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synced 2025-02-05 07:32:53 +00:00
Kernel 0.93+ ProDOS 2.0.3 src
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@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ L59A6 lda iobpdn
L59BD rts
rsetphse .EQ *-ofsD
lda unitnum get unit number.
and #$7F mask off high bit.
and #$7F mask off high bit.
* clear all the phases and force read mode
@ -943,8 +943,8 @@ L59E8 clc
spstatlist .EQ *-ofsD ref pathbuf-$14
.HS 00000000 smartport status list buffer
spunit .EQ *-ofsD ref pathbuf-$10
.HS 0000000000000000 smartport unit numbers
.HS 0000000000000000
.HS 0000000000000000 smartport unit numbers
.HS 0000000000000000
* pathname buffer starts at this page boundary (pathbuf = $D700)
@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ NEW
* object code = mli_2
* xdos mli system call processor
ofsX .EQ *-xdosorg offset to xdos org
ofsX .EQ *-xdosorg offset to xdos org
xdosmli .EQ *-ofsX xdos MLI in aux ram
xdosobj cld no decimal.
pla get processor status
xdosobj cld no decimal.
pla get processor status
sta spare1 save it temporarily
sty mliy save x and y
stx mlix
pla find out the address of the caller
pla find out the address of the caller
sta A3L
clc preserve the address of the call spec.
clc preserve the address of the call spec.
adc #$04
sta mliretn last MLI call return address
@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ xdosobj cld no decimal.
adc #$00
sta mliretn+1
lda spare1
pha pull processor status
plp to re-enable interrupts.
cld still no decimal
pha pull processor status
plp to re-enable interrupts.
cld still no decimal
ldy #$00
sty p8error clear any previous errors.
iny find out if command is valid.
lda (A3L),y get command #
lsr and hash it to a range of 0-$1F
lsr and hash it to a range of 0-$1F
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ xdosobj cld no decimal.
lda (A3L),y check result to see if valid command #
cmp scnums,x
bne scnerr
iny index to call spec parm list.
iny index to call spec parm list.
lda (A3L),y make A3L point to parameter count byte
pha in parameter block.
pha in parameter block.
lda (A3L),y
sta A3L+1
@ -55,44 +55,45 @@ xdosobj cld no decimal.
lda scnums,x get call # again
cmp #$65 is it quit?
beq special if so, then call quit dispatcher
asl carry set if bfm or dev mgr
asl carry set if bfm or dev mgr
bpl godevmgr
bcs gobfmgr
lsr shift back down for interrupt manager
lsr shift back down for interrupt manager
and #$03 valid calls are 0 and 1
jsr intmgr
bra exitmli
special jmp jspare P8 system death vector
goclock jsr clockv go read clock.
bra exitmli no errors possible
godevmgr lsr shift back down for device manager.
godevmgr lsr shift back down for device manager.
adc #$01 valid commands are 1 and 2.
sta A4L save command #.
jsr devmgr execute read or write request.
bra exitmli
gobfmgr lsr shift back down for block file manager.
gobfmgr lsr shift back down for block file manager.
and #$1F valid commands are 0-$13
jsr bfmgr
exitmli stz bubit clear backup bit
ldy p8error P8 error code
cpy #$01 if > 0 then set carry
tya and set z flag.
php disable interrupts until exit complete.
tya and set z flag.
php disable interrupts until exit complete.
lsr mliact indicate MLI done.
plx save status register until return.
plx save status register until return.
lda mliretn+1 place last MLI call return address
pha on stack. return is done via 'rti'
pha on stack. return is done via 'rti'
lda mliretn so the status register is restored
pha at the same time, so
phx place status back on stack
tya return error, if any.
pha at the same time, so
phx place status back on stack
tya return error, if any.
ldx mlix MLI X register savearea
ldy mliy MLI Y register savearea
lda bnkbyt1 restore language card status
jmp HBFA0 and return.
nodevice .EQ *-ofsX
lda #$28 no device connected.
jsr p8errv P8 error vector.
@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ H30CC jsr vldbuf1 make sure user buffer is not
clc no error
dvmgrerr plp restore interrupt status
gosyserr .EQ *-ofsX
jsr p8errv P8 error vector
@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ dmgr .EQ *-ofsX interrupts must always be off.
lda unitnum get device # and
and #$F0 strip misc lower nibble
sta unitnum then save it.
lsr use as index to device table
lsr use as index to device table
@ -148,10 +150,10 @@ gocmd .EQ *-ofsX
intmgr .EQ *-ofsX
sta A4L interrupt command
lsr allocate interrupt or deallocate?
lsr allocate interrupt or deallocate?
bcs dealcint branch if deallocate.
ldx #$03 test for a free interrupt space in tbl.
alcint lda inttbl-2,x test high address for 0.
alcint lda inttbl-2,x test high address for 0.
bne H3118 branch if spot occupied.
ldy #$03 get address of routine.
lda (A3L),y must not be zero page.
@ -160,14 +162,15 @@ alcint lda inttbl-2,x test high address for 0.
lda (A3L),y
sta inttbl-3,x and low address.
txa return interrupt # in range 1-4
txa return interrupt # in range 1-4
sta (A3L),y pass back to user.
clc no errors.
H3118 inx
inx next lower priority spot
H3118 inx
inx next lower priority spot
cpx #$0B are all 4 already allocated?
bne alcint branch if not.
lda #$25 interrupt table full
@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ irqrecev .EQ *-ofsX
stx p8sreg
lda irqflag irq flag = 0 if old roms
bne H315D and 1 if new roms.
pla restore return address and p-reg.
pla restore return address and p-reg.
sta p8preg
sta intadr interrupt return address
@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ irqrecev .EQ *-ofsX
H315D txs
lda mslot set up to re-enable $Cn00 rom
sta irqdev+2
tsx make sure stack has room for 16 bytes.
tsx make sure stack has room for 16 bytes.
bmi H3170 branch if stack ok
ldy #$0F otherwise, make room and save it.
H3169 pla
@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ syserr1 .EQ *-ofsX
plx pop 1 level of return
sysdeath1 .EQ *-ofsX
tax death error code.
sta CLR80DISP disable 80 col hardware.
@ -301,7 +305,7 @@ H321F lda #$20 inverse space border
sta vline12+10,y 'RESTART SYSTEM-$0x'
bpl H321F
txa x = death error code
txa x = death error code
and #$0F convert to ascii
ora #$B0
cmp #$BA
@ -314,7 +318,7 @@ H323E bra H323E end of xdos mli
bfmgr .EQ *-ofsX
lda disptch,x translate into command address.
asl bit 7 indicates pathname to process
asl bit 7 indicates pathname to process
sta cmdtemp
and #$3F bit 6 is refnum, 5 is time to process
@ -338,6 +342,7 @@ H3274 jsr gocmd execute command
bcc goodop
errorsys jsr p8errv P8 error vector
goodop rts
setpath .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$01 index to pathname pointer
lda (A3L),y low pointer address
@ -356,13 +361,13 @@ synpath .EQ *-ofsX entry used by rename for 2nd pathname.
bcs errsyn
sta pathcnt this is used to compare for
inc pathcnt end of pathname processing.
iny now check for full pathname...
iny now check for full pathname...
lda (zpt),y (full name if starts with '/')
ora #$80
cmp #$AF
bne H32AD branch if prefix appended.
sta prfxflg set prefix flag = prefix not used.
iny index to 1st character of pathname.
iny index to 1st character of pathname.
H32AD lda #$FF set current position of pathbuf
sta pathbuf,x to indicate end of pathname.
sta namcnt $FF = no chars processed in local name.
@ -371,7 +376,7 @@ H32B8 cpy pathcnt done with pathname processing?
bcs endpath
lda (zpt),y get character
and #$7F
inx prepare for next char
inx prepare for next char
cmp #$2F is it delimiter '/' ?
beq endname yes
@ -393,7 +398,7 @@ H32E6 cmp #$41 at least an 'a' ?
bcc errsyn error if not
cmp #$5B is it > 'z' ?
bcc H32B8 branch if valid alpha to get next char
errsyn sec bad pathname
errsyn sec bad pathname
lda #$40
endpath lda #$00 end pathname with a 0
@ -412,9 +417,9 @@ endname lda namcnt validate local name < 16
phx save pointer
ldx namptr get index to beginning of local name
sta pathbuf,x save local name's length
plx restore pointer
plx restore pointer
bne H32AD branch if more names to process
clc probably no error, but
clc probably no error, but
lda prfxflg make sure all pathnames are prefixed
bne H3323 or begin with a '/'.
lda newpfxptr must be non-zero
@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ H333C lda d_stor make sure last local name is dir type
bne H334D
lda newpfxptr append new prefix to old
H334D tay
sec find new beginning of prefix
sec find new beginning of prefix
sbc pathcnt
cmp #$C0 too long?
bcc errsyn then error
@ -469,7 +474,7 @@ pfxerr sec
* get prefix command
getprefx .EQ *-ofsX calc how big a buffer is needed.
clc get index to users pathname buffer
clc get index to users pathname buffer
ldy #$01
lda (A3L),y
sta usrbuf user buffer ptr
@ -489,7 +494,7 @@ getprefx .EQ *-ofsX calc how big a buffer is needed.
adc #$02 add 2 for leading and trailing slashes.
nulprfx sta (usrbuf),y store length in user's buffer.
beq gotprfx branch if null prefix.
sendprfx iny inc to next user buffer location.
sendprfx iny inc to next user buffer location.
lda pathbuf,x get next char of prefix.
sndlimit sta (usrbuf),y give char to user.
and #$F0 check for length descriptor.
@ -501,7 +506,7 @@ H33B3 inx
lda #$2F end with '/'
sta (usrbuf),y
gotprfx clc no error
gotprfx clc no error
findfcb .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$01 index to ref#
@ -514,10 +519,10 @@ findfcb .EQ *-ofsX
ror multiply by 32.
ror multiply by 32.
sta fcbptr used as an index to fcb
pla restore ref# in acc
pla restore ref# in acc
cmp fcbbuf,y
bne errnoref
fndfcbuf .EQ *-ofsX get page address of file buffer.
@ -527,14 +532,14 @@ fndfcbuf .EQ *-ofsX get page address of file buffer.
beq fcbdead fcb corrupted
stx datptr+1 save ptr to data area of buffer
inx index block always 2 pages after data
inx index block always 2 pages after data
stx zpt+1
lda fcbbuf+1,y also set up device #
sta devnum
lda bufaddrl
sta datptr index and data buffers always on
sta zpt page boundaries.
fndfvol tax search for associated vcb
fndfvol tax search for associated vcb
lda vcbbuf+16,x
cmp fcbbuf+1,y is this vcb the same device?
beq tstvopen if it is, make sure volume is active.
@ -549,12 +554,12 @@ fcbdead lda #$0B fcb error so
tstvopen lda vcbbuf,x make sure this vcb is open.
beq nxtfvol branch if it is not active.
stx vcbptr save ptr to good vcb.
clc no error
clc no error
errnoref lda #$00 put a zero into this fcb to
sta fcbbuf,y show free fcb.
badref lda #$43 requested refnum is
sec illegal (out of range)
sec illegal (out of range)
* online command
@ -583,7 +588,7 @@ H3449 dey
lda devnum get device # again.
bne H3474 branch if only 1 device to process.
jsr mvdevnums get list of currently recognized dev's.
H3459 phx save index to last item on list
H3459 phx save index to last item on list
lda loklst,x
sta devnum save desired device to look at.
jsr online1 log this volume and return it's name.
@ -591,8 +596,8 @@ H3459 phx save index to last item on list
adc #$10
sta namptr
plx get index to device list.
dex next device.
plx get index to device list.
dex next device.
bpl H3459 branch if there is another device.
lda #$00 no errors for multiple on-line
@ -605,12 +610,12 @@ H3474 jsr fnddvcb see if it has already been logged in.
jsr rdblk read it into general purpose buffer.
ldx vcbptr index to the vcb entry.
bcc volfound branch if read was ok.
tay error value.
tay error value.
lda vcbbuf+17,x don't take the vcb offline if
bne rtrnerr there are active files present.
sta vcbbuf,x now take the volume offline
sta vcbbuf+16,x
rtrnerr tya error value.
rtrnerr tya error value.
bcs olinerr1 branch if unable to read.
volfound lda vcbbuf,x has it been logged in before?
beq H349E if not.
@ -625,14 +630,14 @@ H34AA ldx vcbptr
jsr cmpvcb does vol read compare with logged vol?
lda #$2E anticipate wrong volume mounted.
bcc H34D0 branch if ok.
olinerr1 pha save error code.
olinerr1 pha save error code.
jsr svdevn report what device has problem.
pla error code.
iny tell what error was encountered.
pla error code.
iny tell what error was encountered.
sta (usrbuf),y
cmp #$57 duplicate volume error?
bne H34CE no.
iny report which other device has same name
iny report which other device has same name
ldx vcbentry
lda vcbbuf+16,x
sta (usrbuf),y
@ -654,8 +659,8 @@ svdevn .EQ *-ofsX
lda devnum upper nibble = device# and
ora (usrbuf),y lower nibble = name length.
sta (usrbuf),y
clc no errors
rts end of block file manager
clc no errors
rts end of block file manager
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ NEW
* read command
readf .EQ *-ofsX
jsr mvdbufr xfer buffer address and request count
readf .EQ *-ofsX
jsr mvdbufr xfer buffer address and request count
jsr mvcbytes to a more accessable location, also
pha get fcb attributes and save on stack.
jsr calcmrk calc mark after read, test if mark > eof
pla carry set means end mark > eof.
and #$01 test for read enabled.
bne L41DE branch if ok to read.
lda #$4E illegal access.
bne L4202 always.
L41DE bcc L4205 branch if result mark < eof. adjust
ldy fcbptr request to read until just before eof.
lda fcbbuf+21,y result = (eof-1) - position
pha get fcb attributes and save on stack.
jsr calcmrk calc mark after read, test if mark > eof
pla carry set means end mark > eof.
and #$01 test for read enabled.
bne L41DE branch if ok to read.
lda #$4E illegal access.
bne L4202 always.
L41DE bcc L4205 branch if result mark < eof. adjust
ldy fcbptr request to read until just before eof.
lda fcbbuf+21,y result = (eof-1) - position
sbc tposll
sta cbytes
sta rwreql
@ -23,102 +23,102 @@ L41DE bcc L4205 branch if result mark < eof. adjust
sbc tposlh
sta cbytes+1
sta rwreqh
ora cbytes if both bytes = 0 then eof error
ora cbytes if both bytes = 0 then eof error
bne L4210
lda #$4C eof error
L4202 jmp errfix1
L4205 lda cbytes
lda #$4C eof error
L4202 jmp errfix1
L4205 lda cbytes
ora cbytes+1
bne L4210 if read request definitely non-zero.
L420D jmp rwdone do nothing.
L4210 jsr valdbuf validate user's data buffer range.
bcs L4202 branch if memory conflict.
jsr gfcbstyp get storage type
cmp #$04 and find out if it's a tree or other.
bcc L421F branch if a tree file
jmp dread otherwise assume it's a directory.
L421F jsr rdposn set up data pointer.
bcs L4202 errors.
jsr preprw test for newline, setup for partial
bne L4210 if read request definitely non-zero.
L420D jmp rwdone do nothing.
L4210 jsr valdbuf validate user's data buffer range.
bcs L4202 branch if memory conflict.
jsr gfcbstyp get storage type
cmp #$04 and find out if it's a tree or other.
bcc L421F branch if a tree file
jmp dread otherwise assume it's a directory.
L421F jsr rdposn set up data pointer.
bcs L4202 errors.
jsr preprw test for newline, setup for partial
jsr readpart read. move current data buffer contents
bvs L420D to user area. branch if satisfied.
bcs L421F indicates newline is set.
lda rwreqh how many blocks are to be read ?
lsr if < 2 then use the slow way.
bvs L420D to user area. branch if satisfied.
bcs L421F indicates newline is set.
lda rwreqh how many blocks are to be read ?
lsr if < 2 then use the slow way.
beq L421F
sta cmdtemp save bulk block count.
jsr gfcbstat make sure current data area doesn't
and #$40 need writing before resetting ptr to
bne L421F read into user's area. branch if data
sta ioaccess needs to be written to force 1st call
lda usrbuf thru all dev handler checking. make
sta datptr the data buffer the user's space.
sta cmdtemp save bulk block count.
jsr gfcbstat make sure current data area doesn't
and #$40 need writing before resetting ptr to
bne L421F read into user's area. branch if data
sta ioaccess needs to be written to force 1st call
lda usrbuf thru all dev handler checking. make
sta datptr the data buffer the user's space.
lda usrbuf+1
sta datptr+1
L4249 jsr rdposn get next block directly into user space.
bcs L42B7 if error.
L424E inc datptr+1 incll ptrs by one block (512 bytes)
L4249 jsr rdposn get next block directly into user space.
bcs L42B7 if error.
L424E inc datptr+1 incll ptrs by one block (512 bytes)
inc datptr+1
dec rwreqh
dec rwreqh
inc tposlh
inc tposlh
bne L4269 if pos'n doesn't get to a 64k boundary
inc tposhi otherwise, must check for a 128k one.
lda tposhi carry set if 128k boundary reached.
bne L4269 if pos'n doesn't get to a 64k boundary
inc tposhi otherwise, must check for a 128k one.
lda tposhi carry set if 128k boundary reached.
eor #$01
L4269 dec cmdtemp has all been read fast ?
bne L427B branch if more to read.
L4269 dec cmdtemp has all been read fast ?
bne L427B branch if more to read.
jsr fxdatptr go fix up data pointer to xdos buffer.
lda rwreql test for end of read.
ora rwreqh are both 0 ?
beq L42C3 yes, done.
bne L421F no, read last partial block
L427B bcs L4249
lda tposhi get index to next block address
lda rwreql test for end of read.
ora rwreqh are both 0 ?
beq L42C3 yes, done.
bne L421F no, read last partial block
L427B bcs L4249
lda tposhi get index to next block address
lda tposlh
tay index to address = int(pos/512)
lda (zpt),y get low address
tay index to address = int(pos/512)
lda (zpt),y get low address
sta bloknml
inc zpt+1
cmp (zpt),y are hi and low address the same?
bne L4299 no, it's a real block address.
cmp #$00 are both bytes 0 ?
bne L4299 no, must be real data.
sta ioaccess don't do repeat io just after sparse.
beq L429C branch always (carry set).
L4299 lda (zpt),y get high address
cmp (zpt),y are hi and low address the same?
bne L4299 no, it's a real block address.
cmp #$00 are both bytes 0 ?
bne L4299 no, must be real data.
sta ioaccess don't do repeat io just after sparse.
beq L429C branch always (carry set).
L4299 lda (zpt),y get high address
L429C dec zpt+1
bcs L4249 if no block to read.
L429C dec zpt+1
bcs L4249 if no block to read.
sta bloknml+1
lda ioaccess has 1st call gone to device yet ?
beq L4249 no, go thru normal route
lda ioaccess has 1st call gone to device yet ?
beq L4249 no, go thru normal route
php interrupts can't occur during dmgr call
php interrupts can't occur during dmgr call
lda datptr+1 reset hi buffer address for dev handler
lda datptr+1 reset hi buffer address for dev handler
sta buf+1
jsr dmgr
bcs L42B6 if error
bcs L42B6 if error
bcc L424E no errors, branch always.
L42B6 plp restore interrupts.
L42B7 pha save error code.
jsr fxdatptr go restore data pointers, etc.
bcc L424E no errors, branch always.
L42B6 plp restore interrupts.
L42B7 pha save error code.
jsr fxdatptr go restore data pointers, etc.
errfix1 .EQ *-ofsX
pha save error code
jsr rwdone pass back # of bytes actually read
errfix1 .EQ *-ofsX
pha save error code
jsr rwdone pass back # of bytes actually read
sec error
sec error
rwdone .EQ *-ofsX
L42C3 ldy #$06 return total # of bytes actually read
sec derived from cbytes-rwreq.
rwdone .EQ *-ofsX
L42C3 ldy #$06 return total # of bytes actually read
sec derived from cbytes-rwreq.
lda cbytes
sbc rwreql
sta (A3L),y
@ -126,125 +126,125 @@ L42C3 ldy #$06 return total # of bytes actually read
lda cbytes+1
sbc rwreqh
sta (A3L),y
jmp rdposn leave with valid position in fcb.
preprw .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr adj pointer to user's buffer to make
sec the transfer
jmp rdposn leave with valid position in fcb.
preprw .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr adj pointer to user's buffer to make
sec the transfer
lda usrbuf
sbc tposll
sta usrbuf
bcs L42E9 if no adjustment to hi address needed
bcs L42E9 if no adjustment to hi address needed
dec usrbuf+1
L42E9 lda fcbbuf+31,y test for new line enabled.
L42E9 lda fcbbuf+31,y test for new line enabled.
beq L42F9 if new line not enabled.
sec carry indicates new line enabled
beq L42F9 if new line not enabled.
sec carry indicates new line enabled
sta nlmask
lda fcbbuf+10,y move newline character to more
sta nlchar accesible spot.
L42F9 ldy tposll index to 1st data.
lda datptr reset low order of position pointer to
sta sos beginning of page.
ldx rwreql get low order count of requested bytes.
rts return statuses.
readpart .EQ *-ofsX
txa x = low count of bytes to move.
bne L430F branch if request is not an even page.
lda rwreqh a call of 0 bytes should never get here!
beq L435D branch if nothing to do.
lda fcbbuf+10,y move newline character to more
sta nlchar accesible spot.
L42F9 ldy tposll index to 1st data.
lda datptr reset low order of position pointer to
sta sos beginning of page.
ldx rwreql get low order count of requested bytes.
rts return statuses.
readpart .EQ *-ofsX
txa x = low count of bytes to move.
bne L430F branch if request is not an even page.
lda rwreqh a call of 0 bytes should never get here!
beq L435D branch if nothing to do.
dec rwreqh
L430F dex
L4310 lda (sos),y move data to user's buffer
L430F dex
L4310 lda (sos),y move data to user's buffer
sta (usrbuf),y
bcs tstnewl test for newline 1st !
L4316 txa note: x must be unchanged from tstnewl !
beq L4332 go see if read request is satified...
L4319 dex dec # of bytes left to move.
iny page crossed ?
bne L4310 no, move next byte.
lda sos+1 test for end of buffer, but first
inc usrbuf+1 adjust user buffer pointer
inc tposlh and position
bcs tstnewl test for newline 1st !
L4316 txa note: x must be unchanged from tstnewl !
beq L4332 go see if read request is satified...
L4319 dex dec # of bytes left to move.
iny page crossed ?
bne L4310 no, move next byte.
lda sos+1 test for end of buffer, but first
inc usrbuf+1 adjust user buffer pointer
inc tposlh and position
bne L4329
inc tposhi
L4329 inc sos+1 and sos buffer high address.
eor datptr+1 (carry is undisturbed)
beq L4310 branch if more to read in buffer.
clv indicate not finished.
bvc L4360 always.
L4332 lda rwreqh
beq L4350 branch if request is satisfied.
iny done with this block of data ?
bne L4340 no, adjust high byte of request.
lda sos+1 maybe, check for end of block buffer.
eor datptr+1 (don't disturb carry).
bne L4343 if hi count can be dealt with next time
L4340 dec rwreqh
L4343 dey restore proper value
L4329 inc sos+1 and sos buffer high address.
eor datptr+1 (carry is undisturbed)
beq L4310 branch if more to read in buffer.
clv indicate not finished.
bvc L4360 always.
L4332 lda rwreqh
beq L4350 branch if request is satisfied.
iny done with this block of data ?
bne L4340 no, adjust high byte of request.
lda sos+1 maybe, check for end of block buffer.
eor datptr+1 (don't disturb carry).
bne L4343 if hi count can be dealt with next time
L4340 dec rwreqh
L4343 dey restore proper value
bra L4319
tstnewl lda (sos),y get last byte transferred again.
and nlmask only bits on in mask are significant.
eor nlchar does it match newline character?
bne L4316 no, read next.
L4350 iny adjust position.
tstnewl lda (sos),y get last byte transferred again.
and nlmask only bits on in mask are significant.
eor nlchar does it match newline character?
bne L4316 no, read next.
L4350 iny adjust position.
bne L435D
inc usrbuf+1 inc pointers
inc usrbuf+1 inc pointers
inc tposlh
bne L435D
inc tposhi
L435D bit setvflg (sets v flag)
L4360 sty tposll save low position
L435D bit setvflg (sets v flag)
L4360 sty tposll save low position
bvs L4366
inx leave request as +1 for next call
L4366 stx rwreql and remainder of request count.
php save statuses
clc adjust user's low buffer address
inx leave request as +1 for next call
L4366 stx rwreql and remainder of request count.
php save statuses
clc adjust user's low buffer address
adc usrbuf
sta usrbuf
bcc L4374
inc usrbuf+1 adjust hi address as needed.
L4374 plp restore return statuses.
setvflg .EQ *-ofsX this byte ($60) is used to set v flag.
inc usrbuf+1 adjust hi address as needed.
L4374 plp restore return statuses.
setvflg .EQ *-ofsX this byte ($60) is used to set v flag.
fxdatptr .EQ *-ofsX put current user buffer
lda datptr address back to normal
fxdatptr .EQ *-ofsX put current user buffer
lda datptr address back to normal
sta usrbuf
lda datptr+1
sta usrbuf+1 bank pair byte should be moved also.
ldy fcbptr restore buffer address
sta usrbuf+1 bank pair byte should be moved also.
ldy fcbptr restore buffer address
jmp fndfcbuf
* read directory file
dread .EQ *-ofsX
L4384 jsr rdposn
bcs L43B8 pass back any errors.
jsr preprw prepare for transfer.
jsr readpart move data to user's buffer.
bvc L4384 repeat until request is satisfied.
jsr rwdone update fcb as to new position.
bcc L43B6 branch if done with no errors.
cmp #$4C was last read to end of file ?
sec anticipate some other error.
bne L43B7 branch if not eof error.
dread .EQ *-ofsX
L4384 jsr rdposn
bcs L43B8 pass back any errors.
jsr preprw prepare for transfer.
jsr readpart move data to user's buffer.
bvc L4384 repeat until request is satisfied.
jsr rwdone update fcb as to new position.
bcc L43B6 branch if done with no errors.
cmp #$4C was last read to end of file ?
sec anticipate some other error.
bne L43B7 branch if not eof error.
jsr svmark
jsr zipdata clear out data block.
ldy #$00 provide dummy back pointer for future
ldx fcbptr re-position. x = hi byte of last block
L43A6 lda fcbbuf+16,x
jsr zipdata clear out data block.
ldy #$00 provide dummy back pointer for future
ldx fcbptr re-position. x = hi byte of last block
L43A6 lda fcbbuf+16,x
sta (datptr),y
lda #$00 mark current block as impossible
lda #$00 mark current block as impossible
sta fcbbuf+16,x
iny inc indexes to do both hi and low bytes
iny inc indexes to do both hi and low bytes
cpy #$02
bne L43A6
L43B6 clc no error
L43B7 rts
L43B8 jmp errfix1 report how much xfer'd before error.
mvcbytes .EQ *-ofsX move request count to a more
ldy #$04 accessable location
L43B6 clc no error
L43B7 rts
L43B8 jmp errfix1 report how much xfer'd before error.
mvcbytes .EQ *-ofsX move request count to a more
ldy #$04 accessable location
lda (A3L),y
sta cbytes
sta rwreql
@ -252,19 +252,19 @@ mvcbytes .EQ *-ofsX move request count to a more
lda (A3L),y
sta cbytes+1
sta rwreqh
ldy fcbptr return y = val(fcbptr),
lda fcbbuf+9,y a = attributes
clc and carry clear...
ldy fcbptr return y = val(fcbptr),
lda fcbbuf+9,y a = attributes
clc and carry clear...
mvdbufr .EQ *-ofsX move the pointer to user's buffer
ldy #$02 to the block file manager
mvdbufr .EQ *-ofsX move the pointer to user's buffer
ldy #$02 to the block file manager
lda (A3L),y
sta usrbuf z-page area
sta usrbuf z-page area
lda (A3L),y
sta usrbuf+1
gfcbstyp .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr return storage type
gfcbstyp .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr return storage type
lda fcbbuf+7,y
@ -275,224 +275,224 @@ gfcbstyp .EQ *-ofsX
* y,x,a is unknown
* carry set indicates scrtch > eof
calcmrk .EQ *-ofsX
calcmrk .EQ *-ofsX
ldx #$00
ldy fcbptr
L43EE lda fcbbuf+18,y
L43EE lda fcbbuf+18,y
sta tposll,x
sta oldmark,x
adc cbytes,x
sta scrtch,x
eor #$02 cbytes+2 always=0
eor #$02 cbytes+2 always=0
beq L4406
bne L43EE always.
eoftest .EQ *-ofsX
L4406 lda scrtch,x new mark in scrtch.
cmp fcbbuf+21,y is new position > eof ?
bcc L4414 no, proceed.
bne L4414 yes, adjust 'cbytes' request
bne L43EE always.
eoftest .EQ *-ofsX
L4406 lda scrtch,x new mark in scrtch.
cmp fcbbuf+21,y is new position > eof ?
bcc L4414 no, proceed.
bne L4414 yes, adjust 'cbytes' request
dex all tree bytes compared ?
bpl L4406 no, test next lowest
L4414 rts
werreof .EQ *-ofsX
dex all tree bytes compared ?
bpl L4406 no, test next lowest
L4414 rts
werreof .EQ *-ofsX
jsr plus2fcb reset eof to pre-error position.
L4418 lda oldeof,x place oldeof back into fcb
L4418 lda oldeof,x place oldeof back into fcb
sta fcbbuf+21,y
lda oldmark,x also reset mark to last best
sta fcbbuf+18,y write position
sta scrtch,x and copy mark to scrtch for test of
dey eof less than mark.
lda oldmark,x also reset mark to last best
sta fcbbuf+18,y write position
sta scrtch,x and copy mark to scrtch for test of
dey eof less than mark.
bpl L4418
jsr plus2fcb get pointers to test eof < mark.
jsr eoftest carry set means mark > eof !!
jsr plus2fcb get pointers to test eof < mark.
jsr eoftest carry set means mark > eof !!
* drop into wadjeof to adjust eof to mark if necessary
wadjeof .EQ *-ofsX
wadjeof .EQ *-ofsX
jsr plus2fcb get y=fcbptr+2, x=2, a=y.
L4434 lda fcbbuf+21,y copy eof to old eof
L4434 lda fcbbuf+21,y copy eof to old eof
sta oldeof,x
bcc L4442 and if carry set...
lda scrtch,x then copy scrtch to fcb's eof.
bcc L4442 and if carry set...
lda scrtch,x then copy scrtch to fcb's eof.
sta fcbbuf+21,y
L4442 dey
dex copy all 3 bytes
L4442 dey
dex copy all 3 bytes
bpl L4434
plus2fcb .EQ *-ofsX
lda #$02 on exit both a and y = fcbptr+2.
tax x = 2
plus2fcb .EQ *-ofsX
lda #$02 on exit both a and y = fcbptr+2.
tax x = 2
ora fcbptr
* write command
writef .EQ *-ofsX first determine if requested
jsr mvcbytes write is legal.
writef .EQ *-ofsX first determine if requested
jsr mvcbytes write is legal.
jsr calcmrk save a copy of eof to old eof, set/clr
jsr wadjeof carry to determine if new mark > eof.
pla get attributes again.
and #$02 is write enabled ?
bne L4462 yes, continue...
L445E lda #$4E illegal access error.
jsr calcmrk save a copy of eof to old eof, set/clr
jsr wadjeof carry to determine if new mark > eof.
pla get attributes again.
and #$02 is write enabled ?
bne L4462 yes, continue...
L445E lda #$4E illegal access error.
bne L44A2
L4462 jsr tstwprot otherwise, make sure device is not
bcs L44A2 write protected. if so, branch to abort.
L4462 jsr tstwprot otherwise, make sure device is not
bcs L44A2 write protected. if so, branch to abort.
lda cbytes
ora cbytes+1 anything to write ?
bne L4472 branch if so,
jmp rwdone else do nothing.
L4472 jsr mvdbufr move the user's buffer ptr to bfm zero
cmp #$04 page area, also get storage type.
bcs L445E if not tree, return an access error.
L4479 jsr rdposn
ora cbytes+1 anything to write ?
bne L4472 branch if so,
jmp rwdone else do nothing.
L4472 jsr mvdbufr move the user's buffer ptr to bfm zero
cmp #$04 page area, also get storage type.
bcs L445E if not tree, return an access error.
L4479 jsr rdposn
bcs L44A2
jsr gfcbstat
and #$07
beq L44E9
ldy #$00 is enough disk space available for
L4487 iny indexes and data block ?
ldy #$00 is enough disk space available for
L4487 iny indexes and data block ?
bne L4487
sty reql
sta reqh
jsr tstfrblk
bcs L44A2 pass back any errors.
jsr gfcbstat now get more specific.
and #$04 are we lacking a tree top ?
beq L44AC no, test for lack of sapling level index
jsr topdown go allocate tree top and adj file type.
bcc L44B8 continue with allocation of data block.
L44A2 pha save error.
jsr errfix1 error return.
jsr werreof adjust eof and mark to pre-error state.
pla restore error code.
bcs L44A2 pass back any errors.
jsr gfcbstat now get more specific.
and #$04 are we lacking a tree top ?
beq L44AC no, test for lack of sapling level index
jsr topdown go allocate tree top and adj file type.
bcc L44B8 continue with allocation of data block.
L44A2 pha save error.
jsr errfix1 error return.
jsr werreof adjust eof and mark to pre-error state.
pla restore error code.
L44AC jsr gfcbstat get status byte again.
and #$02 do we need a sapling level index block ?
beq L44B8 no, assume it's just a data block needed
jsr sapdown go alloc an indx blk and update tree top
bcs L44A2 if error.
L44B8 jsr alcwblk go allocate for data block.
L44AC jsr gfcbstat get status byte again.
and #$02 do we need a sapling level index block ?
beq L44B8 no, assume it's just a data block needed
jsr sapdown go alloc an indx blk and update tree top
bcs L44A2 if error.
L44B8 jsr alcwblk go allocate for data block.
bcs L44A2
jsr gfcbstat clear allocation required bits in status
ora #$80 but first indicate index block is dirty.
jsr gfcbstat clear allocation required bits in status
ora #$80 but first indicate index block is dirty.
and #$F8
sta fcbbuf+8,y
lda tposhi calculate position within index block.
lda tposhi calculate position within index block.
lda tposlh
tay now put block address into index block.
inc zpt+1 high byte first.
tay now put block address into index block.
inc zpt+1 high byte first.
lda scrtch+1
sta (zpt),y
dec zpt+1 restore pointer to lower page of index
lda scrtch block. get low block address.
sta (zpt),y store low address.
ldy fcbptr update fcb to indicate that this block
sta fcbbuf+16,y is allocated.
txa get high address again.
dec zpt+1 restore pointer to lower page of index
lda scrtch block. get low block address.
sta (zpt),y store low address.
ldy fcbptr update fcb to indicate that this block
sta fcbbuf+16,y is allocated.
txa get high address again.
sta fcbbuf+17,y
L44E9 jsr preprw
L44E9 jsr preprw
jsr wrtpart
bvc L4479
jmp rwdone update fcb with new position
wrtpart .EQ *-ofsX
jmp rwdone update fcb with new position
wrtpart .EQ *-ofsX
bne L44FF branch if request is not even pages
lda rwreqh a call of 0 bytes should never get here!
beq L4546 do nothing
bne L44FF branch if request is not even pages
lda rwreqh a call of 0 bytes should never get here!
beq L4546 do nothing
dec rwreqh
L44FF dex
lda (usrbuf),y move data from user's buffer
L44FF dex
lda (usrbuf),y move data from user's buffer
sta (sos),y
beq L4525
L4507 iny page crossed ?
bne L44FF no, keep moving.
lda sos+1 test for end of buffer
inc usrbuf+1 but first adjust user buffer pointer
inc tposlh and position
L4507 iny page crossed ?
bne L44FF no, keep moving.
lda sos+1 test for end of buffer
inc usrbuf+1 but first adjust user buffer pointer
inc tposlh and position
bne L451C
inc tposhi
bne L451C
lda #$4D out of range if > 32MB
lda #$4D out of range if > 32MB
bne L44A2
L451C inc sos+1 adjust sos buffer high address
eor datptr+1 (carry is undisturbed)
beq L44FF branch if more to write to buffer.
clv indicates not finished.
bvc L4549 always.
L4525 lda rwreqh
beq L4539 branch if request satisfied.
iny done with this block of data ?
bne L4533 if not.
lda sos+1 this is necessary for proper
eor datptr+1 adjustment of request count
L451C inc sos+1 adjust sos buffer high address
eor datptr+1 (carry is undisturbed)
beq L44FF branch if more to write to buffer.
clv indicates not finished.
bvc L4549 always.
L4525 lda rwreqh
beq L4539 branch if request satisfied.
iny done with this block of data ?
bne L4533 if not.
lda sos+1 this is necessary for proper
eor datptr+1 adjustment of request count
bne L4536
L4533 dec rwreqh
L4536 dey reset modified y
L4533 dec rwreqh
L4536 dey reset modified y
bra L4507
L4539 iny and position
L4539 iny and position
bne L4546
inc usrbuf+1 inc pointers
inc usrbuf+1 inc pointers
inc tposlh
bne L4546
inc tposhi
L4546 bit setvflg set v flag
L4549 sty tposll save low position
stx rwreql and remainder of request count.
php save statuses
L4546 bit setvflg set v flag
L4549 sty tposll save low position
stx rwreql and remainder of request count.
php save statuses
jsr gfcbstat
ora #$50
sta fcbbuf+8,y
clc adjust user's low buffer address
clc adjust user's low buffer address
lda tposll
adc usrbuf
sta usrbuf
bcc L4564
inc usrbuf+1 adjust high address as needed.
L4564 jsr fcbused set directory flush bit.
plp restore return statuses
inc usrbuf+1 adjust high address as needed.
L4564 jsr fcbused set directory flush bit.
plp restore return statuses
topdown .EQ *-ofsX
topdown .EQ *-ofsX
jsr swapdown make current 1st block an entry in new
bcs L45B1 top. branch if errors.
jsr gfcbstyp get storage type
bcs L45B1 top. branch if errors.
jsr gfcbstyp get storage type
* has storage type been changed to 'tree' ? if not, assume it was originally
* a seed and both levels need to be built. otherwise, only an index needs
* to be allocated.
cmp #$03 tree type
cmp #$03 tree type
beq L457A
jsr swapdown make previous swap a sap level index
bcs L45B1 block. branch if errors.
L457A jsr alcwblk get another block address for the sap
bcs L45B1 level index. branch if errors.
lda tposhi calculate position of new index block
lsr in the top of the tree.
bcs L45B1 block. branch if errors.
L457A jsr alcwblk get another block address for the sap
bcs L45B1 level index. branch if errors.
lda tposhi calculate position of new index block
lsr in the top of the tree.
lda scrtch get address of newly allocated index
tax block again.
lda scrtch get address of newly allocated index
tax block again.
sta (zpt),y
inc zpt+1
lda scrtch+1
sta (zpt),y save hi address
sta (zpt),y save hi address
dec zpt+1
ldy fcbptr make newly allocated block the current
sta fcbbuf+15,y index block.
ldy fcbptr make newly allocated block the current
sta fcbbuf+15,y index block.
sta fcbbuf+14,y
jsr wfcbfst save new top of tree
@ -516,26 +516,26 @@ L45B2 jsr alcwblk allocate a block before swap.
sta fcbbuf+12,y
lda fcbbuf+13,y
lda scrtch+1 and high address too
lda scrtch+1 and high address too
sta fcbbuf+13,y
sta fcbbuf+15,y make new top also the current index in
txa memory. get low address again.
sta fcbbuf+15,y make new top also the current index in
txa memory. get low address again.
sta fcbbuf+14,y
inc zpt+1 make previous the 1st entry in sub index
inc zpt+1 make previous the 1st entry in sub index
sta (zpt)
dec zpt+1
sta (zpt)
jsr wfcbfst save new file top.
bcs L45F6 if error.
jsr gfcbstyp now adjust storage type by adding 1
adc #$01 (seed becomes sapling becomes tree)
jsr wfcbfst save new file top.
bcs L45F6 if error.
jsr gfcbstyp now adjust storage type by adding 1
adc #$01 (seed becomes sapling becomes tree)
sta fcbbuf+7,y
lda fcbbuf+8,y mark storage type modified
lda fcbbuf+8,y mark storage type modified
ora #$08
sta fcbbuf+8,y
clc no error
clc no error
L45F6 rts
alcwblk .EQ *-ofsX
jsr alc1blk
@ -3,610 +3,610 @@ NEW
* close command
closef .EQ *-ofsX close all ?
closef .EQ *-ofsX close all ?
ldy #$01
lda (A3L),y
bne L4683 no, just one of them.
sta cferr clear global close error.
lda #$00 start at the beginning.
L4654 sta fcbptr save current low byte of pointer.
tay get the level at which the file
lda fcbbuf+27,y was opened.
cmp flevel if file's level is < global level
bcc L4675 then don't close.
lda fcbbuf,y is this reference file open ?
beq L4675 no, try next.
jsr flush2 clean it out...
bcs L46B6 return flush errors.
jsr close2 update fcb & vcb
bne L4683 no, just one of them.
sta cferr clear global close error.
lda #$00 start at the beginning.
L4654 sta fcbptr save current low byte of pointer.
tay get the level at which the file
lda fcbbuf+27,y was opened.
cmp flevel if file's level is < global level
bcc L4675 then don't close.
lda fcbbuf,y is this reference file open ?
beq L4675 no, try next.
jsr flush2 clean it out...
bcs L46B6 return flush errors.
jsr close2 update fcb & vcb
ldy #$01
lda (A3L),y
beq L4675 no error if close all.
bcs L46B6 close error.
L4675 lda fcbptr inc pointer to next fcb
beq L4675 no error if close all.
bcs L46B6 close error.
L4675 lda fcbptr inc pointer to next fcb
adc #$20
bcc L4654 branch if within same page.
lda cferr on final close report logged errors.
beq L46B4 branch if errors.
rts (carry already set).
L4683 jsr flush1 flush file 1st (including updating
bcs L46B6 bitmap). branch if errors.
close2 .EQ *-ofsX
bcc L4654 branch if within same page.
lda cferr on final close report logged errors.
beq L46B4 branch if errors.
rts (carry already set).
L4683 jsr flush1 flush file 1st (including updating
bcs L46B6 bitmap). branch if errors.
close2 .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr
lda fcbbuf+11,y release file buffer
lda fcbbuf+11,y release file buffer
jsr relbuffr
bcs L46B6
lda #$00
ldy fcbptr
sta fcbbuf,y free fcb too
sta fcbbuf,y free fcb too
lda fcbbuf+1,y
sta devnum go look for associated vcb
sta devnum go look for associated vcb
jsr fnddvcb
ldx vcbptr get vcb pointer.
dec vcbbuf+30,x indicate one less file open.
bne L46B4 branch if that wasn't the last...
ldx vcbptr get vcb pointer.
dec vcbbuf+30,x indicate one less file open.
bne L46B4 branch if that wasn't the last...
lda vcbbuf+17,x
and #$7F strip 'files open' bit
and #$7F strip 'files open' bit
sta vcbbuf+17,x
L46B4 clc
L46B4 clc
L46B6 bcs L46E6 don't report close all error now.
L46B6 bcs L46E6 don't report close all error now.
* flush command
flushf .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$01 flush all ?
flushf .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$01 flush all ?
lda (A3L),y
bne L46E9 no, just one of them.
sta cferr clear global flush error.
lda #$00 start at the beginning.
L46C3 sta fcbptr save current low byte of pointer.
tay index to ref #.
lda fcbbuf,y is this reference file open ?
beq L46D1 no, try next.
jsr flush2 clean it out...
bcs L46E6 return anty errors.
L46D1 lda fcbptr inc pointer to next fcb.
bne L46E9 no, just one of them.
sta cferr clear global flush error.
lda #$00 start at the beginning.
L46C3 sta fcbptr save current low byte of pointer.
tay index to ref #.
lda fcbbuf,y is this reference file open ?
beq L46D1 no, try next.
jsr flush2 clean it out...
bcs L46E6 return anty errors.
L46D1 lda fcbptr inc pointer to next fcb.
adc #$20
bcc L46C3 branch if within same page
L46D9 clc
lda cferr on last flush,
beq L46E0 branch if no logged errors.
sec report error now
L46E0 rts
flush2 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr fndfcbuf must set up vcb & buffer locations 1st.
bcc L46F1 branch if no error.
L46E6 jmp glberr error so check for close or flush all.
flush1 .EQ *-ofsX for normal refnum flush,
L46E9 stz cferr clear global error.
jsr findfcb setup pointer to fcb user references.
bcs L46E6 return any errors.
L46F1 lda fcbbuf+9,y test to see if file is modified.
and #$02 is it write enabled ?
beq L46D9 branch if 'read only'
lda fcbbuf+28,y has eof been modified ?
bmi L4704 if yes.
jsr gfcbstat has data been modified ?
and #$70 (was written to while it's been open?)
beq L46D9 if not.
L4704 jsr gfcbstat
and #$40 does current data buffer need to be
beq L4710 written ? branch if not.
jsr wfcbdat if so, go write it.
bcs L46E6 if error.
L4710 jsr gfcbstat check to see if the index block (tree
and #$80 files only) needs to be written.
beq L471C branch if not.
bcc L46C3 branch if within same page
L46D9 clc
lda cferr on last flush,
beq L46E0 branch if no logged errors.
sec report error now
L46E0 rts
flush2 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr fndfcbuf must set up vcb & buffer locations 1st.
bcc L46F1 branch if no error.
L46E6 jmp glberr error so check for close or flush all.
flush1 .EQ *-ofsX for normal refnum flush,
L46E9 stz cferr clear global error.
jsr findfcb setup pointer to fcb user references.
bcs L46E6 return any errors.
L46F1 lda fcbbuf+9,y test to see if file is modified.
and #$02 is it write enabled ?
beq L46D9 branch if 'read only'
lda fcbbuf+28,y has eof been modified ?
bmi L4704 if yes.
jsr gfcbstat has data been modified ?
and #$70 (was written to while it's been open?)
beq L46D9 if not.
L4704 jsr gfcbstat
and #$40 does current data buffer need to be
beq L4710 written ? branch if not.
jsr wfcbdat if so, go write it.
bcs L46E6 if error.
L4710 jsr gfcbstat check to see if the index block (tree
and #$80 files only) needs to be written.
beq L471C branch if not.
jsr wfcbidx
bcs L46E6 return any errors.
L471C lda #$06 prepare to update directory
bcs L46E6 return any errors.
L471C lda #$06 prepare to update directory
ora fcbptr
L4723 lda fcbbuf,y note: this code depends on the defined
sta d_dev-1,x order of the file control block and the
dey temporary directory area in 'work space'
L4723 lda fcbbuf,y note: this code depends on the defined
sta d_dev-1,x order of the file control block and the
dey temporary directory area in 'work space'
bne L4723
sta devnum
lda d_head read the directory header for this file
lda d_head read the directory header for this file
ldx d_head+1
jsr rdblk into the general purpose buffer.
bcs L46E6 if error.
jsr movhed0 move header info.
lda d_entblk get address of directory block that
ldy d_entblk+1 contains the file entry.
cmp d_head test to see if it's the same block the
bne L474E header is in. branch if not.
jsr rdblk into the general purpose buffer.
bcs L46E6 if error.
jsr movhed0 move header info.
lda d_entblk get address of directory block that
ldy d_entblk+1 contains the file entry.
cmp d_head test to see if it's the same block the
bne L474E header is in. branch if not.
cpy d_head+1
beq L4755 branch if header block = entry block
L474E sta bloknml
beq L4755 branch if header block = entry block
L474E sta bloknml
sty bloknml+1
jsr rdgbuf get block with file entry in general
L4755 jsr entcalc buffer. set up pointer to entry.
jsr moventry move entry to temp entry buffer in
ldy fcbptr 'work space'. update 'blocks used' count
jsr rdgbuf get block with file entry in general
L4755 jsr entcalc buffer. set up pointer to entry.
jsr moventry move entry to temp entry buffer in
ldy fcbptr 'work space'. update 'blocks used' count
lda fcbbuf+24,y
sta d_usage
lda fcbbuf+25,y
sta d_usage+1
ldx #$00 and move in end of file mark whether
L476C lda fcbbuf+21,y needed or not.
ldx #$00 and move in end of file mark whether
L476C lda fcbbuf+21,y needed or not.
sta d_eof,x
cpx #$03 move all 3 bytes
cpx #$03 move all 3 bytes
beq L4780
lda fcbbuf+12,y also move in the address of the file's
sta d_filid,x first block since it might have changed
iny since the file first opened.
bne L476C branch always.
L4780 lda fcbbuf+5,y the last thing to update is storage
asl type (y=fcbptr+2). shift into high
asl nibble.
lda fcbbuf+12,y also move in the address of the file's
sta d_filid,x first block since it might have changed
iny since the file first opened.
bne L476C branch always.
L4780 lda fcbbuf+5,y the last thing to update is storage
asl type (y=fcbptr+2). shift into high
asl nibble.
sta scrtch
lda d_stor get old type byte (might be the same).
and #$0F strip off old type,
ora scrtch add in the new type
sta d_stor and put it away.
jsr drevise go update directory.
bcs L47B4 error.
ldy fcbptr mark
lda fcbbuf+28,y fcb/directory
and #$7F as
sta fcbbuf+28,y undirty.
lda d_dev see if bitmap should be written.
cmp bmadev is it in same as current file ?
bne L47B2 yes, put it on the disk if necessary.
jsr upbmap go put it away.
bcs L47B4 flush error
L47B2 clc
lda d_stor get old type byte (might be the same).
and #$0F strip off old type,
ora scrtch add in the new type
sta d_stor and put it away.
jsr drevise go update directory.
bcs L47B4 error.
ldy fcbptr mark
lda fcbbuf+28,y fcb/directory
and #$7F as
sta fcbbuf+28,y undirty.
lda d_dev see if bitmap should be written.
cmp bmadev is it in same as current file ?
bne L47B2 yes, put it on the disk if necessary.
jsr upbmap go put it away.
bcs L47B4 flush error
L47B2 clc
* report error only if not a close all or flush all
glberr .EQ *-ofsX
L47B4 ldy #$01
glberr .EQ *-ofsX
L47B4 ldy #$01
lda (A3L),y
bne L47C1 not an 'all' so report now
bne L47C1 not an 'all' so report now
sta cferr save for later
sta cferr save for later
L47C1 pla
L47C1 pla
gfcbstat .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr index to fcb.
lda fcbbuf+8,y return status byte.
gfcbstat .EQ *-ofsX
ldy fcbptr index to fcb.
lda fcbbuf+8,y return status byte.
L47CA lda #$4E access error
L47CA lda #$4E access error
L47CD rts
L47CD rts
seteof .EQ *-ofsX can only move end of tree, sapling
seteof .EQ *-ofsX can only move end of tree, sapling
jsr gfcbstyp or seed.
cmp #$04 tree type ?
bcs L47CA if not then access error
cmp #$04 tree type ?
bcs L47CA if not then access error
sta stortyp may be used later.
sta stortyp may be used later.
lda fcbbuf+9,y
and #$02 is write enabled to set new eof ?
beq L47CA no, access error.
jsr tstwprot hardware write protected ?
bcs L47CA yes, access error.
ldy fcbptr save old eof so it can be seen
iny whether blocks need to be released
iny upon contraction.
ldx #$02 all 3 bytes of the eof
L47EF lda fcbbuf+21,y
and #$02 is write enabled to set new eof ?
beq L47CA no, access error.
jsr tstwprot hardware write protected ?
bcs L47CA yes, access error.
ldy fcbptr save old eof so it can be seen
iny whether blocks need to be released
iny upon contraction.
ldx #$02 all 3 bytes of the eof
L47EF lda fcbbuf+21,y
sta oldeof,x
bpl L47EF
ldy #$04
ldx #$02
L47FD lda (A3L),y position mark to new eof
L47FD lda (A3L),y position mark to new eof
sta tposll,x
bpl L47FD
ldx #$02 point to 3rd byte.
L4808 lda oldeof,x see if eof moved backwards so blocks
cmp tposll,x can be released.
bcc L4815 (branch if not)
bne purge branch if blocks to be released
ldx #$02 point to 3rd byte.
L4808 lda oldeof,x see if eof moved backwards so blocks
cmp tposll,x can be released.
bcc L4815 (branch if not)
bne purge branch if blocks to be released
bpl L4808 all 3 bytes
eofset .EQ *-ofsX
L4815 ldy #$04
ldx fcbptr place new end of file into fcb
bpl L4808 all 3 bytes
eofset .EQ *-ofsX
L4815 ldy #$04
ldx fcbptr place new end of file into fcb
L481C lda (A3L),y
L481C lda (A3L),y
sta fcbbuf+21,x
cpy #$02 all 3 bytes moved ?
bcs L481C no.
jmp fcbused mark fcb as dirty.
purge jsr flush1 make sure file is current
cpy #$02 all 3 bytes moved ?
bcs L481C no.
jmp fcbused mark fcb as dirty.
purge jsr flush1 make sure file is current
bcs L47CD
ldx datptr+1 pointer to index block
ldx datptr+1 pointer to index block
stx zpt+1 (zero page conflict with dir buf ptr)
stx zpt+1 (zero page conflict with dir buf ptr)
ldx datptr
stx zpt
ldy fcbptr check if eof < mark
ldy fcbptr check if eof < mark
ldx #$02
L4840 lda fcbbuf+18,y
cmp tposll,x compare until not equal or carry clear.
bcc L485F branch if eof > mark.
bne L484E branch if eof < mark.
L4840 lda fcbbuf+18,y
cmp tposll,x compare until not equal or carry clear.
bcc L485F branch if eof > mark.
bne L484E branch if eof < mark.
bpl L4840 compare all 3 bytes
L484E ldy fcbptr
bpl L4840 compare all 3 bytes
L484E ldy fcbptr
ldx #$00
L4853 lda tposll,x fake position, correct position will
sta fcbbuf+18,y be made below...
L4853 lda tposll,x fake position, correct position will
sta fcbbuf+18,y be made below...
cpx #$03 move all 3 bytes
cpx #$03 move all 3 bytes
bne L4853
L485F jsr tkfrecnt force free block count before releasing
lda tposll blocks. prepare for purge of excess...
sta dseed all blocks and bytes beyond new eof
lda tposlh must be zero'd
L485F jsr tkfrecnt force free block count before releasing
lda tposll blocks. prepare for purge of excess...
sta dseed all blocks and bytes beyond new eof
lda tposlh must be zero'd
sta dsap
and #$01
sta dseed+1
lda tposhi
sta dtree
ror dsap pass position in terms of block & bytes.
lda dseed now adjust for boundaries of $200
ror dsap pass position in terms of block & bytes.
lda dseed now adjust for boundaries of $200
ora dseed+1
bne L48A2 branch if no adjustment necessary.
lda dsap get correct block ositions for sap
sec and tree levels.
bne L48A2 branch if no adjustment necessary.
lda dsap get correct block ositions for sap
sec and tree levels.
sbc #$01
sta dsap deallocate for last (phantom) block
lda #$02 and don't modify last data block.
bcs L489F branch if tree level unaffected.
sta dsap deallocate for last (phantom) block
lda #$02 and don't modify last data block.
bcs L489F branch if tree level unaffected.
dec dtree
bpl L489F branch if new eof not zero
bpl L489F branch if new eof not zero
lda #$00
sta dtree otherwise, make a null seed out of it.
sta dtree otherwise, make a null seed out of it.
sta dsap
L489F sta dseed+1
L48A2 ldy fcbptr also must pass file's 1st block address.
L489F sta dseed+1
L48A2 ldy fcbptr also must pass file's 1st block address.
lda fcbbuf+12,y
sta firstbl
lda fcbbuf+13,y
sta firstbh
stz deblock lastly, initialize # of blocks to
stz deblock+1 be free'd.
jsr detree deallocate blocks from tree.
php save any error status until fcb
pha is cleaned up.
stz deblock lastly, initialize # of blocks to
stz deblock+1 be free'd.
jsr detree deallocate blocks from tree.
php save any error status until fcb
pha is cleaned up.
ldy fcbptr
ldx #$00
L48C2 lda firstbl,x
sta fcbbuf+12,y move in possible new first file block
lda fcbbuf+24,y address. adjust usage count also
L48C2 lda firstbl,x
sta fcbbuf+12,y move in possible new first file block
lda fcbbuf+24,y address. adjust usage count also
sbc deblock,x
sta fcbbuf+24,y
and #$01 test for both bytes adjusted
bne L48C2 without disturbing carry.
lda stortyp get possibly modified storage type
and #$01 test for both bytes adjusted
bne L48C2 without disturbing carry.
lda stortyp get possibly modified storage type
ldy fcbptr and save it in fcb.
ldy fcbptr and save it in fcb.
sta fcbbuf+7,y
jsr clrstats make it look as though position has
jsr dvcbrev nothing allocated, update total blocks
ldy fcbptr in fcb and correct position.
jsr clrstats make it look as though position has
jsr dvcbrev nothing allocated, update total blocks
ldy fcbptr in fcb and correct position.
ldx #$02
L48F2 lda fcbbuf+18,y tell 'rdposn' to go to correct
L48F2 lda fcbbuf+18,y tell 'rdposn' to go to correct
sta tposll,x
eor #$80 position from incorrect place.
eor #$80 position from incorrect place.
sta fcbbuf+18,y
bpl L48F2
jsr rdposn go to correct position.
bcc L490D if no error.
tax otherwise, report latest error.
jsr rdposn go to correct position.
bcc L490D if no error.
tax otherwise, report latest error.
txa restore latest error code to stack
txa restore latest error code to stack
pha save new error.
pha save new error.
* mark file as in need of a flush and update fcb with new end of file,
* then flush it.
L490D jsr eofset go mark and update
jsr flush1 then go do the flush.
bcc L491C branch if no error.
tax save latest error.
pla clean previous error off stack
L490D jsr eofset go mark and update
jsr flush1 then go do the flush.
bcc L491C branch if no error.
tax save latest error.
pla clean previous error off stack
txa and restore latest error to stack.
sec show error condition.
php restore error status to stack
pha and the error code.
L491C pla report any errors that may have
plp appeared.
txa and restore latest error to stack.
sec show error condition.
php restore error status to stack
pha and the error code.
L491C pla report any errors that may have
plp appeared.
geteof .EQ *-ofsX
ldx fcbptr index to end of file mark
ldy #$02 and index to user's call parameters
L4924 lda fcbbuf+21,x
geteof .EQ *-ofsX
ldx fcbptr index to end of file mark
ldy #$02 and index to user's call parameters
L4924 lda fcbbuf+21,x
sta (A3L),y
cpy #$05
bne L4924 loop until all 3 bytes moved
clc no errors
bne L4924 loop until all 3 bytes moved
clc no errors
newline .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$02 adjust newline status for open file.
lda (A3L),y on or off ?
ldx fcbptr it will be 0 if off.
sta fcbbuf+31,x set new line mask
newline .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$02 adjust newline status for open file.
lda (A3L),y on or off ?
ldx fcbptr it will be 0 if off.
sta fcbbuf+31,x set new line mask
lda (A3L),y and move in 'new-line' byte
lda (A3L),y and move in 'new-line' byte
sta fcbbuf+10,x
clc no error possible
clc no error possible
getinfo .EQ *-ofsX
getinfo .EQ *-ofsX
jsr findfile look for file.
bcc L4988 no error.
cmp #$40 was it a root directory file ?
sec (in case of no match)
bne L49A4 if not, then error.
bcc L4988 no error.
cmp #$40 was it a root directory file ?
sec (in case of no match)
bne L49A4 if not, then error.
lda #$F0
sta d_stor for get info, report proper storage
stz reql type. forca a count of free blocks.
sta d_stor for get info, report proper storage
stz reql type. forca a count of free blocks.
stz reqh
ldx vcbptr
jsr tkfrecnt get a fresh count of free blocks on
ldx vcbptr this volume.
lda vcbbuf+21,x return total blocks and total in use.
sta reqh 1st transfer 'free' blocks to zpage
lda vcbbuf+20,x for later subtraction to determine
sta reql the 'used' count.
lda vcbbuf+19,x transfer to 'd.' table as aux id
sta d_auxid+1 (total block count is considered aux id
pha for the volume)
jsr tkfrecnt get a fresh count of free blocks on
ldx vcbptr this volume.
lda vcbbuf+21,x return total blocks and total in use.
sta reqh 1st transfer 'free' blocks to zpage
lda vcbbuf+20,x for later subtraction to determine
sta reql the 'used' count.
lda vcbbuf+19,x transfer to 'd.' table as aux id
sta d_auxid+1 (total block count is considered aux id
pha for the volume)
lda vcbbuf+18,x
sta d_auxid
sec subtract and report the number of
sbc reql blocks 'in use'
sec subtract and report the number of
sbc reql blocks 'in use'
sta d_usage
sbc reqh
sta d_usage+1
L4988 lda d_stor transfer bytes from internal order to
lsr call spec via 'inftabl' translation
lsr table but first change storage type to
lsr external (low nibble) format.
L4988 lda d_stor transfer bytes from internal order to
lsr call spec via 'inftabl' translation
lsr table but first change storage type to
lsr external (low nibble) format.
sta d_stor
ldy #$11 index to last of user's spec table.
L4994 lda inftabl-3,y
and #$7F strip bit used by setinfo
ldy #$11 index to last of user's spec table.
L4994 lda inftabl-3,y
and #$7F strip bit used by setinfo
lda d_stor,x move directory info to call spec. table
lda d_stor,x move directory info to call spec. table
sta (A3L),y
cpy #$03
bcs L4994 if all info bytes moved, retn carry clr
L49A4 rts
bcs L4994 if all info bytes moved, retn carry clr
L49A4 rts
setinfo .EQ *-ofsX
setinfo .EQ *-ofsX
jsr findfile get the file to work on.
bcs L49CF if error.
lda bubit see if backup bit can be cleared
bcs L49CF if error.
lda bubit see if backup bit can be cleared
eor #$20
and d_attr
and #$20
sta bkbitflg or preserve current...
ldy #$0D init pointer to user supplied list.
L49B9 ldx inftabl-3,y get index to corresponding 'd.' table.
bmi L49C3 branch if parameter can't be set.
sta bkbitflg or preserve current...
ldy #$0D init pointer to user supplied list.
L49B9 ldx inftabl-3,y get index to corresponding 'd.' table.
bmi L49C3 branch if parameter can't be set.
lda (A3L),y
sta d_stor,x
L49C3 dey has user's request been satisfied ?
L49C3 dey has user's request been satisfied ?
cpy #$03
bcs L49B9 no, move next byte.
and #$18 make sure no illegal access bits were
beq L49D0 set !! branch if legal access.
lda #$4E otherwise, access error.
bcs L49B9 no, move next byte.
and #$18 make sure no illegal access bits were
beq L49D0 set !! branch if legal access.
lda #$4E otherwise, access error.
L49CF rts
L49D0 ldy #$0B
lda (A3L),y was clock null input ?
beq L49D9 if yes.
jmp drevise1 end by updating directory.
L49D9 jmp drevise update with clock also...
L49CF rts
L49D0 ldy #$0B
lda (A3L),y was clock null input ?
beq L49D9 if yes.
jmp drevise1 end by updating directory.
L49D9 jmp drevise update with clock also...
rename .EQ *-ofsX
rename .EQ *-ofsX
jsr lookfile look for source (original) file.
bcc L4A1E if found.
cmp #$40 trying to rename a volume ?
bne L49FD no, return error.
jsr renpath syntax new name.
bcs L49FD rename error.
ldy pathbuf find out if only rootname for new name
bcc L4A1E if found.
cmp #$40 trying to rename a volume ?
bne L49FD no, return error.
jsr renpath syntax new name.
bcs L49FD rename error.
ldy pathbuf find out if only rootname for new name
lda pathbuf,y must be $FF if volume name only.
bne L4A72 if not single name
ldx vcbptr check for open files before changing.
lda pathbuf,y must be $FF if volume name only.
bne L4A72 if not single name
ldx vcbptr check for open files before changing.
lda vcbbuf+17,x
bpl L49FF if volume not busy.
lda #$50 file busy error.
L49FD sec
bpl L49FF if volume not busy.
lda #$50 file busy error.
L49FD sec
L49FF ldy #$00 get newname's length
L49FF ldy #$00 get newname's length
lda pathbuf,y
ora #$F0 (root file storage type)
ora #$F0 (root file storage type)
jsr mvrotnam update root directory.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
ldy #$00
ldx vcbptr update vcb also.
L4A10 lda pathbuf,y move new name to vcb.
ldx vcbptr update vcb also.
L4A10 lda pathbuf,y move new name to vcb.
beq L4A1C
sta vcbbuf,x
iny next character
iny next character
bne L4A10 always.
L4A1C clc no errors
bne L4A10 always.
L4A1C clc no errors
L4A1E jsr getnamptr set y = 1st char of path, x = 0.
L4A21 lda pathbuf,y move original name to gbuf
sta gbuf,x for later comparison to new name.
bmi L4A2D if last character has been moved
iny otherwise, get the next one.
L4A1E jsr getnamptr set y = 1st char of path, x = 0.
L4A21 lda pathbuf,y move original name to gbuf
sta gbuf,x for later comparison to new name.
bmi L4A2D if last character has been moved
iny otherwise, get the next one.
bne L4A21 always.
L4A2D jsr renpath get new name syntaxed.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
jsr getnamptr set y = path, x = 0.
lda pathbuf,y now compare new name with old name
L4A38 cmp gbuf,x to make sure they are in the same dir.
php save result of comparison.
and #$F0 was last char really a count ?
bne L4A46 if not.
sty rnptr save pointer to next name, it might
stx namptr be the last.
L4A46 plp result of last comparison ?
bne L4A52 branch if different character or count.
inx bump pointers.
bne L4A21 always.
L4A2D jsr renpath get new name syntaxed.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
jsr getnamptr set y = path, x = 0.
lda pathbuf,y now compare new name with old name
L4A38 cmp gbuf,x to make sure they are in the same dir.
php save result of comparison.
and #$F0 was last char really a count ?
bne L4A46 if not.
sty rnptr save pointer to next name, it might
stx namptr be the last.
L4A46 plp result of last comparison ?
bne L4A52 branch if different character or count.
inx bump pointers.
lda pathbuf,y was it the last character ?
bne L4A38 if not.
clc no operation, names were the same.
lda pathbuf,y was it the last character ?
bne L4A38 if not.
clc no operation, names were the same.
L4A52 ldy rnptr index to last name in the chain.
lda pathbuf,y get last name length.
L4A52 ldy rnptr index to last name in the chain.
lda pathbuf,y get last name length.
adc rnptr
lda pathbuf,y this byte should be $00 !
bne L4A72 if not, bad path error.
ldx namptr index to last of original name
lda pathbuf,y this byte should be $00 !
bne L4A72 if not, bad path error.
ldx namptr index to last of original name
lda gbuf,x
adc namptr
lda gbuf,x this byte should also be $00.
beq L4A76 if so, continue processing.
L4A72 lda #$40 bad pathname error.
L4A74 sec
lda gbuf,x this byte should also be $00.
beq L4A76 if so, continue processing.
L4A72 lda #$40 bad pathname error.
L4A74 sec
L4A76 jsr lookfile test for duplicate file name.
bcs L4A7F branch if file not found, which is ok !!
lda #$47 duplicate name error.
L4A76 jsr lookfile test for duplicate file name.
bcs L4A7F branch if file not found, which is ok !!
lda #$47 duplicate name error.
L4A7F cmp #$46 was it a valid file not found ?
bne L4A74 no, rename error.
jsr setpath syntax pathname of file to be changed.
jsr findfile get all the info on this file.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
jsr tstopen is file in use ?
lda #$50 anticipate file busy error.
bcs L4A74 error if in use.
lda d_attr test bit which allows rename.
L4A7F cmp #$46 was it a valid file not found ?
bne L4A74 no, rename error.
jsr setpath syntax pathname of file to be changed.
jsr findfile get all the info on this file.
bcs L4A74 rename error.
jsr tstopen is file in use ?
lda #$50 anticipate file busy error.
bcs L4A74 error if in use.
lda d_attr test bit which allows rename.
and #$40
bne L4A9D branch if ok to rename
lda #$4E otherwise, illegal access.
L4A9B sec
bne L4A9D branch if ok to rename
lda #$4E otherwise, illegal access.
L4A9B sec
L4A9D lda d_stor find out which storage type.
and #$F0 strip off name length.
cmp #$D0 is it a directory ?
beq L4AAE then ok.
cmp #$40 is it a seed, sapling or tree ?
bcc L4AAE then ok.
lda #$4A file incompatible error.
bne L4A9B always.
L4AAE jsr renpath since both names go into the directory,
bcs L4A74 syntax the new name to get the local
ldy rnptr name address. y = index to local name
ldx pathbuf,y length. adj y to last char of new name.
L4A9D lda d_stor find out which storage type.
and #$F0 strip off name length.
cmp #$D0 is it a directory ?
beq L4AAE then ok.
cmp #$40 is it a seed, sapling or tree ?
bcc L4AAE then ok.
lda #$4A file incompatible error.
bne L4A9B always.
L4AAE jsr renpath since both names go into the directory,
bcs L4A74 syntax the new name to get the local
ldy rnptr name address. y = index to local name
ldx pathbuf,y length. adj y to last char of new name. tya
adc pathbuf,y
L4ABE lda pathbuf,y move local name to dir entry workspace.
L4ABE lda pathbuf,y move local name to dir entry workspace.
sta d_stor,x
bne L4ABE
lda d_stor preserve file storage type.
and #$F0 strip off old name length.
lda d_stor preserve file storage type.
and #$F0 strip off old name length.
ora pathbuf,y add in new name's length.
ora pathbuf,y add in new name's length.
sta d_stor
cpx #$D0 that file must be changed also.
bne L4AF0 branch if not directory type.
lda d_frst read in 1st header block of subdir
cpx #$D0 that file must be changed also.
bne L4AF0 branch if not directory type.
lda d_frst read in 1st header block of subdir
ldx d_frst+1
jsr rdblk
bcs L4A74 errors.
ldy rnptr change the header's name to match the
lda pathbuf,y owner's new name. get local name length.
ora #$E0 assume it's a header.
bcs L4A74 errors.
ldy rnptr change the header's name to match the
lda pathbuf,y owner's new name. get local name length.
ora #$E0 assume it's a header.
jsr mvrotnam
bcs L4A74
L4AF0 jmp drevise1 end by updating all path directories.
mvrotnam .EQ *-ofsX
L4AF0 jmp drevise1 end by updating all path directories.
mvrotnam .EQ *-ofsX
ldx #$00
L4AF5 sta gbuf+4,x
L4AF5 sta gbuf+4,x
lda pathbuf,y
bne L4AF5
jmp wrtgbuf write changed header block.
renpath .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$03 get address to new pathname
jmp wrtgbuf write changed header block.
renpath .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$03 get address to new pathname
lda (A3L),y
sta zpt
lda (A3L),y set up for syntaxing routine (synpath)
lda (A3L),y set up for syntaxing routine (synpath)
sta zpt+1
jmp synpath do syntax (returns y = local namelength)
getnamptr .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$00 return pointer to 1st name of path.
bit prfxflg is this a prefixed name ?
bmi L4B1A branch if not.
jmp synpath do syntax (returns y = local namelength)
getnamptr .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$00 return pointer to 1st name of path.
bit prfxflg is this a prefixed name ?
bmi L4B1A branch if not.
ldy newpfxptr
L4B1A ldx #$00
L4B1A ldx #$00
@ -1,124 +1,124 @@
AUTO 3,1
destroy .EQ *-ofsX
destroy .EQ *-ofsX
jsr findfile look for file to be destroyed.
bcs L4B66 if error.
jsr tstopen is it open ?
bcs L4B66 if error.
jsr tstopen is it open ?
lda totent
bne L4B64 error if open.
stz reql force proper free count in volume.
stz reqh (no disk access occurs if already
bne L4B64 error if open.
stz reql force proper free count in volume.
stz reqh (no disk access occurs if already
jsr tstfrblk proper)
bcc L4B39 no errors.
cmp #$48 was error a full disk ?
bne L4B66 no, report error.
L4B39 lda d_attr make sure ok to destroy file.
bcc L4B39 no errors.
cmp #$48 was error a full disk ?
bne L4B66 no, report error.
L4B39 lda d_attr make sure ok to destroy file.
and #$80
bne L4B45 branch if ok to destroy.
lda #$4E access error
jsr p8errv (returns to caller)
L4B45 lda devnum last device used.
jsr twrprot1 test for write protected hardware
bcs L4B66 before going thru deallocation.
lda d_frst 'detree' needs first block address
bne L4B45 branch if ok to destroy.
lda #$4E access error
jsr p8errv (returns to caller)
L4B45 lda devnum last device used.
jsr twrprot1 test for write protected hardware
bcs L4B66 before going thru deallocation.
lda d_frst 'detree' needs first block address
sta firstbl
lda d_frst+1
sta firstbh
lda d_stor find out which storage type.
and #$F0 strip off name length.
cmp #$40 is it a seed, sapling or tree ?
bcc L4B68 branch if it is.
bra L4BCF otherwise, test for directory destroy.
L4B64 lda #$50 file busy error.
L4B66 sec can't be destroyed
lda d_stor find out which storage type.
and #$F0 strip off name length.
cmp #$40 is it a seed, sapling or tree ?
bcc L4B68 branch if it is.
bra L4BCF otherwise, test for directory destroy.
L4B64 lda #$50 file busy error.
L4B66 sec can't be destroyed
L4B68 sta stortyp destroy a tree file. save storage type.
L4B68 sta stortyp destroy a tree file. save storage type.
ldx #$05
lda #$00 set 'detree' input variables, must be
L4B6F sta stortyp,x in order: deblock, dtree, dsap, dseed.
lda #$00 set 'detree' input variables, must be
L4B6F sta stortyp,x in order: deblock, dtree, dsap, dseed.
bne L4B6F loop until all zero'd.
lda #$02 this avoids an extra file i/o and pre-
sta dseed+1 vents destruction of any deleted data.
inc delflag don't allow detree to zero index blocks.
jsr detree make trees and saplings into seeds.
dec delflag reset flag.
bcs L4B93 (de-evolution)
L4B85 ldx firstbh
lda firstbl now deallocate seed.
bne L4B6F loop until all zero'd.
lda #$02 this avoids an extra file i/o and pre-
sta dseed+1 vents destruction of any deleted data.
inc delflag don't allow detree to zero index blocks.
jsr detree make trees and saplings into seeds.
dec delflag reset flag.
bcs L4B93 (de-evolution)
L4B85 ldx firstbh
lda firstbl now deallocate seed.
jsr dealloc
bcs L4B93
jsr upbmap
L4B93 pha save possible error code.
lda #$00 update directory to free entry space.
L4B93 pha save possible error code.
lda #$00 update directory to free entry space.
sta d_stor
cmp h_fcnt file entry wrap ?
bne L4BA1 branch if no carry adjustment.
dec h_fcnt+1 take carry from hi byte of file entries.
L4BA1 dec h_fcnt mark header with one less file.
jsr dvcbrev go update block count in vcb (ignore
jsr drevise error, if any) and update dir last.
tax save possible new error code,
pla restore possible old error code.
bcc L4BAF branch if last call succeeded.
txa last call failed, use it's error code.
L4BAF cmp #$01 adjust carry accordingly
cmp h_fcnt file entry wrap ?
bne L4BA1 branch if no carry adjustment.
dec h_fcnt+1 take carry from hi byte of file entries.
L4BA1 dec h_fcnt mark header with one less file.
jsr dvcbrev go update block count in vcb (ignore
jsr drevise error, if any) and update dir last.
tax save possible new error code,
pla restore possible old error code.
bcc L4BAF branch if last call succeeded.
txa last call failed, use it's error code.
L4BAF cmp #$01 adjust carry accordingly
dvcbrev .EQ *-ofsX update block free count in vcb.
ldy vcbptr point to vcb of correct device.
lda deblock get # of blocks recently freed.
dvcbrev .EQ *-ofsX update block free count in vcb.
ldy vcbptr point to vcb of correct device.
lda deblock get # of blocks recently freed.
adc vcbbuf+20,y
sta vcbbuf+20,y update current free block count.
sta vcbbuf+20,y update current free block count.
lda deblock+1
adc vcbbuf+21,y
sta vcbbuf+21,y
lda #$00 force re-scan from 1st bitmap
lda #$00 force re-scan from 1st bitmap
sta vcbbuf+28,y
L4BCD bcc L4B85 branch widened (always taken)
L4BCF cmp #$D0 is this a directory file ?
bne L4C1B no, file incompatible.
jsr fndbmap make sure a buffer available for bitmap
bcs L4C1A if error.
lda d_frst read 1st block of directory into gbuf
L4BCD bcc L4B85 branch widened (always taken)
L4BCF cmp #$D0 is this a directory file ?
bne L4C1B no, file incompatible.
jsr fndbmap make sure a buffer available for bitmap
bcs L4C1A if error.
lda d_frst read 1st block of directory into gbuf
sta bloknml
lda d_frst+1
sta bloknml+1
jsr rdgbuf
bcs L4C1A
lda gbuf+37 do any files exist in this directory ?
bne L4BF1 if so, access error.
lda gbuf+37 do any files exist in this directory ?
bne L4BF1 if so, access error.
lda gbuf+38
beq L4BF6
L4BF1 lda #$4E access error.
jsr p8errv P8 error vector
L4BF6 sta gbuf+4 make it an invalid subdirectory
L4BF1 lda #$4E access error.
jsr p8errv P8 error vector
L4BF6 sta gbuf+4 make it an invalid subdirectory
jsr wrtgbuf
bcs L4C1A
L4BFE lda gbuf+2 get forward link.
cmp #$01 test for null block into carry.
ldx gbuf+3 get the rest of the block address.
bne L4C0A branch if not null.
bcc L4BCD was the low part null as well ?
L4C0A jsr dealloc free this block.
L4BFE lda gbuf+2 get forward link.
cmp #$01 test for null block into carry.
ldx gbuf+3 get the rest of the block address.
bne L4C0A branch if not null.
bcc L4BCD was the low part null as well ?
L4C0A jsr dealloc free this block.
bcs L4C1A
lda gbuf+2
ldx gbuf+3
jsr rdblk
bcc L4BFE loop until all freed
L4C1A rts
L4C1B lda #$4A file incompatible
jsr p8errv (returns to caller)
fcbused .EQ *-ofsX mark fcb as dirty so the directory
pha will be flushed on 'flush'.
tya save regs.
bcc L4BFE loop until all freed
L4C1A rts
L4C1B lda #$4A file incompatible
jsr p8errv (returns to caller)
fcbused .EQ *-ofsX mark fcb as dirty so the directory
pha will be flushed on 'flush'.
tya save regs.
ldy fcbptr
lda fcbbuf+28,y fetch current fcb dirty byte.
ora #$80 mark fcb as dirty.
sta fcbbuf+28,y save it back
pla and restore regs.
lda fcbbuf+28,y fetch current fcb dirty byte.
ora #$80 mark fcb as dirty.
sta fcbbuf+28,y save it back
pla and restore regs.
@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ fcbused .EQ *-ofsX mark fcb as dirty so the directory
* to trim a tree to a seed file, both dtree and dsap must be zero.
* to go from tree to sapling, dtree alone must be zero.
detree .EQ *-ofsX
lda stortyp which kind of tree ?
cmp #$20 is it a 'seed' ?
bcc L4C46 if yes.
cmp #$30 a sapling ?
bcc L4C51 if yes.
cmp #$40 is it at least a 'tree' ?
bcc L4C59 branch if it is.
lda #$0C block allocation error.
detree .EQ *-ofsX
lda stortyp which kind of tree ?
cmp #$20 is it a 'seed' ?
bcc L4C46 if yes.
cmp #$30 a sapling ?
bcc L4C51 if yes.
cmp #$40 is it at least a 'tree' ?
bcc L4C59 branch if it is.
lda #$0C block allocation error.
jsr sysdeath P8 system death vector
* seedling file type - make sure first desireable block is the only
* block available in a seedling file.
L4C46 lda dsap
L4C46 lda dsap
ora dtree
bne L4CC2
jmp seedel0
@ -165,189 +165,189 @@ L4C46 lda dsap
* sapling file type - make sure first desireable block is within the range of
* blocks available in a sapling file
L4C51 lda dtree can't have any blocks in this range
bne L4CC2 if so then done
jmp sapdel0 else go deallocate
L4C59 lda #$80
sta topdest for tree top start at end, work backwards.
L4C5E jsr drdfrst read specified first block into gbuf.
bcs L4CC2 return errors.
ldy topdest get current pointer to top indexes.
cpy dtree have enough sapling indexes been
beq L4CC3 deallocated? yes, now deallocate blocks
ldx #$07 buffer up to 8 sapling index block
L4C6D lda gbuf,y addresses. fetch low block address
sta dealbufl,x and save it.
ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block that is allocated?
beq L4C81 branch if phantom block.
lda gbuf+$100,y fetch high block address
sta dealbufh,x and save it.
dex decrement and test for dealc buf filled.
bmi L4C93 branch if 8 addresses fetched.
L4C81 dey look for end of deallocation limit.
cpy dtree is this the last position on tree level?
bne L4C6D if not.
L4C51 lda dtree can't have any blocks in this range
bne L4CC2 if so then done
jmp sapdel0 else go deallocate
L4C59 lda #$80
sta topdest for tree top start at end, work backwards.
L4C5E jsr drdfrst read specified first block into gbuf.
bcs L4CC2 return errors.
ldy topdest get current pointer to top indexes.
cpy dtree have enough sapling indexes been
beq L4CC3 deallocated? yes, now deallocate blocks
ldx #$07 buffer up to 8 sapling index block
L4C6D lda gbuf,y addresses. fetch low block address
sta dealbufl,x and save it.
ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block that is allocated?
beq L4C81 branch if phantom block.
lda gbuf+$100,y fetch high block address
sta dealbufh,x and save it.
dex decrement and test for dealc buf filled.
bmi L4C93 branch if 8 addresses fetched.
L4C81 dey look for end of deallocation limit.
cpy dtree is this the last position on tree level?
bne L4C6D if not.
lda #$00 fill rest of dealc buffer with null addresses.
L4C8A sta dealbufl,x
lda #$00 fill rest of dealc buffer with null addresses.
L4C8A sta dealbufl,x
sta dealbufh,x
bpl L4C8A
L4C93 dey decrement to prepare for next time.
sty topdest save index.
L4C93 dey decrement to prepare for next time.
sty topdest save index.
ldx #$07
L4C99 stx dtmpx save index to dealc buf.
L4C99 stx dtmpx save index to dealc buf.
lda dealbufl,x
sta bloknml
ora dealbufh,x finished ?
beq L4C5E branch if done with this level.
lda dealbufh,x complete address with high byte,
ora dealbufh,x finished ?
beq L4C5E branch if done with this level.
lda dealbufh,x complete address with high byte,
sta bloknml+1
jsr rdgbuf read sapling level into gbuf.
bcs L4CC2 return errors.
jsr dealblk go free all data indexes in this block
jsr rdgbuf read sapling level into gbuf.
bcs L4CC2 return errors.
jsr dealblk go free all data indexes in this block
bcs L4CC2
jsr wrtgbuf write the flipped index block
jsr wrtgbuf write the flipped index block
bcs L4CC2
ldx dtmpx restore index to dealc buff.
dex are there more to free?
bpl L4C99 branch if so.
bmi L4C5E branch always to get up to 8 more
L4CC2 rts sapling block numbers.
L4CC3 ldy dtree deallocate all sapling blocks greater
iny than specified block.
jsr dalblk1 (master index in gbuf)
bcs L4CC2 if errors.
jsr wrtgbuf write updated master index back to disk.
ldx dtmpx restore index to dealc buff.
dex are there more to free?
bpl L4C99 branch if so.
bmi L4C5E branch always to get up to 8 more
L4CC2 rts sapling block numbers.
L4CC3 ldy dtree deallocate all sapling blocks greater
iny than specified block.
jsr dalblk1 (master index in gbuf)
bcs L4CC2 if errors.
jsr wrtgbuf write updated master index back to disk.
bcs L4CC2
ldy dtree figure out if tree can become sapling.
beq L4CEB branch if it can.
lda gbuf,y otherwise, continue with partial.
sta bloknml deallocation of last sapling index.
ora gbuf+$100,y is there such a sapling index block ?
beq L4CC2 all done if not.
lda gbuf+$100,y read in sapling level to be modified.
ldy dtree figure out if tree can become sapling.
beq L4CEB branch if it can.
lda gbuf,y otherwise, continue with partial.
sta bloknml deallocation of last sapling index.
ora gbuf+$100,y is there such a sapling index block ?
beq L4CC2 all done if not.
lda gbuf+$100,y read in sapling level to be modified.
sta bloknml+1
jsr rdgbuf read highest sapling index into gbuf.
jsr rdgbuf read highest sapling index into gbuf.
bcc L4CF5
L4CEB jsr shrink shrink tree to sapling
L4CEB jsr shrink shrink tree to sapling
bcs L4CC2
sapdel0 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr drdfrst read specified sapling level index
bcs L4CC2 into gbuf. branch if error.
L4CF5 ldy dsap pointer to last of desirable indexes.
iny inc to 1st undesirable.
beq L4D05 branch if all are desirable.
jsr dalblk1 deallocate all indexes above specified.
sapdel0 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr drdfrst read specified sapling level index
bcs L4CC2 into gbuf. branch if error.
L4CF5 ldy dsap pointer to last of desirable indexes.
iny inc to 1st undesirable.
beq L4D05 branch if all are desirable.
jsr dalblk1 deallocate all indexes above specified.
bcs L4CC2
jsr wrtgbuf write out the index block
jsr wrtgbuf write out the index block
bcs L4CC2
L4D05 ldy dsap prepare to clean up last data block.
beq L4D1F branch if possibility of making a seed.
L4D0A lda gbuf,y fetch low order data block address.
L4D05 ldy dsap prepare to clean up last data block.
beq L4D1F branch if possibility of making a seed.
L4D0A lda gbuf,y fetch low order data block address.
sta bloknml
ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block ?
beq L4CC2 if not, then done.
ora gbuf+$100,y is it a real block ?
beq L4CC2 if not, then done.
lda gbuf+$100,y
sta bloknml+1
jsr rdgbuf go read data block into gbuf.
bcc L4D2E branch if good read
rts or return error.
L4D1F lda dtree are both tree and sap levels zero ?
bne L4D0A if not.
jsr shrink reduce this sap to a seed.
bcs L4D52 if error.
seedel0 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr drdfrst go read data block.
bcs L4D52 if error.
L4D2E ldy dseed+1 check high byte for no deletion.
beq L4D39 branch if all of 2nd page to be deleted.
dey if dseed > $200 then all were done.
bne L4D52 branch if that is the case.
ldy dseed clear only bytes >= dseed.
L4D39 lda #$00
L4D3B sta gbuf+$100,y zero out unwanted data
jsr rdgbuf go read data block into gbuf.
bcc L4D2E branch if good read
rts or return error.
L4D1F lda dtree are both tree and sap levels zero ?
bne L4D0A if not.
jsr shrink reduce this sap to a seed.
bcs L4D52 if error.
seedel0 .EQ *-ofsX
jsr drdfrst go read data block.
bcs L4D52 if error.
L4D2E ldy dseed+1 check high byte for no deletion.
beq L4D39 branch if all of 2nd page to be deleted.
dey if dseed > $200 then all were done.
bne L4D52 branch if that is the case.
ldy dseed clear only bytes >= dseed.
L4D39 lda #$00
L4D3B sta gbuf+$100,y zero out unwanted data
bne L4D3B
ldy dseed+1 is that all ?
bne L4D4F yes.
ldy dseed+1 is that all ?
bne L4D4F yes.
ldy dseed
L4D49 sta gbuf,y
L4D49 sta gbuf,y
bne L4D49
L4D4F jmp wrtgbuf update data block to disk.
L4D52 rts return error status.
drdfrst .EQ *-ofsX read specified 1st block into gbuf
L4D4F jmp wrtgbuf update data block to disk.
L4D52 rts return error status.
drdfrst .EQ *-ofsX read specified 1st block into gbuf
lda firstbl
ldx firstbh
jmp rdblk go read it
jmp rdblk go read it
* beware that dealloc may bring in a new bitmap block and may destroy
* locations 46 and 47 which are used to point to the current index block.
shrink .EQ *-ofsX
ldx firstbh first deallocate top index block
shrink .EQ *-ofsX
ldx firstbh first deallocate top index block
lda firstbl
pha save block address of this index block.
jsr dealloc free it from the bitmap
pha save block address of this index block.
jsr dealloc free it from the bitmap
sta bloknml set master of sapling
pla index block address.
sta bloknml set master of sapling
pla index block address.
sta bloknml+1
bcs L4D8D report errors.
lda gbuf get # of new 1st block from old index.
bcs L4D8D report errors.
lda gbuf get # of new 1st block from old index.
sta firstbl
lda gbuf+$100
sta firstbh
ldy #$00
jsr swapme flip that one entry in old top index.
sec now change file type,
lda stortyp from tree to sapling,
sbc #$10 or from sapling to seed.
jsr swapme flip that one entry in old top index.
sec now change file type,
lda stortyp from tree to sapling,
sbc #$10 or from sapling to seed.
sta stortyp
jsr wrtgbuf write the (deallocated) old top index.
L4D8D rts return error status.
dealblk .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$00 start at beginning.
dalblk1 .EQ *-ofsX
lda bloknml save disk address of gbuf's data.
jsr wrtgbuf write the (deallocated) old top index.
L4D8D rts return error status.
dealblk .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$00 start at beginning.
dalblk1 .EQ *-ofsX
lda bloknml save disk address of gbuf's data.
lda bloknml+1
L4D96 sty saptr save current index.
lda gbuf,y get low address of block to deallocate.
cmp #$01 test for null block into carry.
ldx gbuf+$100,y get remainder of block address.
bne L4DA5 branch if not null.
bcc L4DB0 was the low part null too ?
L4DA5 jsr dealloc free it up on volume bitmap.
bcs L4DB4 return any error.
ldy saptr get index to sapling level index block.
L4D96 sty saptr save current index.
lda gbuf,y get low address of block to deallocate.
cmp #$01 test for null block into carry.
ldx gbuf+$100,y get remainder of block address.
bne L4DA5 branch if not null.
bcc L4DB0 was the low part null too ?
L4DA5 jsr dealloc free it up on volume bitmap.
bcs L4DB4 return any error.
ldy saptr get index to sapling level index block.
jsr swapme
L4DB0 iny next block address.
bne L4D96 if more to deallocate or test.
clc no error.
L4DB4 tax save error code, if any.
pla restore blocknm (16 bit)
L4DB0 iny next block address.
bne L4D96 if more to deallocate or test.
clc no error.
L4DB4 tax save error code, if any.
pla restore blocknm (16 bit)
sta bloknml+1
sta bloknml
txa restore return code
txa restore return code
swapme .EQ *-ofsX
lda delflag swapping or zeroing ?
bne L4DC5 skip if swapping.
tax make x = 0.
beq L4DCB zero the index (always taken).
L4DC5 ldx gbuf+$100,y index high
lda gbuf,y index low
L4DCB sta gbuf+$100,y save index high
swapme .EQ *-ofsX
lda delflag swapping or zeroing ?
bne L4DC5 skip if swapping.
tax make x = 0.
beq L4DCB zero the index (always taken).
L4DC5 ldx gbuf+$100,y index high
lda gbuf,y index low
L4DCB sta gbuf+$100,y save index high
sta gbuf,y save index low
rts done.
sta gbuf,y save index low
rts done.
@ -5,78 +5,78 @@ NEW
* allocate buffer in memory tables
alcbuffr .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$04 index to user specified buffer.
ldy #$04 index to user specified buffer.
alcbufr1 .EQ *-ofsX
lda (A3L),y this buffer must be on a page boundary.
tax save for validation.
lda (A3L),y this buffer must be on a page boundary.
tax save for validation.
cmp #$08
bcc L4E1E cannot be lower than video !
cmp #$BC nor greater than $BB00
bcs L4E1E since it would wipe out globals...
bcc L4E1E cannot be lower than video !
cmp #$BC nor greater than $BB00
bcs L4E1E since it would wipe out globals...
sta datptr+1
lda (A3L),y low address should be zero !
lda (A3L),y low address should be zero !
sta datptr
bne L4E1E error if not page boundary.
inx add 4 pages for 1k buffer.
bne L4E1E error if not page boundary.
inx add 4 pages for 1k buffer.
L4DED dex test for conflicts.
jsr cmembit test for free buffer space
and memmap,y P8 memory bitmap
bne L4E1E report memory conflict, if any.
cpx datptr+1 test all 4 pages.
L4DED dex test for conflicts.
jsr cmembit test for free buffer space
and memmap,y P8 memory bitmap
bne L4E1E report memory conflict, if any.
cpx datptr+1 test all 4 pages.
bne L4DED
inx add 4 pages again for allocation.
inx add 4 pages again for allocation.
L4DFE dex set proper bits to 1
L4DFE dex set proper bits to 1
jsr cmembit
ora memmap,y to mark it's allocation.
ora memmap,y to mark it's allocation.
sta memmap,y
cpx datptr+1 set all 4 pages
cpx datptr+1 set all 4 pages
bne L4DFE
ldy fcbptr calculate buffer number
ldy fcbptr calculate buffer number
lda fcbbuf,y
asl buffer number = (entnum) * 2.
sta fcbbuf+11,y save it in fcb.
tax use entnum * 2 as index to global
asl buffer number = (entnum) * 2.
sta fcbbuf+11,y save it in fcb.
tax use entnum * 2 as index to global
lda datptr+1 buffer addr tables. get addr already
sta buftbl-1,x validated as good. store hi addr
clc (entnums start at 1, not 0)
sta buftbl-1,x validated as good. store hi addr
clc (entnums start at 1, not 0)
L4E1E lda #$56 buffer is in use or not legal
L4E1E lda #$56 buffer is in use or not legal
getbufadr .EQ *-ofsX
tax index into global buffer table.
getbufadr .EQ *-ofsX
tax index into global buffer table.
lda buftbl-2,x
sta bufaddrl
lda buftbl-1,x
sta bufaddrh
relbuffr .EQ *-ofsX preserve buffer address in 'bufaddr'
relbuffr .EQ *-ofsX preserve buffer address in 'bufaddr'
jsr getbufadr
tay returns high buffer address in acc.
beq L4E54 branch if unallocated buffer space.
stz buftbl-1,x take address out of buffer list.
stz buftbl-2,x (x was set up by getbufadr)
freebuf .EQ *-ofsX
ldx bufaddrh get hi buffer address
inx add 4 pages to account for 1k space.
tay returns high buffer address in acc.
beq L4E54 branch if unallocated buffer space.
stz buftbl-1,x take address out of buffer list.
stz buftbl-2,x (x was set up by getbufadr)
freebuf .EQ *-ofsX
ldx bufaddrh get hi buffer address
inx add 4 pages to account for 1k space.
L4E43 dex drop to next lower page.
jsr cmembit get bit and position to memtable of
eor #$FF this page. invert mask.
and memmap,y mark address as free space.
L4E43 dex drop to next lower page.
jsr cmembit get bit and position to memtable of
eor #$FF this page. invert mask.
and memmap,y mark address as free space.
sta memmap,y
cpx bufaddrh all pages freed ?
bne L4E43 no.
L4E54 clc no error.
cpx bufaddrh all pages freed ?
bne L4E43 no.
L4E54 clc no error.
* calculate memory allocation bit position.
@ -84,83 +84,83 @@ L4E54 clc no error.
* on exit: acc = allocation bit mask, x = unchanged, y = pointer to memtabl byte
cmembit .EQ *-ofsX
txa page address
and #$07 which page in any 2k set ?
tay use as index to determine
lda whichbit,y bit position representation.
pha save bit position mask for now.
txa page address.
txa page address
and #$07 which page in any 2k set ?
tay use as index to determine
lda whichbit,y bit position representation.
pha save bit position mask for now.
txa page address.
lsr determine 2k set
lsr determine 2k set
tay return it in y.
pla restore bit mask. return bit position
rts in a & y, pointer to memtabl in x.
valdbuf .EQ *-ofsX
lda usrbuf+1 high address of user's buffer
cmp #$02 must be greater than page 2.
bcc L4E1E report bad buffer
tay return it in y.
pla restore bit mask. return bit position
rts in a & y, pointer to memtabl in x.
valdbuf .EQ *-ofsX
lda usrbuf+1 high address of user's buffer
cmp #$02 must be greater than page 2.
bcc L4E1E report bad buffer
ldx cbytes+1
lda cbytes get cbytes-1 value.
sbc #$01 (carry is set)
lda cbytes get cbytes-1 value.
sbc #$01 (carry is set)
bcs L4E76
L4E76 clc
adc usrbuf calculate end of request address.
txa do high address.
adc usrbuf+1 the final address
tax must be less than $BFnn (globals)
adc usrbuf calculate end of request address.
txa do high address.
adc usrbuf+1 the final address
tax must be less than $BFnn (globals)
cpx #$BF
bcs L4E1E report bad buffer.
inx loop thru all affected pages.
bcs L4E1E report bad buffer.
inx loop thru all affected pages.
vldbuf1 .EQ *-ofsX
L4E82 dex check next lower page.
L4E82 dex check next lower page.
jsr cmembit
and memmap,y if 0 then no conflict.
bne L4E1E branch if conflict.
cpx usrbuf+1 was that the last (lowest) page ?
bne L4E82 if not.
clc all pages ok.
and memmap,y if 0 then no conflict.
bne L4E1E branch if conflict.
cpx usrbuf+1 was that the last (lowest) page ?
bne L4E82 if not.
clc all pages ok.
getbuf .EQ *-ofsX give user address of file buffer
ldy #$02 referenced by refnum.
getbuf .EQ *-ofsX give user address of file buffer
ldy #$02 referenced by refnum.
lda bufaddrl
sta (A3L),y
lda bufaddrh
sta (A3L),y
clc no errors possible
clc no errors possible
setbuf .EQ *-ofsX
ldy #$03
jsr alcbufr1 allocate new buffer address over old one
bcs L4EC7 report any errors immediately
bcs L4EC7 report any errors immediately
lda bufaddrh
sta usrbuf+1
lda bufaddrl
sta usrbuf
jsr freebuf free address space of old buffer
jsr freebuf free address space of old buffer
ldy #$00
ldx #$03
L4EB8 lda (usrbuf),y move all 4 pages of the buffer to
sta (datptr),y new location.
L4EB8 lda (usrbuf),y move all 4 pages of the buffer to
sta (datptr),y new location.
bne L4EB8
inc datptr+1
inc usrbuf+1
bpl L4EB8
clc no errors
clc no errors
L4EC7 rts
* move 3 pages of dispatcher from 'displc2' to 'dispadr'
* this move routine must be resident above $E000 at all times
calldisp .EQ *-ofsX
lda RRAMWRAMBNK2 read/write RAM bank 2
calldisp .EQ *-ofsX
lda RRAMWRAMBNK2 read/write RAM bank 2
lda /dispadr
sta A2L+1
@ -170,104 +170,104 @@ calldisp .EQ *-ofsX
sta A1L+1
stz A1L
ldy #$00
ldx #$03 3 pages to move.
L4EE0 dey move a page of code.
ldx #$03 3 pages to move.
L4EE0 dey move a page of code.
lda (A1L),y
sta (A2L),y
bne L4EE0
inc A1L+1 pointers to next page
inc A1L+1 pointers to next page
inc A2L+1
dex move all pages needed
dex move all pages needed
bne L4EE0
lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 read/write RAM bank 1
lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 swap mli space back in
stz mliact MLI active flag
lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 read/write RAM bank 1
lda RRAMWRAMBNK1 swap mli space back in
stz mliact MLI active flag
stz softev
lda /dispadr point RESET to dispatch entry
lda /dispadr point RESET to dispatch entry
sta softev+1
eor #$A5
sta pwredup power up byte
sta pwredup power up byte
jmp dispadr
* translate a prodos call into a smartport call
* to access unseen smartport devices
remap_sp .EQ *-ofsX
ldx #$03 assume 3 parameters.
lda A4L command number
ldx #$03 assume 3 parameters.
lda A4L command number
sta cmdnum
bne L4F1B taken if not status call
ldy #spstatlist set up memory for the status list buffer
sty buf fake up the prodos parameters
bne L4F1B taken if not status call
ldy #spstatlist set up memory for the status list buffer
sty buf fake up the prodos parameters
ldy /spstatlist
sty buf+1
stz bloknml set statcode = 0 for simple status call
L4F1B cmp #$03 format command ?
bne L4F21 no.
ldx #$01 format has only 1 parameter.
L4F21 stx statparms set # of parms.
stz bloknml set statcode = 0 for simple status call
L4F1B cmp #$03 format command ?
bne L4F21 no.
ldx #$01 format has only 1 parameter.
L4F21 stx statparms set # of parms.
lda unitnum
lsr turn unit number into an index
lsr turn unit number into an index
lda spunit-1,x get the smartport unit number and
sta sp_unitnum store into smartport parm list.
lda spunit-1,x get the smartport unit number and
sta sp_unitnum store into smartport parm list.
lda spvectlo-1,x
sta sp_vector+1 copy smartport entry address
sta sp_vector+1 copy smartport entry address
lda spvecthi-1,x
sta sp_vector+2
ldx #$04 copy buffer pointer and block #
L4F3F lda buf-1,x from prodos parameters
sta sp_bufptr-1,x to smartport parameter block
ldx #$04 copy buffer pointer and block #
L4F3F lda buf-1,x from prodos parameters
sta sp_bufptr-1,x to smartport parameter block
bne L4F3F
sp_vector .EQ *-ofsX smartport call
jsr $0000 (entry address gets modified)
sp_vector .EQ *-ofsX smartport call
jsr $0000 (entry address gets modified)
cmdnum .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00 command #
.HS 00 command #
.DA statparms
bcs L4F6E
ldx cmdnum status call ?
bne L4F6E no...
ldx spstatlist+1 else get the block count
ldx cmdnum status call ?
bne L4F6E no...
ldx spstatlist+1 else get the block count
ldy spstatlist+2
lda spstatlist get the returned status.
bit #$10 is there a disk present ?
bne L4F65 yes, check for write protected.
lda #$2F return offline error.
lda spstatlist get the returned status.
bit #$10 is there a disk present ?
bne L4F65 yes, check for write protected.
lda #$2F return offline error.
bra L4F6D
L4F65 and #$44 mask all but write allowed and write
eor #$40 protected bits. if allowed and not
beq L4F6E protected, exit with carry clear
lda #$2B else return write protected error.
L4F65 and #$44 mask all but write allowed and write
eor #$40 protected bits. if allowed and not
beq L4F6E protected, exit with carry clear
lda #$2B else return write protected error.
L4F6D sec
L4F6E rts
spvectlo .EQ *-ofsX storage for low byte of smartport
.HS 0000000000000000 entry.
spvectlo .EQ *-ofsX storage for low byte of smartport
.HS 0000000000000000 entry.
.HS 00000000000000
spvecthi .EQ *-ofsX storage for high byte of smartport
.HS 0000000000000000 entry.
spvecthi .EQ *-ofsX storage for high byte of smartport
.HS 0000000000000000 entry.
.HS 00000000000000
statparms .EQ *-ofsX # of parms (always 3 except format)
statparms .EQ *-ofsX # of parms (always 3 except format)
.HS 03
sp_unitnum .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00 unit number
.HS 00 unit number
sp_bufptr .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000 data buffer
.HS 000000 block number (3 bytes)
.HS 0000 data buffer
.HS 000000 block number (3 bytes)
* data tables
scnums .EQ *-ofsX table of valid mli command numbers.
scnums .EQ *-ofsX table of valid mli command numbers.
.HS D3000000
.HS 40410000808182
.HS 65C0C1C2C3C4C5C6
.HS CF00D0D1D2
pcntbl .EQ *-ofsX parameter counts for the calls
pcntbl .EQ *-ofsX parameter counts for the calls
.HS FF0201FFFF030300
.HS 04070102070A0201
@ -277,26 +277,26 @@ pcntbl .EQ *-ofsX parameter counts for the calls
* command table
cmdtable .EQ *-ofsX
.DA create create
.DA destroy destroy
.DA rename rename
.DA setinfo setinfo
.DA getinfo getinfo
.DA online online
.DA setprefx set prefix
.DA getprefx get prefix
.DA openf open
.DA newline newline
.DA readf read
.DA writef write
.DA closef close
.DA flushf flush
.DA setmark set mark
.DA getmark get mark
.DA seteof seteof
.DA geteof geteof
.DA setbuf setbuf
.DA getbuf getbuf
.DA create
.DA destroy
.DA rename
.DA setinfo
.DA getinfo
.DA online
.DA setprefx
.DA getprefx
.DA openf
.DA newline
.DA readf
.DA writef
.DA closef
.DA flushf
.DA setmark
.DA getmark
.DA seteof
.DA geteof
.DA setbuf
.DA getbuf
* corresponding command function bytes
@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ disptch .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 2C2D4E4F
.HS 50515253
dinctbl .EQ *-ofsX table to increment
.HS 0100000200 directory usage/eof counts
dinctbl .EQ *-ofsX table to increment
.HS 0100000200 directory usage/eof counts
pass .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 75
xdosver .EQ *-ofsX
@ -342,64 +342,64 @@ own_ent .EQ *-ofsX
own_len .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
h_credt .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000 directory creation date
.HS 0000 directory creation time
.HS 00 version under which this dir created
.HS 00 earliest version that it's compatible
h_attr .EQ *-ofsX attributes (protect bit, etc.)
.HS 0000 directory creation date
.HS 0000 directory creation time
.HS 00 version under which this dir created
.HS 00 earliest version that it's compatible
h_attr .EQ *-ofsX attributes (protect bit, etc.)
.HS 00
h_entln .EQ *-ofsX length of each entry in this directory
h_entln .EQ *-ofsX length of each entry in this directory
.HS 00
h_maxent .EQ *-ofsX maximum number of entries per block
h_maxent .EQ *-ofsX maximum number of entries per block
.HS 00
h_fcnt .EQ *-ofsX current # of files in this directory
h_fcnt .EQ *-ofsX current # of files in this directory
.HS 0000
h_bmap .EQ *-ofsX address of first allocation bitmap
h_bmap .EQ *-ofsX address of first allocation bitmap
.HS 0000
h_tblk .EQ *-ofsX total number of blocks on this unit
h_tblk .EQ *-ofsX total number of blocks on this unit
.HS 0000
d_dev .EQ *-ofsX device number of this directory entry
d_dev .EQ *-ofsX device number of this directory entry
.HS 00
d_head .EQ *-ofsX address of <sub> directory header
d_head .EQ *-ofsX address of <sub> directory header
.HS 0000
d_entblk .EQ *-ofsX address of block which contains entry
d_entblk .EQ *-ofsX address of block which contains entry
.HS 0000
d_entnum .EQ *-ofsX entry number within block
d_entnum .EQ *-ofsX entry number within block
.HS 00
d_stor .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000000000000000 file name
.HS 0000000000000000 file name
.HS 0000000000000000
d_filid .EQ *-ofsX user's identification byte
d_filid .EQ *-ofsX user's identification byte
.HS 00
d_frst .EQ *-ofsX first block of file
d_frst .EQ *-ofsX first block of file
.HS 0000
d_usage .EQ *-ofsX # of blocks allocated to this file
d_usage .EQ *-ofsX # of blocks allocated to this file
.HS 0000
d_eof .EQ *-ofsX current end of file marker
d_eof .EQ *-ofsX current end of file marker
.HS 000000
d_credt .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000 file creation date
.HS 0000 file creation time
d_sosver .EQ *-ofsX sos version that created this file
.HS 0000 file creation date
.HS 0000 file creation time
d_sosver .EQ *-ofsX sos version that created this file
.HS 00
d_comp .EQ *-ofsX backward version compatibility
d_comp .EQ *-ofsX backward version compatibility
.HS 00
d_attr .EQ *-ofsX attributes (protect, r/w, enable, etc.)
d_attr .EQ *-ofsX attributes (protect, r/w, enable, etc.)
.HS 00
d_auxid .EQ *-ofsX user auxilliary identification
d_auxid .EQ *-ofsX user auxilliary identification
.HS 0000
d_moddt .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000 file's last modification date
.HS 0000 file's last modification time
d_dhdr .EQ *-ofsX file directory header block address
.HS 0000 file's last modification date
.HS 0000 file's last modification time
d_dhdr .EQ *-ofsX file directory header block address
.HS 0000
scrtch .EQ *-ofsX scratch area for
.HS 00000000 allocation address conversion.
oldeof .EQ *-ofsX temp used in r/w
scrtch .EQ *-ofsX scratch area for
.HS 00000000 allocation address conversion.
oldeof .EQ *-ofsX temp used in r/w
.HS 000000
oldmark .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 000000
xvcbptr .EQ *-ofsX used in 'cmpvcb' as a temp
xvcbptr .EQ *-ofsX used in 'cmpvcb' as a temp
.HS 00
vcbptr .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
@ -464,11 +464,11 @@ nlchar .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
nlmask .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
ioaccess .EQ *-ofsX has a call been made to
.HS 00 disk device handler ?
ioaccess .EQ *-ofsX has a call been made to
.HS 00 disk device handler ?
cmdtemp .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
bkbitflg .EQ *-ofsX used to set or clear backup bit
bkbitflg .EQ *-ofsX used to set or clear backup bit
.HS 00
duplflag .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
@ -510,22 +510,22 @@ topdest .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
dtmpx .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
loklst .EQ *-ofsX look list of recognized device numbers
loklst .EQ *-ofsX look list of recognized device numbers
dealbufl .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000000000000000
dealbufh .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000000000000000
cbytes .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000
.HS 00 cbytes+2 must = 0
.HS 00 cbytes+2 must = 0
bufaddrl .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
bufaddrh .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 00
goadr .EQ *-ofsX
.HS 0000
delflag .EQ *-ofsX used by 'detree' to know if called
.HS 00 from delete (destroy).
delflag .EQ *-ofsX used by 'detree' to know if called
.HS 00 from delete (destroy).
* zero fill to page boundary - 3 ($FEFD). so that cortland flag stays
* within page boundary.
@ -534,8 +534,8 @@ delflag .EQ *-ofsX used by 'detree' to know if called
.HS 0000000000
.DA calldisp
cortflag .EQ *-ofsX cortland flag. 1 = Cortland system
.HS 00 (must stay within page boundary)
cortflag .EQ *-ofsX cortland flag. 1 = Cortland system
.HS 00 (must stay within page boundary)
* end of obj mli_2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user