NEW AUTO 3,1 .LIST OFF .OP 65C02 .OR $2000 .TF bin/cp *-------------------------------------- .INB inc/macros.i .INB inc/a2osx.i .INB inc/mli.i .INB inc/mli.e.i *-------------------------------------- X.ENTER.SUBDIR .EQ 0 X.COPY.TO.DEST .EQ 1 X.DELETE.SOURCE .EQ 0 *-------------------------------------- .INB usr/src/shared/x.cpmvrm.s .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.s *-------------------------------------- CS.END *-------------------------------------- OptionList .AS "IiCcQqRrYy" OptionVars .DA #0,#0 .DA #bContinue,#bContinue .DA #bQuiet,#bQuiet .DA #bRecurse,#bRecurse .DA #bNoConfirm,#bNoConfirm *-------------------------------------- MSG.USAGE .CS "Usage : CP [Src File/Dir, *,? wildcards allowed]\r\n" .CS " -C : Continue on error\r\n" .CS " -I <*,? wildcards allowed> : Ignore matching files\r\n" .CS " -Q : Quiet\r\n" .CS " -R : Recurse subdirectories\r\n" .CZ " -Y : Don't prompt for overwrite\r\n" MSG.DIR .CZ "CP Dir :%s to %s..." MSG.REG .CZ "CP File:%s to %s..." MSG.OVERWRITE .CZ "Overwrite %s [Yes,No,All]?" MSG.OK .CZ "[OK]" MSG.ERR .CS "[%h]" MSG.CRLF .CZ "\r\n" MSG.DONE .CZ "%D File(s) Copied.\r\n" *-------------------------------------- .DUMMY .OR 0 DS.START .INB usr/src/shared/x.fileenum.g DS.END .ED *-------------------------------------- MAN SAVE usr/src/bin/cp.s ASM