
ldy LDR.DevType-1,x
bne .2
jsr LDR.AddExtraBlkDev
bra .8
.2 jsr LDR.AddExtraSPDevs
.8 dec LDR.SlotIdx
bne .1
* perform the new device search, mapping unmounted smartport devices
* to empty slots in the device table.
jsr newmount
* now copy the disk // list to the end of the regular list.
* start by making the device count include disk //'s
ldx GP.numdevs current device count - 1
adc GP.numdevs sum of disk //'s and others.
sta GP.numdevs
inx move to open space in regular list.
ldy #$0D first disk // entry.
H272F lda devlist,y
lda devlist,x
sta devlist,y
sta devlist,x
H2747 ldy #$00
ldx GP.numdevs now change the device order so that
H274C lda devlist,x the boot device will have highest
pha priority.
and #$7F strip off high bit
eor devnum for comparison.
bne H275A
H275A dex
bpl H274C
ldx GP.numdevs now reverse order of search, hi to lo.
tya was boot device found ?
beq H2777
lda devnum make boot device 1st in search order.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only one device.
dey is this a 2 drive device ?
beq H2777 branch if not.
eor #$80 make boot device, drive 2 next.
sta devlist,x
bmi H277E branch if only 1 device, 2 drives.
H2777 pla
sta devlist,x
bpl H2777
H277E rts
stadrv ora devid combine with attributes.
ldx GP.numdevs
inx put device # into device list.
sta devlist,x
asl now form drive 2 device number, if any.
installdev php how many drives (carry).
LDR.AddSPDevs jsr LDR.SetDevID setup the devid byte from attributes
iny #$ff
lda (idxl),y
sta driveradr
sta pscall+1 modify operand
adc #$03
sta spvect+1
lda idxl+1
sta driveradr+1
sta spvect+2
sta pscall+2 modify operand
asl convert $Cn to $n0
sta unitnum unit number
stz A4L force a prodos status call
stz buf dummy pointer
lda #$10
sta buf+1 dummy pointer should be <> 0
stz bloknml # of bytes to transfer
stz bloknml+1
pscall jsr $0000 self modifying code
ldy #$FB
lda (idxl),y check device id
and #$02 SCSI?
beq .1 no, no need to init Cocoon
sta LDR.SPStatus.U device = 2 for SCSI
jsr spvect status of Cocoon
.HS 00
.DA LDR.SPStatus.P ignore any errors.
.1 stz LDR.SPStatus.U set unit# = 0
jsr spvect call to get the device count.
.HS 00 this is a status call
.DA LDR.SPStatus.P
lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf
beq .8 no devices, so done.
ldx LDR.SlotIdx
inc LDR.DevType-1,x set as smartport
.2 inc LDR.SPStatus.U
jsr spvect call to get the device status
.HS 00 this is a status call
.DA LDR.SPStatus.P
bcs .7 no more device
lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf
bpl .2 not a block device
ldx LDR.SlotIdx
inc LDR.DevCnt-1,x
bra .2
.7 ldx LDR.SlotIdx
lda LDR.DevCnt-1,x
beq .8
cmp #2 add 1 or 2 devs
jmp LDR.AddBlkDevs
.8 rts
LDR.AddBlkDevs php how many drives (carry).
lda idxl+1 get index to global device table
and #$07 for this slot...
@ -689,7 +739,12 @@ installdev php how many drives (carry).
asl now form device # = slot #
asl in high nibble.
jsr stadrv OR in low nibble, store in dev list.
ora devid combine with attributes.
ldx GP.numdevs
inx put device # into device list.
sta devlist,x
asl now form drive 2 device number, if any.
plp restore # of devices in carry.
ror if 2 drives, then bit 7=1.
@ -712,81 +767,122 @@ installdev php how many drives (carry).
.3 rts
* query smartport status to determine # of devices
* and install up to 4 units in table if card is in slot 5
* otherwise only 2 units. this includes a patch #74
smartprt jsr setdevid setup the devid byte from attributes
lda idxl+1
sta driveradr+1
lda driveradr
sta pscall+1 modify operand
adc #$03
sta spvect+1
lda driveradr+1
sta spvect+2
sta pscall+2 modify operand
asl convert $Cn to $n0
sta unitnum unit number
stz A4L force a prodos status call
stz buf dummy pointer
stz bloknml # of bytes to transfer
stz bloknml+1
lda #$10
sta buf+1 dummy pointer should be <> 0
pscall jsr $0000 self modifying code
ldy #$FB
lda (idxl),y check device id
and #$02 SCSI?
beq .1 no, no need to init Cocoon
sta statunit device = 2 for SCSI
jsr spvect status of Cocoon
.HS 00
.DA spcparms ignore any errors.
.1 stz statunit set unit# = 0
jsr spvect call to get the device count.
.HS 00 this is a status call
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2
beq donesp no devices, so done.
cmp #$02 carry set if 2,3,4
jsr installdev do the 1st and 2nd device if exists.
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C5
bne donesp if not slot 5
lda numdev2
cmp #$03 carry set if 3,4,...
bcc donesp
cmp #$04 carry set if 4,5,6,...
lda #$C2 map extra devices as slot 2
sta idxl+1
jsr installdev
lda #$C5
sta idxl+1
donesp rts
setdevid ldy #$FE check attributes byte.
lda (idxl),y
lsr move hi nibble to lo nibble for
lsr device table entries.
sta devid
cmpid lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs
ldy #$FF get smartport address.
lda (idxl),y
adc #$03 add 3 for smartport call
sta spvect+1
lda idxl+1
sta spvect+2
jsr LDR.SetDevID set up device attributes
stz LDR.SPStatus.U
jsr spvect do a status call on smartport itself
.HS 00
.DA LDR.SPStatus.P
lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf # of devices on smartport
cmp #$03
bcc .8 only 2 devices,skip to next one.
inc add 1 for comparisons.
sta driveradr # of devices + 1.
* find block devices on this smartport
.1 cmp driveradr have we done all units in this slot?
bcs .8 yes, skip to next slot.
sta LDR.SPStatus.U store the unit#.
jsr spvect do status call
.HS 00
.DA LDR.SPStatus.P
lda LDR.SPStatus.Buf is this a block device?
bpl .2
.2 lda LDR.SPStatus.U go check the next unit#
bra .1
.8 rts
LDR.FindFree dec Drive 0-1
ldx #$0C
.1 ldy driveridx,x
lda drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
cmp #nodevice
bne .2
lda drivertbl1+1,y
cmp /nodevice
beq .8
.2 dex
bpl .1
.8 rts ran out of space for devices, exit.
LDR.MountSPDevs jsr lc1in write enable LC ram bank 1.
tya divide index by 2
lda LDR.SPStatus.U
sta spunit-1,x store the smartport unit #
lda spvect+1 and entry address.
sta spvectlo-1,x
lda spvect+2
sta spvecthi-1,x
lda RROMBNK2 write protect lc ram.
inc GP.numdevs
ldx GP.numdevs
cmp #$08
bcc .4 drive 2 mount
sbc #$08
ora #$08
.4 asl
ora devid include device attributes
sta devlist,x in the active device list.
lda #remap_sp
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
lda /remap_sp
sta drivertbl1+1,y
* self modifying jmp = smartport entry address
spvect jmp $0000 self modifying
LDR.CheckDiskID lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs
ldy #$05
@ -802,128 +898,16 @@ cmpid lda CLRC8ROM switch out $C8 ROMs
clc clear if disk card
.2 rts
* self modifying jmp = smartport entry address
spvect jmp $0000 self modifying
newmount stz idxl
lda #$C7 start with slot 7 ($C700)
sta idxl+1
LDR.SetDevID ldy #$FE check attributes byte.
H291F jsr H29EB is there a smartport device here?
bcs H2974 no, next device.
ldy #$FF get smartport address.
lda (idxl),y
adc #$03 add 3 for smartport call
sta spvect+1
lda idxl+1
sta spvect+2
jsr setdevid set up device attributes
stz statunit
jsr spvect do a status call on smartport itself
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 # of devices on smartport
cmp #$03
bcc H2974 only 2 devices,skip to next one.
inc add 1 for comparisons.
sta driveradr # of devices + 1.
* find block devices on this smartport
H295B cmp driveradr have we done all units in this slot?
bcs H2974 yes, skip to next slot.
sta statunit store the unit#.
jsr spvect do status call
.HS 00
.DA spcparms
lda numdev2 is this a block device?
bmi mount yes, so mount it.
H296E lda statunit go check the next unit#
bra H295B
H2974 dec idxl+1
lda idxl+1
cmp #$C0 searched down to slot 0?
bne H291F if not.
lsr move hi nibble to lo nibble for
lsr device table entries.
sta devid
mount ldx #$0C
.1 ldy driveridx,x
lda drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
cmp #nodevice
bne .2
lda drivertbl1+1,y
cmp /nodevice
beq .3
.2 dex
bpl .1
rts ran out of space for devices, exit.
* empty slot found
.3 lda idxl+1
tya which slot is empty?
lsr shift into slot#
and #$07 now 1-7
ora #$C0 now $C1-$C7
sta idxl+1
jsr H29EB smartport interface in this slot?
sta idxl+1
bcc .2 yes, can't use to mirror the device.
jsr lc1in write enable LC ram bank 1.
tya divide index by 2
lda statunit
sta spunit-1,x store the smartport unit #
lda spvect+1 and entry address.
sta spvectlo-1,x
lda spvect+2
sta spvecthi-1,x
lda RROMBNK2 write protect lc ram.
inc GP.numdevs
ldx GP.numdevs
cmp #$08
bcc nodev2 drive 2 mount
sbc #$08
ora #$08
nodev2 asl
ora devid include device attributes
sta devlist,x in the active device list.
lda #remap_sp
sta drivertbl1,y device driver table 1
lda /remap_sp
sta drivertbl1+1,y
bra H296E
H29EB jsr cmpid is it a disk controller?
bcs .9 no, so return.
sec assume no smartport
ldy #$07
lda (idxl),y is it a smartport?
bne .9 if not.
clc smartport found
.9 rts
LDR.PrintA ldy LDR.Print.CX
and #$7F
cmp #$60
@ -974,9 +958,9 @@ LDR.MLIRB.P .DA #3
.DA 0 2 byte block number
spcparms .DA #$03 # of parms
statunit .DA #$00 unit number (code for smartport stat)
.DA numdev2
LDR.SPStatus.P .DA #$03 # of parms
LDR.SPStatus.U .DA #$00 unit number (code for smartport stat)
.DA LDR.SPStatus.Buf
.DA #00 status code (0 = general status)
driveridx .DA #$06
@ -994,10 +978,12 @@ driveridx .DA #$06
.DA #$08
LDR.Print.CX .BS 1
numdev2 .BS 8 8 bytes for smartport call
driveradr .DA 0
LDR.SPStatus.Buf .BS 8 8 bytes for smartport call
driveradr .BS 2
LDR.SlotIdx .BS 1
LDR.DevCnt .BS 7
LDR.DevType .BS 7
LDR.cortland .DA #0 cortland loader flag (1 = Cortland)
LDR.BootFlag .DA #0 0 = normal boot, <>0 = return